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  • Alpine skiing

  • Nordic Combined Nordic combined

  • Penalty race

  • Former Sprint

  • Nordic combined equipment Ski jumping equipment Bindings

  • Jumping skis

  • Poles Long and straight, often reaching up as high as a competitors nose, with a specially shaped basket designed to allow skiers to push hard and evacuate snow.Skis

  • АНГЛИЙСКИЙ. Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49. 03. 01 Физическая культура

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    НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49. 03. 01 Физическая культура
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    Biathlon Equipment

    Biathletes need equipment for both cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship. For the skiing portion, their equipment is identical to that of cross-country skiers. They wear skintight Lycra racing suits designed to cut down on wind resistance and provide the wearer with maximum movement. In colder temperatures, a base layer provides insulation. In addition, biathletes wear gloves and hats made of lightweight materials, and goggles, if necessary. Tinted goggles are effective at cutting down on the glare from the sun reflecting off snow.

    Because biathletes use the freestyle method of skiing they use skis that are shorter and stiffer than classical cross-country skis. The tips don't curve as much, either. Biathletes apply special glide wax to the bottom of each ski.

    The bindings of cross-country skis only attach at the toe, allowing the foot to flex and move more freely than alpine bindings, which attach at the toe and the heel. Cross-country boots are lighter and more flexible than boots used for downhill skiing.

    Ammunition must be the international standard .22 caliber long-rifle shot made from lead or a lead alloy. It is loaded into a magazine that holds five rounds. For the relay, three extra rounds are stored in the bottom of the magazine. Competitors place them into a cup at the range, and only use them if they need them. The magazines are stored in the rifle stock while skiing, and the rifle is only loaded at the range.

    When it is time to fire, biathletes hook an arm sling made of webbing to a firing cuff on their upper arm. This connects to the rifle, and provides stability.

    The targets are metal discs in a small box. When a biathlete hits a target, a different-colored disc flips up to show the hit. Computers also track modern targets to record whether a shot is a hit or a miss.

    Alpine skiing

    Alpine skiing, skiing technique that evolved during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the mountainous terrain of the Alps in central Europe. Modern Alpine competitive skiing is divided into the so-called speed and technical events, the former comprising downhill skiing and the supergiant slalom, or super-G, and the latter including the slalom and giant slalom. The speed events are contested in single runs down long, steep, fast courses featuring few and widely spaced turns. The technical events challenge the skier’s ability to maneuver over courses marked by closely spaced gates through which both skis must pass; winners are determined by the lowest combined time in two runs on two different courses. The Alpine combined event consists of a downhill and a slalom race, with the winner having the lowest combined time.

    The International Ski Federation (FIS), world governing body of the sport, first recognized downhill racing in 1930, and the first world championships for men’s downhill and slalom events were held in 1931. Women’s events were added in 1950. The first Alpine event to be included in the Olympic Winter Games was the combined, which made its debut in 1936 at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. The first giant slalom Olympic competition took place at the 1952 Games in Oslo, Norway, and the supergiant slalom was added at the 1988 Games in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. That same year the combined, which had been removed from the roster of Olympic Winter events in the 1940s, returned as an official event. It was dropped for 1998, however, in favour of two new events—the combined slalom (a slalom run and a giant slalom run) and the combined downhill (a supergiant slalom run and a downhill run).
    Nordic Combined

    Nordic combined is a winter sport in which athletes compete in cross-country skiing and ski jumping. Nordic combined at the Winter Olympics and the FIS Nordic Combined World Cup are ongoing.

    The first major competition was held in 1892 in Oslo at the first Holmenkollen ski jump. King Olav V of Norway was an able jumper and competed in the Holmenkollen Ski Festival in the 1920s. It was in the 1924 Winter Olympics and has been on the program ever since. Until the 1950s, the cross-country race was held first, followed by the ski jumping. This was reversed as the difference in the cross-country race tended to be too big to overcome in ski jumping. The sport has been dominated by the Norwegians, supported by the Finns.

    Today, the International Ski Federation sanction no women's competitions. However, it was decided in early-November 2016 that women's competitions were to be established on FIS-level starting during the second half of the 2010s with inclusion at world championships starting in 2021 and at the Olympic Winter Games in 2022


    The most common is the individual race, also known as the Individual Gundersen. Prior to 2008, this event encompassed two jumps from the ski jumping normal hill, and 15 km cross country skiing. Points are scored in ski jumping for distance and style. The distance points being 2 points per meter (1.2 for hills with a K-point of 100 m or farther), and the style points range between 3 and 30 per jump. In the cross-country race, a 15-point lead in the ski jump equals a one-minute head start. The racers with most ski jumping points will start first, followed by the next best jumper after as much time as there was difference in their jumping scores. This means that the first skier to cross the finish line is the winner of the event. This method of competition, also known as the Gundersen method, was introduced in the mid-1980s. Before, athletes would start the final race in intervals, and the gold medal would be decided on points. For the 2009 championships, this event changed to a single jump from the normal hill followed by a 10 km cross country race using the Gundersen system. This also applies to the large hill ski jump event, formerly the sprint. At a 28 May 2009 meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, it was stated that the 2008 format of one ski jump hill followed by the 10 km cross country skiing event passed the test, resulting in a doubling of television coverage from the previous season.


    The team event consists of four skiers starting from the ski jump with one jump each, then moving onward to cross-country skiing in a 4 x 5 km relay. The Gundersen point total for this as of 2008 has been 1 point equals 1.33 seconds or 45 points per minute. It is a pursuit start similar to the individual events. When the event debuted in the 1980s, the event was a 3 x 10 km team event, but that changed following Japan's successes at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 1993 in Falun and the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer where the country won by almost four minutes and almost five minutes respectively. The event became a 4 x 5 km team at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 1995 in Thunder Bay, Ontario where it remained; however, in the 2012-13 season, a 2 x 7.5 km team event has been introduced, in which 2-man teams complete one jump each and then a series of 1.5 km legs of cross-country skiing are run: thus far, it has led to some close finishes.

    Penalty race

    The penalty race was introduced in 2011–12 FIS Nordic Combined World Cup. In this form, the jumping competition will be organized as a Gundersen Jumping competition (with judging and wind/gate compensation). All results will be automatically calculated to the jump with the best result as highest points. The number of penalty laps will be fixed according to the point differences in the jumping competition (calculation is valid for NH and LH):

    Winner 0 lap + 10sec bonus

    0 lap 0.1 – 4.9 points behind the winner

    1 lap 5.0 – 9.9 points behind the winner

    2 laps 10.0 – 16.9 points behind the winner

    3 laps 17.0 – 24.9 points behind the winner

    4 laps 25.0 – 35.0 points behind the winner

    In cross-country competition, the winner of jumping is starting 10 sec. ahead at the mass start. The penalty loop is 150 meters in the stadium. No restriction on when the athlete has to run the penalty laps, and additional markings on the bibs showing the number of laps. The course length is 10 km by a 2 km lap.



    The sprint event is basically the same, but only one jump is performed on the large hill, and the cross-country distance is 7.5 km. For the 2009 championships, this event changed to a single jump from the large hill followed by a 10 km cross country race using the Gundersen system.

    Mass start

    In the mass start event, the cross country race is held first. The winner of that event receives 120 points, the others get 15 points subtracted for each minute behind the leader. In the ski jump, no style points are awarded, although jumpers receive fewer points for falling or failing to make a Telemark landing. The winner of this event is determined on a points-based system. This event made its debut at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2009 in Liberec. After that, this event is dropped.

    Nordic combined equipment

    Ski jumping equipment


    The binding must be mounted parallel to the run-direction. The binding must be placed in such a way that a maximum 57% of the entire ski length is used as the front part.


    High-backed, flexible yet firm boots with a low cut at the front. They are designed to allow the skier to lean forward during flight.

    Ski jumping suit

    All portions of the ski jumping suit must be made of the same material and must show a certain air permeability. The size of the suit must conform to the body shape in an upright position with certain tolerances.

    Jumping skis

    Jumping skis are manufactured especially for use on ski jumping hills. Skis with a length of a maximum 146% of the total body height of the competitor may be used. The curvature and shape of the skis is restricted by certain geometric features.

    Cross-country skiing equipment


    Bindings secure only the toe of the boot to the ski.


    The skating shoe is fixed to the ski with a binding, holding the toe firm. The rear of the boot is built up to shore up the ankle, which is constantly under pressure in skating technique.


    Long and straight, often reaching up as high as a competitor's nose, with a specially shaped basket designed to allow skiers to push hard and evacuate snow.


    Narrower and lighter than those used in Alpine skiing. They have long, curved ends and rise up slightly in the middle. They can be up to 2 meters.
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