английский за проф направлением. Укладач Триполець В.І. Рецензенти
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43. Human body. Людське тіло. I. Vocabulary. 1. Learn the following words. trunk – тулуб; extremity also limb – кінцівка; forehead – лоб; temples – скроні; lashes – вії; oral – ротовий; cavity – порожнина; gums – ясна; abdomen – живіт; lung – легеня; breathe – дихати; excrete – виділяти; kidney – нирка; bladder - (сечовий) міхур; waste – відходи; skin – шкіра; brain - головний мозок; gland – залоза; arm - рука (upper - плече); forearm – передпліччя; hip - стегновий суглоб, стегно; thigh - стегнова кістка; knee – коліно; calf – литка; ankle - кісточка, щиколотка; heel - п'ята; sole – підошва; toe - палець ноги; jaw – шелепа; heart – серце; stomach – шлунок; oesophagus alsogullet – стравохід; intestines alsobowels – кишківник; liver – печінка; gall bladder - жовчний міхур; spleen – селезінка. 2. Find English equivalents of the Ukrainian words.
3. Match the following names of body parts with the definitions.
HUMAN BODY The head is connected with the trunk by the neck. The windpipe (trachea) and gullet (esophagus) pass through the neck. The bony framework of the head, enclosing the brain, is the skull. The front part of the head is the face. Its upper part is composed of the forehead and the temples. The two sides of the lower face are called the cheeks. The two jaws (upper and lower) form the framework of the mouth. The lower jaw also gives shape to the chin. The oral cavity contains the tongue and the teeth, the necks of which are enveloped into the gums. The two margins of the mouth are the lips. The organs of the special senses in the face are the eyes and the nose. The eye is set in a bony socket called the orbit. The eyes are protected by the eyelashes and the eyebrows. The ear includes three principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear and the internal ear. The nose which we use for smelling, breathing and sneezing has two openings called nostrils. The top and the back part of the head are covered with hair. The trunk consists of the chest, the abdomen and the back. The upper cavity, the chest (thorax), contains the heart and lungs. In the lower cavity, the abdomen, there are the kidneys, the stomach, the liver, the gall bladder, the spleen, the urinary bladder and the intestines or bowels. The lungs belong to the respiratory system. The lungs are the essential organs of breathing. They are two spongy organs, situated one on either side of the thoracic cavity. In adults they are usually blue in color, but in infants they are quite pink. The kidneys and the bladder are parts of the urinary system. They excrete waste products. The heart, the arteries, the capillaries and the veins constitute the cardiovascular system. The mouth, the gullet, the stomach and the intestines form the alimentary canal. The juices of many glands further the process of the digestion of our food. We have four limbs: two arms and two legs. The arms are the upper extremities and the legs form the lower extremities. The upper extremity is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. Between the upper arm and the forearm there is the elbow. The joint between the forearm and the hand is called the wrist. Each hand has four fingers and one thumb. At the tips of the fingers there are the fingernails. The parts of the lower extremity are the thigh, the lower leg and the foot. The back of the lower leg is called the calf. Between the thigh and the lower leg there is the knee joint. The joints between the lower legs and the feet are the ankles. The foot consists of the heel, the sole and the toes. The body is covered with the skin. II. Language Development 1. Match the following English words with the Ukrainian ones.
3. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box.
1.We breathe with the ... . 2.The ear has three ... parts: the 3.The tongue is in the .... 4.The legs are ... extremities, and the arrns are ... extremities. 5.The skull contains the .... 6.The forehead is a part of the .... 7.The ... connects the head with the ... . 8.The spleen is in the .... 9.The shoulder connects the ... with the .... 10.The framework of bones is called the ... . 11. The skin covers the .... 4. Match the conditions with the organs affected using your medical knowledge.
5. Find the correct answers. 1. What are the excretory organs?
2. What does the substance which forms the human body consist of?
3. What organs does the thoracic cavity include?
4. What does the skull contain?
5. Where are the gums?
6. Say whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The framework of bones is called the skeleton. 2. The forehead is one of the parts of the chest. 3. The skin covers the body. 4. The legs are upper extremities. 5. The spleen is the part of the face. 6. The most important muscle in the body is the heart. 7. Bronchi are part of the skeleton. 8. Hemoglobin is a protein found in white blood cells. 7. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
To examine the patient for enlarged abdominal (1) first feel for the (2) ... and the (3) ... on the right side. To do this, ask the patient to take a deep breath, while pressing with the fingers upwards. Next, feel for the right (4) ... and then cross over to the other side for the left (5) ... . Still on the left side, palpate for an enlarged (6) ... . Finally, moving to the lower abdomen, feel for the (7) which is only felt if it is full. |