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  • Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  • Ex. 2. Insert a suitable form of address.

  • Ex. 3. Read and retell the text. Ex. 4.

  • Grammar: “There is, there are” construction.

  • There is / are There was / were There will be There has / have been There had been There are

  • Russian English

  • The verb “to be” in such constructions can be used with modal verbs (can, may, must): There must be

  • If the subjects are of different number the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first. There is

  • Ex. 5. Ask questions to the following statements, then answer them according to the example.

  • Ex. 6.Translate into English.

  • Unit 3. FAMILY. Text: Home. Grammar: The verb “To Have”.

  • английский язык. УМК_1 курс_неяз.спец. Unit getting acquainted. Text Rules of introduction. Grammar The verb To be

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    Unit 2.


    Text: They meet again.

    Grammar: Construction “There is, there are”.

    They meet again.
    As they approached the front door it opened, and Clark, the butler, stood there. He was in his seventies, a dignified, capable servant who had worked at Rose Hill for more than thirty years. He had watched the children grow up, and had lived through аll the scandals.

    Clark's face lit up as he saw the group. "Good afternoon!"

    Kendall gave him a warm hug. "Clark, it's so good to see you again."

    "It's been a long time. Miss Kendall".

    "It's Mrs. Renaud now. This is my husband, Marc."

    How do you do sir?"

    "Мy wife has told me a great deal about you."

    “Nothing too terrible I hope, sir."

    "On the contrary. She has only fond memories of you."

    1.“Thank you sir.” Clark turned to Tyler. “Good afternoon, Judge

    Stanford "

    "Hello, Clark."

    "It's a pleasure to see you, sir."

    "Thank you. You're looking very well."

    "So are you, sir. I'm so sorry about what has happened."

    "Thank you.-Are you set up here to take care of all of us?"

    “Oh, yes. I think we can make everyone comfortable."

    Am I in my old room?"

    Clark smiled. “That's right.” He turned to Woody. "I'm pleased to see you, Mr.

    Woodrow. I want to — ".

    Woody grabbed Peggy’s arm. Come on," he said curtly. "I want to get

    freshened up."

    The others watched as Woody pushed past them and took Peggy upstairs.
    Topical vocabulary.
    1. name (first name; Christian name) имя

    2. patronymic отчество

    middle name

    3. surname (second name; фамилия

    family name; last name)

    4. namesake тезка

    5. maiden name девичье имя (фамилия)

    6. nickname прозвище, давать прозвище

    7. pet name ласкательное имя

    8. call (v) называть

    9. call by first name называть по имени

    11. be born родиться

    12 be born in the same generation принадлежать к одному


    13. birthday день рождения

    tenth/twentieth/thirtieth birthday десятилетие/двадцатилетие/


    14. nameday именины

    15. be sixteen years old шестнадцать лет

    be a sixteen-year-old boy ему 16 лет/шестнадцатилетним

    be a man of sixty шестидесятилетний мужчина

    about twenty около двадцати

    1. under sixteen менее шестнадцати, ещё нет и 16

    17. over twenty более двадцати

    twenty odd старше двадцати

    18. teenager подросток

    be in onesteens быть подростком (до 20 лет)

    be of military age быть призывного возраста

    19. be of age (under age) (не) достичь совершеннолетия

    20. age (fast/slow) быстро/медленно стареть

    middle aged (elderly) person пожилой человек
    Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

    1. Who are talking?

    2. How are they related to each other?

    3. Why did Kendall want to be called Mrs. Renaud?

    4. What is Clark?

    5. What is Tyler?

      1. Why does Clark address Tyler “Sir”?

    Ex. 2. Insert a suitable form of address.

    1. “ … could you tell me the quickest way to the railway station?” (to a stranger).

    2. “… it hurts here …” (to your doctor Alan Price during the examination)

    3. “How nice to see you again, …” (to an old friend of yours)

    4. “Will you come in and sit down, … . Mr. Green will be with you in 5 minutes.” (a visitor,

    Michael Black)

    5. “… I wonder if you could find time to read my paper” (to a university professor, William

    Green piece)

    6. “I’ll call you back as soon as I find the book, …” (to your older colleague, Alice Blacboot)

    7. The chairman introduces the lecturer to the audience “…, I have great pleasure in

    introducing Professor Robinson from Chicago University ” (to an audience).
    Ex. 3. Read and retell the text.
    Ex. 4. Translate the dialogues into English.


    - Господин Джонсон, разрешите представить Вам господина Смирнова.

    - Здравствуйте, господин Смирнов.

    - Здравствуйте, господин Джонсон. Бернард Грей недавно рассказывал мне о Вашей последней работе. Это чрезвычайно интересно.


    - Не могли бы вы представить меня господину Томпсону из британской делегации?

    - С удовольствием. Господин Томпсон, разрешите Вам представить господина Петрова из Российской делегации.

    - Очень рад, господин Петров.

    - Здравствуйте, господин Томпсон.

    Grammar: “There is, there are” construction.

    We use “there is (are)” constructions talking about the existence of people, things, etc. These constructions have the meaning “есть”, “имеется”, “находится”, “существует”. The verb “to be” in such constructions can be used in different tense forms:

    There is / are

    There was / were

    There will be

    There has / have been

    There had been

    There are many French books in this library.

    There was a meeting at the club yesterday.

    Word order.

    The corresponding Russian sentences begin with adverbial modifiers.



    В моей комнате есть (имеется) телефон.

    В саду (имеется) много яблонь.

    There is a telephone in my room.

    There are many apple-trees in the garden.

    • The verb “to be” in such constructions can be used with modal verbs (can, may, must):

    There must be a dictionary on the shelf.

    There can be no doubt about it.

    • We can also use some other verbs after “there”- to live, to exist, to stand, to lie, etc.:

    There lived an old doctor in the village.

    There exist different opinions on this problem.

    • If the subjects are of different number the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first.

    There is a table and six chairs in the room.

    There were some books and a dictionary on the table.
    Ex. 4. Use “there is (are)” construction in the necessary tense form.

    1. Look! -------- their telephone number in the letter.

    2. Chi Chester is a very old town. -------many old buildings.

    3. Excuse me, ------ a restaurant near here?

    4. How many students ------ in your group?

    5. I was hungry but -----anything to eat.

    6. ----- a football match on TV last night.

    7. ----- many people at the meeting?

    8. ------ 24 hours in a day.

    9. This box is empty. ---- nothing in it.

    10. When we arrived at the cinema ----- a long queue outside.

    Ex. 5. Ask questions to the following statements, then answer them according to the example.

    Example: There is a good programme on TV tonight.

    - Is there a good programme on TV tonight?

    - No, there isn’t.

    There aren’t any theatres in my town.

    - Are there any theatres in your town?

    - Yes, there are.

    1.There is something on the shelf.

    2.There are a few changes in the text.

    3. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard.

    4.There were a lot of people at the stadium.

    5. There isn’t anything on the plate.

    6.There wasn’t anybody in the room.

    7. There are difficult exercises in this book.

    1. There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow.

    Ex. 6.Translate into English.

    1.В этом журнале много интересных статей.

    2. В нашем городе много музеев и театров.

    3.В этой комнате есть телефон?

    4. В этой комнате два окна.

    5. В чашке не было чая.

    6. Сколько статей было в этом журнале? – Там было несколько статей.

    7.Сколько студентов в аудиторий ?- Двадцать.

    8.Рядом с нашим домом будет парк.

    9. На этой улице была школа?

    10. В театре много детей. Дети сейчас в театре.

    11.Существует несколько способов решения этой задачи. Способы решения этой задачи

    приведены на странице 5.

    Unit 3.


    Text: Home.

    Grammar: The verb “To Have”.

    Практические цели: Ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме “Family”. Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом, развитие навыков изучающего чтения и перевода на основе текста “Home”, развитие умений и навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения.

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