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  • Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте 9А

  • Найдите в тексте дополнительное придаточное предложение с союзом if

  • E . Заполните таблицу на словообразование.


  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    Прочитайте текст. Расскажите по-английски, что вы узнали об истории Гринвича и его сегодняшнем дне.


    Greenwich is on the river Thames, five miles from the middle of London, and its story is 2,000 years old. The first English people — the Saxons — were fishermen there and they gave Greenwich its name — «the green village».

    You can still walk along the old Roman road in Greenwich park. But the river was the true road to the outside world for the Romans and for English kings and queens who later lived in Greenwich.

    The King Henry VIII loved this place. He knew that England must be strong at sea. So two big shipyards were started at Greenwich and for 350 years the ships made there were the best in the world.

    Many ships were lost at sea — their sailors did not know how to tell exactly where they were.

    In the 17th century astronomer Flamstead tried to find the answer. He worked in an Observatory on the high ground in Greenwich park. The walls of its big light-sided (непрочной) room shook when the weather was bad. But from it, with a telescope made by himself, Flamstead could look all round the sky. And he did look night after night for twenty years. Carrying on Flamstead’s work a hundred years later, an astronomer called Harrison finally made a clock which told the time at sea and helped sailors to know where they were. You can see Harrison’s clock, still working in Greenwich museum of the sea. Because of Flamstead’s work every country in the world now tells its time by Greenwich time.

    Every year a million people come to Greenwich to see its museums and palaces and its two famous ships: one old, one new. Both the big CUTTY SARK and the little GYPSY MOTH sailed through dangerous waters before they came safely back to their Greenwich home. At-the end of the 1800’s the CUTTY SARK was the fastest ship of its size. Carrying more than a million kilos of tea, she travelled the 25,000 kilometeres from China to England in only hundred days.

    Next to the CUTTY SARK is the GYPSY MOTH - only 16.5 metres long, but full of newest equipment. Her captain Sir F. Chichester wanted his ship to sail as far and as fast as the CUTTY SARK. When he sailed round the world by himself in CYPSY MOTH in 1966 — the first man ever to do this — he took a flag from the CUTTY SARK with him.


    Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте 9А:

    а) ключевые слова со значением deep sea ship; переведите их;

    б) словосочетания с under и близкие по значению выражения, переведите их;

    в) слово marine и словосочетания с ним; поясните их и приведите примеры.

    Упражнение 2. А. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь догадаться о значении термина scuba divers.

    A computer for scuba divers will provide in one device information about time, depth and air supply. It is to be used together with special divers’ tables. A display will provide visual information and audible warnings about critical conditions.

    If a diver wants to know an accurate depth he is down, he must set water type he is in. If he is in the sea, he will set «sea water», otherwise he will set «fresh water». The device shows the diver’s current depth in meters and the level of power left in the batteries. It will indicate if the level is low, medium or high.

    If a diver wants to know how long he has been down, he can see this from the display. If a diver needs to spend some minutes at a certain depth for decompression, he will start his stop watch, and will wait until the time has elapsed (passed). If a diver wants to know the amount of air left in the tank, he can see this from the contents display.

    A warning signal tells him when he must start his ascent. Before he descends, the diver sets the time to ascend. If he began his ascent before the display started flashing, he would be within safe limits. If he did not ascend then, he would expose himself to decompression sickness. If he started his ascent and went up too quickly, he would see a warning light «Too fast». Then he should slow down his ascent.

    1. Объясните на английском языке значения следующих слов и словосочетаний: scuba diving, stop watch, display flashing, air tank content, expose oneself to decompression sickness. Переведите их.

    2. Найдите в тексте дополнительное придаточное предложение с союзом if

    3. Заполните пропуски антонимами выделенных слов.

    1. Tables give information about safe and ... diving limit,

    2. Time information is the time from the beginning of the diver’s descent to the ... of his ...

    3. If a diver is in the sea, he will set «sea water», otherwise he will set ...

    4. Battery level information indicates if the level is low or ...

    5. Before a diver starts to descend, he should set the time when he must...

    E. Заполните таблицу на словообразование.





    submergence • • •

    • •




    • •

    exploratory • •




    Упражнение 3. Составьте возможные словосочетания глаголов из колонки А и существительных из колонки В.

    А В

    1. realize a. data, images

    2. master / penetrate b. areas

    3. join c. at a rate of

    4. submerge d. the sea and ocean depths

    5. descend / ascend e. a dream

    6. be f. efforts

    7. cover g. within safe limits

    8. transmit h. to the depth of

    Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски, образуя составные слова, общеизвестные словосочетания и термины. Запомните их.

    1. battery-... 7. ocean-... minerals

    2. ... warning 8. ... arms

    3. visual ... 9. support ...

    4. ... diving 10. life ... system

    5. stop ... 11. one ...

    6. ... plants 12. ... camera

    Упражнение 5. А. Назовите 15—20 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему: «New developments in manned submersibles».

    В. Speak about:

    Modern scuba diving.


    Упражнение 1. Повторите причастия I, II, герундий и условные придаточные предложения. Переведите.

    1. Bob is very good at solving mathematical equations. 2. She has never done any computing. 3. We saw an old man lying on the road. 4. Being a disabled, he could not drive a car. 5. The train being late, they decided to return home. 6. His favourite pastime is playing computer games. 7. Realizing the danger, they stopped.

    1. The house rebuilt recently is very beautiful. 9. Look at the displayed objects! Look at the objects being displayed! 10. Graphic artists like adding colour and depth to their drawings and designs.

    1. Having completed the job, the man left early. 12. The task having been accomplished, the pilot returned to the base. 13. Having been rebuilt recently, the house is very attractive now. 14. Scientists are interested in developing new programming languages. 15. What do you think of the methods being used in these experiments? 16. Our engineers will discuss the methods used and the results obtained. 17. Given certain conditions such work can be done by anybody. 18. The speed of a microprocessor is very important in processing information. 19. A fax machine is used for sending and receiving copies of original documents via a phone line. 20. Joystick is an input device especially helpful when playing computer games. 21. Distance measuring equipment now being used in all airplanes, pilots know exactly their position and speed. 22. Provided electronic and radio navigation equipment had not been improved so radically in recent years, aircraft flying would not have been so reliable and efficient. 23. Manhattan, one of the New York boroughs, is not large in size and population, people coming there only for work, to the theaters, museums and clubs. 24. If you got tired while getting ready for your exam, you should break off for half an hour. 25. We learnt of the engineers’ having invented a wheel-computerized system that monitors and adjusts air-pressure in tyres. 26. Most submersibles do not move very far from the support ship, the connecting cables limiting their range. 27. Unless the internal combustion engine had been invented, the automobile industry would not have begun to develop so rapidly all over the world. 28. When completed, the new dirigible will be the largest and the most powerful one. 29. Hundreds of radio navigation stations being located at different places around the world, pilots are at constant link with them. 30. The principles of ecology are as real as those of aerodynamics. If an aircraft is to fly, it has to satisfy certain criteria of thrust and lift. Similarly, if an economy is to keep up progress, it must satisfy the basic principles of ecology. If it does not, it will decline (приходить в упадок).
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