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английский язык. УМК_1 курс_неяз.спец. Unit getting acquainted. Text Rules of introduction. Grammar The verb To be

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Ex.9.Express the following sentences in the passive. Do not mention the subjects of the active verbs.
Example: They asked me my name and address.
1. Someone told us a very funny story yesterday. 2.The people gave him a hearty welcome. 3.They have offered my brother a very good job.4.The house agents showed us some very nice flats. 5. The secretary didn't tell me the exact time of my appointment. 6. The teacher hasn’t asked Peter any questions at this lesson.7.People wished the newly married couple a long and happy life.8.They never tell me the family news.9. He didn’t tell me the whole truth.
Ex.10.Open the brackets, using the correct form of the Passive Voice.
1.This copy (not read). The pages (not cut) 2.Why the car (not lock) or (put) into the garage? 3.I’m not wearing my black shoes today. They (mend).4. This room (use) only on special occasions.5. He was taken to hospital this afternoon, and (operate on) tomorrow morning.6. The damaged buildings (reconstruct) now, the reconstruction (finish) by the end of the year. 7.The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month.8. She heard footsteps, she thought she (follow).9. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday.

Ex.11.Translate into English.
1. Дом был отремонтирован, забор был покрашен и много новых фруктовых деревьев было посажено в саду к тому времени когда он вернулся. 2. Она показала мне статью которая была переведена ее братом. 3. Этот завод был построен к маю. 4. К семи часам вчера все документы были готовы. 5. Когда мы получили их телеграмму товары были доставлены в порт. 6.Где сейчас строят это здание? 7.Где строятся такие здания? 8.Когда будет построено это здание? 9.Опять обсуждается этот вопрос? 10.Лекции этого профессора всегда слушают с большим интересом.11.Его всегда любили б и ему всегда доверяли.

Unit 9
Text: Sport in our life.

Grammar: The Passive Voice.
Практические цели: введение и закрепление грамматической темы: The Passive Voice и выполнение грамматических упражнений на закрепление. Ознакомление лексического материала по теме "Sport" и закрепление активной лексики в речевых упражнениях.

Sports and games popular in England

— What would you say are the most popular games in England today?

— Well, I suppose football, that is, soccer, racket and cricket.

— What are the other outdoor games?

— Oh, there's tennis, hockey, golf, and so on. Tennis is played all the, year round—on

hard courts or grass courts in summer, and on hard or covered courts in winter.

— What about horse-racing?

I should say that is one of the most popular sports in Great Britain. Then there are, of course,

walking-races, running, swimming and boxing.

— I've been told that there are no winter sports in England.

— Well, you see; the English winter isn't very severe as a rule and we don't often have the

chance of, skiing, skating or tobogganing, but winter is the great time for hunting, provided

the ground is not too hard.

— Is there any golf to be had near London?

— Oh, yes, any amount. There are dozens of good golf-links within an hour/or so of London.

You ought to join a golf club if you're keen on the game.

— I think I shall if I get the chance. What about indoor games?

— Well, there's chess, billiards, cards, table tennis... By the, way, do you play billiards?

— Well, but of 'course, I'm not a professional or a champion, just an ordinary amateur and not a

very good one at that.

Topical vocabulary.
1. amateur (professional) sport любительский спорт

2. championship чемпионат

3. competition соревнование

4. contest соревнование

5. cup (final, semi-final) match матч на кубок

6. indoor (outdoor or open-air) sports комнатный вид спорта

7. sports спортивные игры

8. sports adj, e. g. sports jacket (shirt) спортивный

9. tournament турнир

10. crew n (used for sportsmen команда

rowing or sailing a boat) national (Olympic, college)

11.team команда

12. official (umpire, referee, judge) n судья

13. opponent (rival) n соперник

14. sportsman (athlete) n спортсмен

15.sportswoman n спортсменка

16.fan (colloq.) n, e.g. фанат

17.football fan футбольный фанат

18.shout for vболеть за

19.spectator n зритель

20.support поддерживать

21.scoring system счетная система

22.best (record, fastest) time лучший результат

23.defeat наносить поражение

24.draw n. e. g. The match ended in a draw. ничья

draw v, e. g. The two teams drew.

25.goal n гол

26.lose v проиграть

loser n

27.point n, e. g . How many points have they won? очко

28.score n, e. g. The score of the game was 6 : 4 очко

score v. e. g. He scored 20 points. Neither side scored in the game (не забила гол).

29.victory n победа
Ex.1.Read and act out the dialogue.
Ex.1. What do you call a person who goes in for:

wrestling, cycling, weight-lifting, swimming, diving, running, mountaineering, boxing, skiing, racing, hunting, playing football, playing chess, playing draughts, ath­letics, skating, playing volley-ball, playing basket-ball, playing hockey?
Ex.2. Fill in prepositions if necessary:
Sport is very popular ... Britain. ... other words a lot ... British people like the idea ... sport; a lot even watch sport, especially ... the TV. However, the number who actively take part ... sport is probably quite small. '4;'the whole British people prefer to be fat rather than fit.

The most popular spectator sport is football. Football is played ... a Sunday afternoon ... most British towns and the fans, or supporters ... a particular team will travel ... one end ... the country ... the other to see their team play.

Many other sports are also played ... Britain, including golf ... which you try to knock a ball ... a hole; croquet ... which you try to knock a ball ... some hoops; basket­ball ... which you try to get a ball ... a net; tennis ... which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent cannot hit it and cricket which is played ... a ball, but is otherwise incomprehensible. As you can see, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport.

Actually that's not quite true. Athletics is not played ... a ball, nor is horse-racing. Perhaps that explains why they are not so popular as football.
Ex.3.Answer the following questions. Do not answer in one sentence. Add something else:

1. What kind of sport do you go in for? 2. Do you play draughts? 3. Do you attend hockey matches? 4. What football team do you support? 5. Did you ever try figure-skating? 6. Who usually likes tobogganing? 7. What do spectators do at the stadiums? 8. Where are boat-races I held in Moscow? 9. What is the most popular sport in the 1 Soviet Union? 10. Do Soviet teams participate in international matches? 11. Who coaches your volley-ball team?12. Where are the Oxford and Cambridge boat-races held? 13. What is the difference between a "sport" and a "game"? 114. What sports and games do you know? 15. What games take the first place in public interest? 16. What is the great national sport in England?
Ex.4. Make up dialogues using the following words:
in my opinion ...; there's nothing like ...; I don't quite see what people find in ...; how can you say such a thing!;

I don't know anything more exciting than ...; I see nothing exciting in ...; I can't agree with you there; absolutely marvelous; I like it immensely.

Ex.5. Read the following text and comment on it:
Hang Gliding. The Sport of the 1980s

Hang gliding, like windsurfing, comes from America. The person who thought of this sport, Francis Rogallo, got the idea when he was watching space capsules falling towards the sea. The capsules had a sort of wing which helped them to go more slowly until they reached the sea.

But this idea isn't as new as you might think: in the fifteenth century, Leonardo da Vinchi drew pictures of a hang glider; it was a sort of kite which could carry a person.

The modern hang glider can go with the wind or against it, and the pilot can change direction by moving the control bar. Hang gliders rise and fall with the move­ments in the air—near hills, for example, they usually go up. All over the world, these giant butterflies are becoming more and more popular, as people discover the fun of flying.
Ex.6. What do you know of the kinds of sport which recently appeared? Describe them and say what attracts people in them.

Ex.7.Speak on:

1.the role of sport in modern life;

2. sport as part of school and college life.
Grammar: The Passive Voice.

  • We use the infinitive after modal verbs and a number of other verbs. The passive infinitive is to be done/ to have been done


May/ might

Must/ have to

Should/ would


be done

have been done

Lions and tigers can be seen in Zoos. He spoke very clearly; he could be heard by everyone

  • The verbs which take prepositional objects can form passive construction of the following pattern:

smb is

smth was

will be

sent for

spoken about

laught at

The verbs taking prepositional objects.
to agree to/with- соглашаться с

to agree on/upon-прийти к соглашению

to call for,on –зайти за

to deal with –иметь дело с

to hear of –слышать о

to insist on/upon- настаивать на

to laugh at – смеяться над

to look after- ухаживать за

to put with- примиритьсяс

to refer to- ссылаться на

to send for-посылать за

to think of- думать о

to comment on-комментировать

to provide for-снабжать

to lose sight of-потерять из виду

to make use of-использовать
Ex.6.Read the situation and write a sentence. Use the words in brackets.
Example: He seldom keeps his promise.(he/can/rely/on)
1.The child is very ill.(the doctor /send/for) 2. The old car is in excellent condition.(it/look/after /well). 3. He was speaking for two hours. (he/listened to/ in silence) 4. She is going into hospital tomorrow. (she/ take good care of). 5. This little boy is always dirty. (he/look after/ properly).6. She is always breaking things in the kitchen. (she/speak to/about her carelessness)7. He’s a sensible man.(his advise/listen to carefully) 8.The dentist said her teeth were very bad.(they/ take care of). 9. He never broke a promise in his life.(he/ come/rely on)10. Shakespeare was born more that 400 years ago.(he/look upon/the greatest of English poets)
Ex.7.Put the following into the passive, mentioning the agent where necessary.
1.You can’t wash this dress.(it / dry-clean).2. They discuss unimportant things.(a lot of time/waste). 3. They will type your letters in a minute.(the letters/ type/ in the other office) 4. I can’t play now.(my piano/ repair/ at the moment) 5. The guests ate other sandwiches, and drank all the lemonade.( nothing/ leave). 6. I can’t find my parcel anywhere.(it/ post?) 7. I have no information.(I/ inform/ of the change of the plan).8.I’m afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more.(more/ order).9. The letter can’t be mailed.(it/ not stamp). 10. I would like to meet her mother.(I/ not introduce/ yet).
Ex.8. Give the corresponding passive construction.
1. We looked through all the advertisements very attentively.2. The gardener gathered all the dry leaves and set fire to them. 3. People will talk much about the successful debut of the young actress, no doubt.4. You can rely upon your guide’s experience. 5. Why didn’t the speaker dwell longer upon this question? 6. You should send the sick man to hospital. They will look after him much better there.7. A famous architect has designed the new theatre this week. 8. This plant had fulfilled the yearly plan by the 15 december.9. The workers are discharging the steamer. 10. The students read the text and translated it into English. 11.Who has written this article?
Ex.9.Put in the correct forms, active or passive, of the verbs in brackets.
How the other half lives

Lord Manners was a rich and famous banker. When he (die), he (give) a magnificent funeral which (attend) by hundreds of famous people. The funeral was going to (hold) in West Minister Abbey. Many ordinary people (line) the streets to watch the procession. The wonderful black and gold carriage (draw) by 6 black horses. The mourners (follow) in silence. Lord Manners (give) a royal farewell. Two tramps were among the crowd, they (watch) the procession. As solemn music (can/hear) in the distance, one of them (turn) other and (whisper) in admiration: ”Now that’s what I call really living! ” (from “Longman English Grammar Practice”by L.G. Alexander)
Ex.10.Translate the sentences into English.
1. Лекции этого профессора всегда слушают с большим интересом.2. Меня прервал Джон. 3.Его всегда любили, и ему всегда доверяли. 4. О ней заботятся ее друзья. 5.Я уверен, что, записка была написана карандашом. 6. Дверь открыла пожилая женщина , и Джейн вывели в маленькую гостиную.7. Кровать не было застелена, стул был сломан.8.Это письмо только что подписано директором. 9. Товары еще не доставлены. 10. Подписан ли этот контракт? 11. Этот вопрос еще не исследован. 12. Ящики пересчитаны. Их можно отвести на склад. 13. Библиотека была закрыта,

так как было же 8 часов. 14. Об этом фильме много говорят.15.Он узнает, почему его туда посылают.16. Во время экскурсии по городу нам показали завод, где производится сталь.17. Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко найдешь на полках библиотеки.

Unit 10.
Text: Travelling

Grammar: Modal verbs (can, may and their equivalents).
Практические цели: Ознакомление лексического материала по теме " Travelling " и закрепление активной лексики в речевых упражнениях, развитие умений и навыков монологической речи. Введение новой грамматической темы:Modal verbsи выполнение грамматических упражнений на закрепление.

The scientific and technological progress of the 20-th century has allowed people to overcome time and distance, to cover in the twinkling of an eye the vast expanse of our planet. The whole world is open now. The limitations of former times have ceased to exist.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Most of us in big cities begin every day with travelling to our schools, offices and factories. For some people it is quite a trip to get from home to work. They go by underground, they change to a bus or they take a taxi. From time to time we have to go to another city or country on business. Then after a year’s work people go on holiday and they do not like to spend it at home.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, to see different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or on the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun.

People who wish to travel either for pleasure or on business have at their disposal various means of transport. If you want to get somewhere as quickly as possible the best way is to travel by plane. It is better to book tickets in advance. On the appointed day you go to airport by car. Soon you’ll be boarding the big airliner and it will carry you to new lands. When on the plane you may look around. In front of you in the cockpit you’ll see the pilot and his crew. Some of the passengers are already reclining in comfortable armchairs. There is a kitchen in the rear part of the plane where the stewardesses are preparing the meals. Presently we take off and in a few minutes the pilot informs us of the altitude. Sometimes it is possible to see land. It is like a geographical map. Our plane is due to arrive in eight hours. The time passes quickly. The plane arrives at the airport on time.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane but it has its advantages. When on the train you can always see the country side around you , so you are not simply travelling, but your holidays have already begun. To have a good trip by train you must book the tickets in advance. When the day of your departure comes, you go to the railway station, which is usually closer to your home than the airport. The porter helps you with your luggage. You go to your carriage and find out if you have a lower or upper berth in your compartment. Each compartment has its own window, a place for your suitcases and, of course, four berths.

Travelling by sea is mostly for those who are going on holiday and want a pleasant voyage. On board of a large cruise ship people traverse oceans and visit other countries. The ship stops for a day or two in different ports and people go ashore on excursions. Crossing the ocean is a magnificent and very long voyage, with enormous waves before you and a 4-deck liner under you.

Many people prefer travelling by car. This way you can explore the nearby towns and cities. The greatest advantage is that you can stop whenever you like and that you are not bound by any schedule. You start from your own front door and take any road you like.

Coach tours are not expensive and very popular. There is a chance to do a lot of sightseeing and have a good rest at the same time.

One of the cheapest and the most popular ways of travelling is hiking. It is always a great experience for a lover of nature.
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