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Упражнение 8. Просмотрите текст 10А и ответьте на вопросы. What is this text about? 2. What does the word «laser» mean?
Упражнение 9. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста 10А. Исправьте неправильные утверждения. nar radiation into beams. 8. The laser beam will begin operating in outer space. Упражнение 10. Найдите в тексте 10А инфинитивы в функции части сказуемого и обстоятельства цели (см. 3-й и 5-й абзацы). Упражнение 11. Найдите предложения с инфинитивом в функции определения и дополнения, переведите. 1. То design, construct and operate a laser system is a great technological achievement. 2. To protect the water resources, forests and atmosphere, several laws were passed in Russia in the 1970s.
Упражнение 12. Определите, чем выражено определение, переведите.
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ Упражнение 13. Определите части речи по суффиксам и префиксам. encode, capacity, disintegrate, emission, widen, intensive, incredible, defence, stranger, reality, strengthen, fulfilment, indestructible, amplification, substance, entirely, vaporize. Упражнение 14. Назовите производные от следующих слов, переведите, limit, transmit, approximate, success, science, relate. Упражнение 15. Найдите русскому слову соответствующее английское. устанавливать — installment, installation, install; различие, разница — differ, difference, different; распадаться — disintegrator, disintegration, disintegrate; применимый — application, applicable, apply; укреплять — strong, strength, strengthen; эффективно — efficient, efficiency, efficiently; усилитель — amplification, amplifier, amplify. Упражнение 16. Найдите: а) синонимы rapidly, sophisticated, to conduct, demand, almost, quickly, to carry out, approximately, opportunity, requirement, also, use, to fulfill, complex, as well, to realize, application, possibility; б) антонимы further, integrate, cooling, outside, powerless, uncontrolled, limited, disintegrate, nearer, capable, limitless, controlled, incapable, powerful, heating, inside. Упражнение 17. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность слов таке и light. What makes a soap bubble (мыльный пузырь) rise and fall. If a soap bubble does not break at once, it will begin to fall. Why? To explain this, we must remember a balloon which is filled with hot air. It rises for some time and then it falls again. A balloon rises because the hot air inside it is lighter than the air round it, and as it is lighter, it must rise. When the air inside a balloon cools, the weight of the balloon itself makes it fall. A soap bubble is really a little balloon filled with hot air. This air is much lighter than the air outside. It can carry the weight of the water which makes the skin of the soap bubble. But this cannot last for a long time, because the skin of the soap bubble is very thin. The bubble becomes as cool as the air around it and it begins to fall. It is interesting to know that the early experiments with balloons were based on soap bubbles. Упражнение 18. Переведите. There is a large garage on Seventh Street that provides work for eleven men. There is one man who meets the customers. There are two other men who take care of batteries. There is another man who washes cars. There are three other men who sell gas and oil. There is another man who repairs timers. There are two men who work with engines and there is one man who sells tires. There is no better place for automobile service. Упражнение 19. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be. Упражневне 21. Прочитайте и переведите без словаря. То understand why light from the laser is so concentrated, you must know that light travels in waves. Ordinary white light is made up of many wavelengths travelling in every direction. Laser light is essentially of one wavelength, with all the waves moving in one direction. Because the laser wavelengths intensify each other, they can remain in an unbelievably straight beam for a long distance. Almost any substance can be forced to «lase» if you work hard enough with it. Gas lasers give off continuous beams of light. Tiny semiconductor lasers may be especially useful in computers for transmitting signals to replace the use of cables. Many lasers can give off invisible radiation, either infrared or ultraviolet. CONVERSATION Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
Exercise 2. Make a sentence out of the two parts.
I Want to Read Faster Mary: I’ve read a detective story. It wasn’t very good so I wasted (тратить, терять время) much time. Jane: Oh, it takes me now not more than an hour to read a novel. М.: Really? J.: Two months ago it would have taken me about two days. It is a pity you didn’t join me when I was taking speed-reading course. М.: Two things hold me back. Doubts that any system could radi cally and permanently increase my speed. And money for the courses. J.: But I thought that if I could double my speed, the sum would n’t be so much. М.: Sure, you are right. By the way, some authorities say it isn’t reading. Though a lot of unread newspapers, books and magazines about the house might fall on me. My present work day reading is 200 words per minute, it is very slow. How are those speed reading courses? J.: Great, today 50,000 students a year take these courses. М.: How long does this course last? J.: Eight weeks, a 2,5 hour session a week plus an hour a day drill. М.: What is your speed now? J.: The final test showed that my speed was 1520 w.p.m. The book was the same we have used for our entrance exam. М.: But you can lose the technique. J.: It is another question. The only wide survey (опрос) of ex-students — 1800 of them — showed that after a year one third of the people weren’t using the method at all. Another third said they use it sometimes and that probably they have kept speed. But the rest of the students said they were reading faster than a year later. |