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английский язык. УМК_1 курс_неяз.спец. Unit getting acquainted. Text Rules of introduction. Grammar The verb To be

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Grammar: Modal verbs: must, should, ought and their equivalents.

Modal verb






have to

be to


have/has to ...

am/is/are to ...

had to ...

was/were to ...

will have to ...

  • Must” expresses:

1. Obligation, necessity (= to have to ...) (должен)

2. A command, an urgent request (побудительное предложение)

3. Prohibition (нельзя, запрещается)

To have to” expresses:

1.Obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances (должен,приходится,вынужден)

To be to” expresses:

1. An agreement or arrangement, part of a plan (должен)

2. A strict order/prohibition (побудительное предложение)

3. Something thought as unavoidable (предстоит, суждено)
The absence of necessity is expressed by “needn’t”. There is sometimes a difference between ”must” and “have to”. With “must” the speaker is giving his own feelings, saying “he” thinks it necessary. We can use “must” to talk about the present and future, ”have to” can be used in three tense forms. In its second meaning “must” denotes probability. In this meaning it is used in affirmative sentences only.

Modal verbs: should and ought. There is hardly any difference between these verbs, very often they are interchangeable. There is a difference in construction: ought is always followed by to- infinitive. Moral obligation or duty is more often expressed by ought to. It is a little stronger than should.
Ex.5.Translate the sentences, explain the use of “must” or “have to” in them.
1. I must go and lay the table myself. 2. We had to walk all the way to the station. 3. She had to change her shoes after walking in the garden. 4. She pretended she didn’t understand anything. Mother had to tell her plainly what she thought of it. 5. We’ll have to run.6. The shoes are a size too small. I’ll have to go to the shop and have them changed. 7. She was running high temperature. I had to put her to bed at once.
Ex.6.Replace the infinitives in brackets by “must”, “have + infinitive” if the action is only necessary; by “be + infinitive” – if it’s expected.
1. This is Dora. She (share) your room. 2. I must leave you now. I (do) the cooking. 3. Who (meet) you there? 4. My feet are wet. I ( change) my stockings. 5. I’m afraid you (go) there alone, darling. I’ve such a headache. 6. When the lecture (begin)? 7. Two more apartment houses (be built) here. 8. Well, children, who (do) the dishes to-night! 9. Sorry, I’ve got to rush. I (meet) mother at the metro station at 6 sharp.
Ex.7.Complete the sentences using the modal verbs "can", "may", "must".
1. The performance ... (be over) as there are many people leaving the theatre.2. I don't believe that he said it. He ... (say) such a thing. 3. I am sure they knew everything about it. Mary ... (tell) them. She can't keep her word. 4. I am sure that she did not do anything of the kind. They ... (take) her sister for her. 5. It is impossible that they should have refused to help you. They.... (break) their promise.6.Perhaps it was true, I am not sure. She ... (be ashamed) to tell you the truth. 7. ....you really mean it? 8. There is no doubt that it was all prepared beforehand. He .... (watch) you. 9. It is impossible. They.... (leave) already. I was watching the door of the house.

10. I don't believe that they didn't recognize you. They ....(fail to recognize) you. 11. His teacher .... (help) him; his English is quite decent now.12. I'm quite sure, my students .... (be) at a lecture now. They never miss classes.13. I don't believe it. He .... (write) the letter but the signature is certainly not his.14. ....this old man (be) your brother? 15. The message ....(be delivered) in time as we received an immediate answer.
Ex. 8. Put "can”, ”may", "must", "should", "ought to", "have to", "be to", "be

able to” (or the negative forms) and "needn't" in the spaces.
1."Oh, Nurse, ...I stay here?" "Stay here? Of course, you...".2. A man ...help his parents when they become old. 3. There are no buses or taxis, so we ...walk. 4. No, Moira you ...have another potato. You've had two already. 5. We ... live without food and water. We ... eat and drink. 6. I ... get too early tomorrow, so I .... go to bed late tonight. 7. You ...not walk all the way to the station. You take a bus round the corner. 8. Tom's father told him that he .... ask silly questions. 9. You switch off the light if you are afraid of the dark. 10. The matter ...be discussed in tomorrow's debate. 11. You ... sit there in your wet clothes; you will catch cold if you do. 12. They ... do all the exercises; it will be sufficient if they do four of them, 13. You ... do whatever you like. 14. Sooner or later one ... choose. 15. I ... read to the end of the story, because I want to see who gets the treasure. 16. Go right in. You ... report at once. 17. She ... sing quite well. 18. You ... say anything. Just nod your head and he will understand.
Ex. 9. Put "should" or "shouldn't" inthe spaces. Translate the sentences into

Russian. Watch the meaning of "should"/"shouldn't".
1. You ... work more; you ... miss the lessons. 2. Mother ... look after their children. 3. What are you doing here? You be in bed. It is very late. 4. That hat doesn’t suit you; you ... buy another. 5. There are too many accidents. Everyone ... be much more careful, 6. You ... have followed the instructions of your coach. Then you would have won the game. 7. Tom was often late and his father told him that he ... wake up earlier. 8. She told her children that they... always say "Please" and "Thank you". 9. It is dark in the room, ... switch on the light.
Ex.10. Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Translate

the sentences into Russian.
1. I don't feel well now. I should (remember) to take the medicine yesterday. 2. Children should (obey) their parents. 3. It's three o'clock and I'm feeling very hungry; I should (eat) more for lunch. 4. The little boy was playing with his father's typewriter and of course he broke it; he shouldn't (allow) him to play with it. 5. You have a weak heart. You shouldn't (run). 6. I was very tired last summer and I should (take) a holiday, but there was too much work to do. 7. When he went for a walk he should (take) his umbrella, it looked like rain (but he didn't). 8. The workmen are very slow; the job should (finish) a week ago. 9. You shouldn't (eat) so much bread, now you've gained weight. 10. You shouldn't (go) out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold. 11. You should (cross) the road by the subway (but you didn't). 12. He should (check) that his brakes were working properly (but he didn't). 13. You should (warn) him that the ice was dangerous (but you didn't). 15. Tom's had another accident. It sounds like Tom's fault. He should (wait) till the main road was clear.
Ex 11. Fill in the blanks with "must", "should" or "ought (to)". Use the correct

form of the infinitive.
1. Your questions surprise me, you ... (to know) this. 2. You ... (be) absent for such a long time. Everyone forgot you. 3. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I ...(to tell) you the truth. 4. We had a wonderful time at that party. You ...(be) there. 5. Let's tell him all as it is. He ...(to understand). 6. You ... (to apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt. 7. She is a very experienced doctor. You ... (consult) her. 8. She ...(not to say) about such things in the child's presence. Now you see the results.9. I ... (to know) that it might come to that. 10. If they had been warned in time, they ... (to be) there by now. 11. He gave you just the feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor ...(to give).
Unit 12.
Text: A night at the theatre.

Grammar: Sequence of Tenses
Практические цели: Ознакомление лексического материала по теме "Leisure time" и закрепление активной лексики в речевых упражнениях, развитие умений и навыков монологической речи. Введение новой грамматической темы: “Sequence of Tenses” и выполнение грамматических упражнений на закрепление.
A night at the theatre.
Here we are outside the theatre. It is the Library Theatre which is underneath the General Library in Manchester. We are going to see a modern play which is very popular with theatre-goers.

Passing through the revolving door and down the stairs we come to the box office where the tickets are sold. Luckily we booked our seats a few weeks ago or would not be able to get in, because for this play all the seats had already been sold. It is so popular that this is the second time it has been produced here.

We leave our raincoats in the cloakroom. At the entrance to the theatre itself an attendant in uniform tears our theatre tickets in half. He gives us our halves back so that we can find our seats by their numbers. Another attendant shows us to our seats and sells us a program that will tell us which parts the actors are playing and how many acts there in the play. Then we take our seats about halfway down the auditorium.

All around us people are settling down into their seats , reading their programmes, passing chocolates . Everybody is excited, looking forward to the play. We all have a clear view of the stage because the seats are set on wide steps which slope down to the level of the stage. On the front row, you are so close you can smell the paint on the scenery but not too close to spoil your view of the actors. Even on the back row you have a perfect view of the stage because this is a small theatre.

This auditorium holds only 300 seats, but many theatres are much larger . In a small theatre you can always be sure to hear and see everything and really feel that you are with the actors in everything they do and in all the places they visit. But many plays are still produced in very large , old theatres where it is difficult to see and hear properly if you are in the back rows. There are sometimes so many stalls (ground-floor seats) in these theatres that they are divided into orchestra stalls, center stalls, and rear stalls, with the pit behind them. Above, there is the dress circle and boxes , then the balcony and, high above, the gallery, or the “gods”!

The auditorium seems to be full now. In a few minutes the play will begin. The attendants close the doors and draw the curtains over them. The warning bell rings to tell everyone the play is about to begin. People whisper excitedly. Slowly the lights begin to come up on the stage.
Topical vocabulary.
1. leisure досуг

2. spare time свободное время

3. to entertain, entertainment(n) развлекать,развлечение

4. box office театральная касса

5. ticket билет

6. to book заказать

7. seat место

8. play пьеса,спектакль

9. cloak-room гардероб

10.cloak-room ticket номерок

11.drama theatre драматический театр

12.matinee дневной спектакль

13.to stage,stage (n) поставитьспектакль,сцена

14.orchestra оркестр

15.stalls,in the orchestra stalls партер,в первых рядах партера

16.row,on the front, back row ряд,в первом ряду,в последнем ряду

17.box,in the box ложа,в ложе

18.gallery, ”the gods” галерка

19.curtain (rises,falls) занавес (поднимется,опускается)

20.scene сцена,(часть действия)

21.scenery декорации

22. dress circle бельэтаж

23.audience зрительная аудитория

24.perfomance игра актеров,спектакль

25.to applaude,applause (n) аплодисменты

26.pit амфитеатр

27.theatre-goer театрал

Ex.1.Find in the text the equivalents to the following:
очень популярна среди театралов; театральная касса; купить билеты; поставлена (пьеса) во второй раз; гардероб; найти места ( в театре); роль; передние (задние) ряды; зал вмещает; партер; амфитеатр; зал заполнен; загораются огни.
Ex.2.Match the words in column A with those in column B.
1. entertainment a) декорации

2. cloak-room b)театральная касса

3. matinee c) развлечение

4. pit d) аплодировать

5. box office e) бельэтаж

6. to applaude f) амфитеатр

7. scenery g) гардероб

8.cloak-room ticket h) спектакль

9. dress circle i) ложа,в ложе

10. box,in the box j) дневной спектакль

11. perfomance k) номерок

Ex.3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) В этом сезоне это самая популярная пьеса. 2) Я не театрал, но я тоже очень хочу посмотреть эту пьесу. 3) Мы купили билеты заранее в кассе театра и теперь не должны стоять в очереди, чтобы купить билет. 4) Это пьеса ставится в этом театре уже во второй раз. 5) Мы купили программку, чтобы узнать, кто играет главные роли, сколько актов в пьесе. 6) Зрительный зал вмещает 300 человек, это маленький театр. 7) Но большинство старых театров очень большие, партер в этих театрах даже делится на «передние ряды партера», «среднюю часть» и «задние ряды партера».8) За партером идет амфитеатр ,над ним бельэтаж, ложи, балкон и галерка.
Ex.4. Give words or word combinations for the definitions:
1. the part of the theatre where the audience sits;

2. a raised platform in a theatre where the actors appear;

3. the highest balcony where the cheapest seats are placed;

4. a place where hats and coats mat be left;

5. a piece of wood or metal with a number on it given in return for hat or a coat;

6. a set of actors in a play;

7. programme;

8. the main role;

9. a trial performance of a play;

10.a person who shows people to their seats;

11.seats in the theatre behind the stalls.
Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words given below.
If you want to go ... we must first look through ... to find out what ... . As it is sometimes rather difficult to get .. we must book them at ... . Some people don’t like to have ... far from ... . They try to get tickets for ... . If we little money we take seats on ... . When we come to any theatre in our country we leave our coats in ... and take ... in order to get them back when ... is over. If we want to know ... we buy ... . After this we take our seats and wait for the lights to ... . Soon the lights go down, ... goes up, the play begins.
The curtain, a theatre, go down, the leading role, is on, the cast, tickets, a check, a playbill, seats, the performance, the stage, book, the stalls, the gallery, go up, box- office, cloakroom.
Ex.6.Speak on the following sub- topics:

  1. My first visit to the theatre.

  2. “Everybody is excited, looking forward to the play”

  3. My leisure hours.

Grammar: Sequence of Tenses.

  • If the verb in the principal clause is in one of the past tenses, a past tense (or future –in-the-past) must be used in the subordinate clause. The action expressed in the subordinate clause can be simultaneous with the action expressed in the principal clause ,prior or posterior to that of the principal clause.

  • Simultaneous Action

I knew that he lived in Kiev (он живет в Киеве)

He said that they were waiting for us (они ждут нас)

I knew that he had been living in Kiev since 1946 (он живет в Киеве с 1946)

He said (that) he had known her for two years (он знает ее 2 года)

  • Prior Action -

He said that he had already left Astana (он уже уехал из Астаны)

I knew that - it had been raining (что шел дождь)

He said that she had been ill for two weeks (она болела две недели)

  • Future Action

I knew that they would arrive on Sunday (они приедут в воскресенье)

He said that they would be working at 6 (в 6 они будут работать)

I knew that he would have translated the article by Monday

(он уже переведет эту статью к понедельнику)

  • Study how the Tenses are changed according

to the rule of the Sequence of Tenses.

Present Indefinite – Past Indefinite

Present Continuous – Past Continuous

Present Perfect – Past Perfect

Past Indefinite – Past Perfect (or stays the same)

Past Continuous - Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect – (does not change)
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