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  • Учебное пособие для студентов университетов Нижний Новгород 2014 Жолобов С. И

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    participation rate

  • a result in an election when one candidate or political party wins more than half the total votes or seats - absolute / overall majority | majority

  • to vote in an election - to go to the polls

  • the total number of votes recorded in an election

  • a system of voting, usually in secret, in order to choose a candidate in an election or express an opinion about an issue, or an occasion when you vote in this way - ballot

  • to elect or dismiss someone by voting - to vote somebody into / out of office / power / parliament | to vote sb in / out | to vote sb onto a committee / council

  • to choose not to vote for or against something in an election; to choose not to vote in an election or meeting - to abstain (from sth / doing sth) / (in the vote

  • to defeat a person or an idea by winning more votes than them - to outvote

  • the number of votes by which a candidate or party wins an election - majority

  • to go somewhere in order to be present at an event or take part in an activity - to turn out (for sth / to do sth

    1. a victory in an election in which one person or party gets a lot more votes than their opponents - landslide (victory) | sweeping victory

    2. the place where people go to vote in an election - the polls [plural] | polling station (esp. BrE) | polling place

    3. to approve a plan, law etc by voting - to vote sth through

    4. the largest number of votes received by a candidate or party in an election that is less than the total number of votes which all the other candidates or parties have received - simple majority | relative majority (BrE) | plurality

    5. a piece of paper on which you record your vote - ballot (paper) | voting slip

    6. a piece of paper which voters who are unable to be present at an election can vote on and send in by post - absentee ballot

    7. to show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc which person you want to elect or whether you support a particular plan - to vote

    8. a small group of people or things within a much larger group - minority

    9. to reject sb or a plan, law etc by voting - to vote sb / sth down

    4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

    List A

    List B

    1. to vote

    2. to abstain

    3. to cast

    4. narrow

    5. minority

    6. polling

    7. to vote on

    8. to vote sb

    9. to turn out

    10. deciding

    11. recount

    12. to put a proposal

    13. polling

    14. turnout

    15. to command

    16. overall

    17. to be

    18. sweeping

    19. to win

    20. spoiled

    21. absentee

    22. ballot

    a. vote

    b. a majority

    c. ballot

    d. box

    e. day

    f. victory

    g. in the minority

    h. ballot papers

    i. rate

    j. for an election

    k. majority

    l. a victory

    m. party

    n. Labour

    o. from voting

    p. of votes

    q. to the vote

    r. station

    s. a proposal

    t. into office

    u. a vote for sb

    v. margin

    5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

    1. Independent candidates won the majority of seats onthe local council.

    2. I cannot understand people who continue to vote ….. Conservative after they have lost their homes or their jobs, or both.

    3. The proposals were voted ….. yesterday.

    4. The leaders asked their workers to abstain … from.. voting.

    5. Party leaders are elected …. by. ballot.

    6. Recent polls say if the election were held today, Clinton would beat Dole by ….. a significant margin.

    7. He won last month's presidential election ….. a landslide.

    8. The Socialists won … by.. a narrow majority.

    9. The vast majority of people voted … of.. closer links with Europe.

    10. With policies like that, he'll be voted … out.. in the next election.

    11. The committee voted … through.. a proposal to cut the defence budget.

    12. Turnout slid down despite an increase … in.. voter registration.

    13. She cast her vote … for.. the Communist Party.

    14. This seems to be an area of disagreement, so let's put it … to.. the ballot.

    15. About 70% of the population turned … out.. …to.. the election.

    16. The Congress voted … down.. a motion to change the union's structure.

    17. Initial estimates put the turnout ….. more than 70 per cent in Gaza.

    18. By comparison, the turnout … for.. the 1992 primary election was 29 percent.

    19. Women are … in.. the minority in the top ranks of government.

    20. The issue will be decided … at.. the ballot box.

    6. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.
    poll, to estimate, abstention, deciding, to turn out, to cast, count, to take, turnout, majority, to win, rate, ballot box, Labour, to defeat, the polls, to outvote, to abstain, secret, to cost, ballot, landslide, to split, to poll

    1. France ….. on that issue.

    2. Voting will be by secret ….. .

    3. The NLD ….. a landslide victory in the elections five months ago.

    4. He ….. 23,579 votes.

    5. The new environmental party ….. the liberal vote.

    6. The proposal ….. by 767 votes to 121.

    7. This policy ….. her thousands of votes.

    8. We're trying to encourage young people to go to ….. .

    9. They are determined to win power through the ….. , not by violence.

    10. I voted ….. at the last election.

    11. Yet statistics show voter ….. sliding down.

    12. About 70% of the population ….. for the election.

    13. By the end of the day, less than 40% of the population ….. their votes.

    14. But 26 million voters, or 69 % of the electorate, ….. .

    15. In 1972 Richard Nixon became the first Republican to win a ….. of Catholic votes.

    16. The Senate had already approved the treaty on Sept. 17 by 176 votes to 16 with one ….. .

    17. Why do you think we should ….. a vote on that?

    7. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.

    1. Он всегда голосовал за консерваторов.

    2. Я предлагаю провести голосование по этому вопросу.

    3. Я предлагаю поставить вопрос на голосование.

    4. Их предложение было отвергнуто в результате голосования.

    5. Десять членов местного совета воздержались при голосовании.

    6. На выборы явилось более половины всех избирателей.

    7. Кандидат от Лейбористской партии получил 60% всех голосов.

    8. Явка избирателей на выборы приблизительно составила 52%.

    9. Консерваторы победили с незначительным / большим преимуществом / с преимуществом в 5000 голосов.

    10. Наша партия имеет абсолютное большинство в парламенте.

    11. В избирательной урне было обнаружено большое количество недействительных бюллетеней.

    12. Если правящая партия будет проводить такую политику в области образования, то избиратели проголосуют против ее кандидатов на следующих выборах.

    13. Их предложение было принято путем голосования.

    14. Жителей города приглашают прийти на избирательные участки, чтобы выразить свое отношение к политике, проводимой местными органами власти.

    15. Подобная политика стоила их партии большого количества голосов.

    16. У председателя всегда есть право решающего голоса.

    17. На последних президентских выборах был высокий процент воздержавшихся при голосовании.

    18. У правящей партии большинство в парламенте.

    19. Для преодоления вето президента требуется квалифицированное большинство членов парламента.

    20. Для избрания кандидату необходимо набрать простое большинство голосов.

    III. Section: Electioneering
    1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

    List A

    List B

    1. to launch a campaign

    2. to conduct a campaign

    3. smear campaign

    4. to give a pledge

    5. to keep a pledge

    6. to break a pledge

    7. to campaign for sb

    8. election campaign

    9. to contest an election

    10. to contest a seat

    11. electioneering

    12. in the run-up to the election

    13. presidential campaign

    14. the campaign fizzles out

    15. to be in the running

    16. to be out of the running

    17. spin

    18. spin doctor

    19. to commit oneself

    20. commitment

    21. to honour a commitment

    22. to enter a race

    23. to be in a race

    24. to lead a race

    25. to lag behind in a race

    26. to drop out of a race

    a. выйти из игры

    b. прекращать борьбу

    c. политтехнолог

    d. иметь шансы на успех

    e. обязательство

    f. выгодное освещение какого-л. события

    g. отставать в гонке

    h. включиться в борьбу

    i. лидировать в гонке

    j. нарушать обещание

    k. выполнять обязательство

    l. развернуть кампанию

    m. избирательная кампания по выборам президента

    n. кампания терпит неудачу

    o. давать обещание

    p. в преддверии выборов

    q. грязная избирательная кампания

    r. бороться за место

    s. брать на себя обязательство

    t. выполнить обещание

    u. предвыборная агитация

    v. избирательная кампания

    w. участвовать в борьбе

    x. участвовать в выборах

    y. агитировать за кого-л.

    z. проводить кампанию

    2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.
    to campaign (for sb), to crusade (for sth), to contest (an election), electioneering, election (campaign), active (campaign), feeble (campaign), national (campaign), to launch (a campaign), to conduct (a campaign), presidential campaign, to enter (a race), to be in (a race), to lead (a race), to lag behind (in a race), to drop out of (a race), smear (campaign), to put a spin on sth, pledge, to commit (oneself to sth), to give (a pledge), to keep (a pledge), to break (a pledge), empty (promise)
    3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

    1. to have some hope of winning a race or competition - to be in the running (for sth)

    2. a serious and firm promise that is made publicly and officially - pledge

    3. the period of time just before an important event; the preparation for this - the run-up / lead-up to sth

    4. a deliberate plan to tell untrue stories about someone, especially a politician, in order to make people lose respect for them - smear / dirty tricks / dirty / negative / whispering / hate campaign (by sb / against sb)

    5. a way of providing information that makes it seem to be favourable for a particular person or political party; a particular viewpoint or bias, especially in the media - spin

    6. to agree or promise to do something important - to commit oneself (to sth / to doing / to do sth) | to commit to sth / doing sth | to pledge oneself to do sth / to sth

    7. to compete for something or to try to win it - to contest | to fight

    8. a series of actions that a politician or political party does to try to win an election - election / electoral) campaign

    9. a situation in which one group of people competes with another, especially for political power - race

    10. to try to persuade people to support a political party, politician, plan etc by going to see them and talking to them, especially when you want them to vote for you in an election - to campaign

    11. to have some no hope of winning a race or competition

    12. a public argument or action for social or political change - agitation

    13. things that candidates or political parties say and do in order to persuade people to vote for them in an election, often things that do not seem sincere or fair - electioneering

    14. someone whose job is to give information to the public in a way that gives the best possible advantage to a politician or organization; someone whose job is to make ideas, events, etc seem better than they really are, especially in politics - spin doctor / master

    15. the political meetings, speeches, etc. that take place in the period before an election - the hustings

    16. to try to achieve political or social change by persuading other people or the government to do something - to campaign | to crusade | to agitate

    4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

    List A

    List B

    1. dirty tricks

    2. spin

    3. to deliver on

    4. to canvass

    5. to agitate

    6. contested

    7. to wage

    8. the campaign

    9. campaign

    10. to join

    11. to withdraw

    12. to lag behind

    13. to pull out

    14. to be in

    15. to be out

    16. to commit

    17. to renege

    18. to meet

    19. broken

    a. pledge

    b. in a race

    c. a commitment

    d. of the running

    e. from a race

    f. the running

    g. oneself to sth

    h. of a race

    i. a promise

    j. on a pledge

    k. a race

    l. for a candidate

    m. campaign

    n. a campaign

    o. for social change

    p. fizzles out

    q. election

    r. for president

    s. doctor

    5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

    1. Party supporters were called on to help canvass ….. their candidate.

    2. The senator was determined to put a positive spin ….. the affair.

    3. He said the government remained committed ….. peace.

    4. The government is delivering ….. its 1994 election promises.

    5. He is canvassing … for.. the Conservative candidate.

    6. He is lagging … behind.. in the race for the presidency.

    7. He clearly committed his government … to.. continuing down the path of economic reform.

    8. He unsuccessfully fought … fought.. the next three elections.

    9. We are asking people to pledge their support … for.. our campaign.

    10. The issue of the monarchy is complicating politics … in.. the run-up to the elections.

    11. The Labour Party mounted a smear campaign … against.. Livingstone before the election.

    12. The governor has a strong commitment ….. equal opportunities in the state.

    13. The government reneged ….. its promise to ensure full employment.

    14. This report puts a different spin … on.. the issue.

    15. The USA has pledged aid … to.. the country.

    16. The senator is usually at his best … on.. the hustings.

    17. Once we have committed … to.. this course of action there is no going back.

    18. He agitated … against.. the Vietnam war.

    19. The country will be forced to live ….. ….. the pledge of democracy.

    20. Women crusaded … for.. equal pay and equal rights throughout the 1960s.

    21. The Government will continue to honour its commitment … to.. pensioners.

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