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Учебное пособие для студентов университетов Нижний Новгород 2014 Жолобов С. И

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С.И. Жолобов

Краткий тематический словарь

Выборы и опрос общественного мнения

Учебное пособие

для студентов университетов

Нижний Новгород 2014

Жолобов С.И.
Краткий тематический словарь. Политическая власть и политики: Учебное пособие для студентов университетов. – Нижний Новгород: НГЛУ

им. Н. А. Добролюбова, 2014 . – 67 с.

Настоящая работа представляет собой лексический справочник по темам, изучаемым студентами в рамках курса профессионально ориентированного английского языка. Соответствующий словарный состав сгруппирован на основе тематического принципа. Каждая лексическая единица снабжена толкованием, переводом, иллюстративными примерами ее употребления в речи, а также минимально необходимой грамматической и стилистической информацией. Кроме того, в учебное пособие включены разнообразные упражнения, которые должны помочь студентам усвоить изучаемый ими словарный материал.

© ГОУ ВПО НГЛУ, 2014
© Жолобов С. И., 2014


  1. Nomination……..............................................................

  1. Election………................................................................

  1. Voting……………………………………………………………

  1. Electioneering……………………………….………….………

  1. Influencing voters………………………………………………

  1. Polling……………………..……………………..…………….


Vocabulary practice

  1. Sections: Nomination, Election….……………………....

  1. Section: Voting…………………..…..……………………….

  1. Section:Electioneering..................................................

  1. Sections: Influencing voters, Polling………………………


1. Nomination

  1. to nominate [transitive] to officially suggest someone for an election, job, position or honour выставлять /выдвигать /предлагатькандидата(дляучастияввыборах/ надолжность)

to nominate sb: Under party rules each candidate has to be nominated by 55 Labour MPs.

to nominate sb for sth: They nominated him for the presidency. | By now it was clear that Bush was going to be nominated for President. | The Democrats nominated Andrew Jackson for a second term.

to nominate sb as sth: He's been nominated by the Green Party as their candidate in the next election.

to nominate sb to do sth: Lee was the first Chinese American nominated to head the Civil Rights Division. | I nominate John to represent us at the meeting.

  1. nomination [uncountable; countable] the act of officially suggesting someone for an election, job, position or honour выдвижение / предложениекандидата (дляучастияввыборах / дляназначениянадолжность); номинация: The Bush network is looming large in the race for the nomination.

presidential / vice presidential nomination | nomination for (the post of / office of) president / vice president / the presidency / prime minister / the premiership / governor выдвижениенапостпрезидента / вице-президента / премьер-министра / губернатора:Gore had lost his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988. | Who will get the Republican nomination for president?

to seek the nomination | to campaign for the nomination боротьсязавыдвижениевкачествекандидата:Powell announced he would not seek the Republican nomination. | Dole campaigned for the Republican presidential nomination.

to get / win / gain / earn (sb) / obtain / secure / capture the nomination (for sth) добитьсявыдвижениявкачествекандидата: He got / won / earned / obtained the presidential nomination. | A candidate needs 996 delegates to win the Republican presidential nomination. | Governor Clinton struggled to gain the Democratic nomination. | The Senate majority leader already holds more than one-third of the delegates needed to secure the Republican presidential nomination.

to accept the nomination согласиться / датьсогласиенавыдвижениевкачествекандидата:Clinton will accept the Democratic nomination for a second term.

to approve / confirm one's nomination утверждатьвыдвижениекандидата:All the committee's nominations were approved. | The Senate Tuesday confirmed his nomination by 100-0.

to lose the nomination (to sb) проигратьборьбузавыдвижениевкачествекандидата:By alienating his natural backers, Rockefeller lost the 1964 nomination to Goldwater.

to withdraw one's nomination снятьсвоюкандидатуру:He withdrew his nomination less than twelve hours later.

  1. candidate | nominee [countable] someone who has been suggested or being considered for an election, job, position or honour кандидат (выдвинутыйнавыборах / предложенныйнадолжность); претендент; соискатель; кандидатура:One candidate must receive a majority of the vote. | The Democratic nominee was more specific on the issue of illegal immigration.

successful / victorious / winning candidate избранный/победившийкандидат

defeated / unsuccessful candidate проигравшийкандидат

party candidate кандидатоткакой-л. партии

candidate / nominee for election кандидатнавыборах

presidential / vice presidential / parliamentary candidate / nominee | candidate / nominee for (the post / office of) president / vice president / the presidency / prime minister / the premiership / governor кандидатнадолжностьпрезидента / вице-президента / премьер-министра / губернатора / впарламент:He is a candidate for the office of Governor. | He is mentioned as a possible vice presidential nominee for 1996.

Conservative / Tory / Labour / Liberal / Liberal Democrat / Democratic / Republican candidate / nominee кандидатотКонсервативной / Лейбористской / Либеральной / Либерально-демократической / Демократической / Республиканскойпартии: I made my mark against the Conservative candidate. | The Democratic candidate is still leading in the polls.

independent candidate / nominee независимыйкандидат: Independent presidential candidates would be able to stand. | He gained 19 percent of the vote as an independent presidential candidate in 1992.

to elect / choose / select / pick a candidate / nominee | to choose / select sb as one's candidate / nominee: In order to be elected, a constituency candidate needs only a plurality of the votes cast. | In the 1975 election voters chose four independent candidates for the council. | He might have been selected as a Conservative candidate. | John Taylor was selected as a Tory candidate.

to approve / endorse a candidate / nominee утвердить / поддержать / одобритькандидатуру:And it is partly because of the way in which cabinet nominees are approved.

to offer / announce / declare oneself as a candidate выдвинуть / выставить / предложитьсвоюкандидатуру; зарегистрироватьсявкачествекандидата: He did not offer himself as a candidate in the approaching elections. | Anybody who wants to be an MP must declare himself or herself as a candidate in one of these constituencies.

  1. to put up | to put forward | to field | to go to the polls [transitive; intransitive] to suggest someone or oneself as a suitable candidate to take part in an election выставлять/ выдвигатьчью-л. / своюкандидатурунавыборах, предлагатького-л. вкачествекандидата, баллотироваться

to put up / put forward / field a candidate (for sth):Each party is allowed to put up one candidate. | Several people have been put forward for the chairmanship. | It fielded four candidates who averaged just under 10 percent where they stood.

to put sb / oneself up / forward (as a candidate) (for sth):I was put up for the committee. | They are putting him up as a candidate in the next elections. | Do you intend to put yourself up (for the empty seat in the House)?| Is Chris willing to be put up for election? | She has decided to put herself forward as a candidate.

to put up for sth / as a candidate Do you really intend to put up for that seat? | He put up as a candidate.

to go to the polls: In June 1983, Margaret Thatcher went to the polls for the second time.

  1. candidacy | candidature (esp. BrE) [uncountable; countable] the fact that someone is a candidate in an election кандидатура; кандидат:The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.

presidential / parliamentary candidacy | candidacy for (the post of / office of) president / the presidency кандидатуранапостпрезидента / впарламент: Gore assiduously cultivated his eventual presidential candidacy.

to announce / declare / file one's candidacy (for election) выдвинуть / выставить / предложитьсвоюкандидатуру; зарегистрироватьсявкачествекандидата:He has officially announced his candidacy for the presidential election. | He has declared his candidacy for the post.

to withdraw one's candidacy | to send in one's withdrawal from the candidacy сниматьсвоюкандидатуру: She later withdrew her candidacy.

to approve / endorse one's candidacy утвердить / поддержать / одобритькандидатуру:He endorsed the presidential candidacy of Ronald Reagan.

  1. opponent [countable] someone who is competing against you and who belongs to a different party or who have different aims or policies противник, оппонент: a political opponent | a leading / main / chief opponent | He is admired even by his political opponents. | During the primary elections, McCain was Bush's leading opponent. | Reed is an outspoken opponent of the death penalty.

2. Election

  1. to run (esp. AmE) | to stand (esp. BrE) [intransitive] to take part in an election as a candidate участвовать в выборах, избираться; баллотироваться, выставлять / выдвигать / предлагать свою кандидатуру на выборах, баллотироваться

to run / stand: Clinton ran a second time in 1996. | Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time. | Some ardent supporters were urging him to stand.

to stand / run for election (to parliament) | to stand / run at / in an election / by-election | to stand / run in an area / seat участвоватьввыборах / дополнительныхвыборах, избираться; баллотироваться, выставлять / выдвигать / предлагатьсвоюкандидатурунавыборах/ дополнительныхвыборах: She was one of the first women to stand for election to parliament. | He will run for election this fall. | Hehasnotyetannouncedwhetherhewillstandintheelection. | She's not intending to stand at the next election. | None of the three Conservative candidates standing in the area for the first time was elected. | Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles.

to run / stand for office / president / the presidency / governor / mayor / parliament / a city council / a town / a seat участвоватьввыборах, избираться; баллотироваться, выставлять / выдвигать / предлагатьсвоюкандидатуру (впарламент / напост / должность): Jackson announced his intention to run for President. | He stood for parliament. | Do you intend to stand for this town in the next election? | Three women with the same name are standing for this seat. | More people are racing for the city council.

to run / stand for re-election / a second term баллотироваться / выставлять / выдвигать / предлагатьсвоюкандидатурунановыйсрок: He's going to run for re-election. | Salinas is running for a second term as President. | The president has announced she does not intend to stand for re-election.
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