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  • Study the following proper names.

  • Produce word- combinations.

  • In each column find the word with more general meaning.

  • Read and translate the derivatives.

  • Read and translate the following word-combinations and phrases.

  • Fill in the missing words and phrases from those listed below.

  • Make sure if you remember the Passive Voice.

  • Rearrange the sentences putting the words in the correct word order.

  • Reading Study the following text.

  • Answer the following questions

  • Put questions to the sentences.

  • Compose sentences using the following words.

  • Complete the following sentences.

  • Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations.

  • Speech practice 17. Complete the dialogues .

  • 1 9. Learn the dialogues.

  • 20. Role play. Work in two groups, one - acting MPs supporting the bills to be introduced the other - rejecting it. Discuss all pros and cons of the bills given below, and give your arguments

  • - Efficiency of the multi-party system. Part 3. Industry and Agriculture Vocabulary training 1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations

  • Read the following international words and compare them with corresponding Russian ones.

  • Match the words in A with those in B. A B

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    Part 2. Political system and parties
    Vocabulary training

    1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

    to be limited –быть ограниченным

    to consist of – состоять

    to rule - управлять

    to defend – защищать

    to support – поддерживать

    to appoint – назначать

    to determine - определять

    to dissolve - распустить

    to be founded – быть основанным

    to preside over [ʼprizaid] – председательствовать на

    monarchy [ʼmɔnəkɪ] – монархия

    at the head – во главе

    power(s) – власть

    branch – ветвь

    bill - законопроект

    government –правительство

    law-making body - законодательный орган

    in the name of – от имени

    majority – большинство

    parliamentary – парламентский

    executive [igʼzekjutiv] – исполнительный

    elective [iʼlektiv]– выборный

    legislative [ʼlegislәtiv]– законодательный

    judiciary [ʤu:ʼdiʃiәri] – судебный; судьи

    both… and – как… так и

    chamber – палата

    1. Study the following proper names.

    1. King – король

    2. Queen – королева

    3. Parliament – Парламент

    4. the House of Lords – Палата Лордов

    5. the House of Commons – Палата Общин

    6. the Lord Chancellor – лорд-канцлер

    7. the Shadow Cabinet – теневой кабинет

    8. the Conservative Party – Консервативная партия

    9. the Liberal Party – Либеральная партия

    10. the Labour Party – Лейбористская партия

    11. the Trade Union Congress – Съезд Тред-Юнионов

    12. the Cabinet – Кабинет

    13. the Prime Minister – премьер-министр

    14. the Commonwealth – Содружество Наций

    1. Produce word- combinations.

    1. political: parties, system, struggle, life.

    2. state: system, power, constitution, order.

    3. party: executive, progressive, Labour, Liberal, democratic, Conservative, leading.

    4. power: executive, Queen’s, absolute, legislative.

    1. In each column find the word with more general meaning.

    1. state





    2. group





    3. parliament



    the House of Lords


    1. Find the synonyms.

    head, at present, to play a part, to determine, now, leader, to play a role, to govern, to rule; parliamentary, to consist of, constitutional, to be formed of, to define.

    1. Read and translate the derivatives.

    to rule-ruling-as a rule-a rule; to power-power-powerful; to unite-union-the Trade Union-united-the United Nations; to lead-(a) leader-leadership-leading; to present-at present-present-presentation; policy-political-politician; common-the House of Commons-the Common Market; to elect-elective-elector-elections.

    1. Read and translate the following word-combinations and phrases.

    а) at the head of; at present; Queen’s power(s); constitutional monarchy; in the name of the Queen; the highest executive power; majority; in the middle of.

    b) the country is ruled by the Government; is called Labour party; is supported by the rich people; to defend the interests of the working class; to consist of 2 chambers; to have majority in the House of Commons; to form the Government.

    1. Fill in the missing words and phrases from those listed below.

    1. The country … by the Government.

    2. The Queen is … of the state.

    3. The judiciary branch of the government … common law.

    4. The Prime Minister … the Government.

    5. Great Britain is a parliamentary ….

    6. The Parliament … of 2 chambers: … and ….

    at the head; monarchy; is ruled; was founded; the House of Lords; consists; forms; the House of Commons, determines.

    1. Make sure if you remember the Passive Voice.

    1. The government (формируется) by the Prime Minister.

    2. The Conservative Party (поддерживается) by the rich people.

    3. The Labour Party (основана) at the beginning of the 20th century.

    4. The country (управляется) by the Government in the name of the Queen.

    5. 650 members (выбираются) to the House of Common.

    6. The Prime Minister (назначается) by the Queen.

    t o form, to support, to rule, to elect, to found, to appoint.

    1. Rearrange the sentences putting the words in the correct word order.

    1. Great Britain, a, is, monarchy, parliamentary.

    2. The Queen, at, of, is, the head, the state.

    3. The Parliament, the Queen’s powers’, by, are, limited.

    4. The Prime Minister, the leader, the party, of, is, has, that, the majority, the House of Commons, in, usually.

    5. 20 ministers, and, the Cabinet, consists of, the Prime Minister.

    1. Study the following text.

    Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The King or the Queen is at the head of the state but does not play an important part in the political life of the country.

    T he Queen has powers that can surprise many. She can choose a Prime Minister, dissolve Parliament and declare war like an absolute monarch. But in reality, she does not have these powers and acts under the tradition on the advice of Parliament.

    The British monarch has served both the Empire and the Commonwealth. Queen Elizabeth is the head of state not only of one small island nation, but also of the 53 nations of the Commonwealth, with the population of 1.8 billion.

    The Queen’s powers are limited by Parliament. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords has inherited (наследственные) members and the House of Commons has elected members. The House of Commons is the main law-making body of the United K ingdom. It is here that new bills are introduced and debated.

    The House of Lords has more than 1,000 members, although only about 250 take an active part in the work of the House. The chairman of the House of Lords is the Lord Chancellor, who sits on the Woolsack.

    The House of Commons is made up of 650 elected members, known as Members of Parliament, or MPs. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker.

    The Government is formed by the Prime Minister usually the leader of the party that has the majority in the House of Commons. He is appointed by the queen. Prime Ministers hold Cabinet meetings at their house at number 10 Downing Street, which is very near the Houses of Parliament. The second largest party becomes the official opposition with its own leader and the Shadow Cabinet.

    The highest executive power is the Cabinet. It consists of 20 ministers and the Prime Minister. The country is ruled by the Government in the name of Queen.

    The judiciary branch of the government determines common law and is independent of both the legislative and the executive branches. There is no written Constitution in Great Britain, only precedents and traditions.

    At present there are 3 main political parties in the country: the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Labour Party. The Conservative Party and the Liberal Party were founded in the middle of the 19th century and were supported by the rich people. The Labour Party was founded by the Trade Union Congress at the beginning of the 20th century. While many Labour voters are middle-class or intellectuals, the traditional Labour Party support is still strongest in industrial areas.

    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. Is Great Britain a parliamentary monarchy?

    2. Is the Queen at the head of the state?

    3. Does she play an important part in the political life of the country?

    4. Are her powers’ limited by the Parliament?

    5. What chambers does the Parliament consist of?

    6. Whom is the Government formed by?

    7. What is the highest executive power?

    8. What are that main political parties in Great Britain?

    1. Put questions to the sentences.

    1. The Conservative Party was founded in the middle of the 19th century. (When?)

    2. The Government is formed by the Prime Minister. (Whom by?)

    3. The Conservative Party is supported by the rich people. (What people by?)

    4. 650 members are elected to the House of Commons. (How many?)

    5. Prime Ministers hold Cabinet meetings at their house at number 10 Downing Street. (Where?)

    1. Compose sentences using the following words.

    Prime Minister

    at the head of


    constitutional monarchy


    to debate

    to preside over

    to rule

    to support

    to form

    1. Complete the following sentences.

      1. Prime Minister is the leader of the party that...

      2. The highest executive power is …

      3. A "Shadow Cabinet" is formed by....

      4. The official residence of the British Prime Minister is ...

      5. Тhе party which has majority of seats in the House of Commons forms ...

    1. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations.

    1. The Cabinet; 2.The House of Commons;

    3.The Prime Minister; 4. A parliamentary monarchy.
    Speech practice
    17. Complete the dialogues.
    1) - (Из каких палат состоит парламент?)

    - The Parliament consist of 2 chambers: the House of Lords an the House of Commons.

    - How many members has the House of Commons?

    - ….

    2) - Is the Queen at the head of the state?

    - ….

    - (Чем ограничена власть Королевы?)

    - Her powers’ are limited by the Parliament.

    - (Какова главная функция Парламента?)

    - The main function of Parliament is to make laws, to control the Government, to appropriate funds.

    18. Work in pairs.

    Student A Student B

    1. Great Britain – to be a parliamentary monarchy. What-it-to mean?

    2. How many chambers – the British Parliament – to consist of?

    3. Both Houses – to be elected?

    4. How many members – to be-there House?

    1. There – to be the King or the Queen – and the Parliament.

    2. … the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

    3. The members of the House of Commons – to be elected by general election. The seats in the House of Lords – to be hereditary.

    4. The House of Commons-to have 660 the members. The House of Lords-to have 850 members.

    1 9. Learn the dialogues.

    1) - Is England a monarchy or a parliamentary republic?

    - Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.

    - How is that?

    - It’s simple: there’s the King or the Queen and there’s a parliament enjoying the right to pass laws and elect the government.
    2) - There are 2 chambers in British Parliament, aren’t there?

    - Yes, the House of Lords and House of Commons.

    - The seats in Parliament are hereditary, aren’t they?

    - Not exactly. The seats are hereditary in the House of Lords but as to the members of the House of Commons, they are elected every 5 years.
    3) – Неllo, Steve. Nice to see you again.

    - Hello Paul. Havenʾt seen you for ages. Where have you been?

    - Iʾve been in England as matter of fact. Iʾve seen the Houses of Parliament and the Backingham Palace where the Queen lives.

    - Does she rule the country?

    - The Queen reigns, but doesnʾt rule. Queen Elizabeth II ascended the British throne in 1953.Great Britain is a constitutional monarchу. The Queen acts through Parliament on the advice of her Prime Minister.

    - Does she make any political decisions?

    - No, she doesnʾt. By the way, no king or queen of England is allowed to enter the House of Commons.

    - I see you are full of impression. Would you have time to drop round and have a chat with us this evening? I know my parents would be glad to see you.

    - Thanks, Iʾd like to very much.

    - Good, see you tonight then.

    - Fine.
    20. Role play. Work in two groups, one - acting MPs supporting the bills to be introduced the other - rejecting it. Discuss all pros and cons of the bills given below, and give your arguments:

    - The UK accepting the "Euro" as payment.

    - Canceling the heredity principal of Lords as MPs.

    - Restrictions of monarch's powers in the UK.

    - Efficiency of the multi-party system.
    Part 3. Industry and Agriculture
    Vocabulary training
    1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

    to obtain – получать

    to increase – увеличивать

    to develop – развивать

    to be famous for – быть известным чем-либо

    to receive – получать

    to provide – обеспечивать

    to manufacture – производить

    to destroy – разрушать

    to devote – посвящать

    production – производство

    variety – разнообразие

    deʼposit – месторождение

    exʼpansion – расширение

    vehicle – транспортное средство

    dairy-farming – животноводство

    grain crops – зерновые культуры

    barley – ячмень

    wheat – пшеница

    arms expenditure – военные расходы

    resources – ископаемые

    limestone – известняк

    china clay – каолин, фарфоровая глина

    oil shale – нефтеносный сланец

    fuel – топливо, горючее

    well - нефтяная скважина

    employment – занятость

    extreme – чрезвычайный

    naval – морской

    coal-mining – добыча угля

    1. Read the following international words and compare them with

    corresponding Russian ones.
    Capitalist, colony, decade, industrial, export, import, production, electrical, textile, television, radio, motor, resources, centre, manufacture, port, expansion, military, sector, fund, million, product.

    1. Match the words in A with those in B.

    A B





    to obtain

    to manufacture






    electrical goods











    транспортное средство


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