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  • 7 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT… LUGE This fast and furious sport sees athletes reach speeds of up to 140km/h – without brakes!Swiss beginnings

  • Тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода для студентов II курса The Role of Physical Education

  • Athletic Trainers What Athletic Trainers Do

  • АНГЛИЙСКИЙ. Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49. 03. 01 Физическая культура

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    НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся на индивидуальном графике по направлению подготовки 49. 03. 01 Физическая культура
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    Ice Hockey

    Ice hockey is one of the most action-paced of sports, demanding skillful skating, expert stick-handling, and masterly puck control.

    The game developed in the frozen expanses of North America, and a hundred years ago became the national winter sport of Canada. It also became very popular in the northern states of the United States, and later spread to Europe, Japan, and even to Australia.

    The game probably arose from boys playing on the ice. The kids probably fashioned pucks from frozen "horse apples" and adapted tree branches as hockey sticks, and played on cleared stretches of frozen lakes and rivers, and backyard rinks. Soon it was inevitable that teams began to play against each other and leagues were formed. The earliest mention of the team ice hockey game is a newspaper description of the game played at the Victoria Skating Rink in Montreal in 1875.

    Originally the leagues and national competitions in Canada were amateur. In 1917 the first professional league was formed, the National Hockey League (or NHL), with four clubs — Montreal Canadians, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, and Toronto Arenas. Later clubs were formed in American cities, and the NHL spread to the United States. In 1972 a rival professional organisation was formed, the World Hockey Association (or WHA).

    In 1893 Lord Stanley, the Governor-General of Canada, presented a silver trophy, the Stanley Cup to the winners and play-offs for the Stanley Cup began, which then became the symbol of professional hockey supremacy.

    Canadian-style ice hockey spread rapidly in Europe between the two World Wars. In the northern countries it had to compete against bandy.

    Hockey is a team game played on an ice surface, known as a rink. Six players – a goalkeeper, two defence-men, and three forwards – constitute a side.

    The game is divided into three periods, each lasting twenty minutes of actual playing time with -10-minute intervals. There are five face-off spots whereby the puck is dropped by the referee between the sticks of two players. After a goal is scored, the puck is brought back to center ice for another face-off.

    The playing area (rink) is 188 to 200 feet long, and about 85 feet wide. The playing area is subdivided into three zones – defensive, neutral and attacking – by two blue lines (called off-side lines) teams defensive zone is that zone where the goal cage, which it is defending, is located. The zone at- the opposite end of the rink is known as the teams attacking zone.

    The area between is known as the neutral zone and is divided at the centre by a red line. This line plays an important role in the game's body checking regulations. Players are subject to a variety of penalties leading to their dismissal from the ice for two minutes or more, thus giving A


    This fast and furious sport sees athletes reach speeds of up to 140km/h – without brakes!

    Swiss beginnings

    Luge is the French word for “sledge” and the sport’s origins can be traced to Switzerland in the 19th century, when local hotel owners built the first artificial tracks to cater for thrill-seeking tourists.

    Close finish

    The first international luge race was held in Switzerland in 1883, with competitors from Australia, England, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland racing along an icy 4km road between Davos and the village of Klosters. The joint winners were Georg Robertson, a student from Australia, and Peter Minch, a mailman from Klosters, who each finished the course in 9 minutes, 15 seconds.

    The need for speed

    Lying on their backs on a tiny sled, athletes can reach speeds of up to 140km/h (87mph) as they race feet first down the icy track. They steer by making slight movements with their feet or body but there are no brakes!

    Top gear

    Lugers rely on specialist equipment including their fibreglass sleds, which sit on stainless steel blades that are curved at the ends to support their feet. Their racing suits are designed to minimise wind resistance while their gloves feature metal spikes to help grip into the ice when they push off at the start of their run.

    At the Games

    Luge was first included in the Olympic Winter Games in Innsbruck in 1964 and has remained on the programme ever since. The men’s and women’s singles competitions are decided on the aggregate time of four runs over two consecutive days, while the doubles is a one-day competition of two runs.

    Olympic legends

    With two golds, one silver and three bronzes between 1994 and 2014, Italy’s Armin Zöggeler is the most decorated luger in Olympic history. Germany’s Georg Hackl, meanwhile, won three successive Olympic singles titles from 1992 to 1998, as well as silver medals in 1988 and 2002. Hackl’s compatriot Silke Kraushaar is a highly decorated athlete in the women’s event, winning gold in 1998, silver in 2006 and bronze in 2002.

    German dominance

    German lugers have won 10 of the 14 men’s singles titles and 10 of the 14 women’s singles titles since the sport was added to the Olympic programme in 1964. The German team of Natalie Geisenberger, Felix Loch, Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt also won the inaugural mixed relay event at the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014.
    Тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода для студентов II курса

    The Role of Physical Education

    The purposes of physical education include many goals. However, in the main, its goals center around its importance for physical development and health, as a socializing force, as a medium for the emotional development of the individual, and as an intellectual phenomenon in the mastery of knowledge about the human organism. The latter includes what and how to care for and maintain the organism to develop and maintain good health and efficiency.

    The historical roots of physical education go back as far as the ancient Chinese (2500 B.C.), who had a well-developed system of exercise and physical training. In ancient Greece the Athenians were concerned with both physical and mental development and consequently they accorded gymnastics, sports, and rhythms an important educational role. During the period of Roman Empire, and later during the Middle Ages, physical education was primarily used as a form of military training.

    In the present world of Space age and automation era, all human beings appear to be living a more and more inactive life. They drive a car instead of walk, sit instead of stand and watch instead of participate. Such type of inactivity or sedentary life is detrimental to mental and physical health. Thus, there is great need for physical education as a part of balanced living.

    The importance or benefits of physical education include the following aspects:

    • Physical education is needed because due to advanced technology the lifestyle of people becomes sedentary and they become passive entertainers.

    • Physical education is needed during elementary and secondary education for proper growth and development.

    • It is beneficial during adulthood to maintain good health and fitness.

    • Physical education is important to prevent and treat various ailments and diseases.

    • It is important as it provides us the knowledge of our bodies from musculoskeletal, physiological and biochemical point of view.

    • It teaches us various physical activities such as motor skills for the games and sports of volleyball, tennis, swimming and so on.

    • It also teaches us the value of ethical behavior in sporting situations.

    • It teaches us the value of physical fitness and how to become physically fit.

    • It is important for aesthetic reasons as by participation in physical fitness programmes like gymnastics and dance, beauty and grace are cultivated in the movement.

    • Physical education helps to prevent juvenile delinquency.

    Thus, physical education helps to make an individual physically fit, mentally alert, emotionally balanced, socially well-adjusted, morally true and spiritually uplifted. Physical education helps to make an individual a good citizen who is able to make contribution in process of nation in one’s way.
    Sports Training

    The word «Training» has been a part of human language since ancient times. It denotes the process of preparation for some task. This process invariably extends to a number of days and even months and years. The term «Training» is widely used in sports. There is, however, some disagreement among sports coaches and also among sports scientists regarding the exact meaning of this word. Some experts, especially belonging to sports medicine, understand sports training as basically doing physical exercises.

    Sport training is done for improving sports performance. The sports performance, as any other type of human performance, is not the product of a single system or aspect of human personality. On the contrary, it is the product of the total personality of the sports person. The personality of a person has several dimensions e.g., physical, physiological, social and psychic. In order to improve sports performance, the social and psychic capacities of the sports person also have to be improved in addition to the physical and physiological ones. In other words, the total personality of a sportsman has to be improved in order to improve his performance. Sport training, therefore, directly and indirectly aims at improving the personality of the sportsman. No wonder, therefore, sports training is an educational (i.e., pedagogical) process.

    There are several different training methods that can be used to improve ability in different sports. The different types of training involve activities that last for different periods of time. Anaerobic exercise lasts for a brief duration while aerobic exercise lasts much longer.

    There are many different styles of exercise, hundreds of different ways to train the body. The types of training methods are as follows:

    Strength Training: Strength training or resistance training as it is often referred to is about increasing or maintaining muscle mass and keeping bone density. Muscles and bone are what keep our whole body up, without a healthy skeletal system we cannot run, walk, or even stand effectively. Strength training is essential for everyone.

    Cardiovascular Training: Cardio refers to the heart, the engine that keeps this whole machine we call our body running. Without a strong, healthy heart and vascular system we run a very high risk of death.

    Circuit Training: Circuit training is a combination of both Strength training and Cardio training. The idea is tо challenge the muscles with resistance then add short bursts of cardio to keep the heart rate elevated between sets or at the end of each circuit.

    Flexibility Training: Most people do not understand the importance of flexibility. When the muscles are stretched properly they can help improve posture, reduce muscle soreness and increase blood and nutrients to tissues.

    Post Rehabilitation Training: Posture Post rehab is an essential time to continue your training program. Most people end their sessions with their physiotherapists and forget to continue to strengthen and stretch their injury.

    Sports Specific Training: The goal behind sports specific training is not only to prepare the athlete for effective play, but to also keep the body healthy and functional as whole.
    What Athletes Do

    You are already an athlete if you play sports on school teams, at recess, or with the kids on your block after class. You are also an athlete if you enjoy running, playing golf, or simply staying fit by exercising. But there are another type of athletes who play sports as their job. They are known as professional athletes.

    Professional athletes are the top players in their sports. Some athletes play individual sports in which one person plays, or competes, against another, individual sports include tennis and golf. Other athletes play team sports, such as football, basketball, soccer, and hockey. There are some sports that are both individual and team efforts. Two examples are gymnastics and wrestling. In these sports, athletes often compete individually toward a total team score.

    To prepare for sporting events, professional athletes practice for hours each day. Sometimes they even practice year round. In addition, they train and exercise their bodies to increase their strength, speed, coordination (the ease which you move your body), and endurance (your ability to not get tired when exercising). They work with coaches, instructors, managers, and other athletes.

    Successful professional athletes have much more than just athletic talent. From the time they were young, they were willing to work very hard to build and improve their skills. They never quit trying no matter how many times they failed in their sport or were told they wouldn’t make it to the professional level.

    All professional athletes must travel to play or compete. Baseball, basketball, football, and hockey players compete in stadiums all over the United States and Canada. Tennis players and soccer teams travel all over the world. Some athletes like traveling. They get to see new places and meet new people. Other athletes don’t enjoy traveling as much because they miss their families or for other reasons.

    Athletes play both indoors and outdoors. For example, basketball players play indoors in comfortable temperatures. Baseball players may have to play in very hot or very cold weather, but they do not play in heavy rain. Football players often compete outdoors in all kinds of weather, including below- zero temperatures.

    Crowds, or spectators, act differently depending on the sport. The crowds at baseball and football games are often very loud. They get excited and cheer loudly for their teams. At tennis and golf matches, on the other hand, spectators are expected to stay quiet.

    Professional athletes work for private and public ownership groups throughout the United States and Canada. At the highest male professional level, there are 32 National Football League franchises, 30 Major League Baseball franchises, 30 national Basketball Association franchises, 30 National Hockey League franchises, and 15 Major League Soccer franchises. The Women’s National Basketball Association has 13 franchises. Professional athletes also compete in foreign countries.


    • Start playing sports as much and as early as possible. Most junior high and high schools have well- established programs in team and individual sports.

    • Participate in community sports programs, such as those offered by your local YMCA/ YMCA or park district.

    • Follow the careers of athletes in the sport you want to play. Watch them play and study their technique and style.

    • Read biographies of athletes you admire to find out how they started out and how they became professionals.

    Education and Training.

    Each sport has its own training and educational requirements. Successful athletes usually start competing in their sport in junior high school. Almost all athletes perform for years as amateurs before they become professionals. As amateurs, they do not receive pay, but they do receive living and training expenses.

    In professional team sports, teams get the opportunity to choose, or draft, players. In most individual sports, athletes begin competing when they believe they are good enough to win and meet other requirements.

    Most professional athletes have very short careers. For a football player, the average is four years as a professional. It is important that all athletes have some training for another career. A college education helps athletes improve their skills in their sport and play in front of talent scouts. It also prepares them for other careers when their professional sports careers are over.


    The number of jobs for professional athletes will not increase greatly. There will continue to be strong competition because only the best athletes can play at the professional level. Athletes can also work as coaches, managers, broadcasters, teachers, or trainers.
    Athletic Trainers

    What Athletic Trainers Do

    If you play sports long enough, you might end up spraining your ankle, straining a muscle, or hurting yourself in another way. But when you hurt, or injure, yourself, an athletic trainer is usually nearby to help you.

    Athletic trainers help athletes stay healthy and avoid injuries. They work with injured athletes to get them back into competitive shape. The professional athletic trainer may work with a team of physicians, physical therapists, and dietitians to plan a program of health maintenance for team athletes. Their main goal is to help athletes stay competitive and fit. The trainer’s program includes exercise, weight lifting, relaxation techniques, and a controlled diet (healthy foods that will make them strong).

    If an athlete is injured, the trainer is in charge of treating the injury and helping the athlete get better. Athletic trainers work with physicians and coaches to decide if the athlete should continue to play or not. Where the athlete is to compete, how important the event, and how serious the injury are all factors in the decision. For example, a trainer may decide to let a runner continue training with a sprained ankle if the Olympics trials are days away. If there is only a small competition coming up, the trainer may advise the athlete to take a few weeks off to recover. The trainer designs a series of exercises that rebuild strength without hurting or straining the injured area. Being involved into the sport, a person communicates with a coach in many ways – as a teacher, as an athlete, as a psychologist and so on. The knowledge of dealing with future athletes in everyday routine is, of course, a result of hard work and specific talent which a coach should be marked to.

    Sports coaches assist athletes in developing to their full potential. They are responsible for training athletes in a sport by analyzing their performances, instructing in relevant skills and by providing encouragement. But you are also responsible for the guidance of the athletes in life and their chosen sport. Therefore, role of the coach will be many and varied, from instructor, assessor, friend, mentor, facilitator, demonstrator, adviser, supporter, fact finder, motivator, counselor, organizer, planner and the Fountain of all Knowledge.

    In relation to sport, the role of the coach is to create the right conditions for learning and to find ways to motivating the athletes. Most athletes are highly motivated and therefore the task is to maintain that motivation and to generate excitement and enthusiasm. The coach will need to be able to: assist athletes to prepare training programs, communicate effectively with athletes, assist athletes to develop new skills, use evaluation tests to monitor training process and predict performance.

    Sports coaches are responsible for getting sporting teams or individuals ready to compete, and even guide them through their event. Extra duties may include recruiting players, developing game strategies, and teaching the skills of the sport. A coach requires good planning and organization skills.

    Coaches come from a wide range of areas from ex-competitors, parents, teachers and even fans, all with one thing in common – a passion for coaching.

    To get into coaching, you can start off gaining experience in a club or a sport school. This way your skills can develop as your team develops, and over time you can learn and grow your own style of coaching.

    In addition to getting firsthand experience, you should also complete coaching courses. It is also possible to gain qualifications from university level courses in sports coaching, as well as exercise physiology, psychology and biomechanics, which can only enhance your coaching knowledge.

    Mentoring is another way to move forward in your coaching. Many great coaches were one’s assistants to another great coach, where they were able to use their mentor as a sounding board for ideas and questions on coaching, and to mould some of their coaching style and skills into their own.
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