английский за проф направлением. Укладач Триполець В.І. Рецензенти
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II. Language Development 1. Match the English word combinations with the Ukrainian ones and use them in sentences of your own.
2. Match the vitamins with their chemical names.
3. Match the sentence beginnings with their endings.
4. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate words or expressions from the box. Translate the completed sentences into Ukrainian.
1. In much of the developed world, vitamin deficiencies are rare; this is due to (1) an adequate ... of food and (2) the addition of vitamins and minerals to common foods, often called fortification. 2. The В vitamins are a group of... vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism. 3. Human bodily stores for different vitamins vary widely; vitamins A, D, and B12 are stored in significant amounts in the human body, mainly in the liver, and an adult human's diet may be deficient in vitamins A and D for many months and B12 in some cases for years, before developing a ... condition. 4. However, vitamin B3 (... and niacinamide) is not stored in the human body in significant amounts, so stores may last only a couple of weeks. 5. An increase in the proportion of animal protein in the 20th century American diet coupled with increased consumption of milk ... with relatively small quantities of vitamin D. 6. In living organisms, ascorbate is an since it protects the body against oxidative stress. 7. Scurvy is an ... resulting from lack of vitamin C, since without this vitamin, the synthesized collagen is too unstable to perform its function. 8. A 1992 study found that taking 2 grams ... daily lowered blood histamine levels 38 percent in healthy adults in just one week. 9. When taken in large doses, ascorbic acid causes ... and other forms of indigestion in healthy subjects. 10. The role of vitamin A in the ... cycle is specifically related to the retinal form. 5. Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate prepositions. Translate the completed text into Ukrainian. Vitamins are classified by/with their biological and chemical act ty, not their structure. Thus, each "vitamin" refers to/on a number in/of vitamer compounds that all show the biological activity associated by/with a particular vitamin. Such a set of/in chemicals is grouped under/above an alphabetized vitamin "generic descriptor" title, suck as "vitamin A", which includes the compounds retinal, retinol, four known carotenoids. Vitamers by/with definition are convertit for/to the active form of/for the vitamin in/at the body, and are sometimes inter-convertible to/for one another, as well. Until/After the mid-1930s, when the first commercial yeast-extr and semi-synthetic vitamin С supplement tablets were sold, vitar were obtained solely through food intake. Therefore changes at/in j (which, for example, could occur during/before a particular grov season) could alter the types and amounts of/in vitamins ingested. Vitamins have been produced as commodity chemicals and made widely available as inexpensive semisynthetic and synthetic-source multivitamin dietary supplements, since/after the middle of the 20" century. The term vitamin was derived from/out 'vitamine', a combinati word made up by/with Polish scientist Casimir Funk out/from vi and amine, meaning amine of/for life. It had been suggested in 1912 that the organic micronutrient food factors that prevent berit and perhaps other similar dietary-deficiency diseases might be cher cal amines. This proved incorrect for/to the micronutrient class. on 1920, Jack Cecil Drummond proposed that the final 'e' be dropp to deemphasize the "amine" reference, after researchers began suspect that not all 'vitamines' (in/at particular, vitamin A) have amine component. So the word 'vitamine' was shortened to/by vitamin. 6 Complete the sentences about vitamins with the words from the box. One word is used twice.
1. Vitamin A keeps the ... healthy and is important for good vision. It is found in fatty foods like butter, cheese, whole milk and yoghurt. 2. Vitamin A, and more specifically, retinoic acid, appears to maintain normal ... health by switching on genes and differentiating keratinocytes (immature skin cells) into mature epidermal cells. 3. The В vitamins keep the ... healthy and help reduce... . They are found in foods like whole-grain bread and cereals. 4. Vitamin B9 is needed before and during ... . It is present mainly in green leafy vegetables and legumes. 5. The primary role of vitamin B6 is to act as a coenzyme to many other ... in the body that are involved predominantly in ... . 6. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the ... and nervous system, and for the formation of... . 7. Vitamin С is needed to help the ... repair itself when it is damaged. It is found in fruit, especially citrus fruit and kiwifruit. 8. Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and ... because it helps the body absorb calcium. Our body makes vitamin D when our ... is exposed to ... . 9. Vitamin E can be found most abundantly in wheat germ oil, and in sunflower or soybean oils. It is a fat-soluble ... that stops the production of reactive oxygen species formed when fat undergoes oxidation. 10. Deficiency of vitamin E is very rare but mild ... in newborn infants may occur. 11. Vitamin K1 is found chiefly in leafy green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli; some fruits such as avocado, kiwifruit and grapes are also high in vitamin K. 12. Many bacteria, such as Escherichia coli found in the ... , can synthesize vitamin К2, but not vitamin K1. 7. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Comment your answer. 1. A vitamin is a non-organic compound required as a nutrient in small amounts for the healthy maintenance of the whole organism. 2. All vitamins are synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism. 3. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve easily in water, and as they aren't readily excreted from the body with the urine, their reserves can last for long periods. 4. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids but they aren't likely to accumulate in the body. 5. Hypervitaminosis is more likely to be caused by water-soluble vitamins. 6. All vitamins of В complex have similar roles for our body and can be obtained only synthetically. 7. Retinol and other vitamers of vitamin A are necessary for healthy skin, development of the bones, and good vision. 8. Vitamin Kx is synthesized by intestinal bacteria, but vitamin Kj is found chiefly in leafy green vegetables and fruits. 9. Both avitaminosis and hypervitaminosis are similarly dangerous for a human body. 10. Restrictive diets have the potential to cause prolonged vitamin deficiency, which may result in potentially dangerous diseases. 8. What questions would you ask to obtain the following information? • Role of vitamins in our life • Influence of vitamins on human health • Solubility and storage of vitamins • Food sources of vitamins • Factors that interfere with the absorption or use of vitamins • Recommended diets • Avitaminosis and hypervitaminosis • Deficiency diseases 9. Answer the following questions. 1. What is vitamin? 2. Why do people need vitamins? 3. Is there any difference between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins? Name them. 4. How are vitamins synthesized? 5. Where can vitamins be found? 6. Which vitamins are necessary for:
7. What influences the absorption or use of vitamins? 8. How do we understand 'deficiency diseases'? 9. What diet is thought to be healthy? 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Вітаміни — це органічні сполуки різної хімічної природ необхідні в невеликих кількостях для нормального обмі речовин і життєдіяльності живих організмів. 2. Багато вітамінів є попередниками коферментів, які беру участь у ферментативних реакціях. 3. Людина і тварини не синтезують вітаміни або синтезують у недостатній кількості, тому повинні одержувати їх із їжею. 4. Нестача вітамінів призводить до порушення обміну речовин Джерелом вітамінів найчастіше є рослини. 5. За нормального раціону і здорового способу життя потреба у вітамінах задовольняється природним шляхом. 6. Однак узимку і навесні відчувається нестача вітамінів, щоспричиняє гіповітамінози. Надлишок вітамінів — гіпервітаміноз, що буває дуже рідко. 7. Одноманітне харчування, бідне на натуральні рослинні продукти, призводить до виникнення захворювання авітамінозу. 8. Фолієва кислота — вітамін В9, що впливає на кровотворення, стимулює утворення еритроцитів і лейкоцитів, знижує вміст холестерину в крові. При авітамінозі розвивається недокрів'я. 9. Добова потреба людини в аскорбіновій кислоті досить велика — 63—105 мг. Нестача аскорбінової кислоти може призвести до цинги. 10. Вітамін А і каротин мають чудову властивість накопичуватися в організмі і їх надлишки можуть зберігатися більше року. XІІ тема: Основні системи людського організму. XІІ тема: Основні системи людського організму. |