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UNIT 7. BRANCHES OF LAW IN THE UKTEXT 1Labour LawVocabulary legal rights – законные права trade union – профсоюз branches of law – отрасли права conditions of work – условия труда social security – социальная защита, обеспечение disability insurance – страховка на случай нетрудоспособности welfare – благосостояние provisions – положения, условия to negotiate an agreement – договариваться об условиях favourable – благоприятный restrictions – ограничение grievance - жалоба, трудовой конфликт dismissal – увольнение, отставка 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы.How can you define the term “labour law”? What does labour law deal with? What does labour law govern? Why is this branch of law so important? What are the main elements of labour law? How do you understand the expression “custom and practice agreement”? What is the main function of trade unions? What does the written statement from the employer describe? Labour Law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions and employers. Out of all different branches of law, this one deals with the terms and conditions of work, and disputes regarding employment of labour. This is a set of rulings and regulations that govern the relationship and terms between employers and employees. In its most comprehensive sense the term includes social security and disability insurance as well. In addition to the individual contractual relationships growing out of the traditional employment situation, labour law deals with the statutory requirements and collective relationships that are increasingly important in mass-production societies, the legal relationships between organized economic interests and the state, and the various rights and obligations related to some types of social services. The basic subject matter of labour law can be considered under nine broad heads: employment; individual employment relationships; wages and remuneration; conditions of work; health, safety, and welfare; social security; trade unions and industrial relations; the administration of labour law; and special provisions for particular occupational or other groups. There are special rules about the employment of children and young people. Your rights at work will depend on: your statutory rights and your contract of employment. Statutory rights are legal rights based on laws passed by Parliament. Nearly all workers, regardless of the number of hours per week they work, have certain legal rights. The contract of employment is the agreement made between the employer and the employee. This could be in the form of a written agreement or what has been agreed verbally between them. In addition, the contract of employment will also include “custom and practice” agreements. These are how things are usually done in the workplace, for example, if the employer always gives the employees a day’s holiday in August. Even though this is not mentioned in the written contract this will form part of the contract of employment as it is usual practice. If the written contract says one thing, but in practice all the employees have been doing something else with the employer’s knowledge and agreement, the “custom and practice” would form the contract rather than the written statement. A trade union may have negotiated an agreement with an employer about conditions at work. The negotiated agreement will often form part of a contract of employment, particularly if the conditions are more favourable than the previous ones. One of the main functions of trade unions is to protect the rights of workers. All workers, regardless of the number of hours they work per week, are entitled to receive a written statement from their employer, within two months of starting work. The statement describes the main terms of the contract of employment. The statement must give details about: job title, wages and hours of work, sick pay, pension schemes, holiday entitlement, grievance, dismissal and disciplinary procedure and so on. 2. Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания из текста.to mediate many aspects to be entitled to disciplinary procedure statutory rights administration of labour law usual practice social security body of laws legal rights regulations a set of rulings to negotiate an agreement to describe terms 3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетаниям.страхование на случай нетрудоспособности зарплата и вознаграждение условия труда трудовые отношения безопасность и благосостояние профсоюзы предусмотренный законом договор о найме (трудовой договор) занятость место работы увольнение больничный лист часы работы положение 4. Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения, используя речевые модели, выражающие согласие или несогласие, изученные ранее.Labour law does not deal with employment of labour. Labour law also deals with family relations. The contract of employment is the agreement between the employer and trade unions. Labour law regulates the relationship between employers and employees. There are no special rules about employment of children and young people. The statutory rights are legal rights based on laws passed by Parliament. A trade union cannot negotiate a contract of employment with an employer. 5. Прочитайте определения и соотнесите их с данными словами и словосочетаниями.fixed or controlled by law money paid by an employer to a worker who cannot work because of illness a condition in an agreement or law work that you do to earn money an act of removing someone from their job physical problems that make someone unable to use a part of their body properly the ability to control your behaviour or way of working something that you complain about because you feel you have been treated unfairly disability discipline dismissal employment statutory rights provision sick pay grievance TEXT 2Family LawVocabulary custody – опека, попечительство violence at home – насилие в семье (в доме) to commit crimes – совершать преступления welfare – благополучие divorce – развод emotional support – эмоциональная поддержка right to property – право на собственность to protect – защищать legitimate – законный to deal with – иметь дело, заниматься 6. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы.What is the biggest concern of family law? Why are children treated differently by law than adults? Do children born outside legitimate marriages have the same rights with legitimate children? Whom does family law consider? May a married couple seek a divorce? Whose interests are taken into account first of all when people get divorced? In what case will a divorce be issued? Family law is a branch of law which deals with “domestic relations», it is concerned with such subjects as adoption, divorce, separation, paternity, custody, support and child care. The law sees the family as a special institution. Family law considers married and unmarried couples, and their children; custody of and responsibility for children; and protection from violence at home. In some societies the family is thought to be so important that there is very little legal intervention in family life, for example in many Islamic countries. But in many parts of the world, the law now promotes the rights the rights of individuals within the family unit, and regulates family relations through legislation. In general, the welfare of children is the biggest concern of family law. In most countries legal systems treat children differently from adults. In economically developed countries, there are limits on the type and amount of work a child is allowed to do. There are age limits on the rights and duties of citizens. In Britain as in many countries, there are special courts with very strong powers to control and transfer private property in the interests of children. Special courts deal with young people who commit crimes. The laws in most countries place more emphasis upon marriages legally registered than social arrangements whereby people live together. In Britain, children born outside legitimate marriages have fewer rights to financial support from estranged fathers than legitimate children. In addition, if they are born outside the UK, they are less likely than legitimate children to be granted British citizenship. Their fathers have no automatic right to contact with them. Some welfare payments are calculated on a different basis according to whether recipients are married or not, and more procedures are available to a married woman than an unmarried one in seeking protection from domestic violence In English law, some marriages may be dissolved or nullified. A couple may also seek a divorce. The procedure may be lengthy, especially if one does not want to get divorced or if there are children. Divorce proceedings in England take place in certain County Courts known as divorce county courts. Some matters are also dealt with in the Family Division of the High Court. A divorce will not be issued until satisfactory arrangements have been made for any children of the marriage, including determining who is to have custody of the children. In case of property, the courts have to find balance between two principles. One of that is any division should fairly reflect how much each party contributed to the property they held together. Nowadays, courts look beyond legal ownership and cash contributions. Work done in the home, time spent caring for the family, even emotional support, are all considered as giving some rights to property. 7. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетаниям:вмешательство в семейные дела регулировать отношения законный, легальный поддержка аннулировать брак опека, попечительство развод вкладывать деньги поддерживать судебное разбирательство 8. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания из текста:private register welfare payment citizenship child care age limits legislation emotional support strong powers adoption 9. Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения, используя речевые модели, изученные ранее.Family law is a branch of law that deals with employment relations. There are no special family courts in the UK. The welfare of children is the biggest concern of family law. Family law regulates the relations in a family. Children and adults are treated equally by the law. There are no age limits on the rights and duties of citizens. According to English law marriages can never be dissolved. TEXT 3Contract Law Vocabularyparty to a contract – сторона, заключающая контракт to be binding in law – иметь обязательную силу по закону to make a contract – заключать контракт offer – предложение, оферта acceptance – принятие, акцепт valid – юридически действительный exchange of consideration – обмен встречными удовлетворениями valuable consideration – надлежащее встречное удовлетворение to be enforceable in court of law – способный быть удовлетворенным в судебном порядке contract of insurance – контракт по страхованию hire-purchase – купля-продажа в рассрочку to be entitled to a remedy –иметь право на средство судебной защиты remedy – средство судебной защиты breach of contract – нарушение контракта party in breach – сторона нарушившая контракт injured party – потерпевшая сторона to seek remedies for the breach in court – обращаться в суд для получения средств судебной защиты за нарушение контракта damages – возмещение ущерба, компенсация means – средство, способ monetary compensation – денежная компенсация to suffer some loss– понести убытки mental distress – моральный ущерб to award damages – присуждать возмещение ущерба specific performance – реальное исполнение to claim damages – требовать возмещения ущерба 10. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы, выполните упражнения, данные после текста.What is a contract? What must a valid contract include? In what forms do contracts exist? What contracts must always be in writing? What is a breach of a contract? What may the injured party seek in court? What is a remedy? Who must compensate for a breach of a contract? What are damages? Contract law is a body of rules governing the formation, performance, and enforcement of contracts. Its major purpose is to protect the reasonable expectations of individuals, businesses, and governments, that contract will be binding on and enforceable by the parties. A contract is an agreement which is made between two or more parties and which is binding in law. The parties must have a legal intention to be legally bound before making a contract. They must agree to contract on certain terms, they must know what they are agreeing to. In order to be binding in law the agreement must include an offer and an acceptance of that offer. In every valid contract there must be an exchange of consideration. A valuable consideration is something a person has given, or done, or agreed not to do when making a contract. For example, when you buy an item at a store, your consideration is the money you pay, and the seller’s consideration is the item you buy. Most contracts can be either written or oral. However, certain kinds of contracts must be in writing to be enforceable in court of law. These include contracts for the sale of land and estate, contracts of insurance and hire-purchase. In a valid contract each person is legally bound to do what is promised. If one party to a contract does not carry out the promise, the other party can go to court and be entitled to a remedy. First, the court must decide if a contract has been made. The judge will also consider if the contract has all the essential elements: an offer, an acceptance and a valuable consideration. It is very important for a judge to consider the capacity of contractors, which is whether they are legally competent to make a contract. When one party refuses to perform or fails to perform the obligations under the contract, it is called a breach of contract. The party in breach must compensate the other party. Accordingly, the injured party may seek any of several remedies for the breach in court. A remedy is the means to enforce a right or to compensate for injury. The usual remedy is damages – monetary compensation. In addition to financial loss a plaintiff sometimes tries to claim damages for mental distress caused by the breach of contract. A court will award damages only for the loss closely connected with the defendant’s breach. Instead of damages, a plaintiff sometimes asks the court to force the other contractor to carry out the contract. In English law it is called specific performance. Sometimes the court decides to award damages instead of specific performance, and sometimes it awards both. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания.to contract on certain terms to be legally bound valuable consideration party to a contract monetary compensation damages specific performance remedy mental distress injured party Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим предложениям.Чтобы иметь обязательную силу, соглашение должно включать оферту и акцепт. Контракты заключаются как в устной, так и в письменной форме. Контракт – это соглашение, которое заключается между двумя и более сторонами и является обязательным. Стороны должны согласиться заключить контракт на определенных условиях. Некоторые контракты должны быть только в письменной форме, чтобы они могли быть рассмотрены в судебном порядке. Надлежащее встречное удовлетворение – это то, что лицо дало, сделало или согласилось не делать при заключении контракта. 13. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетаниям.сторона, заключающая контракт заключить контракт контракт о страховании быть обязанным по закону правовое намерение нарушить контракт средство судебной защиты сторона, нарушившая контракт присуждать возмещение ущерба моральный ущерб TEXT 4Intellectual Property Law Vocabularyintellectual property, IP – интеллектуальная собственность intangible assets– нематериальные активы copyright – авторское право industrial design – промышленный образец infringement – нарушение trade dress – марка упаковки trade secret – коммерческая тайна disclosure – разглашение exclusive rights- исключительные права 14. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы.What does intellectual property include? What is a patent? How do you understand the term “intangible property”? What are IP owners granted? How is trademark defined? Why must not a trade secret be disclosed? Why is the protection of IP so important? Intellectual property, often known as IP, is fast-moving and sometimes complex area of law. It covers a wide range of diverse issues and allows people to own their creativity and innovation in the same way they can own physical property. IP refers to the creations of mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. The term “intellectual property” is connected with the intangible products of the intellect. Under IP law owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets. Like other forms of property, IP can be bought and sold. IP laws are applicable both to natural persons and legal entities. Some of company’s most important assets are its intellectual property rights, which include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets must be protected and secured. There are four general types of IP: (1) patents, (2) trademarks and trade dress, (3) copyright, (4) trade secret. The ability to recognize and protect IP is important in businesses. Under Internet networks global expansion intellectual property laws have been updated to provide protection of domain holders, Internet site owners and computer software owners. A patent is an exclusive right to make, use, and sell a new and useful process, machine, or product, granted to inventor for a certain period of time. Trademarks are generally names, logos or drawings used to indicate the identity of a business. Trademark status may also be granted to distinctive and unique packaging, colour combinations, building designs, and overall presentations. Service-marks also receive legal protection but are meant to distinguish services rather then products. Copyright applies to original creations in the literary, dramatic, musical and artistic fields, sound recordings and broadcasts, including software and multimedia. A trade secret is a business process or information that can’t be patented, copyrighted or trademarked, and that must be protected from disclosure. A trade secret is defined by law as information including a formula, pattern, programme, device, method, technique or process used in a business. This information gives its owner an opportunity to gain advantage over competitors, and thus must not be disclosed. A domain name is the strings of letters used to name organizations, that is an address of a computer network connection identifying the owner of the address. Industrial designs protect elements of product appearance (that is shape or pattern, not function) resulting from the feature of lines, colours, shape, texture of the product itself or its ornamentation. Each of the areas is governed by statutes which set out conditions for creation, the process of registration, rights of the registered owner, remedies for infringement and rights of the public to use the property. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания.fast-moving area of law to grant exclusive rights logos and drawings elements of products appearance o set up conditions to be governed by to be secured remedies for infringement Закончите следующие утверждения:Intellectual property refers to … The four types of IP are … Under IP law owners … A patent is … Copyright applies … A trade secret is defined … Trade marks are … |