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  • leading-edge, open standards technology on a variety of platforms

  • most flexible, easy-to-administer methods of software deployment

  • Text D. Hard Disk Troubles

  • Text E. The new way of looking at things

  • Read this advertisement. Try to understand the key-ideas. Reread the text and ask a friend indirect questions on the text. Use the suggested word combinations

  • Did you manage to understand … I wonder …

  • Технологии ускорения печати для ускорения работы.

  • Новый принтерный язык для ускоренного выполнения распечаток.

  • Принтерный язык Adobe PostScript Уровня 2 поставляется в качестве стандарта с принтером HP LaserJet 5M и может быть легко установлен на принтеры HP LaserJet 5 и 5N.

  • Умело спроектированная легкая для понимания панель управления с кнопкой "отмена работы" для немедленного прекращения процесса печати и кнопкой "выполнение" для разрешения некритичных проблем.

  • Опциональный инфракрасный адаптер, совместимый с IrDA, дает возможность быстрой и легкой работы без кабеля, например, с компьютерами Notebook.

  • Превосходное качество документов.

  • Let’s dream of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  • At the University of California they have been working on computers which can write stories, while IBM has developed the Epistle

  • The program, which was developed by Professor Joseph Weizenbaum, is called Eliza.

  • Английский для бакалавров (ЧАСТЬ 1). Учебное пособие Часть i тула 1999 предислови е настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, продолжающих изучение английского языка в неязыковом вузе на этапе общебакалаврской подготовки

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие Часть i тула 1999 предислови е настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, продолжающих изучение английского языка в неязыковом вузе на этапе общебакалаврской подготовки
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    Part I.

    Dear Valued Customer, since its inception in 1985, Corel has been renowned in the software industry for consistently developing innovative software and revolutionary technology. To complement our extensive line of acclaimed business applications, graphics products and Internet/intranet software, we offer an exceptional level of commitment to our corporate and government customers. We deliver on this commitment by fulfilling three core objectives.

    Corel provides customers with leading-edge, open standards technology on a variety of platforms including Java™, Windows® 95, Windows NT®, Windows® 3.1x, DOS, UNIX and Macintosh®. With our commitment to Java development, we are poised to lead the way in what is being hailed as the greatest technological shift of the decade - the Internet/intranet and the network-centric computing revolution. We are also dedicated to protecting your organisation’s current operating system investment and offering innovative technology with continued development on all of the platforms listed above.

    Corel offers one of the most flexible, easy-to-administer methods of software deployment available. Through the Corel Licence Program (CLP), Corel can effectively meet your changing software deployment needs, as your organization evolves and grows.

    Corel is also committed to minimizing your organization's information system expenditures. Through clp and products such as Corel® Office for Java™ and Corel® Office for Windows NT® Server 4.0, Corel is taking an active role in reducing organizations' software costs.

    CLP Universal™ allows medium- and large-sized organizations to take advantage of the benefits of Corel's corporate and government commitment. Combining leading-edge technology with one of the most flexible, cost-effective and easy-to-use volume licence programs in the software industry, Corel is a perfect partner for any organization looking toexcel.




    1. Read the first part of the text. Suggest Russian version for the italicised parts of sentences:

    2. Complete English sentences by adding the question given in the right-hand column.

    А) I failed to understand

    Кто написал это письмо?

    Когда была основана компания?

    Работает ли она на современном уровне?

    Каковы основные цели работы компании?

    Помогает ли компания своим клиентам работать в Internet/Intranet?

    Будет ли компания отвечать растущим требованиям клиентов?

    B) Как вы думаете?

    Do they offer an exceptional level of commitment to their corporate and government customers?

    What kind of technology does Corel provide customers with?

    Why is Corel taking an active role in reducing organizations software costs?

    Did CLP Universal allow medium- or large-sized organizations to take advantage of the benefits of Corel’s corporate and government commitment.

    Why can Corel be considered a perfect partner for any organization looking to Excel?

    C) Ask your fellow-students to answer the questions above.

    Text C

    Part II

    CLP Universal was designed to provide greater flexibility to organisations than other volume licence programs. That's because, in the software industry, where technology and users' needs change rapidly, Corel believes flexibility in licensing is essential for organisations that want to stay ahead of their competition.

    CLP Universal allows for multiplatform and multilingual licences and backward licensing at no additional charge. Users can access Corel business, Internet/intranet and graphics applications on different operating systems, in different languages or with different version numbers, making internal and external communication much easier. As well, organisations do not have to go through the purchasing process every time they need to use equivalent products on different platforms on different languages.

    Concurrent usage at no additional charge allows organisations to purchase licences for the total number of copies of the Corel application to be used simultaneously. Combined with nonconcurrent home and laptop usage at no additional charge, Corel helps customers stay connected wherever they are—in the office, on the road or at home.

    CLP Universal is designed to assist organisations as they grow, with greater discounts as they achieve greater purchase volumes. Subsidiaries and divisions of the company signing the CLP Universal Agreement also benefit from the flexibility of CLP Universal by purchasing off the parent company's agreement without having to meet a minimum purchase requirement.

    1. Answer the questions below using Indirect Speech. Be detailed in so doing.


    The verbs to be used: to declare, to insist, to add, to explain, to emphasize, to stress



    What did the President of Corel Corporation say about   a) flexibility provided to organisations?
                                                                                      b) kinds of licensing at no additional charge?
                                                                                      c) customers opportunity
                                                                                          to be connected
                                                                                          wherever they are?
                                                                                      f) discounts to be provided?
                                                                                      e) benefits provided to
                                                                                         subsidiaries and divisions
                                                                                         of the company signing the CLP
                                                                                         Universal Agreement?

    1. Retell the story as if you were a customer of Corel Corporation and give reasons for you to be one.

    Text D. Hard Disk Troubles


    Be prepared and don't panic: Many errors are not fatal; you just have to know how to deal with them.

    By Neil Randall

    Of all the problems a PC can have, none is more frightening than a hard disk error. The problem could be as easy to deal with as a few bad sectors or a loose power connector, but whenever we see anything wrong with hard disk operation, our minds conjur up the horrifying phrase "disk crash”.

    After all, most of us don't back up our data as often as we should, so a full disk crash could result in permanent losses. Even those who do regular backups will usually have to buy and install a new disk and then figure out the backup software's restore procedure. At the very least, it's a time-consuming and stressful procedure, and Murphy's Law ensures that these things happen only when. deadlines loom and stores are closed.

    Hard disks break down for the same reason cars or refrigerators break down: They're mechanical, and mechanical items are susceptible to physical problems. But hard disk failures can be more alarming, because they're more mysterious.

    First let's examine hard disk construction and operation. A hard disk comes packaged in an airtight container. This container prevents contaminants such as dirt, liquid, dust particles, and hair from coming in contact with the disk's platters, which are sealed inside. The platters themselves are composed of a substrate and a magnetic medium. The substrate, the platter's base material, is either aluminium or (more common today) glass or ceramic. The substrate material must be nonmagnetic and capable of being machined to a smooth finish.

    To allow data storage, both sides of each platter are coated with a magnetic medium, formerly magnetic oxide but now almost exclusively a layer of metal called a thin-film medium. The thin-film medium stores data in magnetic patterns, with each platter capable of storing a billion or so bits per square inch (bpsi) of platter surface. To record and retrieve data, the hard disk assembly contains read/write heads. Each platter surface (top and bottom) typically has a corresponding R/W head, with each R/W head attached to a mechanical arm and all mechanical arms attached to a pivot. With the platters rotating around a spindle and the arms precisely positioning the heads, the entire structure is reminiscent of the good old record players gathering dust in many of our basements.

    A main difference is that record turntables play only one of the stacked albums while the rest wait to drop into place, whereas in the hard disk assembly all of the platters are available at all times, and each has its own arms and R/W heads. Another difference is that the turntable's arm has no built-in intelligence; it simply holds the stylus, which is guided by the physical grooves of the album. In a hard disk assembly, the arm swings across the head according to instructions from a precise motor called an actuator; the platter itself does not guide the head. Instead, the actuator moves the R/W heads to the exact physical location of the data requested by the application.

    There is yet another difference between record players and hard disks: While the stylus touches the vinyl album, the R/W heads float a few microinches above the platter. On early disks, this distance was 10 microinches or more, but today's R/W heads float at 5 microinches. The heads ride atop the airflow caused by the spinning of the platters, and except for a couple of circumstances, they never come in contact with the platters. If they did, they would damage or even destroy the data where they landed (hence the need for ultrasmooth platters and coatings).

    The planned circumstance under which the heads touch the platters occurs when the disk stops spinning-that is, when the disk is powered off. During the spin-down period, the airflow diminishes and then stops completely, and the heads are no longer held off the platters. The unplanned circumstance occurs during a heavy shock of some sort, when the head cuts through the airflow and makes contact with the platter.

      1. Read the text using a dictionary.

      2. Make up short stories to answer the questions below. Use the lists of key words and word combinations.

    a) Why are we afraid of a hard disc error?

    to deal with, easy, break down, anything wrong, hard disc operation, crash, to horrify, for one reason or another, mechanical items, data, to be lost, failure, to have no idea of , to happen, to find out.

    b) What is your hard disc like?

    to examine, to prevent from, to be packaged, to come in contact, container, disc’s platters, to be composed, magnetic medium, substrate, to be machined, smooth finish, to store data, to be coated, a thin-film medium capable of storing a billion or so bits per square inch; R/W heard 

    c) What’s the difference between old record players and hard discs?

    to be available, assembly all of the platters, arm, build-in intelligence, to be guided by the physical grooves, to swing, according to instructions, to touch, to float, to ride, to damage, to destroy, (un-) planned circumstances 

    Text E. The new way of looking at things:

    MultiSync' monitors

    The MultiSync® M500 and M700 monitors:Outstanding picture quality thanks to new cromaclearTM Slot Mask. And lots more...

    You only need to take one look at these monitors to see what makes them stand out from the rest - a razor-sharp picture extending into every corner of the screen. An amazingly high-contrast, life-like reproduction of images, graphics and videos. Pure, brilliant colours with clearly defined intermediate tones. Not forgetting the crystal clear picture with consistent brightness over the entire information area, without annoying striping or shadows.

    Both monitors feature outstanding ergonomic design and functionality. For example, Plug&Play, the 2nd generation On Screen Manager and Opti Clear Coating are just some of the features that ensure user-friendly and productive working. Multimedia users will be thrilled by the Video Booster, Multilevel Surround Sound and built-in microphone. All in all, MultiSync® M500 and M700 are the ideal solution to meet the needs of current and future applications. NEC. Technology for People.

    1. Read this advertisement. Try to understand the key-ideas.

    2. Reread the text and ask a friend indirect questions on the text. Use the suggested word combinations:


    Can you tell me …

    Do you know …

    Do you think …

    Tell me …

    Will you tell me …

    Would you explain me …

    Did you manage to understand …

    I wonder …

    1. Prepare an advertisement of HP Laser Jet 5, 5M and 5N Printers. Use words of the texts A, B, C, D, E.

    Принтеры HP LaserJet 5, 5М и 5N сочетают в себе улучшенные характеристики и целый ряд функций и дополнительных возможностей, что в особенности подходит для небольших рабочих групп.

    Технологии ускорения печати для ускорения работы.

    Технологии ускорения печати означают более быстрый возврат в приложения и более быструю распечатку первой страницы по мере усложнения документов. Сюда входят HP PCL 6 и процессор Intel на 33 МГц, сжатие данных и получение серой шкалы с помощью аппаратного обеспечения. Комбинация этих компонент обеспечивает наиболее эффективную работу с использованием двигателя 12 страниц в минуту, при этом рабочий цикл повышается до 35,000 страниц в месяц.

    Новый принтерный язык для ускоренного выполнения распечаток.

    HP PCL 6 с обратной и прямой совместимостью обеспечивает ускоренное выполнение распечаток, в особенности распечаток сложных документов с большим количеством графики.

    Принтерный язык Adobe PostScript Уровня 2 поставляется в качестве стандарта с принтером HP LaserJet 5M и может быть легко установлен на принтеры HP LaserJet 5 и 5N.

    Простые в понимании, простые в управлении.

    Умело спроектированная легкая для понимания панель управления с кнопкой "отмена работы" для немедленного прекращения процесса печати и кнопкой "выполнение" для разрешения некритичных проблем.

    Сообщения на языках, выбранных пользователем, обеспечивают простую для понимания информацию о статусе принтера.

    Опциональный инфракрасный адаптер, совместимый с IrDA, дает возможность быстрой и легкой работы без кабеля, например, с компьютерами Notebook.

    Решение, которое будет отвечать вашим растущим потребностям.

    Слоты SIMM дают возможность увеличения стандартной памяти (4 МБ на HP LaserJet 5 и 5N, 6 МБ на HP LaserJet 5M) до 52 МБ (38 МБ на HP LaserJet 5M), также может быть добавлена энергонезависимая "флаш" память для постоянного хранения форм, шрифтов и графики.

    Превосходное качество документов.

    Действительное разрешение 600 х 600 точек на дюйм, технология Улучшения Разрешения HP, мелкодисперсный тонер и 128 уровней серого гарантируют превосходное качество документов.

    C o n v e r s a t i o n

    Let’s dream of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

    Artificial intelligence

    Computers have become part of everyday life. Today's schoolchildren carry around calculating power which would have filled a large room forty years ago. Computer scientists are now working on the next generation of computers; ones which will have true intelligence. The first step on the way is the development of 'expert systems'. An expert system is partially intelligent.

    At Stanford University a computer has been developed for medical diagnosis. It stores 125 facts about each of 600 diseases. It can tell doctors which questions to ask, and which measurements to take. It can then analyse the result and make an accurate diagnosis.

    At the University of California they have been working on computers which can write stories, while IBM has developed the Epistle program for business letters which can correct spelling, improve grammar and style and even check for mistakes by giving a list of words with similar sounds. One of the most interesting programs has been developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and it is a kind of computer psychiatrist.

    The program, which was developed by Professor Joseph Weizenbaum, is called Eliza. It uses a technique known as 'reflective listening'. The computer seems to understand, and to make sympathetic responses. In fact it does not understand a word that is being typed into it. Nevertheless, Weizenbaum's secretary fell under the spell of the machine. Weizenbaum says:
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