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английский язык. УМК_1 курс_неяз.спец. Unit getting acquainted. Text Rules of introduction. Grammar The verb To be

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Topical vocabulary.

  1. to offer предлагать

  2. to do shopping пойти по магазинам

  3. district район

  4. to strike удивлять

  5. comparative emptiness относительная пустота

  6. queue очередь

  7. oatmeal овсяная мука

  8. spices специи

  9. to be surprised удивляться

  10. to suggest предположить

  11. special blends специальные смеси

  12. to notice заметить

  13. furnishing department мебельный отдел

  14. jewellery драгоценности

  15. shop assistant продавец

  16. to suit подойти

  17. shoes of every pattern обувь разных фасонов

  1. to hum гудеть

  2. purchases покупки

  3. to pass on пройти

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What kind of store did Kitty take her friends to?

  2. Were there any queues in the store?

  3. Could the customers be seen to pay money for their purchases?

  4. How did the shop assistant react to Kitty's request and why?

  5. Do the shop windows display the merchandise to their advantage?

Ex. 2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.
Пойти по магазинам, разглядывать витрины, отчетливо видны, относительная пустота, центр магазина, незачем удивляться, не по средствам нашему брату, пройти в другой отдел, обувь всех фасонов, всюду в магазине, подойти к продавцу. Осмотреть сверху донизу, гудеть от голосов покупателей, заглянуть в другое место.

Ex. 3. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.

  1. This coffee costs a good deal more than I pay.

  2. Yes, there is the food section over there. They usually have a good supply of teas there.

  3. They sell all kinds of over-coats on the second floor.

  4. I can't drag myself away from this jewellery show-case.

  5. They fed us invariably on fish in the morning, being passionate fish lovers.

Ex. 4. Give a short summary of the text.
Grammar Revision.
Ex. 5. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite.

    1. Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw (be) the most witty British writers. 2. Fishermen often (tell) tales about their catches. 3. Their children (go) to a private school. 4. Little Amanda (collect) all sorts of toy-pigs. 5. My father (like) a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar. 6. Anything that he (say) (be) worth listening to. 7. We usually (spend) our holidays in Spain. 8. My English friends (live) in a nice house that (stand) on a hill that (overlook) lake Windermere which (be) in the Lake District. 9. What this sentence (mean)? 10. I (live) in Tver, which (be) my native town.

Ex. 6. Open the brackets, using the appropriate tense forms.

  1. I wondered why he (laugh. I could see nothing funny in what (go on).

  2. What you two (talk) about? You (discuss) his plan.

  3. You (leave) the town early this summer?

  4. When you (speak) to her about her lessons?

  5. She (wear) dark spectacles. They are not just sun glasses. She (not/see) very well.

  6. Why you (wear) sun glasses on a gray day like this?

  7. He (live) with his parents now. I think, he (look) for a job.

  8. I could not see his face, he (sit) so that his face was in shadow.

  9. When I (see) her last she (try) on hats at Angela's.

  10. We (walk) for some time. The road (get) worse, just a narrow goat trail.

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

  1. Вы сегодня пойдете на лекцию по истории языка.?

  2. Нина пишет что-нибудь?

  3. Вы долго ждали его вчера?

  4. Почему вы в свитере и брюках?

  5. Обычно он ждет меня у входа в метро, и мы едем домой вместе.

  6. Я не могу с Вами встретиться, завтра приезжает мама.

  7. У нее обычно пять или шесть книг в сумке, поэтому она такая тяжелая.

  8. Звонок раздался когда я закончила писать сочинение.

  9. Он вошел в комнату, где его ждал экзаменатор.

  10. Приходи сегодня, я буду ждать.

Ex. 8. Translate into English.

  1. Чем интереснее книга, тем быстрее она читается.

  2. Вчера было намного холоднее чем сегодня.

  3. Этот перевод труднее того который мы делали в декабре.

  4. Это самая большая квартира в нашем доме, она в два раза больше нашей.

  5. Он такой же сильный как его брат.

  6. Директор хотел видеть вас для дальнейших объяснений.

  7. Его старшая дочь работает теперь в нашей компании.

  8. Новые проспекты в два раза шире старых улиц нашего города.

  9. Пальто ни чуть не хуже после стирки.

  10. Этот год был для нас самым трудным.

Ex. 9. Give a free translation of the article using “according to, agreeably, however, in brief, moreover, probably” instead of the italicized words.
Не просите комнату с видом у окна.

Цены на землю в Токио так высоки, что она стоит, вероятно, больше, чем вся Калифорния. Нигде во всем мире нет такого спроса на землю. Согласно одной из газет, недостаток земли привел к созданию отелей кабин. Комнаты представляют собой кабины размером один метр в высоту, 76 сантиметров в ширину и два метра в глубину. Однако, вы будете приятно удивлены, узнав что кабины оборудованы телефоном, радио и телевизором. Более того, они гораздо дешевле, чем обычные отели. Короче говоря, они обеспечивают вас во всем, что необходимо, чтобы с комфортом провести ночь. Но не просите комнату с хорошим видом из окна.

Unit 1.


Text: Education in Kazakhstan.

Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense.

Практические цели: ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме «Education in Kazakhstan.» развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме урока, введение и тренировка грамматической темы The Present Perfect Tense, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме.

Education in Kazakhstan.

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary education which is obligatory. The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language or ethnicity and guaran­tees equal rights in education regardless of nationality. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. As a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighbourhood. However, in big cities there are so-called special schools, offering more in depth studies of the major European languages (English, French, German) or the advanced courses in physics and math­ematics and children, attending one of this may have to com­mute from home. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary (or primary) school for grades one through four. The second is sec­ondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the choice of either continuing to attend the same school (high school -senior grades 10-11) or entering a vocational or technical school. Both of these schools are meant to provide one, along with the certificate of secondary education with a number of useful skills (e.g. those of an electrician, technical or computer oper­ators.) Having completed one's secondary education, one can either become a part of work force or go on college (institution of higher learning-Institute).

To be admitted to the institute one has to pass a series of oral or written tests. Students may get free-of-charge higher education in the higher educational institution and the limited number of the state grants is given each academic year on a competitive basis. Some college departments (law, journalism, foreign language-especially English) have dozens of applicants for one prospective student's position. The system of higher education prepares highly - skilled experts on economy, trans­port, agriculture, medicine, languages and others. Today the young people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.

Studying of foreign languages and development of computer skills of pupils is of a special importance. More opportunities appear for the interested persons to be trained abroad on the basis of local and state grants, scholarships and the student’s exchange programs.

Topical vocabulary

1. establishment (syn. institution) учреждение

2. infant school дошкольное учреждение

3.comprehensive school общеобразовательная школа

4. citizen гражданин

5. free of - charge бесплатный

6. obligatory обязательный

7. to locate устраиваться, находиться

8. to prohibit запрещать

9. choice выбор

10. development развитие

11.to provide обеспечивать

12. skill умение,мастерство

13.to attend посещать

14.especially особенно

15.according to согласно

16.to carry out выполнять

17.abroad за границей, за рубежом

18.opportunity возможность

19.to appear появляться

20.importance важность

Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:
educational establishments; comprehension school; the right of citizens; on the competitive basis; regardless of nationality; highly - skilled experts; according to; equal rights; it is carried out on the basis; the same school; special importance; for the interested persons; the student’s; exchange program; obligatory; to locate; higher educational institution; to be trained abroad; the limited number
Ex.2. Match the words having the same meaning:
1. to educate

2. obligatory

3. grant

4. establishment

5. elementary school

a) institution; b) stipend; c) primary school; d) to teach; e) compulsory
Ex.3. Match the following words and expressions from the list below.
Согласно; возможность; компьютерные навыки; развитие; общеобразовательная школа; посещать; обеспечивать; особенно; выполнять; умение,мастерство; учреждение; запрещать; бесплатный; за рубежом;
free of charge; computer skills; abroad; to provide; to carry out; to attend; comprehensive school; to prohibit; according to; establishment; development; especially; .opportunity; skill;
Ex.4. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word or phrase from the list below:
1. Secondary education is ….. in Kazakhstan.

2. Entry to higher institution is quite….

3. The second is sec­ondary school for middle grades from … through nine.

4. More opportunities appear for the interested persons to be trained abroad on the basis… …

scholarships and the student’s exchange programs.

5 Studying of foreign languages and development …. of pupils is of a special importance.

6.The second stage of education in Kazakhstan is …….

7.Having completed secondary education one can enter …….

Competitive, of local and state grants, university, five, compulsory, secondary school, of computer skills.
Ex.5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English .
1.В Казахстане среднее образование является обязательным. 2.Конституция Республики Казахстан закрепляет право граждан республики на бесплатное среднее образование. 3..Особое значимость приобретает изучение иностранных языков и развитие компьютерных навыков учащихся.4. В республике система образования состоит из нескольких уровней государственных и негосударственных образовательных учреждений. 5. Ограниченное число государственных стипендий выдается каждый академический год на конкурсной основе.
Ex.6. Answer the following questions.
1. What does the education system of Kazakhstan consist of?

2. At what age do children start school?

3.What is the first stage of education in Kazakhstan? What grades does it include?

4. What grades does secondary school include?

5.Is higher education paid or free-of-charge in Kazakhstan? How can a student get free-of-charge higher education?
Ex.7. Speak on the following sub-topics:
a) The levels of the educational system in Kazakhstan.

b) The system of higher education in our country.

Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense.




I have worked

He has worked

She has worked

It has worked

We have worked

You have worked

They have worked

I I have not worked

He has not worked

She has not worked

It has not worked

We have not worked

You have not worked

They have not worked

Have I worked?

Has he worked?

Has she worked?

Has it worked?

Have we worked?

Have you worked?

Have they worked?

I’ve worked He’s worked I haven’t worked He hasn’t worked

  • The Present Perfect is always connected with the present. It denotes a completed action connected with the present. I am a little frightened for I have lost my way.

  • The Present Perfect is frequently used with the adverbs ever, never ,just, already, yet, lately, recently, this morning/evening, today, this week and with the prepositions for, since. What historical places have you seen ?

Ex.6.Read the situation and then write a suitable sentence. Use the verb given in brackets.
Example: Hugh is listening to some music. It is a new cassette (buy). Hugh has bought a new cassette.

  1. Andrew is sleeping soundly. It is late morning (oversleep)..... 2. You are going to sit down to dinner and discover there is no bread in the house. (run out of). We .... last weekend Gen went mountain-walking. Now she is in bed. (to catch a bad cold) 4.Your neighbours were playing their VCR very loud. Now it's quiet. (switch off)

Ex.8. Answer the questions using the words given.

Example: Could you lend me your dictionary? (sorry, I /just /give/it/to Mike) I Sorry. I've just given it to Mike.

1.Has Mother come from the market? (yes/she/just/come/from the market) 2.Have you phoned Jack yet? (yes /I/just /phone/him) 3.Would you like some coffee? (no thanks/I/just/have/a cup)

Ex.9. Put in been or gone.

Example: Where's Paul? - He has gone to the library.

We've been to the country today. Look, we've brought some flowers.

1.Where have you spent your holidays? - I've ... to Italy.

2.Are you going to the shops? - No, I've just ... to the shops.

3.Is Alex home? No, he's ... to the park.

4.Are they both out? - Yes, they've both ... to the market,

Ex.10. Make sentences with already and yet.
Example: Don't forget to pack some warm clothes. - I've already packed them.

Have you typed the letters yet? - Yes, I've already typed them.

Have you bought that dress? - No, I haven't bought it yet, but I'm going to buy it.

1.Why don't you have a bath?-.... .

2.Shall I buy some newspapers? - No, .... .

3.Have you asked Jim yet? - Yes, .... .

4.Have you invited Larry and Sue? - No, I, ... but I am ... .

5.Has the manager arrived yet? – Yes, .... .

6.Has Jill written to Dad? - No. she ... . but she ... tonight.
Ex. 11.Use the words in brackets to make questions according to a pattern.
Example: (he/ever/paint/people). Has he ever painted people?
1. Have (you ever/be/to Scotland?) .... .

2. Have (your parents/live/here all their lives?) .... .

3. Have (you/hear/this concert?) ... .

4. Have (how many times/you/ be married?) .... .

5. Have (he/ever/meet/the President?) .... .

6. Have (you/ever/visit/the White House?) ... .

Ex. 12. Translate the questions and answers.
Example: Конца ты в последний раз видел Аню? - Я не видел ее с мая.

When did you last see Ann? - I haven't seen her since May.

Когда в последний раз шел дождь? - Дождя не было целую вечность.

Когда они навещали вас в последний раз? - Они не навещали нас с июня.

Когда ты в последний раз играл в теннис?— Я уже давно не играл в теннис.

Когда ты в последний раз ела кокос? - Я никогда не ела кокос.

Когда ты в последний раз водил машину? - Я не водил машину много месяцев.

Когда ты в последний раз ездил в Канаду? - Я никогда не ездил в Канаду.

Когда она тебе писала в последний раз? - Она не писала с прошлого лета.
Unit 2.


Text: Higher education in Kazakhstan.

Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.

Практические цели: ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме «Higher Education in Kazakhstan», развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме «Higher Education», введение и тренировка грамматической темы The Past Perfect Tense, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме. The Almaty State University named after Abai.

In 2003 the Almaty State University (ASU) named after Abai celebrated its 75th anniversary. ASU is a classical higher education institution that gives its graduates fundamental educational and scientific training and a high level of general and professional culture. The university has 10 departments that prepare highly qualified specialists in 94 specializations. The university offers instruction in the following languages: Kazakh, Russian, English, German, French, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Korean, Farsi, Uigur, etc. ASU successfully implements a multilevel system of higher education, which varies according to duration and level of training and includes educational and professional programs for secondary specialized education, higher and additional higher education, and retraining of specialists.

13 000 undergraduate students and 650 graduate and post-graduate students and university-fellows study at ASU named after Abai. Over one thousand of instructors work in 69 sub-faculties. They include 208 with doctorate degrees, 550 senior lecturers, 40 members and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School. During the past 5 years 33 doctorate and 69 graduate theses were defended by university’s instructors.

During 2001, the university’s instructors presented 62 papers at international conferences in U.S.A., France, Germany, Czech Republic, Japan, Holland, India and CIS countries. 34 papers were presented at republic-wide conferences. 11 and 15 works correspondingly were exhibited at international and republic-wide exhibitions. 63 monographs and 45 books were published, 6 certificates of authorship were received.The president of the country, N.A.Nazarbaev referred to the role of the Kazakhstan's oldest higher education institution as the “leader of university education in the country”. The following are honorary professors of ASU named after Abai: President of Ukraine, L.D.Kuchma; President of Belarus, A.G.Lukashenko; President of Mongolia, N.Bagabandi; President of Georgia, E.A.Shevardnadze; President of International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School V.E. Shukshunov, and others.

Electronic textbooks, educational software and laboratory workshops on various subjects are created at the university. 27 modern computer classes with Internet access are functioning. ASU has specialized language auditoriums. There are 3 ultramodern language laboratories for 90 seats – a gift of the Japanese Embassy – and language laboratories for teaching French, Turkish, German, English, Arabic and Korean languages. Embassies of foreign countries provided educational literature and study methods, video and audio materials, videotape recorders, television sets, tape recorders and other equipment. There are 920 550 books in the library.

The university maintains contact with 35 higher education institutions of U.S.A., Germany, Holland, Russia, Austria, France, Italy, Turkey, Japan, South Korea and other countries. Its instructors and staff are involved in implementing projects of Tacis and Tempus, United States Information Agency, United States International Cooperation Agency, and Asian Development Bank. During the last school year approximately 70 students and 40 instructors travelled abroad. Over 200 foreign citizens study at ASU. The president of the university, Tokmukhamed Sadykov is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School. He is a major organizer of the educational system and initiator of implementation of the best international educational standards in the Kazakhstani higher school. Today, in the beginning of the 21st century, the Almaty State University named after Abai maintains its high status of Kazakhstan's first higher education institution, carrying on and multiplying its renowned traditions.

1.qualified квалифицированный

2. to offer предлагать

3. to implement выполнять

4. retraining переподготовка

5. undergraduate выпускник

6. papers статья, диссертация

7. exhibition выставка

8.to publish опубликовывать

9.workshops семинар

10.to create создавать

11. to specialize специализироваться

12. embassy посольство

13. equipment оборудование

14. approximately приблизительно

15. to carry on выполнять

  1. to maintain поддерживать

  2. to multiply умножать

  3. scientific научный

  4. anniversary годовщина

Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:
Anniversary; fundamental educational and scientific training; qualified specialists; multilevel system; retraining of specialists; undergraduate students; 34 papers were presented; were exhibited; laboratory workshops; create; a gift of the Japanese Embassy; provided educational literature; to maintain; other equipment; implementing projects; carrying on and multiplying; its renowned traditions;
Ex.2. Match the following words and expressions from column A with those in column B.


1. undergraduate a) выставка

2. papers b) создавать

3. exhibition c) посольство

4. to publish d) приблизительно

5. anniversary e) оборудование

6. create f) курсовая работа

7. to specialize g) выпускник

8. embassy h) специализироваться

9. equipment i) опубликовывать

10. approximately j) годовщина
Ex.3.Fill in the gaps with the words given in brackets.
1. ASU successfully implements ... system of higher education.

2. Electronic textbooks, educational software and laboratory workshops on ... ... are created at the university.

3.There are 3 ultramodern language laboratories for 90 seats – ... of the Japanese Embassy. 4.There are 920 550 .... in the library.

5.The Almaty State University named after Abai maintains its high status of Kazakhstan's first higher education institution, carrying on and multiplying its .... .

6.11 and 15 works correspondingly were ... at international and republic-wide exhibitions.

7.63 monographs and 45 books were ..., 6 certificates of authorship were received.
various subjects, renowned traditions, published, a multilevel, books ,a gift, exhibited
Ex.4. Make a conversation based on the text, using these questions.

1.When did the Almaty State University (ASU) named after Abai celebrate its 75th anniversary?

2.How many departments are there in the Almaty State University?

3.How many instructors work in this university?

4.How did the president of the country, N.A.Nazarbayev name the oldest higher education


5.Name honorary professors of the Almaty State University.

6.There are 3 ultramodern language laboratories for 90 seats. It is a gift of the Japanese

Embassy, isn’t it?

7.What did embassies of foreign countries provide?

8.How does the university maintain contact with institutions of other countries?

9.Who is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School?
Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.




I had worked

I had not worked

Had I worked ?

I’d worked I hadn’t worked

  • The Past Perfect Tense denotes an action completed before a certain moment in the past.

  • Past Perfect + Past Indefinite He had finished his work when I called him.

He had finished his work by 5 o’clock yesterday.

The Past Perfect Tense is used with the conjunctions: hardly..., scarcely..., nearly.. ,barely... + Past Perfect ... when + Past Indefinite. No sooner + Past Perfect... than + Past Indefinite. He had hardly done it when they came.

Ex.5.Use the Past Perfect Tense.
Examples: Why didn’t you listen to that play on the radio? – Because I had heard it before.

1. Why didn’t you see Fred when you came to Astana?(leave) 2. Why didn’t Kate want to go to the cinema?(see the film) 3.Why didn’t you tell him my new adress?(forget) 4. Why didn’t Jeff hear about Kate’s examination?(pass) 5. Why did Fred come home so soon from his holiday? (spend all the money) 6. Why couldn’t you get into your flat at once?(lose the key)7. What did you learn about Bob?(get married).

Ex.6. Make sentences using the words in brackets.
Example: His hair was wet. (He/ just/ have/ a shower)- He had just had a shower.

1. There was nobody at the platform.(the train/just/ leave).2. We didn’t find anybody at home everybody/already/go out). 3.The children were playing in the garden.(they/just/ come/from/school).4. Bob wasn’t at home when I arrived.(he/arrange/to meet/some friends/at the club).5.I couldn’t recognize the child after all that time.(I/not/see/her/for seven years)
Ex.7.Use the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs given in brackets to complete the sentences.
Example: When John and I got to the river, the boat race (start already)
1.When she went to bed ,she remembered that she (not/switch off the light) 2. She felt tired because she (walk a lot/ that day) 3. She went for a holiday after she (pass the exams) 4. I didn’t know what to do when they(show/me/the picture)5. I didn’t look at the present until after she (go) 6. I was very sorry to hear that he (die) 7. He didn’t start speaking until the children(leave the room)\

Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect in the following texts.
a) He (look) at his watch. In a quarter of an hour he (be) due at the General Meeting of the New Colliery Company - one of Uncle Jolyon’s concerns; he should see Uncle Jolyon there, and say something to him about Bosinney – ( not/make) up his mind what, but something – in any case he should not answer this letter until he (see) Uncle Jolyon. He (get) up and methodically (put) away the draft of his defense. Going into a dark little cupboard, he (turn) up the light, (wash) his hands with a piece of brown Windsor soap, and (dry) them on a roller towel. Then he (brush) his hair, (turn) down the light, (take) his hat and … (leave) the house.

b) When Tom (wake), the farmhouse (burn), it (start) burning when the shell (hit). None of the other soldiers who (be) in the farmhouse (be) to be seen. They (be) lucky to escape. In the confusion they (miss) Tom who (sleep) on the kitchen floor. As his leg (be) broken, it (take) him hours to crawl across the room to the window. He (pass) out again and again. But he (be) sure he (not/want) to die and finally he (get) to the window and (pull) himself up so that he (can) look over the sill. Somebody (see) his head above the window and (get) him. Tom (not/remember) any of that. He never (find) out who (save) him.
Ex.9. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of tense-aspect forms.
1. Мы проработали вместе уже много лет, и я фактически мало знаю о тебе.2. Когда мы подошли к тому месту, где он уронил кольцо, он остановился.3. Тебе нравится готовить? – Я люблю это. Это одно из моих хобби уже много лет.4. Папа всегда называл меня Катя.5. Они возвращаются, я полагаю , они остановятся в гостинице на этот раз.6. Она заперлась и не сойдет вниз, пока они не уйдут.7. Я не знаю имена всех в деревне. Я живу здесь всю свою жизнь.8. Я готовила обед, в то время как она прибиралась в комнате.9. Не успели они войти в дом, как разразилась буря.10. Я решила не идти на выставку. Я пойду сегодня в библиотеку.11. Я уже три месяца не меняла книги.12. Я почти ни разу не поел как следует, как приехал сюда.13. Он не придет. Я только что разговаривал с ним по телефону.14. Филипп отнес свой чемодан в вагон и курил на перроне.15. Они никогда не танцевали прежде вместе.16. Кто открыл Австралию?

Unit 3.


Text: Education in Britain.

Grammar: The Future Perfect Tense.
Практические цели: ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме « Education in Britain», развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме «Education», введение и тренировка грамматической темы The Future Perfect Tense, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме.
The Five Ages of Education.

British education has many different faces, but one goal. Its aim is to realize the potential of all, for good of the individual and society as a whole.

1. Around hall of 3-and 4-year-olds in Britain receive nursery education, and many other children attend pre-school playgroups, mostly organized by parents. Children of nursery age need care as well as education , however , and it is not just their mental requirements, but social , emotional and physical needs that must be met. In nursery schools , qualified teachers, usually primary teachers with a nursery teaching qualification, work alongside helpers and nursery nurses to achieve this.

2. Compulsory primary education begins at the age of 5 in England, Wales and Scotland, and 4 in Northern Ireland. Children usually start their school career in an infant school and move a junior school or department at age 7. In some parts of the country , though , children begin at a first school at age 5, and move on to a middle school at age 8,9 or 10. Primary schools vary in size and location, some having as few as two teachers and others as many as 30.

Subjects covered include English mathematics and science, along with technology, history, geography, music, art, and physical education.

At 7 and 11 years old (and a secondary school, at 14 and 16) teachers measure children’s progress in each subject against attainment targets. In English, for instance, there are five basic targets: speaking and listening: reading: writing: spelling and handwriting.

3. In Britain, most children of compulsory secondary school age (11 to 16) receive free education financed from public funds. This may be a comprehensive ( mixed ability) or a grammar school. A small proportion attend private or independent schools, not financed by the state. The large majority of schools teach both boys and girls together . The school year in England and Wales normally begins in September and continues into the following July, in Scotland, it runs from August to June and in Northern Ireland from September to June.

4.All Britain’s universities enjoy complete academic freedom. They appoint their own staff and decide what and how to teach. First degree courses usually last three or four years.

The Open University is a little different, because it relies on distance learning.

England and Wales’s 34 polytechnics tend to be more vocationally –orientated than universities , providing degree and subdegree vocational courses as well as traditional academic degree courses. Many polytechnics have close links with business, and many students have jobs and attend part-time. For those without standard entry qualifications, access and foundation courses can provide a way in to higher education. The number of access courses in Britain is increasing rapidly.

5.Education doesn’t stop with leaving school. Further education in particular is learning which, with its strong ties with commerce and industry, is vital in the effort to keep Britain economically competitive.

Over 500 colleges of further education run courses on everything from catering to business studies. Most further education courses are vocational, but many colleges offer more academic courses, such as GCSEs and A levels. Students may attend college part- time, day by day or block release from their jobs or in the evening. The new National Vocational Qualifications, based on standards of competence set by industry, are designed to ensure the relevance of vocational qualifications to employers. They are based on defined levels of attainment, to which qualifications can be assigned.
Topical vocabulary

1. phasing -in поэтапное введение

2. curriculum учебный план

3. around приблизительно

4. nursery детский сад

5. alongside рядом с

6. primary начальное обучение

7. infant school дошкольное заведение

8. junior school младшие классы (средней школы)

9. to vary отличаться

10.as few as всего

11.to cover охватывать

12.science естественные науки

13.to measure оценивать, определять

14.attainment достижения

15.target цель

16.handwriting почерк, каллиграфия

17.to acquire приобретать

18.to broaden расширять

19.range диапазон

20.to demand требовать

21.content содержание

22.vocational профессиональный

23.artificial искусственный

24.non graduate студент последнего курса

25.bachelor бакалавр

26.to tend иметь тенденцию

27.to appoint назначать

28.vital насущный

29.full-time student студент очного отделения отделения

30.to ensure обеспечить
Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:

  1. infant school

2. to vary

3. as few as

4. to measure

5. attainment

6. target

7. to cover

8. science

9. to acquire

10. handwriting

11. to tend

12. to demand

13. content

14. vocational
Ex.2. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B.


  1. graduate a) достижения

  2. to vary b) всего

  3. non-graduate c) оценивать

  4. vocational d) расширять

  5. attainment e) отличаться

  6. to measure f) насущный

  7. to broaden g) обеспечить

  8. as few as h) профессиональный

  9. vital i) студент последнего курса

Ex.3. Complete this description of a typical school education.


3 Some children go to …………. school.

5 Everyone starts ………………… school.

11 Children go on to ………………. School. Some of these are called

grammar schools, others are called ………. i.e. with mixed


16 By Law, children can ………. School at this ago and …….. a

job, but many ……….. at school for two more years.

18 If they pass their exams, many ………… to university.
Ex.4. True or false ? If the sentence is false, change it to make true.

1. In England public schools are the same as state schools.

2. Children at school are called ‘pupil’s.

3. In British schools PE is short for ‘practical education’.

4. In Britain, the academic year if usually divided into two terms.

5. The working day is divided into lessons, with morning and

afternoon breaks.

6. The plan for each day’s work is called the school schedule.

Ex.5 . Make up questions to which the following questions might be the answers:

1. In nursery schools work, qualified teachers, usually primary teachers alongside helpers and nursery nurses.

2. In Britain most children of secondary school age receive free education financial from public funds.

3. The most of schools teach both boys and girls together.

4. Breaking down the artificial barriers between education and business is an important Government aim.

5. Pupils of all age take part in workplace activities .

6. Many polytechnics have close links with in workplace.
Ex.6.Make a conversation based on the text, using the questions.

  1. What’s the aim of British education?

  2. At what age do children go to nursery education?

  3. What age to they start primary school?

  4. What stages does the primary education ?

  5. What subjects does the curriculum include?

  6. When do teachers measure children’s progress in each subject?

  7. At what school do children study at the age of 11?

  8. How long does their school year last?

  9. When is the main school GCSE- examination taken?

  10. What happens if children fail all the exams they take at the age of 16?

  11. What can they do if they pass all their exams for levels at the age of 18?

  12. What content do further education courses include?

Grammar: Future Perfect Tense.




I shall/will have worked

He/she will have worked

It will have worked

We shall/will have worked

You will have worked

They will have worked

I shall/will not have worked

He/she will not have worked

It will not have worked

We shall/will not have worked

You will not have worked

They will not have worked

Shall/will I have worked?

Will he/she have worked?

Will it have worked?

Shall/will we have worked?

Will you have worked?

Will they have worked?

I’ll have worked. I won’t (shan’t) have worked.

  • The Future Perfect denotes an action completed before a definite moment in the future.

He will have finished his work when I call him. He will have finished his work by 5 o’clock tomorrow.
Ex. 7. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect.

1. I (translate) this letter by 6 o'clock this afternoon. 2. After you finish this book, you (learn) over a thousand words. 3. By the end of the month the commission (come) to some decision. 4. If she returns after July 1, I will not see her since I already (go) to the South by the time. 5. He (not, learn) his lesson by tomorrow, if he has not yet begun to study it. 6. I (make) this doll by her birthday.7.This work is so arduous, that I (not/ complete) it in a year’s time.
Ex. 8. Answer the questions in the Future Perfect Tense, using the words in brackets.

Example: Will you still be busy if I call you at 6 o’clock? (finish)

Oh, no, we have finished by that time.
1.Will they still be staying at the hotel tomorrow? (move to their new house)

2.Will you be discussing the plan at 2 o’clock? (make a decision)

3. Will your students be writing a test at 10 in the morning? (finish)

4. Will your brother still be a student next autumn? (graduate)

5. Will you still remember me in five years? (forget)

6. Will he be at home on Sunday? (leave for Scotland)

7. Will she be expecting your call tomorrow morning? (receive my letter)
Ex.9.Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Future Perfect.

1.He (be) here for two hours by the time you (come) back. 2.”It (be) very late.” – “They (be) back soon.”3. “There (be) no planes tonight.” – “Never mind, I (go) by train.” 4. You (be) angry if I (talk) to you about it? 5. By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their work. 6. “I (be) afraid, my train (leave) by that time.” – “(not/worry), I (drive) you home.”7. I hope it (stop) snowing by tomorrow morning. 8.If you (think) it over you (see) I am right. 9. If you (not/take) a taxi, you (be) late. By the time you (get) to the theatre the first act (be0 over and you (miss) the most interesting dialogues.
Ex.10.Translate into English.

1. К завтрашнему дню я закончу этот отчет. 2. Мы сделаем эту работу к трем часам дня, а потом пойдем в парк. 3. К 20 июня мы сдадим все экзамены. 4. Я напишу это письмо к тому времени как придет секретарь. 5. Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, когда мы придем на станцию. 6. Она переведет эту статью к понедельнику.7. Брат моего друга закончит занятия в университете к лету, и ему не терпится приступить к работе.8. Я думаю, он станет хорошим специалистом. 9. Завтра он будет работать весь день, а вечером мы пойдем в бассейн, потому что я думаю,что к тому времени он закончит всю свою работу.
1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   ...   17

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