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Учебное пособие для студентов университетов Нижний Новгород 2014 Жолобов С. И

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to stand as a candidate (at / in an election // for an area) участвоватьввыборах / избиратьсявкачествекандидата / визбирательномокруге / наместо / напост / надолжность:Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate. | Hestoodasacandidatein/ at thefirstpost-warelectionin 1996. | ShestoodasthecandidateforHackneyEast. | She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections.

to run / stand against sb соперничатьскем-л. навыборах:You are running against some worthy opponents. | His margin over the conservative candidates standing against him was not of much consequence.

  1. to elect [transitive; often passive] to choose someone by voting so that they represent you or hold an official position избирать, выбирать (голосованием)

  2. to re-elect [transitive] to elect someone again переизбирать,избиратьвновь

  3. to elect | to re-elect COLLOCATIONS

to elect / re-elect a president / vice president / governor / mayor / chairman / leader / member / government / council: The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president. | Every nation should have a right to elect their own government. | The president will pursue lower taxes if he is re-elected.

to elect / re-elect sb (as) president / vice president / governor / mayor/ chairman / leader / member: Ronald Reagan was first elected President in 1980. | Ken Livingstone was elected mayor of London in May 2000. | The country elected him as president in the first contested election in its history. | He was re-elected as party leader.

to elect / re-elect sb to (a) parliament / a legislature / a council / a committee / a governorship: He was elected to parliament by a large majority. | Brock was elected to the state legislature. | No new members were elected to the party central committee. | He was elected to a US state governorship.

to elect / re-elect sb to do sth: She was elected to represent us / to tackle poverty. | The group elected one of its members to be their spokesperson.

to elect / re-elect sb for a term: The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage. | The chairman and treasurer have both been re-elected for another year.

  1. to return [transitive; often passive] (BrE) to elect someone to a political position, especially to represent you in parliament избирать, выбирать (взаконодательныйорган)

to return sb:Only 96 Conservative MPs were returned at the last election.

to return sb to (a) parliament / a legislature / office: The voters returned her to parliament last year. | It seems unlikely that the President will be returned to office.

to return sb as a member of parliament / MP: At the last election she was again returned as MP for Brighton.

  1. to carry | to win [transitive] (AmE) if a candidate or party carries / wins a state or local area in a US election, they win in that state or area выигратьнавыборах (вокруге, штате):A Democrat has not carried Arizona since 1948. | George W. Bush carried the state with 56 percent of the vote. | Cuban Americans play an important role in whether he carries Florida in the fall campaign. | Our party carried the state, as usual. | Bush initially won Florida by 2,000 votes. | No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio.

  2. elect (adjective) elected to an important position, but not yet given that position officially избранный

president-elect | governor-elect | prime minister-elect someone who has been elected as a new president / governor / prime minister, but who has not yet officially started the job вновьизбранныйпрезидент / губернатор / премьер-министр:The President-elect is preparing to take office in January.

  1. election (1) [countable] an occasion when people vote to choose someone for a political or official position выборы:The final election results will be announced on Friday.

election to / for sth выборывкакой-л. орган:Elections to the European parliament are due in May. | She is standing for the first time in elections for the National Assembly.

general election an election in which all the voters in a country elect the government всеобщиевыборы

national / local / municipal election выборывобщенациональные / федеральные / местные / муниципальныеорганывласти, общенациональные / местные / муниципальныевыборы: Even for the last remaining superpower, domestic issues, not foreign matters, dominate national elections. | At the municipal elections, twenty communities voted for the proposition.

presidential / gubernatorial / mayoral election выборыпрезидента / губернатора / мэра, президентские / губернаторскиевыборы: The next presidential election is due in two years.

parliamentary / congressional election выборывпарламент / конгресс:But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election. | Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage.

legislative election(s) / race(s) elections for electing people to a legislative body выборывзаконодательныйорган / законодательноесобрание:At the legislative elections the party advocated a strongly right-wing economic programme. | The 1996 legislative races turned out to be particularly important.

regular election очередныевыборы

early / snap (BrE) election an election that is announced suddenly and unexpectedly досрочные / внеочередныевыборы (впарламент): The bomb followed the announcement that early regional elections will be held in May. | They held a snap election.

mid-term / off-year election | mid-terms промежуточныевыборы; выборы, несовпадающиеспрезидентскимивыборамиивыборамивконгресс:The augurs of the left noted that reverses in the “off-year” elections held by New Jersey and Virginia have a history of being predictive of nothing at all, having sometimes been the precursors for drubbings for the ruling party at the mid-terms a year later (as in 1994) and sometimes precisely the opposite, as in 2002. | The pundits of the right were swift to see this as a sign of the resurgence of their battered party, after heavy losses in the 2006 mid-terms and worse ones a year ago, capped by the triumph of Barack Obama. | One thing seems obvious: a lot is likely to happen to Mr Obama’s fortunes between now and the 2010 mid-terms.

primary elections | primaries предварительныевыборы

to declare the election invalid / void | to nullify / annul the election results признатьвыборы / результатывыборовнедействительными:On Monday, parliament voted to declare the election invalid. | The election results were nullified because of voter fraud. | Jovic nevertheless dismissed fears that the Presidency might seek to annul the election results and declare a state of emergency. | That August, Babaginda annulled the results of the June presidential election. High Court judges may declare the election void or declare the candidate with the next highest number of votes elected.

(2) [singular] the fact of being elected to an official position избрание: With the election of a new leader, the country became relatively stable. | One third of the committee comes up for election every year.

election to sth избраниевкакой-л. орган:Her election to the Senate was welcome news.

election as sth избраниевкачествекого-л.:His election as President will mean changes in foreign policy.

to run for / stand for / seek election (to sth) участвоватьввыборах (сцельюодержатьпобеду)

to win election to sth победитьнавыборахвкакой-л. органвласти:In Illinois, the Democrat candidate is the favourite to win election to the Senate.

  1. re-election [uncountable; countable] when someone is elected again to the same position переизбрание, повторное избрание (на должность):His re-election campaign is floundering.

to run for / stand for / seek re-election участвоватьввыборахсцельюбытьизбраннымнановыйсрок: She's running / standing for re-election. | Barnes is seeking re-election.

  1. run-off (election) [countable] a second election or competition that is organized when the first one does not have a winner второй / решающийтурвыборов, повторноеголосование: Neither candidate won a clear majority, forcing a runoff. | There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th. | His nearest rival announced he would not contest the run-off. | They will both seek public support at the June 16–17 runoff election.

  2. rerun (election) [countable] повторныевыборы

  3. by-election | bye-election [countable] (esp. BrE) a special election to replace a politician who has left parliament or died дополнительныевыборы:He returned to Parliament after his by-election victory in Kensington and Chelsea last November.

  4. election | by-election COLLOCATIONS

at / in an election / by-election навыборах / дополнительныхвыборах:Taxation will be one of the major issues at the next general election. | We have gained four local council seats in by-elections in Essex recently.

to call an election / a by-election объявлятьвыборы / дополнительныевыборы, объявлятьопроведениивыборов / дополнительныхвыборах:The government may decide to call an election early.

to schedule / fix an election / by-election for a particular date | to appoint / fix / set a date for an election / by-election | an election / by-election is due (to take place) in / on… назначать выборы / дополнительные выборы (на определенное время, определенную дату):Theelectionsarescheduledformid-June. | Under this pressure the government set an election date of 18 March 1990. | Elections to the European parliament are due in May.

to hold an election / by-election проводитьвыборы / дополнительныевыборы:South Africa held its first multi-racial elections in 1994. | Local elections will be held in May.| Elections will be held on 14 February.

to have / conduct / run an election / by-election проводитьвыборы / дополнительныевыборы:It has been difficult for the central government to conduct elections in remote areas.

an election / by-election takes place выборыпроходят:Local elections will take place in May.

to win an election / by-election победитьнавыборах / дополнительныхвыборах:The Labour Party won the 2001 election by a huge majority. | I was fortunate enough to win a by-election in the constituency of Worcester.

to lose an election / by-election проигратьнавыборах / дополнительныхвыборах:If the Tories lose every by-election, the odds will change.

to fight / contest an election / by-election участвоватьввыборах / дополнительныхвыборах; боротьсянавыборах / дополнительныхвыборах:HewillbefightinglocalelectionsnextMay. | The parties formed an alliance to contest the legislative elections.

to disrupt an election / by-election сорвать выборы / дополнительные выборы

  1. election / electoral commission | electoral authority [countable] избирательнаякомиссия: The election commission might postpone the election until these questions are clarified. | The remainder of the votes were declared invalid, the election commission said. | Results were cancelled by the electoral commission in both places. | Those in the opposition claimed that the electoral authority was not impartial.

  2. (election) returns | election / electoral results | result(s) of an election [countable; usually plural] the results of an election результатывыборов:The election returns produced a confusing picture of gains and losses. | Early returns show that the Labour Party is in the lead. | What are the returns from last night's voting? | He aimed at influencing the result(s) of the presidential elections.

  3. elective (formal) an elective position is one that someone holds because people have voted for them выборный

elective office / seat выборнаядолжность; выборноеместо:the 34 elective seats in the National Assembly | The presidency is an elective office. | The council also reviews candidates for elective office.

to hold (an) elective office заниматьвыборнуюдолжность:Most of them hold an elective office. | Buchanan has never held elective office.
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