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  • Е.Г. Селиванова Иностранный язык (английский)

  • Работы принимаются только в печатном виде г. Чайковский, 2018г. Селиванова, Е.Г. Иностранный язык (английский): учебно-методическое пособие /

  • Целью освоения учебной дисциплины является

  • Требования к зачёту и экзамену

  • Лексические темы для I курса

  • Грамматические тесты для I курса Существительное (определенный и неопределенный артикли или отсутствие артикля)

  • Существительное (единственное и множественное число)

  • Аттестационное задание по английскому языку для студентов I курса

  • Лексические темы для студентов II курса

  • Грамматические тесты для студентов II курса

  • АНГЛИЙСКИЙ. Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49. 03. 01 Физическая культура

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    НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49. 03. 01 Физическая культура
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    Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

    «Чайковский государственный институт физической культуры»


    Кафедра Социально-гуманитарных, педагогических и естественных наук

    Е.Г. Селиванова

    Иностранный язык (английский)

    Учебно-методическое пособие

    для студентов, обучающихся на индивидуальном графике

    по направлению подготовки 49.03.01 Физическая культура

    Работы принимаются только в печатном виде

    г. Чайковский, 2018г.

    Селиванова, Е.Г.

    Иностранный язык (английский): учебно-методическое пособие / Е.Г. Селиванова. – Чайковский: ФГБОУ ВО «ЧГИФК», 2018. – 75 с.
    Обсужден и рекомендован к утверждению на заседании кафедры Социально-гуманитарных, педагогических и естественных наук, протокол № ___ от «__» ___________ 2018 г.
    Утвержден учебно-методическим советом ЧГИФК, протокол № __ от «__» ______________ 2018 г.
    Учебно-методическое пособие содержит введение, перечень лексических заданий и грамматических тестов для самостоятельной работы обучающихся, итоговые тесты, тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода, представлен список рекомендуемой литературы.

    Учебно-методическое пособие адресовано студентам, обучающимся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49.03.01 Физическая культура.

    Рецензент: ст. преподаватель Мальцева Т.П.

    © Селиванова Е.Г., 2018

    ©Чайковский государственный институт физической культуры, 2018





    Лексические темы для I курса


    Грамматические тесты для I курса


    Аттестационное задание по английскому языку для студентов I курса


    Лексические темы для II курса


    Грамматические тесты для студентов II курса


    Пробный тест по остаточным знаниям для студентов II курса


    Тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода для студентов I курса


    Тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода для студентов II курса


    Использованная литература



    Данное пособие предназначено для обучающихся, находящихся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49.03.01 «Физическая культура», очного и заочного отделений. Настоящее пособие можно использовать как для самостоятельной подготовки студентов, так и для аудиторной работы на практических занятиях.

    В результате изучения дисциплины обучающийся должен:


    • грамматику и лексику, историю и культуру страны изучаемого иностранного языка, правила речевого этикета;


    • применять базовую лексику языка, лексику нейтрального научного стиля, а также основную терминологию по своей профессиональной деятельности;

    • читать литературу без словаря в области профессиональной деятельности с целью поиска информации, вести диалог на разговорном уровне, диалоги и полилоги в ситуациях профессионального общения;


    • базовой грамматикой и грамматическими явлениями, характерными для профессиональной речи, навыками разговорно-бытовой речи;

    • навыками аудирования, устной речи, чтения и письма для получения информации из зарубежных источников на бытовом и профессиональном уровне.

    Целью освоения учебной дисциплины является – формирование навыков использования иностранного языка для совершенствования профессиональной деятельности

    Задачи дисциплины:

    1. Формирование умения читать и понимать (переводить) оригинальную литературу по темам, связанным с профессиональной деятельностью

    2. Формирование навыков устной речи (говорение: умение вести беседу на темы, связанные с профессиональной деятельностью);

    3. Формирование умения воспринимать иноязычную речь;

    4. Формирование навыков активного владения базовой грамматикой и лексикой, включая лексику, представляющую нейтральный научный стиль;

    5. Формирование навыков владения терминологией, чтение со словарем и понимание специальной литературы по профилю деятельности.

    Текущая аттестация обучающихся производится преподавателем, ведущим практические занятия по дисциплине в следующих формах:

    • устное собеседование;

    • письменный контроль грамматического материала;

    • контроль лексического и грамматического материала в форме тестирования;

    • выполнение письменных домашних заданий;

    Рубежная аттестация обучающихся производится по окончании модуля дисциплины в следующих формах:

    • грамматика;

    • устное собеседование;

    • контрольные работы.

    Требования к зачёту и экзамену

    Учебным планом для направления подготовки 49.03.01 Физическая культура предусмотрена следующая форма промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине:

    зачет в I и II семестрах;

    К зачету допускаются обучающиеся, не имеющие задолженностей за определенный, пройденный по программе, цикл дисциплины.

    Содержание зачета:

    1. Выполнить грамматический тест.

    2. Изложить устно любую изученную тему по направлению подготовки за семестр.

    экзамен в III семестре.

    Структура экзамена:

    1. Чтение и перевод текста по направлению подготовки с использованием словаря.

    2. Объем текста 1000 п.зн., время подготовки - 30 минут.

    3. Устное сообщение по изученным темам в объеме 25-30 предложений.

    Экзамен проводится в устной форме по экзаменационным билетам. Каждый билет включает в себя два вопроса. При подготовке ответа на экзамене студентам разрешается пользоваться таблицами и словарями.

    На экзамене обучающиеся должны показать достаточный уровень владения соответствующими компетенциями, реализуемыми в рамках изучения дисциплины и требований ФГОС к бакалавру по направлению подготовки 49.03.01 «Физическая культура».

    Лексические темы для I курса

    1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы (письменно).

    About myself

    Let me introduce myself. My name is Victor Petrov. I’m eighteen. I was born on June 8th, 1999 in Perm. My friends say, that I’m a handsome and slender guy with green eyes and fair hair. As for my character, I’m responsible and hard-working young man with a good sense of humor.

    This year I finished school. Our final exams were in June and I had to decide what profession to choose. Usually pupils’ plans for the future change many times during the school years. There are so many people who influence you in choosing your occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in your choice. Teachers’ and coaches’ influence on pupils’ minds is also great. My favorite school subjects were Biology and Physical Education.

    When a schoolboy I began taking up cross country skiing. I have been doing this kind of sports for 7 years. It was my wish to practice cross-country and my parents approved of my choice. I think it is the best sport for building up stamina and a good figure, and a good way to take away the stress of our everyday life. Besides, participating in competitions develops sportsmanship and ability to overcome difficulties. As I always was fond of sports, I decided to enter the physical education institute. Now I study at the 1st course of the day-time department. I’m a student of the winter sports faculty. My sports specialty is cross-country. I’m a Candidate to Master of sports.

    Besides taking up sports, I’ve got some hobbies reading, listening to music and walking with friends. I’ve got a lot of friends and we sometimes get together and discuss our problems and plans for the future. As for my family, it is rather large. We are five: my parents, my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Marina. My parents are not old at all. My Mum is forty-four; she works at the hospital as a doctor. My Dad is forty-eight, he is an engineer in computers. Oleg is twenty-one, he studies at the medical academy, he will be a dentist. Marina is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl.

    My students’ group is number 11. All my group-mates practice winter kinds of sport: cross-country, biathlon, ski-jumping, Nordic combined and luge. We are merry and friendly young people. We spend much time at the trainings and take part in different competitions. My future profession is a coach in cross-country; I’d like to work in a sports school or a sports club.

    1. Who is the text about?

    2. When and where was Victor born?

    3. How does he look like?

    4. What is Victor by character?

    5. What were his favorite school subjects?

    6. Does he practice cross-country or biathlon?

    7. How long has he been doing this kind of sports?

    8. What does Victor think about cross-country?

    9. He studies at the medical academy, doesn’t he?

    10. Is Victor a Master of sports?

    11. What have you read about his family?

    12. Does Victor study in the 11th or 12th group?

    13. What kinds of sport do his group-mates practice?

    14. What is his future profession?

    15. Where does Victor plan to work?

    2. Напишите сочинение на тему «Aboutmyself» (25 предложений) по плану:

    • Ваше имя, возраст, дата и место рождения, внешность, черты характера.

    • Окончание школы, любимые школьные предметы, поступление в институт.

    • Я – студент (название института, отделение, факультет, курс, ваша спортивная специализация, спортивное звание).

    • Увлечения, друзья.

    • Семья.

    • Ваша студенческая группа.

    • Ваша будущая профессия.

    3. Побеседуйте с преподавателем на тему «Aboutmyself».

    II. Прочитайте и переведите текст (письменно).

    Our Institute

    The Tchaikovsky state physical education institute is one of the youngest higher educational establishments in the Perm region. The institute was founded in 1980. Young people from different parts of our country study at it. The contingent of it is about one thousand students.

    Our institute is situated in Lenin Street; it is a four-storied building. There are many classrooms and lecture halls, special rooms for training, laboratories and a large gymnasium in it. On the ground floor, there is a good library with a reading-hall. The library contains over 65.000 books and magazines.

    Our institute has got its own sports facilities: a sports complex, a swimming pool and Federal winter sports training center.

    At present, two departments and 2 faculties train coaches in different kinds of sports, PE teachers, sports managers, specialists in adaptive physical education. Our students can study at the daytime and correspondence departments of the winter sports and specialized faculties.

    The course of training at the institute lasts four years. The four-year educational course includes both compulsory and optional subjects: social sciences, biology and anatomy.

    The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each semester the students take credit tests and exams.

    The students of the third and fourth courses have educational practice at schools, kinder-gardens. The four-year students take the state finals.

    The teaching staff of our institute numbers more than 130 lecturers. It includes 14 Doctors, 35 Candidates. They engage in research work alongside teaching.

    The aims of our institute are to create a scientific basis for development of physical education and to train teaching staff.

    There are 7 chairs at the institute: the chair of social sciences, the chair of cross country skiing and biathlon, the chair of ski-jumping, Nordic combined and Alpine skiing, the chair of theory and methods of physical education, the chair of martial arts, the chair of adaptive physical education, and others.

    After graduating from the institute, the young people work as PE teachers, coaches in different kinds of sport, They become specialists in adaptive physical education. Our graduates work at schools, sports schools and sports clubs.

    2. Подготовьте контрольное чтение текста.

    III. Прочитайте и переведите текст (письменно).

    Medical Services in Britain and the USA

    In Britain and the USA, it is customary to have a family doctor. But if your family doctor does not have office hours, for instance, at night, or you are too ill to leave your home, you can make an arrangement for a doctor house call. Visiting doctors make house calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    In the USA in emergency cases call 911. Specially trained operators take your full name, address, phone number and a brief explanation of your problem (as it is done in Russia). Then they inform a doctor already on house calls nearby. After some time, he visits you.

    If you have a headache, heartache, backache, earache or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a sore throat or a bad cough, if you run a high temperature and have a bad cold, or if you suffer from a high or low blood pressure, you should tell the doctor about your health problems.

    The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, test your eyes. After that he will prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or some other medicine which you can buy at the chemist’s. He will recommend you to stay in bed for some time, because there might be serious complications. The only thing you have to do is to follow his recommendations. At the end of the doctor’s visit you pay the doctor.

    Medical services in the United States are generally very expensive. The federal and state governments share the cost of medical aid to low-income families. Federal Government alone covers from 50 to 83 percent of the cost while each state has its own share. This Medical Aid program is known as Medicaid.
    Грамматические тесты для I курса

    Существительное (определенный и неопределенный артикли или отсутствие артикля)

    Выберите один вариант употребления артикля из четырех предложенных.

    A) the В) a С) an D) -

    Переведитепредложения (письменно).

    1. J 'd like to have ... fruit salad for ... breakfast.

    2. Karelin is ... outstanding Russian wrestler.

    3. Can you play ... ice hockey?

    4. Will you play ... chess with me?

    5. At ... night I had ... terrible headache after I had drunk ... lot of coffee in ... evening

    6. There is ... swimming pool in this district.

    7. My coach was ... only person I wanted to see.

    8. My favorite subject at school was … Physical Education.

    9. He knows ... history of the Olympic movement well.

    10. Tom's going to take ... his tennis racket.

    11. Could you phone later, please? Jane's having ... training session.

    12. The gym rent is 50 dollars ... week.

    13. We often go to ... stadium and to ... training gym.

    14. Yesterday Dad came home at 8 p.m. we had ... supper and then watched … sports program.

    15. What ... pity, they haven't come to the football match!

    16. ...President is going to open ... new sports center in ... capital ... next month.

    17. Are you going to … country on … Saturday?

    18. To tell ... truth, I didn't expect to see him at the training.

    19. It's ... high time you began practicing sports.

    20. What ... brilliant goal!

    Существительное (единственное и множественное число)

    Выберите один вариант слова во множественном числе из четырех предложенных.

    1. a baby
    2. a boy
    A. boys
    B. boies
    3. a man
    A. man
    B. men
    4. a woman
    A. womans
    B. women
    5. a sportsman
    A. sportmans
    B. sportsmen
    6. a city
    A. citys
    B. cities
    7. a mouse
    A. mouses
    B. mice
    8. a fox
    A. foxes
    B. foxs
    9. money
    A. moneys
    B. -
    10. a knife
    A. knifes
    B. knives

    11. an ox
    A. oxes
    B. oxen
    12. a fish
    A. fish
    B. fishes
    13. a watch
    A. watches
    B. watchs
    14. an address
    A. addresses
    B. address
    15. a foot
    A. foots
    B. feet
    16. a boy-friend
    A. boys-friends
    B. boy-friends
    17. a child
    A. childes
    B. children
    18. jeans
    A. jeans
    B. jeanses
    19. a passer-by
    A. passers-by
    B. passer-bys
    20. news
    A. newses
    B. pieces of news


    Выберите один правильный вариант употребления местоимения из четырех предложенных.

    Переведите предложения (письменно).

    1. His sports result differs from _____.

    a) my b) mine c) me d) I

    1. The doctor is quite right. I agree with _____ completely.

    a) he b) him c) his d) us

    1. She had taken the advice, but the decision was _____.

    a) her b) she c) hers d) your

    1. I looked at _____ in the mirror.

    a) me b) myself c) mine d) himself

    1. Will _____ match begin in time?

    a) these b) those c) this d) its

    1. “Who is it?” – “It’s _____”.

    a) I b) me c) mine d) myself

    1. Have you met _____ coach?

    a) they b) theirs c) him d) our

    1. Give this sports suit to Frank; it’s _____.

    a) his b) him c) he d) her

    1. James took the sports magazine and opened _____.

    a) that b) this c) it d) its

    1. Will _____ meet at the stadium, Bob?

    a) I b) your c) we d) it

    1. Our town is famous for _____ Winter Sports Complex.

    a) it’s b) her c) its d) his

    1. I spoke to the Federation Chairman yesterday. _____ promised to call me back.

    a) You b) They c) He d) We

    1. _____ knew the chief of the competitions.

    a) Both of us b) Us both c) Both we d) Both of they

    1. This year our team has participated in _____ international contests

    a) some b) none c) any d) much

    1. He speaks English without _____ difficulty.

    a) some b) every c) any d) no

    16. The athletes follow _____ coach's instructions.

    a) his b) us c) mine d) their

    17. The tea is hot. Don't burn …!

    a) herself b) yourself c) my d) his

    18. I thought I’d seen you _____ before.

    a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere

    1. The town _____ was so small that it had only one sports school.

    a) himself b) itself c) oneself d) yourself

    1. The gym was empty. There was _____ in it.

    a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody

    Выберите один правильный вариант употребления прилагательных из четырех предложенных. Переведитепредложения (письменно).

    1. That’s (good) sports program I've ever seen.

    A a good

    B the goodest

    С the best

    D better

    2. Public transport in London is (expensive) in Europe.

    A the expensivest

    В the most expensive

    С more expensive

    D expensiver

    3. Do you think these running shoes are (nice) than those ones?

    A nicer

    В the nicest

    С most nice

    D more nice

    4. That was (short) fight in the history of boxing.

    A the short

    В the shorter

    С the shortest

    D more short

    5. This is (old) stadium in London.

    A an older

    В the oldest

    С the eldest

    D more old

    6. That was (bad) performance of their team.

    A the worst

    B worse

    C bader

    D badly

    7. This physical education institute is (old) in Russia.

    A as old as

    В older

    С the oldest

    D the eldest

    8. Go to the library if you need (far) information.

    A farther

    В further

    С farer

    D more far

    9. The coach’s profession is (easy) than it used to be.

    A the most easy

    В more easy than

    C easier than

    D the easiest

    10. Alpine skis are (heavy) than the racing ones.

    A the most heavy

    В heavier

    С more heavy

    D heaviest

    11. The sports injure was (serious) than we expected.

    A seriouser

    В more serious

    C the most serious

    D the seriousest

    12. Moscow is (large) city in Russia.

    A the largest

    В largest

    С larger

    D the most large

    13. Let's buy this swimming suit. It's a bit (cheap).

    A cheap

    В cheaper

    С the cheapest

    D more cheap

    14. Football is (popular) sports game in the world.

    A more popular

    B popularer

    C the most popular

    D the popularest

    15. Yesterday it took me (little) time to cover this distance.

    A less

    B more little

    C the most little

    D littler

    16. My friend is (clever) student in our group.

    A more clever

    B the most clever

    C cleverer

    D the cleverest

    17. This is (busy) street in our city.

    A more busy

    B the most busy

    C busier

    D the busiest

    18. Tennis is (active) kind of sports than chess.

    A the most active

    B active

    C more active

    D the activest

    19. Wimbledon tournament is (famous) tennis contest in the world.

    A the most famous

    B more famous

    C famouser

    D the famousest

    20. Mark is (young) of my teammates.

    A younger

    B more young

    C the most young

    D the youngest
    Аттестационное задание по английскому языку для студентов I курса

    I. Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно со словарем.

    A letter of a Student.

    Dear Uncle,

    I am glad to inform you that l live now in quite comfortable lodgings. My room is a bit small, dark and very cold, for (ибо) my landlady (хозяйка) asks extra pay for heating. I can’t call it quiet either for some young people make an awful noise upstairs, drinking, dancing and singing. They try to make friends with me but I firmly refuse their friendship. I work very hard and make friends only with people who study hard and never drink anything stronger than tea. I myself drink nothing but water, eat stale bread, get up early in morning, spend all my days in the gym training and go to bed very late. I need a lot of money to buy books, to pay for my lodgings and to pay for my studies. I hate to ask you for some extra money. I think it’s a shame!

    Your affectionate nephew, Harry Jones

    P.S. I’ve made up my mind not to send this shameful letter, but my landlady already sent it. I hope the postman will lose it.


    (the Uncle’s Answer)

    Dear Boy,

    Don’t worry. The postman has lost your letter.

    Your affectionate uncle. Thomas Jones.

    II. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту.






    III. Из четырех вариантов выберите единственно правильный.

    1. A sports game played by two teams of five players each who throw a large ball through a basket to score points.

    a) basketball;

    c) baseball;

    b) volleyball;

    d) football.

    2. A sports game played on a field by nine players on each team who hit the ball with a bat and run around four bases to score.

    a) volleyball;

    c) football;

    b) basketball

    d) baseball.

    3. The sport of using a bow to shoot arrows at targets.

    a) rifle shooting;

    c) pistol shooting;

    b) archery;

    d) throwing.

    4. A sports game of two teams of 11 players each, who kick a ball into nets at either end of a rectangular field (called «football» outside the USA).

    a) rugby;

    c) soccer;

    b) volleyball;

    d) baseball.

    5. The sport of sliding down or across snowy surfaces on skis.

    a) climbing;

    c) mountaineering ;

    b) jumping;

    d) slalom.

    6. A sports game in which people try to hit a small hard ball with a special stick (a club) into a small hole over a large outdoor course.

    a) chess;

    c) cricket;

    b) pin pong;

    d) lawn tennis.

    7. The sport of doing various acrobatic exercises to develop strength, balance, etc.

    a) bodybuilding;

    c) acrobatics;

    b) equestrian;

    d) bowling.

    8. The sport which combines cross country skiing and rifle shooting.

    a) biathlon c) Nordic combined

    b) luge d) Alpine skiing

    9. The sport which includes slalom, giant slalom, super giant and downhill.

    a) cross country skiing c) snow boarding

    b) Alpine skiing f) figure skating

    10. A sports game played on an ice box by two teams who kick a puck with a stick into the opponent’s goal.

    a) curling c) Canadian ice hockey

    b) Russian hockey d) grass hockey

    IV. Из четырех вариантов выберите единственно правильный.

    1. They … start.

    (A) going to (C) are going to

    (B) are going (D) going

    2. I know Nora Norman, I … her at a party a week ago.

    (A) met (C) had met

    (B) have met (D) was met

    3. Mary … in the gym now.

    (A) trains (C) has trained

    (B) train (D) is training

    4. Pete … play tennis well last year.

    (A) can (C) can’t

    (B) should (D) could

    5. Who … the coaching faculty at your institute?

    (A) does head (C) headed

    (B) head (D) heads

    6. Mount Everest is … mountain in the world

    (A) high (C) the higher

    (B) highest (D) the highest

    7. He … the article from six to eight yesterday.

    (A) has translated (C) translated

    (B) was translating (D) had translated

    8. Ann … good results in swimming last season.

    (A) is having (C) had

    (B) has (D) has had

    9. Mary has been shopping since morning but she hasn’t bought …

    (A) any (C) nothing

    (B) something (D) anything

    10. Your institute trains teachers of physical education, ...?

    (A) isn’t it (C) doesn’t it

    (B) does it (D) is it

    11. Why are you so angry … me?

    (A) at (C) for

    (B) with (D) on

    12. I … two tickets for the Marriage of Figaro.

    (A) just bought (C) just buy

    (B) bought just (D) have just bought

    13. The weather was bad yesterday and we … at home.

    (A) have stay (C) must stay

    (B) had to stay (D) have stayed

    14. When … in London?

    (A) have you arrived (C) you have arrived

    (B) did you arrive (D) you arrive

    15. I … in Izhevsk before I moved to Tchaikovsky.

    (A) lived (C) had lived

    (B) live (D) have been living
    Лексические темы для студентов II курса

    How to Be Fit

    1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык (письменно).

    Nowadays many people try to be fit. They give up smoking, take up exercises, cut on drinking and eat healthy food. It is important to avoid animal fat, to take vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables are very useful.

    The traditional Mediterranean diet has become popular in many countries, including Russia. It consists of bread, milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables, olive oil and pasta. Fat in fish and olive oil reduce blood pressure and the risk of a heart attack. As for our nerves, be a calm, easy-going and optimistic person.

    To be healthy is very important. Health is the man’s greatest wealth. We can’t be happy unless we feel well. The ancient Greeks knew the value of good health. The Romans spoke of a health in a proverb, ’A healthy mind in a healthy body.’

    The human body is much more complicated than any machine. No machine will work for 70 years or more.

    The first rule of healthy way of life is to have normal weight. One of the ways to keep normal weight is to regulate your diet. The second rule is indoor or outdoor physical activities. Different physical exercises help people keep fit, have a good gait and figure. And, finally, get rid of bad habits and you can always keep your health if you want to.

    1. Напишите 5 предложений о том, как вы поддерживаете здоровый образ жизни.

    2. Подготовьте контрольное чтение всего текста.

    The Training Process.

    1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык (письменно).

    The training process consists of many elements: motor, tactic, psychic qualities and technique. The tactics of preparation and some psychic characteristics are always present, but the motor skills and technique are the most important. The training process is of cyclic character. It consists of periods of work and relaxation. There are various types of relaxation breaks: the breaks between some exercises, the breaks between trainings and competitions, etc.

    The process of changing the state from fatigue to relaxation is regeneration. It can last from several seconds to several hours. There are some factors stimulating the process of regeneration. They are personal hygiene, regulated loads and intensity, massages, hydrotherapy and saunas.

    2. Напишите рассказ о вашей тренировке по плану

    • вид спорта, которым вы занимаетесь

    • ваш спортивный разряд или звание

    • тренируетесь ли вы сейчас (с тренером или самостоятельно)

    • Ф.И.О. тренера

    • спортивный разряд или звание вашего тренера

    • где вы тренируетесь?

    • как часто вы тренируетесь?

    • как долго длится тренировка?

    • с чего начинается тренировка?

    • как долго длится разминка?

    • вы тренируйтесь с командой или с партнером?

    • ваши методы восстановления после тренировки

    • цель ваших тренировок

    • в каких соревнованиях вы участвовали в текущем году?

    • какие места вы заняли?

    • ваши лучшие спортивные достижения

    • ваши планы на будущее.

    3. Подготовьте контрольное чтение текста.

    Sports in Great Britain

    1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык (письменно).

    2. Подготовьте контрольное чтениетекста.

    Sport plays a more important part in people’s lives in Britain than it does in most other countries.

    The British are known to be great sports-lovers and they are fond of many kinds of sports. A lot of sports were invented in Great Britain and then spread throughout the world. The national British games are football, golf, cricket, tennis and darts.

    Professional sport is widely spread in Great Britain, especially football, boxing, rugby, and hockey. The number of participants and spectators shows that the most popular of the team games are football and cricket, and the most popular individual game is lawn tennis.

    The British adore football, because the Englishmen invented it. In Great Britain football is called soccer to distinguish the game from American football. Most British towns and cities have a football team. Every year each team in England plays in the Football Association competition. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London.

    Another traditional British game is cricket. It is a summer game. Cricket is a very long and slow game.

    Tennis is also very popular in Britain. There are two kinds of the game: lawn tennis and table tennis. Both games first appeared in England. Every summer in June the biggest tournament in the world takes place at Wimbledon. Table tennis originated in England in 1880.

    Englishmen enjoy all kinds of racing: horse racing, boat racing, motorcar racing and dog racing. The most popular boat racing in the UK is between Oxford and Cambridge.

    The British also like to play baseball, ice hockey, grass hockey and polo. Various forms of track and field, swimming and boxing are also popular.

    Winter sports aren’t much cultivated in the UK. English winter isn’t cold enough for skiing or skating. So most of the British skiers and skaters train abroad and compete at the Winter Olympics.

    Indeed sport is an essential part of daily life in Britain.

    The Olympic Games.

    1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык (письменно).

    2. Подготовьте контрольное чтениетекста.

    The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 B.C. at Olympia, Greece. Ancient Olympic Games were a great festival. They included many different kinds of sports: running, discus throwing, boxing, wrestling, pentathlon and others.

    In 394 AD the games were stopped by the Roman Emperor Theodosius.

    The first modern Games took place in Athens in 1896. The Olympic Games bring together the world’s finest athletes. They consist of the Summer Games and the Winter Games. The Summer Games take place in a major city. The Winter Games take place at a winter resort.

    The opening ceremony is very impressive. The athletes of Greece march into the stadium first.

    The other athletes follow in alphabetical order. The athletes of the host country enter last. The most dramatic moment is the lighting of the Olympic flame. The flame kept burning until the end of the Games. The Olympic symbol consists of five interlocking rings. The Olympic motto is Faster, Higher, Stronger.

    The top three athletes in each Olympic event receive a medal and a diploma. The winners receive their medals at the colorful ceremony held after the event.

    The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Now they are being held regularly. Summer and Winter Games are held separately.

    The last Summer Olympics were held in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The last Winter Olympics were held in 2018 in Pyeuongchang, South Korea. The next Summer Olympiad will be held in 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. The next Winter Olympiad will be held in 2022 in Peking, China.
    Грамматические тесты для студентов II курса

    Тест по теме «Системы времен глагола»

    Задание 1.

    Вставьте в пропуски соответствующие вспомогательные глаголы:

    A) do B) does C) is D) are E) have F) has

    1. What subjects … she good at?

    2. … your brother got a bicycle?

    3. … your friend like swimming?

    4. What floor … your chair on?

    5. … our sportsmen in the USA now?

    6. What kind of sports … you practice?

    7. … your coach any free time?

    8. Where … your father work?

    9. What kinds of sport … they fond of?

    10. What sports shoes …you prefer?

    Задание 2.


    Выберите один правильный вариант предложения из 4-х данных.

    1. A) I not usually have lunch at home.

    B) I usually not have lunch at home.

    C) I doesn’t usually have lunch at home.

    D) Usually I don’t have lunch at home.

    2. A) My friend often goes to the sports complex.

    B) My friend often go to the sports complex.

    C) My friend often going to the sports complex.

    D) My friend often gone to the sports complex.

    3. A) Does his father work as a coach?

    B) Is his father work as a coach?

    C) Does his father works as a coach?

    D) Do his father work as a coach?

    4. A) Did the swimming pool far from the institute?

    B) Was the swimming pool far from the institute?

    C) Were the swimming pool far from the institute?

    D) Are the swimming pool far from the institute?

    5. A) He didn’t practice any sports.

    B) He don’t practice any sports.

    C) He isn’t practice any sports.

    D) He wasn’t practice any sports.

    6. A) She at the skiing–biathlon complex trained last month.

    B) She trained at the skiing–biathlon complex last month.

    C) She did train at the skiing–biathlon complex last month.

    D) She was train at the skiing–biathlon complex last month.

    7. A) She won’t in time come home.

    B) She not will in time come home.

    C) She come home won’t in time.

    D) She won’t come home in time.

    8. A) He will come to the sports club next weekend.

    B) He come will to the sports club next weekend.

    C) Next weekend to the sports club he will come.

    D) Next weekend he will to the sports club come.

    9. A) Will they next winter skate?

    B) Will they skate next winter?

    C) They will skate next winter?

    D) Next winter will they skate?

    Выберите один правильный вариант предложения из 4-х данных.

    Progressive Tenses.

    1. A) What is the girl doing now?

    B) What the girl is doing now?

    C) What is doing the girl now?

    D) What does the girl doing now?

    2. Those people is watching a hockey match.

    B) Those people watching hockey match are.

    C) Those people a hockey match are watching.

    D) Those people are watching a hockey match.

    3. A) Our students not training at the moment are.

    B) Our students at the moment aren’t training.

    C) Our students aren’t training at the moment.

    D) Our students don’t training at the moment.

    4. A) Who did running marathon?

    B) Who was running marathon?

    C) Who marathon running was?

    D) Who running was marathon?

    5. A) The athletes was listening to the coach.

    B) The athletes to the coach were listening.

    C) The athletes were listening to the coach.

    D) The athletes listening to the coach were.

    6. A) These pupils wasn’t skiing last Sunday.

    B) These pupils weren’t skiing last Sunday.

    C) These pupils didn’t skiing last Sunday.

    D) These pupils last Sunday weren’t skiing.

    7. A) John is having a ride.

    B) John has having a ride.

    C) John does having a ride.

    D) John is have a ride.

    8. A) They are listened to the sports news.

    B) They to the sports news are listening.

    C) Why aren't they listening to the sports news?

    D) Why don't they listening to the sports

    9. A) Will be they training in the gym tomorrow ?

    B) Will they be training in the gym tomorrow ?

    C) Tomorrow they will be training in the gym?

    D) In the gym they will be training tomorrow ?

    Выберите один правильный вариант предложения из 4-х данных.

    Perfect Tenses.

    1. A) These athletes have finished their training just.

    B) These athletes have just their training finished.

    C) These athletes have just finished their training.

    D) These have athletes just finished their training.

    2. A) Our coach has instructed the team already.

    B) The coach the team has instructed already.

    C) The coach already has instructed the team.

    D) The coach has already instructed the team.

    3. A) The football match hasn’t yet finished.

    B) The football match hasn’t finished yet.

    C) The football match yet hasn’t finished.

    D) Yet the football match hasn’t finished.

    4. A) He had practiced cross-country for 5 years by that time.

    B) He had cross-country practiced for 5 years by that time.

    C) For 5 years he cross-country has practiced by that time.

    D) He for 5 years has practiced cross-country by that time.

    5. A) Since 2012 she has been doing aerobics.

    B) Aerobics she has been doing since 2012.

    C) She has been doing aerobics since 2012.

    D) She has aerobics been doing since 2012.

    6. A) Abroad they had never been by 2014.

    B) They had never been abroad by 2014.

    C) Never they had been abroad by 2014.

    D) They had never abroad been by 2014.

    7. A) My friend had in the international competitions taken part by the last year.

    B) By the last year in the international competitions my friend had taken part.

    C) In the international competitions my friend had taken part by the last year.

    D) My friend had taken part in the international competitions by the last year.

    8. A) My team-mate will have been a Master of Sports by the next year.

    B) My team-mate will a Master of Sports have been by the next year.

    C) By the next year a Master of Sports my team-mate will have been.

    D) A Master of Sports my team-mate will have been by the next year.

    9. A) The servicemen will the skis have tested by that time.

    B) The servicemen will have tested the skis by that time.

    C) By that time the skis the servicemen will have tested.

    D) The serviceman will the skis have tested by that time.
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7

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