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  • The Types of Business Letters .

  • An Offer. Kinds of Offers

  • 2. Read one of the examples of a business letter. State to what type it belongs

  • 3. Answer the questions.

  • 5. Exercise your grammar. Fill in the missing pronouns: much, many, little, few, a little, a few.

  • 6. Study new business proverbs

  • Електронні засоби зв ’ язку. Факс. Телекс. 1. Read and translate the text.

  • 2. Read and discuss the following faxes.

  • 3. Complete the dialogue.

  • 6. Study the layout and the language of telexes.

  • 7. Decode the following two telexes

  • Write these sentences as if you are sending a telex.

  • 9. Change the following message into telex.

  • Методичка_з_ділової-англ-мови-с-тестами. Узгоджено затверджую

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    Види ділових листів.

    1. Read and translate the texts with the help of topical words.

    Topical words

    firm offer

    тверда пропозиція

    are pleased



    що стосується

    with regard to




    to require







    який може бути отриманий

    subject to

    за умови, що...

    to deliver


    to receive


    to prefer

    надавати перевагу

    air freight  

    перевезення повітряним шляхом


    рід, вид, сорт



    to charge

    назначати ціну


    вартість, витрати

    extra at cost

    за додаткову сплату


    The Types of Business Letters.

    There are different kinds of business letters, used for different purposes. They are divided into two types: the business to business type and the business to client type.

    Business-to-business types are intended for company to company communication. Examples are:

    • Appreciation letter – a letter of gratitude and appreciation for help extended, or a good business deal.

    • Thank you – is a letter of gratitude.

    • Congratulations – is a letter that praises the recipient for a job well done.

    • Letter of recognition – a written statement of recognized efforts similar to an appreciation letter.

    • Letter of reference – is a character reference letter. It is a letter building up the character of a person to be accepted in a job.

    • Recommendation – is an endorsement letter to hire a certain person.

    • Sympathy letter – is a letter of condolences to a person or family.

    • Invitation letter – is a letter persuading a person or a company to join an event or an occasion.

    • Letter of credit – is a way of endorsing a certain business to be considered a credit loan.

    • Letter of interest – a reply to an invitation that confirms presence on the event/occasion.

    • Business memorandum – notices that are distributed to the staff. They are reminders of company activities, or imminent changes in the company.

    • Business introduction – is done to introduce a new business to the readers.

    • Business letter – a letter that talks about the plans for the business.

    • Donation letter – a letter asking for donations.

    • Termination letter – more popularly known as a resignation letter. It signifies someone's desire to leave a job permanently.

    Business-to-Client letters are:

    • Welcome letter – welcomes the client and thanks him for choosing the company.

    • Letter of appreciation – thanks the client for having business with the company.

    • Apology letter – asks the client for reconsideration, and apologizes for failing to deliver.

    • Collection letter – notices outstanding payments due.

    • Invoice letter template – this is asking the clients to state the invoice number of their transactions.

    • Letter of invitation – invites a client to join a certain gathering.

    • Marketing letter – is stating the newest products that the company will provide soon or is presently providing.

    • Rejection letter – is stating the rejection of the client's request.

    Business letters are more formal in writing. Follow the formats strictly. Be concise, clear and direct to the point.

    An Offer. Kinds of Offers

    An offer (a quotation) is a statement by the Sellers usually in written form expressing their wish to sell the goods. Offers as a rule include the following information:

    — the description of the goods offered (their quality, quantity);

    — detailed prices, discounts and terms of payment;

    — the date or the time and place of delivery.

    There are two kinds of offers.

    A free offer is made when Seller offers goods to regular customers without waiting for an enquiry and sends quotation to those who may be interested in the goods. These offers were formerly called offers without obligation. There must be an indication in such an offer that it is made subject to the goods being available when the order is received.   The opening phrases in free offers may be: “We think you will be interested in our quotation for the goods” or “We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue (or the price-list of our products)”.

    A firm offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated (i.e. at a stated price and within a stated period of time). This promise may be expressed in a letter in the following words: “We make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of May at the price quoted” or in some other words like: “The offer is subject to acceptance within fourteen days”, or “The offer is open for acceptance until the fifteenth of January”.

    The Sellers making a firm offer have the right to withdraw it at any time before it has been accepted. In practice, however, no seller will risk his reputation by withdrawing his offer before the stated time.  
    2. Read one of the examples of a business letter. State to what type it belongs to.


    118 Regent Street

    London WIC 37D


    Oct. 28, 2000



    Ladies' Clothing

    306, 3d Avenue

    Chicago, 111. 60602


          Dear Sirs,

          We are pleased to make you a firm offer regarding our products in the size you require. Nearly all the models are obtainable and can be delivered to you by the end of November. All other models of dresses can be supplied by the middle of December 2000, subject to our receiving your order by 15th of November. If you prefer the goods to be shipped by air freight, this kind of shipment will be charged extra at cost.

    Yours faithfully,



    Export Department



    3. Answer the questions.

    1.  When can the Sellers deliver the goods to the Buyers?

    2. When can the Sellers supply all other models of dresses?

    3.  What is charged extra at cost?
    4. Write the offer of your own using the given phrases and expressions.

    Expressions used in enquiries for catalogues, brochures, etc. and in answers to such enquiries

    We shall be obliged if you will send us your latest catalogues, brochures or any other publications.

    Ми будемо зобов’язані, якщо Ви надішлете нам останні каталоги, брошури або будь-які інші публікації.

    We are pleased to enclose our latest catalogue illustrating our range of products, which we trust you will find useful.

    Ми раді додати наш останній каталог, який ілюструє асортимент наших виробів, які, на нашу думку, Вас зацікавлять.

    As soon as the catalogues are available, we will send you some copies.

    Як тільки-но каталоги будуть в наявності, ми надішлемо Вам декілька копій.

    We regret to advise you that our catalogue is out of print.

    На жаль, ми повідомляємо Вам, що весь тираж нашого каталогу розійшовся.

    We are interested in ... advertised by you in this catalogue.

    Мі зацікавлені…, який Ви рекламуєте в цьому каталозі.

    If you require further copies of this catalogue, please do not hesitate to write to us.

    Якщо Вам потрібні ще копії цього каталогу, будь-ласка, повідомте нам.

    The goods to which you refer are not in stock and therefore no catalogues are available as yet.

    Товарів, на які Ви посилаєтесь, немає в наявності, і тому каталогів ще нема.

    We enclose for your information our brochure and leaflet that we trust you will find useful.

    Ми додаємо для Вашої інформації брошуру та рекламний листок, які, на нашу думку, Ви знайдете корисними.

    We have been informed by... that you are manufacturers and exporters of...

    Ми були проінформовані…, що Ви – виробники та експортери…

    We have seen your advertisement in...

    Ми бачили Вашу рекламу в…

    We refer to your advertisement in...

    Ми посилаємося на Вашу рекламу в…

    We shall be glad to answer any additional questions you may ask.

    Ми будемо раді відповісти на будь-які додаткові питання, які Ви можете поставити.

    5. Exercise your grammar. Fill in the missing pronouns: much, many, little, few, a little, a few.

    1. Will it take … time to answer this letter? 2. We give the customers … catalogues of our products. 3. We had … time, so we couldn’t prepare the goods for shipping. 4. Your order will receive … attention. 5. I like it here. Let’s stay here … longer. 6. She wrote us … letters from abroad. 7. There was … sugar in the bowl, and we had to put … sugar there. 8. I know French … and I can help you with the translation of this text. 9. Thank you very …! 10. I want to say … words about my travelling. 11. Please don’t ask me … questions. 12. How … money have you got? 13. We usually spend … money on advertising. 14. … in this work was too difficult for me. 15. There were … new orders and we spent … time executing them.

    6. Study new business proverbs:

    • Nothing succeeds like success.

    • Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    • Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    • Rome was not built in a day.

    • Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.

    • Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.

    • Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.

    Електронні засоби звязку. Факс. Телекс.
    1. Read and translate the text.

    Topical words






    to measure

    to vary


    to transfer

    chain store

    to circulate








    to replace




    план, проект


    гніздо, паз



    міняти(ся), змінювати(ся)

    доказ, свідчення


    однотипні магазини однієї фірми

    поширювати, передавати


    пам’ятна записка

    відділення, філія


    вантаж, партія товарів





    кожний окремий предмет


    The word "fax" comes from the word "facsimile". A fax machine will send a duplicate of the message, document, design or photo that is fed into it.

    Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years. There are various models of fax ma­chines which connect to a telephone socket and which work on a system similar to the telephone system.

    Charges are measured in telephone units and therefore vary ac­cording to the time of day and where the fax is being sent. The advantages of fax include instant reception of documents and documentary evidence of what has been transferred. A document can be relayed from one source to hundreds of other receivers, for example, if the head office of a chain store wants to circulate a memo or report to its branches.
    2. Read and discuss the following faxes.

    a) This fax is from Lynk & Co, who received a damaged consignment and was told by their supplier, Mr Causio, to return it.

    P. Lynk & Co. Ltd

    (Head office), Nelson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL.

    Telephone: 021-327 5385 Cables: MENFINCH Birmingham Telex: 556241

    Fax transmission from: K. Pane

    Message for: D Causio

    Address: Satex S.p.A., Via di Pietra Papa, Date: 24 January 20


    Fax number: (06) 394 8629

    Dear Mr. Causio,

    This is an urgent request for a consignment to replace the damaged delivery which we received, and about which you have already been informed.

    Please air freight the following items:
    Cat. no. Quantity

    PN40 60

    AG20 75

    L28 100

    The damaged consignment will be returned to you on receipt of the replacement.

    Yours sincerely,


    Chief Buyer

    b) This fax is an example of an informal message from a sales repre­sentative, who needs something to be done urgently by his Head Of­fice. Notice that the fax is kept brief and clear.


    Canal Street, Manchester M12 4KQ

    Fax transmission

    From: Nick Manson

    To: Sue Bresson


    I've been in Bournemouth now since yesterday, and our clients seem to be most enthusiastic about our new range of notepaper. Can you send some more samples and about twenty more catalogues? Please send them Data post, and then I'll definitely get them tomorrow.

    Also, just to let you know I'll be in Norwich on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th and back at the office on the Monday.

    Thanks, and see you next week.

    3. Complete the dialogue.

    A: Where does the word "fax" come from?


    A: What can a fax machine do?


    A: When did this means of communication develop?


    A: How does it function?


    A: And how are charges measured?


    A: What are the advantages of fax?

    B: .....

    4. Write two faxes: one – formal, the other – informal.

    5. Read and translate the text. Write out the unknown words.

    The Telex

    The mobile telephone, fast train and air travel have cut the problem of distance for today's business executives. However, where the addressee cannot be reached by telephone, the fax and the telex messages may still prove valuable. Generally speaking, telex machines are now used only where there is a need for a legal proof and when a fax message is unacceptable.

    The telex is a machine like a typewriter, but with a dial on its casing. A message can be sent by dialing the receiver's number, by dialing and using the keyboard for some countries, or by ask­ing the operator to connect you.

    The telex has all the advantages of sending a cable and in addition it operates in the office and offers a direct line. It is available twenty-four hours a day, and can send cables as well as telex messages.

    Operating the telex: once the telex operator has dialed the code, an answerback code will appear on the teleprinter indicating that the sender is through. If the wrong code appears, the sender dials again. The message is typed, as with a normal typewriter, and appears on the receiver's machine.

    Corrections are made by typing five X's: WE ARE SEDXXXXXSENDING ORDER.

    Each telex message is finished with + sign, if the end is not clear; + + sign is used after the last message; + ? sign at the end of a message means either “reply, confirm” or “A further message will be sent”.
    6. Study the layout and the language of telexes.

    The Layout of the Telex:



    Sender’s name


    194381 FL NT Q





    PL1350 33 O/O+?

    Telexes have their own language. Some words are left out altogether, e.g. articles, prepositions, pronouns “I”, “you”, auxiliary verbs “to be”, “to have”, “will”. Instead of “I'll write soon” it is written “WRITING SOON” or “LETTER FOLLOWS”; instead of “Please will you write soon” –“PLEASE WRITE SOON”.

    Telex charges depend on the time it takes to send the message, so telex operators have developed their own abbreviations:

    ASAP, SOONEST – as soon as possible

    ATTN – attention

    CFM – confirm, I confirm

    EEE – error

    ETA – estimate time of arrival

    EXT – extension

    FIN - I have finished my message now

    FR – from

    L/C – letter of credit

    MGR – manager

    MOM – waits, waiting

    PLS, SVP – please

    RAP – I shall call you back

    RECALL – call me back

    RODS – regards

    THRU – through

    THKS – thanks

    TLX – telex

    U – you

    W – words

    X – error

    Figures and symbols should be written in words, e.g.: FIFTY DOLLARS for $50.00; AT for @; PER CENT for %.

    The word “telex” can be used as a noun, a verb and a participle, e.g.: “Please telex as soon as possible” or “We received a telexed reply”.
    7. Decode the following two telexes







    APR 7 2000



    RE YR TLX 86/742






    1. Write these sentences as if you are sending a telex.

    1. I have booked your flight to Manchester, departing from Brussels at 12:30 on Monday.

    2. Would you please inform your representatives?

    3. I would be happy if you could suggest a suitable meeting date in August or September.

    4. Would you please tell us which day you will be returning?

    5. The Madrid conference has been postponed.

    6. Thank you for your letter.

    7. I can confirm that your order number 442/7 (550 rolls of wire netting) was dispatched on 24th November.

    8. I intend to meet Foster and Gamble on Wednesday, and shall fly back two days later.

    9. Consignment No. 441 should arrive Southampton on M.S. Atlanta tomorrow.

    10. I met Mr. Larwood yesterday. Everything is satisfactory.
    9. Change the following message into telex.

    With reference to the construction of the new administrative building, the drawings and details of the project which have so far been received from the consultants are now available. Each department head is asked to study them and forward their comments to this department as soon as possible so that the necessary action can be taken.
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