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UNIT 6. THE SYSTEM OF LAW IN THE UKTEXTVocabularyclaim for injunction – требование судебного запрета a defendant – обвиняемый, подсудимый, ответчик a prosecutor – обвинитель, прокурор a claimant – истец to find smb. guilty – признать к-л виновным to find smb. not guilty – признать к-л невиновным to find smb. liable – признать к-л подлежащим ответственности (в гражданском процессе) to convict – осудить to acquit – оправдать to have a criminal record – иметь судимость to charge smb. with a criminal offence – предъявить обвинение в совершении преступления judgement for the claimant – решение в пользу истца burden of proof – бремя доказывания standard of proof – критерий/степень доказанности to prove guilt ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ – доказать вину «вне всякого разумного сомнения» to prove a case ‘on a balance of probabilities’ – доказать дело, основываясь «на соотношении вероятностей» Прочитайте и переведите текст.The study of law distinguishes between public law and private law, but in legal practice in the UK the distinction between civil law and criminal law is more important to practising lawyers. Public law relates to the state and is concerned with laws which govern processes in local and national government conflicts between an individual and the state. Private law is concerned with the relationships between individuals and corporations, and includes family law, contract law, property law, etc. Criminal law deals with certain forms of conduct for which the state reserves punishment, for example murder or theft. The state prosecutes the offender. Civil law concerns relationships between private persons, their rights and duties. It also deals with the conduct which may give rise to a claim by a legal person for compensation or injunction. When it comes to prosecution under the laws of the country it’s common to speak about criminal offence but civil wrongs. Criminal and civil proceedings are usually very different. In a criminal proceeding a prosecutor prosecutes a defendant. If the verdict is “guilty”, the defendant is convicted. He will have a criminal record for the crime and will be punished by one of a variety of punishments ranging from life imprisonment to a fine, which is paid to a court. If the defendant is found “not guilty”, he is acquitted and allowed to leave court without punishment. In civil cases a claimant sues a defendant or brings a claim against him. The proceeding may result in judgement for the claimant, which means that the defendant is found liable and the judge may order the defendant to pay damages. The duty to prove a case is called the burden of proof. In criminal cases the burden of proof falls on the prosecution. In other words it’s the duty of the prosecution to prove guilt, the defendant doesn’t have to prove his innocence. This principle is called the presumption of innocence, which means that every person charged with a criminal offence is considered to be innocent until proved guilty. The degree of proof which makes the court sure that the person is guilty is called the standard of proof. The standard of proof is higher in a criminal action than in a civil one since the penalties are stricter. In a criminal case a prosecution must prove the guilt of a criminal “beyond reasonable doubt”, which means that the prosecution must make the court sure that the defendant committed the crime. If the court is not sure or has a reason for the doubt, it must acquit the defendant. In a civil action the burden of proof is on the claimant. He is required to prove his case “on a balance of probabilities”, i.e. to show that his case is more probable than not. But he doesn’t have to make the court sure about it; it’s enough to show that the defendant was probably guilty. One and the same offence may sometimes result in both kinds of prosecution, civil and criminal. For example, the driver who injured a passer-by will not only face criminal penalties imposed by a criminal court but may have to pay compensation for injuries ordered by a civil court. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям из текста.criminal offence civil wrong criminal proceeding civil proceeding prosecution defendant claimant criminal record to pay damages burden of proof standard of proof presumption of innocence to charge smb. with a criminal offence to prove the guilt “beyond reasonable doubt” to prove a case “on a balance of probabilities” Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты.судебный запрет осудить оправдать признать виновным пожизненное заключение штраф подавать в суд, предъявлять иск решение в пользу истца доказывать вину доказывать невиновность Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.Why do you think the distinction between civil law and criminal law is more important to practising lawyers than the distinction between public and private law? What is the difference between criminal law and civil law? What happens to a defendant if he or she is found guilty? What happens to a defendant if he or she is found not guilty? What happens if the proceeding in a civil case results in judgement for the claimant? What does the presumption of innocence mean? What is the difference between “the burden of proof’ and “the standard of proof”? Why is the standard of proof higher in a criminal action than in a civil one? What does the principle “beyond reasonable doubt” mean? What does the principle “on a balance of probabilities” mean? 5. Определите, справедливы данные высказывания или нет. Исправьте неверные утверждения.Civil law concerns relationships between private persons and the state. A fine for a criminal offence is paid to a victim. If the defendant is convicted he’ll have a criminal record. The most severe punishment for criminal offences is life imprisonment. In civil cases a claimant prosecutes a defendant. It is the duty of the defence to prove that the defendant is innocent. In a civil case a claimant must prove the guilt of a defendant “beyond reasonable doubt”. A person can’t be sued and prosecuted for one and the same offence. Дайте определения следующим понятиям из текста. Используйте выражения из рамки. a person who, the duty, a legal principle when, the standard of proof, the degree of proof, a branch of law
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Используя информацию из текста и таблицу из упражнения 7, сравните публичное и частное право уголовное и гражданское право Великобритании Используйте союзы while, whereas, but,and,both…and,neither…nor,etc. Example:In criminal cases the burden of proof falls on the prosecution while in civil actions the burden of proof is on the claimant. Повторение лексики: damage vs. damages В английском языке существует принципиальная разница между словами “damage”и “damages”. Слово “damage” переводится на русский язык как «вред, повреждение, ущерб», обычно наносимый лицу, собственности или репутации. Английское слово “damages” принято переводить на русский как «возмещение убытков». В данном случае подразумевается денежная компенсация, которая выплачивается потерпевшему лицу (обычно ответчиком по решению суда). NB: английским эквивалентом русскому словосочетанию “моральный ущерб” является “mental distress” или “emotionaldistress”. Заполните пропуски словами “damage” или “damages”.The factory in the area is doing irreparableto the environment. The hurricane caused greatto the plants. The defendant got $2000 in . The victims of the crash were paid $1000 each in . Although the driver was found not guilty of the criminal offence, the victim of the road accident decided to claim. This incident caused greatto her career and reputation. He brought an action for breach of contract against the insurance company, seeking. Different strikes usually do seriousto the economy. The court awarded the victim $1500 in. He was ordered to pay _of $300. Выпишите словосочетания со словами “damage” и “damages” и составьте свои собственные предложения.Ролевая игра. “Legal Expert”. Вас приглашают принять участие в телевизионной программе “Legal Expert”. Организация игры: Выберите двух студентов, которые будут исполнять роль экспертов в области российского права и права Великобритании. Их задача – отвечать на вопросы аудитории. Выберите ведущего программы. Задача ведущего – объявить тему и представить гостей программы (экспертов), руководить ходом обсуждения, приглашая гостей задавать интересующие их вопросы. Остальные студенты исполняют роль гостей программы. Их задача – задавать экспертам вопросы, касающиеся системы права России и Великобритании. Каждый из гостей должен приготовить по 2-3 вопроса эксперту. После того как эксперты ответят на несколько вопросов, на роль экспертов и ведущего приглашаются другие студенты, и игра продолжается. Some important tips to the experts: Don’t forget to thank the guest for the question. If you don’t know how to answer the question you may pass it to your colleague. If you see that your colleague needs help, don’t hesitate to interfere. If you have already answered this question or mentioned it in your previous answer politely explain it to the guest. If you don’t understand the question ask for clarification. You may need the following phrases: This is a very interesting question. I’m happy you’ve asked it. This is a very complicated question. I’m afraid I’m not an expert in this field. This is a very good question. Let me pass it to my colleague who is an expert in this sphere. May I come in here and explain/clarify some points? If I could interrupt you for a moment … I’d like to add that … I think I have already mentioned this point in my previous answer. If I understand you correctly you mean …? Some important tips to the guests: Try to be polite. Always thank the expert for his/her answer. If you don’t understand the answer ask for clarification. You may need the following phrases: May I address a question to N? Could you please explain the difference between … ? I wonder if you could explain to me … There is one question I’d like to ask … I’m afraid I didn’t get the last point. Could you go over it once again, please? I’m afraid it’s not clear enough. Could you explain it once again? |