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  • 15. Complete the following sentences using the contents of both texts.

  • 16. This time the text is about a cover letter, read it carefully.

  • 17. Think of the heading to the text and express its general idea in one or two sentences . 18. Work with your partner. Study the sample cover letter (job application letter).

  • Sample Job Application Letter

  • 19. Work in pairs. Correct wrong statements.

  • Speech Practice 20 Look at the following speech patterns and match questions and answers.

  • 21 Match the questions in A with the answers in B. Refer your answer to a particular situation (formal, less formal, informal).

  • 22. Say which job you would prefer and why

  • 23. Read and develop these conversations.

  • 24. Find out about your group-mates and other peoples occupations.

  • 25. Point out the most important factors in choosing your future job.

  • 27. Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions.

  • 28. Work as one or two small groups. Chose any situation and act it out.

  • Check list to module VII

  • Учебное пособие по разговорному английскому языку для студентов всех специальностей неязыкового вуза

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    13. Look through the sample CV and pay attention to the details.


    Personal Details

    Veronika Henderson

    Date of birth Address

    31.07.1978. Apt.45,29Merrypark


    UK 452121

    Tel. 124896765324


    1997 - present

    Degree in French and Film Studies, University of London,

    Specialist subjects: British Cinema, The Narrative


    1992 -1997

    Royal Latin School, Aylesbury

    4 A Levels: French (B), German (C), English (B), Film

    studies (A)

    7 GCSEs: French (A), German (A), English (A), History

    (B), Art (A), Maths (B), Economics (B)

    Work experience


    Information Officer, Futuroscope, France

    Responsible for dealing with enquiries in a busy office, responding to 2,000

    enquiries a week. This demonstrated my ability to retain a professional approach and a sense of humour while working under pressure.


    Customer Services Assistant

    Provided support for customer enquiries. Dealing with customers' complaints

    demonstrated my ability to remain calm under pressure. Explaining complex

    issues simply and clearly helped me to develop my communication skills.


    Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Spreadsheets

    Working knowledge of French and Italian

    Current clean driving license


    Travel: I have travelled extensively and independently in Europe.

    Music: I play the guitar in a semi-professional band and have done a number of 'gigs' for school and student clubs


    Damish Richards Michael Brown

    (tutor of University (Customer Service

    of London) Manager)

    12 Midland Avenue 81 Light Street Oxford London

    OX11 3GGR CE 14 7 LSR

    14. Answer the following questions.
    1. What is the aim of an application?

    2. What are the important sections of CV?

    3. What is the most common format for an English CV?

    4. What is peculiar about studies information in CV?

    5. Is it necessary to dwell into deep details about all the experience you have? Why?

    6. Why is it good to make your CV checked by an English person?
    15. Complete the following sentences using the contents of both texts.
    1. When you look for a job, it's so important … .

    2. Use all possible sources to help … .

    3. If you feel you like the job being advertised or being offered to you … .

    4. CV should contain clearly separated sections, setting out: personal details, your work experience … .

    5. Chronological CV is the most … .
    16. This time the text is about a cover letter, read it carefully.
    When applying for a job a cover letteror an application letter should be sent or posted with your resume or CV. Your cover letter should be specific to the position you are applying for, relating your skills and experience to those noted in the job posting. Your cover letter is your first (and best) chance to make a good impression!

    An effective cover letter should explain the reasons for your interest in the organization and in the job you are applying for. Take the time to review cover letter examples, then make sure that your letter explains how your skills relate to the criteria listed in the job posting.
    17. Think of the heading to the text and express its general idea in one or two sentences.
    18. Work with your partner. Study the sample cover letter (job application letter).

    Sample Job Application Letter

    Mr. George Gilhooley
    XYZ Company
    87 Delaware Road
    Hatfield, CA 08065
    (909) 555-5555

    Dear Mr. Gilhooley,

    I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.
    The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

    • I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications

    • I strive for continued excellence

    • I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers

    With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
    Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

    I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, 555-555-5555. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.
    FirstName LastName
    19. Work in pairs. Correct wrong statements.

    1) Leaving school is a time of new freedoms and opportunities.

    2) Leaving school is a time to make decisions we have made before.

    3) School-leavers go to University or to a college just for one reason which is to have chances in the lottery of employment.

    4) A growing number of companies provide some part-time study paid for by the employer.

    5) It`s really important to realize what you are good at, not so good at, what sort of things you want to do and can do when you look for a job.

    6) The data on your personal experience in CV should be presented in reverse order.

    7) There are no definite rules for applying by letter.

    8) When you ring up about a job you cannot know what you have to say and how to say it.
    Speech Practice
    20 Look at the following speech patterns and match questions and answers.

    Asking for reasons

    Giving reasons

    - What's the reason for ...?

    -I'd like to know the reason for ...

    -I find it interesting to know ...

    - How can you account for the fact … ?

    - Why are / do you ...?

    - The basic reason is that...

    - Let me explain. You see ...

    -I think it is right for the following reasons ...

    -Why do/don't you ...?

    - Can you explain why ...?

    - Why did it happen?

    -I wonder if...?

    - What's the point of ...?

    -Well, ... you see...

    -Well, the thing is ...

    -... that's why ...

    - He's got a point. You see ...

    -The point is ...

    - Why is that?

    -Tell me why ...?

    -What for...?

    -Why so...?

    -Why not...?

    -Well, because ...

    - Because ...

    - If I could explain, ...

    - It's like this, you see ...

    -Why should I...?

    21 Match the questions in A with the answers in B. Refer your answer to a particular situation (formal, less formal, informal).

    a) Why are you:

    late for work? (1)

    hungry? (2)

    angry? (3)

    tired? (4)

    b) I'm late because I missed the bus.

    Because I missed the bus.

    I missed the bus.

    I missed the bus, that's why.

    I missed the bus, that's why I am late.

    I haven't eaten.

    You were rude to me.

    I work very hard

    22. Say which job you would prefer and why:

    • providing good living, but rather boring and routine;

    • which involves working indoors;

    • which would be quite intellectual;

    • a job involving a foreign language and living abroad;

    • providing poor living but interesting;

    • which involves working out of doors;

    • which would be in some way physical or manual;

    - a job involving no language at all; part-time job; full-time job.
    23. Read and develop these conversations.


    - I'm looking for a new job, sir.

    - What exactly do you want?

    -I wouldn't mind working in a pub.

    - Have you done anything like that before?

    - Well, I once did a bit of serving...


    -I wonder whether you need any part-timers.

    - What kind of work were you thinking of?

    - A hotel job or some sort.

    - Have you ever done anything similar?

    - Not so far, no. I'm more or less straight from school but I'll do my best because...


    - Do you have any vacancies for full-time staff?

    - What do you mean (have in mind) ?

    - Something in the building industry.

    - Have you had any experience?

    - Actually, I'm a civil engineer by profession and I enjoy my job, but...


    - I’m looking for some flexitime job.

    - Are you aware of the fact that flexitime doesn’t mean working just when you want?

    - Well, to be true – not. What is flexitime then?

    - You should work within certain limits, say in our company it is from eleven to three and you have to do enough hours each month.

    24. Find out about your group-mates' and other people's occupations.

    Model A:

    - What do you do for a living?

    - Actually, I don't work yet. I go to Harvard University and study management.

    - Why have you chosen management as your future profession?

    - Because it's a demanding and prestigious job today.

    Model В:

    - What do you do?

    - Oh, I want to take up computers.

    - Why do you want to study computer programming?

    - Well, I lost my job last month and haven't been able to find another one.

    Model C:

    - What's your present job, Jully?

    - I work as a personnel manager at a big firm but I want to transfer

    to the International Sales Division.

    - What for?

    - Well, I don't really like to work at the cabinet. I just want to travel, to go to Africa or Latin America, for example.

    - Hmm, that's exciting

    Model D:

    - What would you like to be, Phil?

    - Actually I don't know yet. I think I'd rather be a writer.

    - Are there any special reasons for that?

    - I see only one: I like to see my name in print.

    25. Point out the most important factors in choosing your future job.

    -work which is useful to society;

    -good salary or wages;

    -opportunities to meet different people;

    -opportunities to travel;

    -flexible hours;

    -interesting and not boring work;

    -high security of employment;

    -good pension scheme;

    -dealing with children;

    -responsibility of your own;

    -the chance of promotion;

    -good career prospects;

    -good working conditions;

    -friendly colleagues and considerate management;

    -long holidays;

    -other factors -what?

    26. Most people feel satisfaction for their jobs. But it doesn't always turn out that way. Sometimes the work is so boring that it is very difficult to get any pleasure. Here are some reasons for people's being unhappy at their work. Read and comment on each point:
    - because their jobs are repetitive and boring;

    - because of bad working conditions;

    - because of poor wages;

    - because their workmates are unfriendly, or the nature of the job makes it difficult to contact other workers;

    - because they are not treated as individuals at work;

    - because of a bad, unfair employer;

    - because the job is not very secure;

    - because the work is very hard physically and yet not very productive.
    27. Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions.

    Set 1

    Set 2

    1.Would you like your work to be: a) indoors? b) outdoors? с) a mixture of both?

    2.Would you prefer a job that: a) allowed you to work on your own, away from other people? b) involved you in working with other people ?

    3.Would you like the people you work with to be: a) mainly of your own sex? b) mainly people of the opposite sex? с) people of both sexes?

    4. At work would you like: a) to be told what to do by a supervisor? b) to use your own initiative most of the time? с) to be entirely your own boss?

    5. Would you prefer: a) to work with people mainly of the same age as you? b) to work with people older that you ?

    6. Would you like a job: a) that involved the repetition of the same task almost all the time? b) that provided some variation? с) that changed most of the time?

    8. Would you prefer a job: a) that involved quite a lot of writing? b) that involved hardly any writing at all?

    9. Would you like your work: a) to involve a lot of thought? b) to call for some thought? с) to call for little thought?

    1. Is career an important part in your life?

    2. What's your idea of an ideal job?

    3. What are some good jobs to have and why?

    4. What are the worst jobs and why?

    5. What job would you like to get after you graduate from the University? (What career would you like to follow ... ?)

    6. What business are your parents in?

    7. How long has your father been in his trade?

    8. Does he hold any important post?

    Is there a lot of stress connected with your possible work?

    9. Possibly you have a friend who presently have work. Do you think your friend’s present career is the right one for him?

    10. Would you continue working at your present job even if you won or inherited a lot of money?

    11. Would you agree to get married and not to work?

    11. Would you like a job where you had to wear a uniform or where you could wear what you liked?

    12. Would you like to work for an organization that employs thousands of people or that employs less than a hundred people ?

    13. Would you prefer a job that has set working hours every day or shift work?

    10. In your job would you prefer to sit most of the time, to stand most of the time or to be able to move around freely?

    28. Work as one or two small groups. Chose any situation and act it out.

    Check list to module VII

    1. What is CV?

    2. What are the main sections of CV?

    3. Why is it good to make your CV checked by an English person?

    4. What is the basic structure of a job application letter?

    Список литературы

      1. Л.А. Ерофеева. Учебник современного английского языка, English to enjoy.- М: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2007. – 202 с.

      2. Л.В. Хведченя. Практический курс современного английского языка. В 2 ч. Ч. 1, 3-е изд. – Мн.: Выш. шк., 2006. – 285 с.

      3. H.Dellar, A.Walkley. Innovations. Coursebook. - Italy: Thomson, 2004 - 176 p.

      4. S.Cunningham, P.Moor. New Cutting Edge. Students’ book.- Pearson: Longman, 2008. – 175 p.

      5. J. O’Driscoll. Britain, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. – 223 p.

      6. Pictorial guide to London, Bonechi, 2007. – 65 p.

      7. S. Robbins. First Insights into Business. Student’s book. – Longman, 2005. – 175 p.

      8. http://en.wikipedia.org

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