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Английский для бакалавров (ЧАСТЬ 1). Учебное пособие Часть i тула 1999 предислови е настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, продолжающих изучение английского языка в неязыковом вузе на этапе общебакалаврской подготовки

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НазваниеУчебное пособие Часть i тула 1999 предислови е настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, продолжающих изучение английского языка в неязыковом вузе на этапе общебакалаврской подготовки
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Unit 10

G r a m m a r: 

1. Sequence of Tenses

2. Direct and Indirect Speech

T e x t s:

A. Information Age: For and Against

B. Computer System

C. A message from the President

D. Hard Disk Troubles

E. The new way of looking at things: Multi Sync monitors 

C o n v e r s a t i o n:

Let's dream of AI

Г р а м м а т и ч е с к и й м а т е р и а л

1. Sequence of Tenses

(Согласование времен)

Правило согласования времен заключается в зависимости времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного. Если сказуемое в главном предложении стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, в придаточном предложении употребляется любое время, которое требуется по смыслу, например:

I suppose he is there.

I suppose that you were present at the last conference.

I suppose that you will be present at the conference.


Я полагаю, что он там. 

Я полагаю, что вы присутствовали на прошлой конференции. 

Я полагаю, что вы будете присутствовать на конференции.

Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени, то сказуемое дополнительного придаточного предложения должно быть выражено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени.

а) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает действие (или состояние), одновременное с действием глагола в главном предложении, то глагол придаточного предложения ставится в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.

На русский язык глагол придаточного предложения, передающий одновременность действия, переводится глаголом в настоящем времени:

Не said that he worked much. 

Не said that he was working at his design.


Он сказал, что много работает.

Он сказал, что работает над своим проектом.

б) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает действие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному глаголом главного предложения, то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в форме Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous и переводится на русский язык глаголом в прошедшем времени:

Не said that he had finished his design. 

Не said that he had been working for more than an hour when we arrived.


Он сказал, что (уже) закончил свой проект. 

Он сказал, что он уже работал более часа, когда мы пришли.


Если время совершения действия придаточного предложения точно определено (год, число, день, неделя), то глагол в придаточном предложении может стоять и в Past Indefinite, например:

Не said he arrived at 7. Он сказал, что приехал в 7 часов.

в) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает действие, будущее по отношению к глаголу главного предложения, то он употребляется в одной из форм Future-in-the-Past:

Не said he would translate the article. 

Не said he would be translating it till 5 o'clock.

Не said he would have translated this text by the end of the lesson.


Он сказал, что переведет статью. 

Он сказал, что будет переводить ее до 5 часов.

Он сказал, что переведет этот текст к концу урока.

2. Direct and Indirect Speech

Прямая речь


Косвенная речь

Не says, "We are reading."

He said, "We are reading." 

I said, "She will come at 5."


He says (that) they are reading. 

He said (that) they were reading.

I said (that) she would come at 5.

Запомните !

1) При переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, соблюдаются все правила последовательности времен.

2) При переводе прямой речи в косвенную глагол to say, имеющий при себе дополнение с предлогом to, обычно заменяется глаголом to tell, за которым всегда следует беспредложное дополнение:

She said to me, "I have finished my work."


She told me she had finished her work.

3) Если прямая речь представляет собой общий вопрос, то в косвенной речи дополнительное придаточное предложение имеет прямой порядок слов и вводится союзами whether или if:

Не asked me, "Do you know English?" 

She asked him, ''Are you busy?"


He asked me whether (if) 1 knew


She asked him whether (if) he was busy.

4) Если прямая речь представляет собой специальный вопрос, то в косвенной речи дополнительное придаточное предложение имеет прямой порядок слов и присоединяется к главному при помощи вопросительных слов, которые становятся союзными словами:

Не asked, "Where do you live?" She asked them, "What are you doing?"

I asked him, "When will you go there?"


He asked me where 1 lived.

She asked them what they were doing.

I asked him when he would go there.


В дополнительных придаточных предложениях, вводимых союзом when, будущее время не заменяется настоящим, как в придаточных предложениях условия и времени.

5) Если прямая речь представляет собой побудительное предложение, то в косвенной речи глагол, стоявший в повелительном наклонении, употребляется в форме инфинитива, причем приказание обычно выражается глаголами to tell, to order, to offer, а просьба - глаголами to ask, to beg, to implore:

The teacher said to us, "Stop writing!" 

She said to Peter, "Take my book." He said, "Give me this book, please."


The teacher told us to stop writing. 

She offered Peter to take her book. He asked me to give him that book.

Запомните !

Кроме изменения формы глагола, в придаточном предложении при обращении прямой речи в косвенную происходит следующая замена наречий места, времени и указательных местоимений:

Прямая речь


Косвенная речь

now сейчас

here здесь

this, these это,этот, эти

today сегодня

tomorrow завтра

yesterday вчера

next week / year на следующей неделе / на будущий год

last week на прошлой неделе

last year впрошлом году

then тогда

there там

that/those то, тот, те

that day втот день

(the) next day, the following day на следующий день

the day before, the previous day накануне

the next week / year, the following week / year на следующей неделе / в следующем году

the previous week за неделю до

the year before загод до


I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the sequence of tenses.


1. He said that his friends lived near the railway station. 2. My friend said he had a good dictionary. 3. They knew that the students were organizing a meeting. 4. Our teacher said that the term "engineering" had many Russian equivalents. 5. The teacher was glad that the students were listening to him so attentively. 6. He was told that his friend was a good driver. 7. I thought you spoke Russian. 8. I knew he was a historical person. 9. I thought the seafront was a long way from the hotel. 10. He said the embankment was worth seeing. 11. I wasn't sure the book was worth reading. 12. The speaker said it was a historic discovery. 13. Did you say it was a historical novel ? 14. He asked where he could exchange dollars for the local currency. 15. He said the matter was hardly worth troubling about. 16. The buyers found that the goods met all their requirements. 17. They wrote that they required ten more machines.


1. I knew that the students had organized a meeting. 2. The students said they had finished all their drawings. 3. He told us that all his drawings had been signed. 4. The teacher wanted to know how many students had joined the English circle. 5. I didn't know Mr Carter had taken over as finance manager. 6. He told us they'd had a very useful exchange of opinions. 7. It was really surprising how the rate of exchange had gone up.


1. Everybody knew that the project would require a great effort. 2. They wrote that a new stock exchange would be established in the near future. *З. They said the reconstruction would require more time and money if a few changes weren't made in the project. 4. They wrote they would send another fax after they spoke to the representative of the sellers. 5. He was sure the matter would be settled after we had another discussion. 6. They told us they would let us know their decision as soon as their finance director came back from his holiday. 7. They said they wouldn't be able to give a definite answer till they received a telex from their partner.


Согласование времен распространяется и на временное или условное предложение, следующее за дополнительным придаточным.

Не said (that) he would phone us as soon as he got to London.

She said she would visit us if she had enough time.


Он сказал, что позвонит нам, как только приедет в Лондон. 

Она сказала, что навестит нас, если у нее будет время.

II. Use the verb in brackets in the correct tense form.

1. I thought that you (to arrive) at some decision. 2. We didn’t remember that he (to repeat) that speech from memory. 3. He believed that a fine memory (to be) absolutely necessary for that post. 4. He promised that he (to give) a lecture in the near future. 5. We know that you (to come) with excellent recommendations. 6. We agreed that the goods (to be packed) in wooden boxes. 7. The director hoped the film (to be) a success. 8. I wasn’t sure I (to get through – дозвониться) to them at once. 9. She thought we (to wait) for her. 10. He said he always (to remember) his first day at the University. 11. He told me that we (to install) a new computer of the latest model on the following day. 12. I thought I (to achieve) good results if up-to-date techniques were used. 13. He said the purpose of his visit (to be) to talk about cultural exchanges for the next few years. 14. They were told the experiment (to begin) if nothing changed.

III. Translate into English.

1. Я думаю, что это хорошая идея. 2. Я подумал, что это хорошая идея. 3. Мы знаем, что эти культурные связи все еще существуют. 4. Мы знали, что эти культурные связи все еще существуют. 5. Они пишут, что поселились на берегу моря. 6. Они написали, что поселились на берегу моря. 7. Мы знаем, что этот форт все еще существует. 8. Мы знали, что этот форт все еще существует. 9. Он говорит, что строительство потребует много денег? 10. Он сказал, что строительство потребует много денег? 11. Он говорит, что это только предварительное решение. 12. Он сказал, что это только предварительное решение. 13. Он пишет, что у них уже были предварительные обсуждения. 14. Он сказал, что у них уже были предварительные обсуждения. 15. Они пишут, что сравнили результаты и обсудят их в ближайшем будущем. 16. Они написали, что сравнили результаты и обсудят их в ближайшем будущем. 17. Он говорит, что заменит сломанную деталь (part) новой. 18. Он сказал, что заменит сломанную деталь новой. 19. Он надеется, что установит новый мировой рекорд. 20. Он надеялся, что установит новый мировой рекорд. 21. Он был уверен, что они купят эту модель, если цена не будет очень высокой. 22. Он сказал, что мы поговорим об этом, когда он вернется из отпуска.

IV. Give the appropriate forms of the verbs instead of the infinitives.


1. We know that you (to come) with excellent recommendations. 2. We are glad to take this young specialist on as he (to have) some experience in lab techniques. 3. I know this professor quite well, as he (to be) my scientific adviser. 4. Before Erik came to the University, it never (to occur) to him to work in the field of nuclear physics. 5. By the time Haviland arrived at the Foxes' Maxwell (to tell) Erik about Haviland's work in England. 6. "When you arrive I (to take) the regular courses of classical physics and quantum mechanics," said Erik. 7. By the end of the next semester he (to take) his Ph. D. 8. Before Erik arrived at the Foxes' apartment, some members of the staff (to discuss) the schedule of work for all the assistants.


1. My adviser (to give) me excellent advice and I am going to follow it. 2. Yesterday he (to advise) me to meet the new members of the staff. 3. Last year he (to be) responsible for my undergraduate teaching. 4. By the end of the previous term the students (to master) the necessary lab techniques. 5. To-morrow Professor N. (to give) us a lecture on quantum mechanics. 6. By the time we began to do research we (to master) lab techniques.

V. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.


1. He has just said, “I want to speak to you”. 2. She said, “I have been very ill, but I am feeling much better”. 3. He said, “She is going abroad next month”. 4. Then she added, “I have been waiting for you since two o’clock”. 5. He promised, “I’ll come as soon as I can”. 6. She tried to explain, “I’m afraid I can’t go there now but I’ll probably be able to go there tomorrow”. 7. He said, “We were just discussing the terms of the agreement when the telephone call interrupted us”. 8. He went on insisting, “The counterparts will agree to our new price if we send them a fax immediately”.


1. He said, “The price must include the cost of packing”. 2. Everybody insisted, “You ought to congratulate your uncle on this occasion”. 3. The coach said to me, “You should wait until the weather changes”. 4. They asked me, “Could you take a message?” 5. Then she added, “I would like to take part in the beauty contest”.


При обращении прямой речи в косвенную глагол в придаточных дополнительных предложениях не изменяется:

а) если глагол главного предложения стоит в одном из настоящих или будущих времен.

We have learned (that) they will come to Moscow soon.

b) если глагол в прямой речи стоит в Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous или является одним из модальных глаголов: must, could, might, should, would.

Direct Speech


Reported Speech

"We had finished our work by six o'clock."

"Could you come later?"


They informed their chief (that) they had finished their work by six o'clock.

She asked me if I could come later.

c) если в прямой речи указывается точное время совершения действия или общеизвестный факт.

Direct Speech


Reported Speech

"I was in England in 1972." 

The sun rises in the East.


He said he was in England in 1972. The teacher explained to the children (that) the sun rises in the East.

VI. Put the following sentences into indirect speech with the introducing verb in the Past Tense. (Vary the introducing verb).

a) He said, told us, stated, declared, etc.

1. I have never been here before. 2. She is sorry he didn’t come yesterday. 3. He will answer the letter when he gets the information. 4. She must go there at once if she still wants to see him. 5. You have been very generous today. 6. I expect to hear some news tomorrow, I’ll tell you if I do.

b) He asked, wanted to know, didn’t know, wondered, etc.

1. Is she invited to the party ? 2. Do you know when she will arrive in Moscow ? 3. Must we be here by six or can we come a bit later ? 4. Does the doctor allow you to smoke ? 5. Shall we have our meal now ? 6. Where shall we meet tonight ? 7. Why are you insisting on it ? 8. What exhibition did you visit last week ? 9. Who must follow these instructions ? 10. How can I fasten the belt ? 11. Why did you make up your mind to take part in the conference ? 12. Will the new project require a great effort if we change the preliminary schedule ?

VII. Practise the following table. Turn the following direct questions into Indirect Speech.

I’d like to know

The teacher asked

I can’t imagine

The receptionist asked

My friend wondered

The policeman tried to find out

Don’t you know

Can you guess

Did you find out












Which of you has read “Pygmalion” ?

Who is the author of the book ?

What is wrong with our agreement ?

How do you always manage to remember the dates ?

Have you anything to ask ?

Is anything wrong with your car ?

Why have you exceeded the speed limit ?

Aren’t you sorry ?

Who did it depend on ?

Will Friday suit everybody ?

Has he changed his mind ? 

VIII. Fill in the blanks with prepositions wherever necessary:

He asked - who you were looking …

- what family she came …
- what book (article) the extract was taken …
- what literary trend this poet belonged …
- if our school-mate was going to marry … Helen.
- why I was smiling … her.
- what subjects I took special interest …
- who she had fallen in love…

IX. Practise sentences below using Indirect Speech and translate each sentence into Russian.


1. “When must he be back ?” I wondered. 2. “How much time is left ?” he asked. 3. “Who is the first to speak?” the teacher asked. 4. “How many of you took part in the discussion ?” she wanted to know. 5. He asked, “Why can’t a definite answer be given soon ?” 6. She tried to find out, “How long will it take you to make preliminary arrangements ?” 7. “Which of you would like to join us ?” he asked. 8. I was asked, “How far’s the bus stop ?” 9. The policeman asked, “What’s the matter ?” 10. We asked him, “How did it happen ?” 11. The host wondered, “Why are you leaving so soon ?”


1. The manager asked, “Does the appointed time suit everybody ?” 2. She asked me, ”Have you been learning English for five years ?” 3. I asked a salesman, “Can you guarantee that the computer will be delivered next week ?”

  Р А Б О Т А С Т Е К С Т О М

Text A. Information Age: For and Against


We are now living in the twentieth century in which various kinds of technology have been developed and are being developed. Some examples of these are computers, videotelephones, computerised television, and satellite systems. People have benefited and are benefiting from these kinds of technology. I'm sure the life in the nearest future will be more exciting and comfortable.

It is common now to have a computer at home. Home computers plugged into phone lines become powerful tools of knowledge because they are connected to libraries, universities and major research institutions. A specialist is able to locate the latest facts and get new information.

'Smart' TVs provided with new satellite systems are changing. Soon will be available as many as half a thousand channels. Home shopping programmes will allow viewers to shop everything from a yacht to a loaf of bread. Travel services, weather reports, video games, financial services, any kind of educational courses will be available at the touch of a button. The possibilities are almost endless.

By combining the technologies of computers, telephones, and television and then finding new methods of storing and transmitting data it will be possible to transport any information to every home.

Meanwhile, the time saved by not having to travel from one place to another for information, goods, and services can be used for rest, recreation, and education. The quality of life will be surely improved. The world will certainly become a more interesting place in which to live.


We have a very comfortable life because of modern technology, but it has created some negative aspects. I do not support the idea of having advanced technology because it takes away time from reading and thinking. Before television, people used to read, think, and converse. They had the time to look at their lives and values. Today, people prefer to watch exciting things on video and television. Students today belong to the 'TV generation', few of them find time to read books, journals, and newspapers.

Another negative aspect, to my mind is computerised service. If most services are computerised, it will be easy for others to get information about a person. For example, the use of a credit card number to pay bills or go shopping can take away your privacy. Someone can easily find out what you bought and what you paid for it. This can also lead to others using your credit card number, or, in other words, theft.


satellite, n


to benefit,

извлекать пользу

to excite, v


to plug into, v

вставлять, встраивать

tool, n


major, adj.


research, n

научное исследование

to locate, v

определить местонахождение

to provide (with), v

обеспечивать, снабжать

to be available

быть доступным

viewer, n


financial, adj.


to touch, v

касаться, трогать

button, n


to combine, v

сочетать, соединять

to store, v

хранить, запоминать

storage, n

память (в компьютере)

to transmit, v


data, мн. ч. (datum, ед. ч.), n


meanwhile, adv.

между тем

to save, v

спасать, экономить

to create, v


recreation, n

развлечение, отдых

to improve, v

улучшать, усовершенствовать

to support, v


to advance, v

продвигать, развивать

to converse, v


values, n


to belong to, v


generation, n


privacy, n

секретность, тайна

to find out, v


to pay (for), v


theft, n


I. Read the following international words. Try to guess their meanings.

Technology, computer, video, telephone, television, system, comfortable, line, university, specialist, channel, program, yacht, service, report, game, financial, course, combine, method, transport, information, interesting, modern, negative, aspect, idea, journal, person, credit, lead.

II. Find in the text the verbs of the same root.

Benefit, plug, connection, local, provision, combination, transmission, transport (-ation), improvement, creation, conversation, support, computer, payment, leader, development, shop.

III. Write the four forms of the verbs.

To lead, to pay, to get, to buy, to take, to find, to read, to think, to become, to know.

IV. Find antonyms to the following words:

same, furthest, uncomfortable, powerless, old, unavailable, unable, nothing, impossible, to worsen, positive, out-of-date, tiring, to lose, hard, to waste.

V. Suggest Russian renderings for:

1. It is common now to have a computer at home. 2. Home computers plugged into phone lines become powerful tools of knowledge. 3. Soon will be available as many as half a thousand channels. 4. … any kind of educational courses will be available at the touch of a button. 5. Meanwhile, the time saved by not having to travel from one place to another for information, goods and services can be used for rest, recreation and education. 6. The world will certainly become a more interesting place in which to live.

VI. Give the English equivalents from the text for the following:

любой образовательный курс; финансовые услуги; в ближайшем будущем; сейчас принято; средства получения информации; туристическое обслуживание; почти безграничны; методы хранения и передачи информации; благодаря современной технологии; она отнимает время у …; по-моему; оплачивать счета.

VII. Translate the following sentences. Pay special attention to used to (to say that something regularly happened in the past but no longer happens). Used to + infinitive is always past. There is no present. The normal question form is “Did … use to ?”

1. He used to be good at programming but then he gave it up. 2. He didn’t use to take interest in computing until he came across a new software product. 3. Before television, people used to read, think and converse. 4. Now she is not able to get information as soon as she used to. 5. Did you use to play video games when you were a child ? 6. It’s unbelievable that long ago people used to live without PCs. 7. Unfortunately I am not so skillful as I used to be. 8. I don’t type as well as I used to. My injury is to blame. 9. He used to waste a lot of time in front of the telly but now he spends all his spare time trying to access Internet / Intranet and graphics applications.

VIII. Pick out from the text the verbs in:

    • Present Indefinite (Active, Passive)

    • Present Continuous (Active, Passive)

    • Present Perfect (Active, Passive)

    • Future Indefinite (Active, Passive)

IX. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do home computers become powerful tools of knowledge ? 2. How will the quality of television viewing improve ? 3. Do you think the possibilities of the advanced technology will bring people together or isolate them ? 4. Are there any advantages of having lots of TV channels ? 5. What do you think we mean by saying “TV generation” ? 6. Do you waste as much time watching TV as you used to when you were a schoolboy (schoolgirl) ? 7. What do you think of advanced technology ? Are you for or against it ?

X. Say in English:

1. Я уверен, что жизнь в ближайшем будущем будет более интересна и комфортабельна. Возможности новых технологий практически безграничны. 2. Компьютер в доме стал обычным явлением. Домашний компьютер, подключенный к телефонной сети, становится мощным источником получения любой информации. 3. Становится доступной связь с библиотеками, университетами, исследовательскими учреждениями. 4. Телевизор, обеспеченный спутниковой связью, позволит телезрителям купить практически любую вещь, от яхты до булки хлеба, не выходя из дома. 5. Исчезает необходимость тратить время в поисках информации. Сэкономленное время можно использовать для отдыха, развлечений или образования. 6. Конечно, жизнь в современном мире достаточно комфортабельна, однако она порождает и некоторые отрицательные моменты. 7. Раньше, когда не было телевидения, люди читали, размышляли, беседовали друг с другом. Сегодня они предпочитают развлекаться, смотря видеофильмы и телевизионные шоу. Мало кто находит время для чтения книг, журналов и газет.

XI. Compose a story. Produce your point of view on the problem of the information age. Try to explain whether you are for or against. Give reasons. Use the following:

to my mind; as far as I know; I think that …; I would like to mention that …; it seems to me; as far as I am concerned; in my opinion; it goes without saying …; to begin with; by the way; in this way; to some extent; if I am not mistaken.

Text B. Computer System

A computer system is made up of five fundamental units. The central part of a computer is the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU includes 2 units: the Control Unit (CU), and the Arithmetic-Logical Unit (ALU).

The Arithmetic-Logical Unit is the "brain" of the computer system. It performs the most important operations of a computer system - arithmetic and logical operations on the data.

On the other hand, the Control Unit functions more like a "house master". It decides the sequence of operations for the system. It generates and manages all control signals to streamlining the operations and flow of data within the ALU.

Memory module is the next part of a computer system. 'The memory of the computer is used to store information. Several types of memories are normally present in a computer system. These two basic types of memories are respectively known as ROM (Read Only Memory) or RAM (Random Access Memory). Secondary memories can reside externally to the computer. A typical example would be diskettes.

The last part of a computer system is the input /output - module. The input - module supplies data to the ALU. It can be, for example, a keyboard. The output - module on the other hand displaysto the outside world the data exiting from the ALU. A familiar example is the video display unit (VDU).

Personal computer systems are used now on a wide scale.

The basic components of a personal computer consist of the system unit, the keyboard, the video display unit, the printer and optionally the mouse. They can be easily connected and ready to be used in a matter of minutes.

The system unit contains a 16 / 24 / 32 - bit microprocessor, the two diskette drives housed in a single table - top unit. The system unit is powered from a standard 230 - volt ac grounded wall outlet.

The computer system has two modes: alphanumeric (A / N) or text mode and graphics mode.

A few words about A / N mode.

In text mode, it supports either a 40 / 25 or an 80 / 25 display format. Each character is format in an 8 / 8 character box. Characters can be black or white or displayed in colour with 8 background colours and 16 foreground colours. Multiple pages of text may also be stored in the adapter.

The display adapter card contains ROM character generator that provides 256 characters for displaying on the screen. In addition to the standard 96 ASCII characters, there are special characters for supporting games and text processing, plus international character and symbols, line graphics, scientific notations and Greek characters.

Each display character position is defined by two bytes in the adapter 16K RAM. One byte is for the display character code byte, which is the ASCII character code and the second byte is the attribute.

Thus, for the 80 column per 25 rows display, it's required 4000 bytes.

The second possible mode is a graphics mode. The adapter card has two graphics modes - a 320 / 200 four colour mode and a 640 / 200 monochrome mode. In the 320 / 200 mode, each dot on the screen can be programmed with any of the four colours.

The 320 / 200 medium resolution mode uses 16000 bytes of memory, organised in 4 pixels horizontally per byte. The screen is divided into two buffers, the first 8K buffer holding data for the even lines and the second hold data for the odd lines. Each pixel on the screen is defined by two bits

The 640 / 200 high resolution mode requires 16Kb. Every bit is mapped to a pixel on the screen. So, one byte will represent 8 pixels on the screen.

The personal computer can be connected to either 84-keys or 101-keys keyboard.

The 84-keys keyboard is a AT / XT compatible keyboard. It is changeable to the AT or XT by selective switch at the back of the keyboard.

Various languages keyboards are available: English, German, Russian and others.

The 101-keys keyboard with an outside is to select XT or AT mode. It is basically an intelligent and detachable keyboard.


to process, v

to include, v

unit, n

to perform, v

brain, n

to streamline, v

flow, n

respectively, adv.

random, adj.

access, n

to reside, v

internal / external, adj.

input / output, n

to supply, v

key, n

keyboard, n

to display, v

scale, n

on a wide scale

component, n

optional, adj.

to contain , v

diskette drive

outlet, n

mode, n

color (colour), n

background, n

foreground, n

in addition to


notation, n

to define, v

row, n

to require, v

medium, adj.

resolution, n

to map, v

to represent, v

compatible, adj.

switch, n

to detach, n

even / odd, adj.



блок, устройство; единица








размещаться, находиться

внутренний / внешний

ввод / вывод


клавиша; ключ


показывать, высвечивать


в широком масштабе





штепсельная розетка




передний план








разрешающая способность, разрешение

наносить на карту;

составлять план




отделять, рассоединять

четный / нечетный

  1. Read the following international words from the text. Guess their meanings:


computer, system, byte, fundamental, central, process, control, arithmetic, logical, operation, function, master, generate (-or), signal, module, information, type, diskettes, familiar, video, personal, printer, contain, microprocessor, volt, text, graphic, character, format, adapter, position, game, international, symbol, line, notation, bit, attribute, column, monochrome, program, organize, horizontally, selective.

  1. Read and remember the following abbreviations:


I/O – input/output
R/W – read/write
A/N – alphanumeric
ALU – arithmetic/logic(al) unit
VDU – video display unit
CPU – Central Processing Unit
RAM – Random Access Memory
ROM – Read –Only Memory
DASD – Direct Access Storage Device
DBMS – Data Base Management System

арифметическое/логичес-кое устройстводисплей
центральный процессор
память с произвольной выборкойпостоянная память
ЗУ с прямым доступом
система управления базами данных

  1. Produce definitions to the following:

CPU, character, computer, data, access, instruction, magnetic tape, word, byte, bit, capacity, address, code, chip.

Use the sentences below:

1.А basic unit of a data in a computer memory. It consists of a predetermined number of characters or bits to be processed. The word “bit” is formed from the letter ”b” in the word “binary” and two letters in the word “digit”. 2.The process of acquiring information from a computer register, memory or peripheral unit. 3. One of the elementary operations which can be performed by a computer. 4.The mechanical, magnetic, electronic and electrical devices or components of a computer. 5.The part of a computing system which obtains instructions from the memory and interprets them as well as performs the actual operations. 6.A collection of numeric, alphabetic or special characters denoting facts and information. 7.Any device capable of accepting information, applying prescribed processes to the information and supplying the results of these processes, in other words, a device for performing sequences of arithmetic and logic operations. 8.One of a set of elementary symbols which may be arranged in groups to express information. The symbols may include the decimal digits 0 through 9, letters A through Z, punctuation marks and operation symbols which a computer may read, store and rite. 9.A tape with a magnetic surface on which data can be stored by selective magnetisation of portions of the surface. 10.A system of characters and rules for representing information in a language capable of being understood and used by a computer. 11.A small piece of silicon on which an integrated circuit is fabricated. 12.A unique label, name, or number that identifies a memory location. 13.The number of bits or words or bytes that can be stored. 14.The smallest unit of information within a character which can assume the values of 0 and 1.

  1. Translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the left-hand attributes:


control unit functions, memory module, input/output module, personal computer systems, video display unit, standard 230-volt ac grounded wall outlet, each display character position, adapter card, 320/200 medium resolution mode, first 8K buffer, 640/200 high resolution mode, 101 – keys keyboard, at/xt compatible keyboard, various languages keyboard.

  1. Fill in the table according to the pattern:































  3. Translate the sentences below. Pay attention to the meanings of the following words:
    a) a result - результат, следствие
    as a result - в результате
    to result in - приводить к
    to result from - вытекать из ....; являться результатом

1.After performing computations a computer displays the results. 2.The development of cybernetics has resulted in growing application of various computers. 3.These data result from the comparison operation. 4.As a result, solving such problems will save human lives. 5.He reported the results of the experiment made by means of a general-purpose computer. 6.The importance of computing machines results from their ability to process information in an extremely short time.

b) rather - довольно, до некоторой степени, скорее
rather than -а не..., вместо того, чтобы; скорее чем

1. These measurements require rather high accuracy. 2.The speedometer reads the instantaneous velocity of a car rather than the average one. 3.This graph is plotted rather for an object moving with uniform velocity. 4.In case of varying values an analog computer rather than a digital one should be used.

c) way - путь, способ
way out - выход (из положения)
in this way - таким образом
by the way - между прочим
the other way round - наоборот

1. The only way of solving this complicated problem is to use a computer. 2. In this way, the difference in the design of these computing machines is the difference in their functions. 3. It should be always remembered that the machine serves man, and not the other way round. 4. By the way, some decades ago the principle use of computers was in the area of applied mathematics. 5. There is no better way of raising productivity than by applying modern electronic computers. 6. In this way, the crystal acts as a switch and “remembers” the light impulses. 7. One of the ways of storing information in a computer is storing by using a set of small magnetically polarised spots (пятна) on a magnetic surface. 8. The only possible way out is to simulate the situation by means of a computer.

d) term - термин; срок; семестр
to term - называть
in terms of - с точки зрения; на языке; в терминах

1.Technically, the term microprocessor has come to mean the central processing unit of a small computer system. 2.A code can be written in terms of automatic language for then it is easy to make changes in it. 5.A program may be termed a routine or code as they are synonyms. 4.If the language being described is called simply "the language", then the language in terms of which the description is being made is called "metalanguage”. 5.Computers are best understood in terms of their real capabilities.

e) a number -число; количество; номер
to number - насчитывать
a number of - pяд, множество

1.If the code for number 3 is stored in register R, the operation will be perfomed by the computer 3 times. 2.A number of computing devices were arranged in our laboratory. 5.An instruction word looks like a number and there is no way to tell from the word itself whether it is a quantity or an instruction.

f) consideration -рассмотрение, обсуждение; соображение
to take into consideration - принимать во внимание
under consideration - рассматриваемый, обсуждаемый
in consideration of - принимая во внимание

1. In view of these considerations one can foresee the development of cryoelectronic memories with extremely high component densities. 2. The prime consideration in choosing this type of a computer is its lower price. 3. It should be taken into consideration that CAD reduces drafting time and effort. 4. The problem under consideration is connected with hardware of the supercomputer. 5. In consideration of advantages in speed, reliability and capacity a great deal of attention will be given to this computing machine.

  1. Put the following sentences into indirect speech with the introducing verb in the Past Tense. (Vary the introducing verb).

  1. He said, told us, stated, added, declared, reminded, mentioned, explained

  1. An up-to-date computer system is made up of five fundamental units.

  2. The ALU performs the most important operations.

  3. The two basic types of memories known respectively as ROM and RAM are designed for storing information.

  4. Diskettes would be a typical example of secondary memories.

  5. The system unit, the keyboard, the video display unit, the printer and optionally the mouse could be called the basic components of a personal computer (PC).

  6. Any computer system must have two modes: A/N or text mode and graphic mode.

  7. Characters can be black, white or displayed in colour with 8 back ground and 16 foreground colours.

  8. In addition to the standard characters there are special characters for supporting games and text processing.

  1. She asked, wanted to know, didn’t know, wondered, tried to find out, couldn’t understand.

  1. What is each display character position defined by?

  2. Can each dot on the screen be programmed with any of the four colours?

  3. How many bytes are required for the 80 column per 25 rows display?

  4. Will one byte represent 8 or 16 pixels on the screen?

  5. What kind of resolution mode used 16000 bytes of memory?

  6. Must the personal computer be connected to either 84-keys or 101-keys keyboard?

  1. Paraphrase the following questions beginning with “I wonder”

  1. Could you explain me the difference between ROM and RAM?

  2. What unit must store information?

  3. What do you mean by saying “up-to-date computer”?

  4. Will artificial intelligence be used on a wide scale in the near future?

  5. What is the system unit powered from?

Text C. A message from the President

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