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Учебное пособие для студентов университетов Нижний Новгород 2014 Жолобов С. И

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to swing the vote / votes (in sb's favour) (резко) изменить / повлиятьнаполитическиепредпочтения / симпатииизбирателей:Recent events swung the vote in our favour. | Docampaigngiftsswingvotes? | She should be able to swing a significant number of women's votes.

to swing an election (in sb's favour) успешнопровестивыборы, добитьсяуспеха / победитьнавыборах:Herlastspeechswungtheelectioninherfavour.

  1. to disabuse [transitive] (formal) to make someone realize that they were wrong to believe something разубедить; выводитьиззаблуждения; освобождатьотиллюзий: to disabuse sb of an idea / notion / belief / impression / illusion | The government did nothing to disabuse the public of this impression.

  2. influence [uncountable; countable] the effect that a person or thing has on someone's decisions, opinions, or behaviour or on the way something happens влияние, воздействие

influence on / over sb / sth:We turn now to influences on attitudes and votes. | The presidency gave him unusual influence over the profession.

to have / exercise / exert / wield influence (on / over sb / sth) влиять, оказывать / иметьвлияние:He has a huge amount of influence on / over the city council. | He denies exercising / exerting any political influence over them. | The president's wife wields enormous influence within the party.

to use one's influence (with sb // to do sth // for sth) использоватьсвоевлияние: They used their influence with opposition leaders, cautioning them against agitating for further violence. | He tried to use his influence to put pressure on the voters. | The government should continue to use its influence for the release of all hostages.

to increase / consolidate / strengthen one's influence укреплять / усиливатьсвоевлияние: Britain tries to increase its influence by placing its representatives in key posts, but all member states do that.

to diminish one's influence ослаблять / уменьшатьчье-л. влияние: But this did not diminish their influence and importance. | His political influence was significantly diminished.

to neutralize / counteract / curb sb's influence нейтрализоватьчье-л. влияние: Recent events have done much to neutralize the influence of the right-wing.

to gain / buy (sb) influence получить / завоеватьвлияние: His wealth can buy him political influence.

to be // come / fall under sb's influence / under the influence of sb / sth находитьсяподчьим-л. влиянием; подпадатьподчье-л. влияние:They came under the influence of a strange religious sect. | There they fell under the influence of activist revivalists and reformers.

positive influence положительное / позитивноевлияние

bad / negative / disruptive / pernicious influence вредное / негативное / пагубноевлияние

steadying / restraining influence сдерживающеевлияние: The Egyptian president could act as a steadying influence on the talks.

big / considerable / enormous / great / powerful /profound / strong / tremendous influence сильноевлияние:The Council had considerable influence over many government decisions.

far-reaching influence далекоидущеевлияние

undue influence чрезмерноевлияние:They were accused of interfering with voters and exerting undue influence.

  1. propaganda [uncountable] information which is false or which emphasizes just one part of a situation, used by a government or political party in order to influence people's opinions and beliefs пропаганда: political / ideological / enemy / wartime propaganda | democratic / liberal / communist / anti-communist / right-wing / left-wing / fascist / racist propaganda| a piece of anti-government propaganda | The film was later used for propaganda purposes. | Propaganda is a tool of war. | At school we were fed communist / right-wing propaganda.

to use / engage in / spread propaganda вестипропаганду, заниматьсяпропагандой:At the same time they are using propaganda and terror to boost their position in the countryside.

to subject sb to propaganda подвергать кого-л. действию пропаганды

to neutralize / counteract propaganda противодействовать пропаганде, нейтрализовать пропаганду

vicious propaganda грязнаяпропаганда

(to begin / mount // step up // win // lose) a propaganda campaign / war an organised plan to spread propaganda пропагандистскаякампания / война:KhomeinibeganapropagandacampaignagainsttheShah. | They mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments. | They stepped up the propaganda campaign to end military government. | We pride ourselves on having won the propaganda war. | Mr Barak has lost the propaganda war.

propaganda machine people who produce propaganda пропагандистскийаппарат:The propaganda machine lied about the scale of casualties in our Civil War. | But in recent weeks it has cranked an impressive propaganda machine into action.

  1. indoctrination | brainwashing | brainwash [uncountable] внушениеидей; промываниемозгов; (идеологическая / политическая / религиозная) обработка:political / ideological / religious indoctrination / brainwashing | There was a lot of brainwashing involved. | Education is indoctrination, or, as described today, the brainwash.

to subject sb to indoctrination / brainwashing подвергатького-л. идеологическойобработке:The military in particular were subjected to intense political indoctrination.

  1. swing [countable] (1) shift [countable] a noticeable change in opinions, ideas or emotions (резкое) изменение (политическихпредпочтений / симпатийизбирателей):Educationalpracticeisliabletosuddenswingsandchanges. | In the 1979 election some locally popular candidates held their marginal seats against the national swing.

swing / shift in sth (on / about sth // towards sth): There has been a huge swing in public opinion on the issue. | There was a dramatic shift in public opinion. | There has been a dramatic shift in public opinion towards peaceful negotiations. | Recently there has been a subtle shift in public opinion about the environment.

swing / shift to / towards sb / sth:In the last elections there was a swing to the right. | The swing towards the Tories suggests an unwillingness to see Kinnock as prime minister. | There has been a recent shift towards involving more laypeople in decision making.

swing (away) from sb / sth (to sb / sth) / against sb / sth:There was a massive twenty per cent swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats. | If there is a swing against the Tories, the prospects for Mr Devlin look bleak.

to show a swing to / towards sth:The party's new policies show a swing towards the centre.

(2) a change in the relative distribution of popular support for political parties процентизбирателей, меняющихсвоиполитическиепредпочтения / симпатии:The Democrats only need a 5% swing to win this election.

swing to sb: The swing to the Liberal Democrats at Newbury was 29%. | There has been a significant 15 per cent swing to Labour.

swing (away) from sb (to sb) / against sb: In 1987, there was a small 2.5 percent national swing from Conservative to Labour. | In Brent, the swing against Labour was 7.3%.

  1. the pendulum (of opinion) | the political pendulum the tendency of ideas, beliefs, opinions etc to change regularly to the opposite маятник (общественногомнения)

the swing of the pendulum the movement of public opinion from one extreme to the other (резкое) изменениеобщественногомнения / политическихсимпатийизбирателей

the (political) pendulum swings back / in the other direction / the other way / in sb's favour / from sth to sth / back and forth:The pendulum of public opinion has swung back / in the other direction. | Now the pendulum seems to have swung the other way. | The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals. | The pendulum has swung from silly dreaming to grinding pragmatism. | The pendulum of public pressure swings back and forth.

  1. undecided / wavering / floating (BrE) / swing (AmE) voter | undecideds | waverer [countable] someone who cannot make a decision about which political party to vote for at an election; someone who does not always vote for the same political party at elections колеблющийсяизбиратель:He will argue that there are still a lot of undecided / floating / wavering / swing voters to make up their minds. | We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters. | We must persuade the undecideds / waverers to vote with us. | Some observers believe polls overestimated the influence of undecided voters. | On past records, most waverers go for the challenger rather than the one who holds power.

  2. ballot (box) stuffing [uncountable] наполнениеизбирательныхурнбюллетенямичленамиизбирательныхкомиссийвпользук.-л. кандидата: Voting was characterized by frequent procedural violations and instances of apparent manipulations, including serious indications of ballot box stuffing.

  3. multiple voting [uncountable] the practice of voting in more than one constituency in the same election множественноеголосование (голосованиеодногоизбирателявнесколькихизбирательныхокругах): Proven charges of ballot stuffing and multiple voting demand investigations.

6. Polling

  1. to poll | to survey [transitive] to ask a large group of people the same questions in order to find out what most people think about something проводитьопрос (общественногомнения) / анкетирование

to poll / to survey sb (about / on sth):More than 70 per cent of the voters who were polled said that they approved of his record as president. | Almost 60% of those surveyed said they supported the President's action. | Researchers surveyed 10,000 customers about / on the quality of companies that they used.

  1. poll | (public) opinion poll | (public opinion) survey [countable] the process of asking a large group of people the same questions in order to find out what most people think about something; a record of the result of this опрос (общественногомнения); социологическоеисследование:Another poll / survey asked respondents if they favoured nuclear war. | The latest opinion poll puts the Democrats in the lead.

poll / survey of sb опроского-л.:We conducted a poll / survey of parents in the village.

poll on sb / sth | survey on / into sth:We are doing a weekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined. | The committee carried out a survey on parking problems in residential areas. | Read the article below about a survey into volunteering.

in the polls:Labour is ahead in the polls. | He was still behind in the polls. | The Republicans are gaining / losing ground / support in the opinion polls. | They're worried about the government's present low standing in the polls.

to carry out / conduct / do / undertake a poll / survey (among sb) проводитьопрособщественногомнения:MORI carried out / conducted / did / undertook a poll / survey among senior managers to get their views on taxation.

a poll / survey shows / indicates / finds / suggests / reveals that… | according to a poll / survey… :Recent opinion polls show that the President's popularity has declined / slipped. | Polls indicate that education is the top issue with voters. | A recent poll found that 80% of Californians support the governor. | Opinion polls suggest that only 10% of the population trusts the government. | According to the polls, a huge majority of citizens oppose bilingual education.

to lead (sb) (in) (the) (opinion) polls | to top polls лидироватьвопросеобщественногомнения:Labour led strongly in the opinion polls. | The party chairman now leads nationwide polls for president. | He leads Dole in Arizona polls. | Rudy Giuliani tops Republican polls.

to commission a poll / survey заказатьопрособщественногомнения

  1. exit poll [countable] the activity of asking people, as they leave a polling station, how they have voted in an election in order to discover the likely result опросизбирателейнавыходесизбирательногоучастка, экзит-пол

  2. pollster [countable] a person or organization that prepares opinion polls специалистпоопросуобщественногомнения;интервьюер; институтобщественногомнения

  3. (popularity / approval) rating [countable] a measurement of how good, important, popular etc someone or something is рейтинг (популярности):When Mr Estrada took office in 1998 his approval rating was 60 %.

high / record // low rating:The President's popularity rating is high / low according to recent opinion polls. | He leaves office with record approval ratings.

to have / enjoy a rating:At the end of the Gulf War he had the highest poll rating of any President. | At that time Clinton enjoyed the highest public approval ratings of his presidency.

a rating is at a new / record / all-time high / low | a rating is at a high / low point:The president's popularity ratings are at a record low. | New public opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.

a rating rises / goes up (to sth) | a rating rises to / reaches / hits a new / record / all-time high | a rating rises to / reaches a high point:The President's approval rating rose to 78%. | Staying above the fray, he has gone about his duties and watched his approval ratings rise.

a rating falls / goes down (to sth) | a rating falls to / sinks to / reaches / hits a new / record / all-time low | a rating falls to / sinks to / reaches a low point:The Prime Minister's approval rating has fallen (as low as 12 percent) since he took office in 1998. | His approval ratings may even go down. | The government's popularity rating sank to an all-time low.

Vocabulary practice

I. Sections: Nomination, Election
1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A

List B

  1. nomination for president

  2. to win the Republican nomination

  3. to put forward a candidate

  4. to file one's candidacy

  5. to withdraw one's candidacy

  6. to run for the presidency

  7. to run against sb

  8. to elect sb president

  9. to elect sb to parliament

  10. general election

  11. presidential election

  12. close election

  13. by-election

  14. to hold an elective office

  15. electoral register

  16. elector

  17. universal suffrage

  18. term in office

  19. to contest a seat

  20. to win a seat

  21. constituency

  22. to rig an election

  23. ballot rigging

  24. regular election

  25. early election

  26. to declare the election invalid

a. завоевать место

b. список избирателей

c. досрочные выборы

d. избирательный округ

e. всеобщее избирательное право

f. очередные выборы

g. признать выборы недействительными

h. подтасовка результатов голосования

i. выдвижение на пост президента

j. бороться за место

k. фальсифицировать выборы

l. выдвигать чью-л. кандидатуру на выборах

m. участвовать в выборах на должность президента

n. избирать кого-л. президентом

o. всеобщие выборы

p. избиратель

q. напряженные выборы

r. занимать выборную должность

s. зарегистрироваться в качестве кандидата

t. избирать кого-л. в парламент

u. дополнительные выборы

v. добиться выдвижения в качестве кандидата от Республиканской партии

w. выборы президента

x. соперничать с кем-л. на выборах

y. снимать свою кандидатуру

z. срок полномочий

2. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A

List B

  1. run-off

  2. by-election

  3. to hold an election

  4. to win an election

  5. to fight an election

  6. to disrupt an election

  7. electoral commission

  8. election returns

  9. electorate

  10. to make a bid for sth

  11. on the Republican

  12. to grant suffrage

  13. to inaugurate sb as president

  14. to set a threshold

  15. to cross a threshold

  16. neck and neck

  17. president-elect

  18. to call an election

a. преодолевать барьер

b. объявлять выборы

d. избиратели

e. предоставить право голоса

f. от Республиканской партии

g. в равном положении

h. предпринимать попытку достичь чего-л.

i. торжественно вводить в должность президента

j. проводить выборы

k. вновь избранный президент

l. участвовать в выборах

m. победить на выборах

n. результаты выборов

o. устанавливать порог

p. решающий тур выборов

q. сорвать выборы

r. избирательная комиссия

s. дополнительные выборы

3. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.
to nominate sb, to win (the Republican nomination), (electoral) register, candidate, successful (candidate), to run (for election), to elect (sb to parliament), to carry (a state), mid-term (election), to declare the election invalid, to schedule (an election), to fight (an election), (election) results, elector, bid, suffrage, to win (a seat), to rig (an election), ballot rigging, to cross (a threshold), close (election), neck and neck

4. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

  1. to elect someone to a political position, especially to represent you in parliament – to return

  2. an attempt to achieve or obtain something; an attempt to win an election ----bid or run

  3. the job of being president – presidency

  4. an occasion when people vote to choose someone for a political or official position – election / evote

  5. all the people in a country or area who have the right to vote - electorate

  6. the practice of cheating in an election by producing a false record of the number of votes - ballot / vote / election rigging / fixing / fraud | voter / electoral fraud

  7. to choose someone by voting so that they represent you or hold an official position - to elect

  8. the act of officially suggesting someone for an election, job, position or honour - nomination

  9. someone who has been elected as a new president, but who has not yet officially started the job -

  10. the fact that someone is a candidate in an election - candidacy | candidature

  11. when someone is elected again to the same position - re-election

  12. a second election or competition that is organized when the first one does not have a winner - run-off (election)

  13. a special election to replace a politician who has left parliament or died

  14. the results of an election - by-election | bye-election

  15. someone who has the right to vote in a political election - elector

  16. someone who is competing against you and who belongs to a different party or who have different aims or policies - opponent

  17. an area of a country that elects a representative to a parliament, or the people who live and vote in a particular area - constituency

  18. a list of the people supported by a particular political party in an election

  19. the legal right to vote in national elections - ticket

  20. to introduce a new person into an important job, such as that of president, by holding a special ceremony - to inaugurate sb (as president / governor / mayor

  21. to suggest someone or oneself as a suitable candidate to take part in an election - to put up | to put forward | to field | to go to the polls

  22. a position as an elected member of a parliament, committee, council, board, court etc - seat

  23. someone who has been suggested or being considered for an election, job, position or honour - candidate | nominee

  24. a fixed period of time during which a politician or other official holds their job - term (in / of office)

  25. to arrange or influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result - to rig / fix / falsify

to take part in an election as a candidate - to run / to stand

5. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

List A

List B

  1. to obtain

  2. to put up

  3. to withdraw

  4. to run

  5. to hold

  6. to mount

  7. to grant

  8. to rig

  9. to contest

  10. to return

  11. to carry

  12. to seek

  13. election

  14. electoral

  15. voter

  16. term

  17. to get over

  18. hotly

  19. to inaugurate

  20. to elect sb

a. election

b. in office

c. reform

d. contested

e. for a term of office

f. returns

g. fraud

h. a hurdle

i. the nomination

j. for a seat

k. suffrage

l. a president

m. a bid for the presidency

n. one's candidacy

o. a state

p. sb to parliament

q. election results

r. for election

s. a seat

t. an elective office

6. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

  1. She was nominated ….. our candidate.

  2. Ferraro was the first woman to be nominated ….. the job of vice president.

  3. He is a candidate for….. the office of Governor.

  4. She is expected to announce officially her candidacy ….. president early next week.

  5. The new party is putting ….. 15 candidates ….. 22 seats.

  6. William has been put ….. ….. a candidate for the committee.

  7. You have said that you will stand ….. the presidential election next year.

  8. There will be three candidates running ….. her.

  9. He returned to politics in January 1995 when he and his wife were elected ….. parliament.

  10. Morris was re-elected ….. a third term.

  11. Durrant was returned ….. Parliament ….. an increased majority.

  12. He ran ….. governor ….. the Republican ticket.

  13. He hopes to visit China during his second term ….. office.

  14. Jackson announced his intention to run ….. President.

  15. Three women with the same name are standing ….. this seat.

  16. There will be a run-off ….. these two candidates on December 9th.

  17. General Herrera was elected ….. a third term ….. office as President.

  18. The Government's term of office runs ….. at the end of the year.

7. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.
to schedule, rigging, to hold, to withdraw, neck and neck, bid, to serve, elector, to inaugurate, candidacy, to fix, electoral, to run for, returns, to nominate, to contest, to carry, to win, to return, candidate, to put up, opponent, franchise, to mount, threshold, to announce, to run against, seat

  1. In 1960, young Democrats took over the party by ….. John E. Kennedy for the presidency.

  2. She was nominated as our ….. .

  3. Bob Dole none the less remains the front-runner in the race ….. the Republican presidential nomination.

  4. Eight months later he announced his ….. for the U. S. Senate.

  5. Do you really intend ….. for that seat?

  6. Richard Roe will ….. mayor.

  7. Mr Meaney made an unsuccessful ….. for the presidency two years ago.

  8. Women are given the ….. on the same basis as men.

  9. Reagan became the first incumbent ….. two terms in the presidency since Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s.

  10. Republicans ….. 235 of the 435 seats in the House.

  11. The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot ….. .

  12. It is no easy job ….. John Glenn, Ohio's Democratic senator.

  13. He plans ….. a seat on Cookstown district council in the May elections.

  14. He ….. his nomination less than twelve hours later.

  15. No Democrat ….. Arizona since 1948.

  16. The elections ….. for mid-June.

  17. Early ….. show that the Labour Party is in the lead.

  18. The party now feels the time is right to ….. a bid for power.

  19. The new President ….. in January.

  20. Just six of those parties managed to cross the 5 percent ….. necessary for official status in the Duma.

  21. Opinion polls show the two main parties are running ….. .

  22. Some international observers claim the election ….. .

8. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.

  1. Республиканцы выдвинули его кандидатом в президенты на предстоящих всеобщих выборах.

  2. Два известных политика борются за выдвижение в качестве кандидата на пост президента от Демократической партии.

  3. Он очень легко добился выдвижения в качестве кандидата на пост президента от Республиканской партии.

  4. Ему пришлось снять свою кандидатуру на президентских выборах.

  5. Каждая партия имеет право выставить одного кандидата на выборах.

  6. Он планирует выставить свою кандидатуру на выборах губернатора / на выборах в парламент страны.

  7. Ему придется соперничать на выборах с двумя достойными кандидатами.

  8. Он был избран в местный парламент / на должность премьер-министра.

  9. Правительство собирается объявить о проведении выборов через месяц.

  10. Всеобщие выборы будут проведены в будущем году.

  11. На выборах в национальный парламент он побеждал дважды и один раз потерпел поражение.

  12. Несмотря на все усилия, предпринятые правительством, очередные выборы были сорваны.

  13. Она никогда не занимала выборной должности.

  14. В последнее время было отмечено усиление националистических настроений среди избирателей.

  15. В этом году он снова собирается бороться за пост президента.

  16. Он участвует в президентских выборах от Демократической партии.

  17. Он принимает участие в выборах в парламент по спискам правоцентристской партии.

  18. В то время большинство избирателей проголосовало за крайние левые партии.

  19. Впервые президентские выборы были проведены на основе всеобщего и равного избирательного права при тайном голосовании.

  20. Мы надеемся, что ныне действующий президент будет переизбран на новый четырехлетний срок.

  21. Срок полномочий правительства истекает в следующем году.

  22. Он подал в отставку с поста президента страны.

  23. Наш кандидат завоевал место в комитете по правам человека.

  24. Торжественная церемония вступления президента в должность пройдет в январе будущего года.

  25. Оппозиция опасается, что результаты парламентских выборов будут сфальсифицированы.

  26. Ходили слухи о подтасовке результатов голосования.

II. Section: Voting
1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A

List B

  1. to vote a proposal through

  2. to vote a motion down

  3. to outvote sb

  4. to go to the polls

  5. to stay away from the polls

  6. to turn out for an election

  7. to cast a vote

  8. the deciding vote

  9. count of votes

  10. to put sth to the vote

  11. to have a vote on sth

  12. abstention from voting

  13. polling day

  14. high turnout at an election

  15. to win an election by a narrow margin

  16. to win an election by a wide margin

  17. absolute majority

  18. relative majority

  19. to be in the majority

  20. to be in the minority

  21. landslide victory

  22. ballot paper

  23. absentee ballot

  24. ballot box

  25. polling station

  26. polling booth

a. избирательный пункт

b. быть в большинстве

c. высокая явка на выборы

d. принимать участие в выборах

e. абсолютное большинство

f. день выборов

g. избирательная урна

h. убедительная победа на выборах

i. открепительный талон

j. быть в меньшинстве

k. избирательный бюллетень

l. простое большинство голосов

m. провести предложение путем голосования

n. выиграть выборы с большим преимуществом

o. не ходить на выборы

p. нанести кому-л. поражение путем голосования

q. выиграть выборы с незначительным преимуществом

r. неучастие в голосовании

s. проводить голосование

t. поставить на голосование

u. подсчет голосов

v. подавать голос на выборах

w. кабина для голосования

x. явиться на выборы

y. отклонить предложение путем голосования

z. решающий голос

2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.
to vote sth down, to win (votes), (the deciding) vote, to have (a vote on sth), (to put sth to the) vote, polling (day), (voter) turnout, high (turnout), to put (turnout at 55 per cent), narrow (margin), wide (margin), to win (a majority), to have (a majority), small (majority), large (majority), absolute (majority), two-thirds (majority), relative (majority), landslide (victory), polling station, polling (booth)
3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

  1. a box in which you put your ballot paper after you have voted - ballot box

  2. the day when people vote in an election - polling day (esp. BrE) | election day

  3. a government that does not have enough politicians in a parliament to control parliament and take decisions without the support of other parties - minority government

  4. a small partly enclosed space in a polling station where you can vote secretly in an election - polling booth (esp. BrE) | voting booth (esp. AmE

  5. a choice or decision that you make by voting in an election or meeting - vote

  6. the difference in the number of votes, points etc that exists between the winners and the losers of a competition or election - margin

  7. the number of people who vote in an election-
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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