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Unit 7.
Text: Our university

Grammar revision.

Практические цели: освоение лексического материала по теме «The Eurasian National university», развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме урока, обобщение и закрепление грамматической темы, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме.

Our University.
Our University is called the Eurasian University named after Gumilyov L.N. There are a lot of different names in the science, but there are no a lot of worker of the historic conception. Lev Nicolaevich Gumilyev was one of them and looked to the historic process deeply. He pointed to the role of peoples of Eurasia- turkey-mongolian, slavenian, ugro-finn. He showed that world history without the history of that people would not be full, moreover-it would be not right. He proved the meaning of the Eurasian region side by side with the West and the East. Lev Gumilyev liked to communicate with the youth, he often supported the youth in their ambitions and our university was named in his honour. Eurasian university gives a great attention to Gumilyev's ideas. Annually the study term begins with the lessons about Gumilyev. In 2002 in the honest of 90 years old great scientist, the head of the university suggested to create the cabinet of Gumilyev in Eurasian university and in 2004 it was Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyev (ENU) is a leading capital university of classical type.

The university was created by the decree of the President (May,23, 1996) "Taking into account the international relationships of Kazakhstan, which develop steady, its active participating in the world processes, in order to transform the ideas of the Eurasian Unit into a life. First of all there is the idea of Eurasia in the universities foundation.” Today ENU is the embodiment of that idea, university for the future. Eurasian University is under the control of the President as it is the university of the 21 century.

The Eurasian University is big. There are many buildings in it. Some of them are new and some are old. The main building is one of the biggest buildings of the university. There are nine floors in it. On the ground floor and other ones there are two cloak-rooms, departments, many class-rooms, well-equipped labs, a few lecture halls and many .deans offices. Могеover, the university has a great library with many spacious reading halls ,or fine gym, a big dining-room and nine hostels . All of them are with in walking distance of the University.

The university has 8 institutes including mechanics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, the Kazakh and Russian languages and literature, foreign languages, history, music, law, economics, journalism, biology, psychology, engineering, architecture-building, and pedagogics. Besides teaching theuniversity staff does a great deal of research. Many of our teachers and instructors are outstanding specialists in various fields of technology and science. Some of them are graduates of our University.

An undergraduate program consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes which in total account for about 36 hours per week.

Lectures are given to large groups of students. Seminars and tutorials are much smaller than lecture classes be on a one-to one-basis(one member of staff and one student).

Students pass examinations at the end of each term. On completion of studies the student presents a graduation thesis or takes the finals.

A higher school diploma means high academic and professional (general and specialized) training. It also stands for high cultural standards.
Topical vocabulary
1. graduate оканчивать высшее учебное заведение

2. graduate выпускник, окончивший вуз

3. a graduate course of study, post-graduate courses курс занятий аспиранта

4. scholar учёный

5.to prove доказывать

6..embodiment воплощение

7.candidate кандидат

8. to present a graduation thesis защищать дипломную работу

9. to take the finals сдавать выпускные экзамены

10. lab facilities лабораторное оборудование

11. research workers научные работники

12. scientific research научное исследование

13. allowance, grant стипендия (пособие)

14. to carry on scientific research заниматься научной .работой

15. to make significant contributions вносить важный вклад

16. to receive credit получить зачёт

17. term - paper курсовая работа

18. high school diploma диплом о высшем образовании

19. to pass an exam сдать экзамен

20. to take entrance exams сдавать вступительные экзамены

21. optional subject факультативный предмет

22. sciences and humanities естественные и гуманитарные науки

23. term семестр
Ex.1.Suggest the Russian for the following word combinations.
the historic conception; graduates; he pointed to the role of peoples; without the history; the embodiment of that idea; to present a graduation thesis; he proved the meaning of the Eurasian region; the West and the East.; to communicate with the youth; he often supported the youth in their ambitions; in his honour. to give a great attention to; annually; great scientist; to take the finals; the decree of the President; to take into account; the international relationships of Kazakhstan; to participate in the world processes; to transform the ideas into a life; the head of the university; a leading capital university of classical type; first of all; world history; under the control of the President; two cloak-rooms; well-equipped labs; a great deal of research; technology and science; an undergraduate program; series of lectures;36 hours per week; to pass examinations; term; on completion; a higher school diploma.
Ex.2.Suggest English equivalents for:
1. доказывать

2.защищать дипломную работу

3.научные работники

4.заниматься научной работой

5.получить зачёт

6.диплом о высшем образовании

7.сдать экзамен


9.сдавать выпускные экзамены

10.научное исследование


12.лабораторное оборудование

13.стипендия (пособие)

14.вносить важный вклад

15.курсовая работа

16.сдавать вступительные экзамены


18.технические специальности

19.естественные и гуманитарные науки

Ex.3.Guess the meaning of the terms in italics:
1.He showed that world history without the history of that people would not be full, moreover-it would be not right.

2.He proved the meaning of the Eurasian region side by side with the West and the East.

3.Lev Gumilyev liked to communicate with the youth, he often supported the youth in their ambitions and our university was named in his honour.

4.The university was created by the decree of the President (May,23, 1996)

5.Today ENU is the embodiment of that idea, university for the future.

6.The main building is one of the biggest buildings of the university.

7.Могеover, the university has a great library with many spacious reading halls ,or fine gym, a big dining-room and nine hostels .

8. Many of our teachers and instructors are outstanding specialists in various fields of technology and science. Some of them are graduates of our University.

9. An undergraduate program consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes which in total account for about 36 hours per week.

10.On completion of studies the student presents a graduation thesis or takes the finals.

11.A higher school diploma means high academic and professional (general and specialized) training. It also stands for high cultural standards.
Ex.4.Make up sentences according to the patterns:
1.He pointed to...

2.He showed ...

3.He proved ...

4.He liked ....

5.He often supported ....

6.He suggested ....

7.Taking into account ....

8.First of all ....

9. Могеover, .....
Ex.5. Speak on the following sub-topics:

  1. L.N.Gumilyov was a great Russian, a well-known orientalist.

  2. The Euroasian university is big.

  3. There are 8 institutes in our university.

Unit 8
Text: What makes people kin.

Grammar: The Passive Voice
Практические цели: ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме «Sport», развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме урока, введение и тренировка грамматической темы The Passive Voice, развитие навыков монологической речи на основе текста “ What makes all people Kin”.

What makes all people Kin
People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one thing in which people of every nation­ality and class are united.

The most popular "outdoor" winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow —skating, skiing and tobogganing. Some people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping.

Summer, affords excellent opportunities for, swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor, games football takes the first place in public interest; this game is played in all the countries of the world. The other games (that have firmly established themselves in favour, in different countries are golf, lawn-tennis, cricket, volley-ball, basket-ball, and so on. Bad­minton is also very popular.

All the year, round many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics and track and field events. Scores of young girls and women go in for calisthenics’.

Among indoor games the most popular are billiards, table, tennis, draughts and some others, but the great international game is chess, of course. The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by thousands of enthusiasts in different countries.

So we may say that sport is one of the things that makes all people kin.

Topical vocabulary
1.archery n стрельба из лука

2.artistic gymnastics (cal­listhenics) шейпинг

3. boxing n бокс

4. car (motorcycle) racing мотогонки

5. cycling n велоспорт

6. diving n дайвинг

7. fencing n фехтование

8. figure-skating n фигурное катание

9. gliding n. планеризм

10.gymnastics n. гимнастика

11.mountaineering n. альпинизм

12.rowing and canoeing гребля на байдарках

13.skating n конькобежный спорт

14.skiing n лыжный спорт

15.ski – jump n фристайл

16. sky diving (parachuting) прыжки с парашюта

17. swimming n плавание

18. weight-lifting n тяжелая атлетика

19.windsurfing n серфинг

20.wrestling n борьба

21.yachting яхтенный спорт

22.hurdle races скачки с препятствиями

23.marathon n марафон

24.pole vault (vaulting) прыжки с шестом

25.race/ run n легкая атлетика

26.barbell n штанга

27.beam n

28.chessboard n шахматная доска

29.draughtsman n шашка

30..trampoline n батут

Open air games

badminton n net-ball n

basket-ball n rugby n (colloq. rugger)

cricket n (lawn) tennis n

football n (colloq. soccer) volley-ball n

golf n water polo

Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:
1.archery n

2. car (motorcycle) racing

3.pole vault (vaulting) 27.barbell n

4.beam n

5.chessboard n

6.rings n

7.puck n

8. sky diving (parachuting)

9. weight-lifting n

10.windsurfing n

11.wrestling n


13.hurdle races

14.marathon n

15. gliding n.

16.hang gliding n.

17.mountaineering n.

18.rowing and canoeing

19.fencing n

20. figure-skating n

21. diving n
Ex.2.Fill in the gaps with the words given in brackets.

  1. The most popular "outdoor" winter sports are ... ... ... .

  2. Summer affords excellent opportunities for... ... ... .

  3. Among outdoor games ... takes the first place in public interest; this game is played in all the countries of the world.

  4. Among indoor games the most popular are... ... ... ... .

  5. The results of chess you tournaments are ... ... by thousands of enthusiasts in different countries.

(swimming, boating, yachting; studied and discussed; football; billiards, table, tennis, draughts; skating, skiing, hockey;)

Ex. 3. Study Active Vocabulary and name:

  1. as many kinds of sport as you can; b) some open-air games; c) sortie indoor games.

Ex.4. Speak on each kind of sport on the list below; briefly describe. Say a few words about its advantages and attractive features:
mountaineering, rowing, yachting, hockey, tennis, basket-ball, volley-ball,-chess, boxing, wrestling, fencing, artistic gymnastics, figure-skating, skiing, skating, ski jumping, sky-diving, archery, discus throwing, wind­surfing, steeplechase, marathon.

Ex.5. Write 10 questions about the text .

Grammar: The Passive Voice.

to be + Participle II










will ask

am/is/are asked

was/were asked

will be asked





am /is/are asking

was/ were asking

will be asking

am/is/are being asked

was/were being asked

- ---





have/has asked

had asked

will have asked

have/has been asked

had been asked

will have been asked

  • We use the passive when it is not so important (or unknown) who or what did the action. We use the passive only when we don’t know or don’t want to say who did it.

My article was published yesterday. Rome wasn’t built in one day.

  • Only the verbs which take an object can go into the passive. Intransitive verbs can’t be used in the Passive Voice. They are: to fly, to arrive, to be, to become, to have, to lack, to possess, to consist, to belong, to hold, to suit, to resemble, to fit, to appear, to seem, to come, to go, to last.

  • If you want to say who did or what caused the action, use by or with It was destroyed by fire.

Ex.6. Define, what verbs are transitive and what verbs are intransitive?
To go, to take, to find, to lie, to stop, to win, to swim, to come, to speak, to show, to look at, to like ,to discuss, to stand, to spend, to miss, to stay, to listen to, to ski, to use, to change, to recognize, to skate, to hear, to build, to examine, to leave.
Ex.7.Put the sentences into the Passive Voice where possible.
1. Someone will drive you to the airport.2. Goldfish live in fresh water. 3.The Egyptians built pyramids.4. We walked four miles yesterday.5. They arrived at 7. Last night.6. They informed me about it. 7.I slept till 8. 8. It’s raining. 9.They have sold their car to pay the debts.10. They hold a meeting in the village hall once a week. 11. They have proved that there is no life on the Moon.
Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous Passive.
Example: They shut the window.-The window was shut.
1.The student (ask) to tell the story again.2. Such mistakes (make)by even the best students. 3. A modern tune (play) when we came into the hall. 4.Every morning the workers (tell) what they had to do. 5. The houses (build) of stone, brick and wood. 6.At last the problem (solve) to everyone’s satisfaction.7.A new museum then (open). 8. A week ago two students of our group (choose) for jury service.9.Last Friday he (meet) at the railway station.10.The living –room (sweep),(mop) and (dust). It is clean now.
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