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Введение настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям 09

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ТипУчебное пособие
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  1. There are two articles in English: the Indefinite article (a/an) and the Definite article (the)

  2. The Indefinite article A/An (before vowels) is used when we mention smth. for the first time (We’ve bought a new computer); before a countable noun in the singular to summarize (A computer is very useful in our life); before nouns denoting professions (He is a computer engineer); in certain numerical expressions (a couple, a dozen, a hundred, a thousand, a lot of, a great number of, etc.); in expressions of time, frequency, price, speed, weight, etc. (a dollar, once a week, hundreds of operations a minute)

  3. The Definite article The is used before countable and uncountable nouns to talk about the specific things or people (The lab equipment is reliable); before the nouns meaning unique things (the sun, the Earth, the world etc.); when the thing has already been mentioned (They have bought a computer. The computer is not so expensive.); with ordinal numbers (the first, the second, the third etc.); before the superlative degree of the adjectives (the most powerful machine); before the names of seas, oceans, rivers, mountain ranges (the Nile, the Pacific ocean, the Alps); with names of the countries which contain the preposition of or the words Union, Republic, Federation, States, Kingdom (the United States of America, the UK, the Russian Federation etc.)

  4. The article is not used before plural countable nouns; before uncountable nouns (Information is very important for studies), before abstract nouns (I need advice); before proper names; before the names of singular countries (Spain, South Africa ); before cardinal numbers (one, two, three) etc...

  5. Learn some phrases with a, the or zero article: at a time, to have a good time, for a long time, to go for a walk, to be in a hurry, to be at a loss, to have a look, to have a headache, as a result of; in the morning(afternoon, evening), on the right (left), on the one (other) hand, to go to the cinema, to play the guitar, to tell the time, to pass the time; at work, by bus (train, plane etc.), by chance, by mistake, by means of, at home, in fact, from time to time, to go to work (school), to go to bed, to have breakfast (lunch, tea) etc.

Task 1.Complete the sentences with a/an, the or zero article:
1.We have English classes twice ….week.

  1. I’ve read…..interesting article on Virtual Reality.

  2. I always go to…work by….car.

  3. ….life is interesting.

  4. She is ….lab technician.

  5. Let’s go for….walk. …..sun is shining!

  6. Have you been to…..France?

  7. …Everest is ….highest mountain in….world.

  8. This is …first time I’ve been to ….USA.

  9. …..President of …..company announced ….very important decision.

Task 2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with a/an, the or zero article:
Yesterday I was sitting on the 6 o’clock train when I saw (1)___ strange man walking along the platform. He came into the carriage of (2)____ train where I was sitting, and he sat in the seat opposite mine. He opened (3)___ newspaper and started reading it. On (4)___ front page of (5)___ newspaper, there was (6)___ picture of (7)___ bank robber. The words under (8) ___picture were: “Wanted by the police”. It was (9)___ same man!

Parts of speech






























you (plural)








Subject pronouns I you they etc. are used before verbs. Object pronouns me you them etc. are used after verbs. Possessive pronouns are followed by nouns (my car, your ticket etc.). Reflexive pronouns are used after certain verbs (kill, cut, behave, enjoy, hurt, teach etc.) when the subject and the object of the verb are the same person (He hurt himself)

1. The plural of a noun is usually –s or–es (after o , ss, x, sh, ch).: singular (=one) - plural (=two or more)

a flower – some flowers

a nice place – many nice places

2. Some plurals do not end in -s:

this man – these men, one foot - two feet, that sheep - those sheep, a woman - some women, a tooth - all my teeth, a child - many children, a mouse - some mice, a person - some people

People is plural (=they), so we say people are/people have etc.

Police is plural: The police are here.

3. A noun can be countable or uncountable.

Countable nouns: a car a man a key an idea an accident

Countable nouns can be singular or plural: a car – cars, two cars, some cars, many cars.

You cannot use the singular (car/house/key) alone. You need

a /an:

We can’t get in without a key.

Uncountable nouns: water money music electricity

Uncountable nouns have only one form:

I’ve got some money. Money isn’t everything.

You cannot use a /an + uncountable nouns. But you can say a piece of…/a glass of… etc. + uncountable noun:

A glass of water, a can of oil, a bar of chocolate, a piece of cheese, a bottle of milk, a piece of music a game of tennis

4. You can use some and any with plural countable nouns:

We played some games. Did you play any games?

We use many and a few with plural countable nouns:

I have a few jobs to do. We didn’t take many photos.

You can use some, any, much, little with uncountable nouns:

We listened to some music. We didn’t do much shopping.

5. Many nouns can be used as countable or uncountable nouns, usually with a difference in meaning. Compare:

I bought a paper to read.(= a newspaper) - I need some paper to write on.(= material)

Enjoy your holiday. Have a good time! - I can’t wait. I haven’t got time.

6. There are some nouns that are usually uncountable in English but often countable in other languages: information advice weather news bread hair furniture work scenery accommodation luck luggage traffic permission progress damage behavior chaos knowledge education

News is uncountable, not plural: The news was very bad.
1. Adjectives describe nouns. They have the same form in both the singular and the plural and normally go before nouns. They also go without nouns after some verbs: appear, be, sound, become, feel, seem, smell, taste, look, get, etc.. Ex: It looks nice.

2. Most adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative and superlative

3. The comparative form is –er or more… .

  • We use - er for short words (one syllable): cheap – cheaper fast – faster large – larger

  • We also use -er for two-syllable words that end in –y (-y→-ier): lucky → luckier early →earlier easy →easier pretty →prettier

  • We use more … for longer words (two syllables or more):

more modern more serious more expensive

  • You can use –er or more… with some two-syllable adjectives, especially: quiet clever narrow simple

It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter/more quiet?

  • In comparative sentences we often use than

This question is easier than the last one.

My computer is better than yours.

При сравнении равных качеств двух предметов используется парный союз asasтакой же, как … My computer is as good as yours.

При отрицании равенства качеств двух предметов используется парный союз not soas не такой…, как…My computer is not as good as yours.

4. The superlative form is - est or most … .

  • In general we use –est for short words and most … for longer words. (the rules are the same as those for comparative)

long → longest easy → easiest hard → hardest

most famous most boring most difficult

  • We normally use the before a superlative (the longest / the most famous etc.):

  • After superlatives we use in with places (towns, buildings etc) and groups of people (a class / team / company etc.):

What is the longest river in the world? Who is the best student in the group?

We normally use of for a period of time:

What was the happiest day of your life?

  • We often use the Present Perfect (I have done) after a superlative:

What’s the best film you’ve ever seen?

  1. These adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms:

good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst

far – further (or farther) – the furthest

many – more – the most

little – less – the least
1. We use adverbs to describe how someone or something does an action. Most adverbs are formed by adding –ly to the adjective

She answered all the questions correctly

2.If an adjective ends with –y, the adverb ends with -ily

They solved the problem easily

3.Some adverbs are irregular (they don’t end with -ly)

good - well

  1. Some adjectives and adverbs have the same form: hard, late, early, fast, far, much, little, high, low, near

It’s a hard day. (adjective) He works hard. (adverb)
Task 1. Use the correct pronoun:

        1. I felt so nervous before the exam! …..hands were wet.

        2. Open….books on page 7.

        3. Will you help….. with…..problem?

        4. Mobile phones have made life easier. …..help communication a lot.

        5. Students nowadays do……homework on a computer.

        6. Linda and Sam are going as volunteers to Africa. ……holidays start next week.

        7. My computer is not new. ….breaks down too often.

        8. Jimmy is too young to have a mobile phone, but …. Sister has got one.

        9. Excuse me, can you show …. ….. ticket?

        10. We are late and …. teacher is angry.

 Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct object pronoun:

My husband and I are very lucky. We have many close friends in this city, and they are all interesting people.

Our friend Andrew is a scientist. We see (1) _____ when he isn't busy in his laboratory. When we get together with (2) _____, he always tells (3) ______ about his new experiments. Andrew is a very close friend. We like (4) _______ very much.

Our friend Maggie is an actress. We see (5) _______, when she isn't making a movie in Hollywood. When we get together with (6) _______, she always tells (7) ______ about her life in Hollywood. Maggie is a very close friend. We like (8) ______ very much.

Our friends Bobby and Marlin are journalists. We see (9) ______,when they are not traveling around the world. When we get together with (10) ______, they always tell (11) _____ about their meetings with famous people. Bobby and Marlin are very close friends. We like (12) ____ very much.

Task 3.Use the correct pronoun instead of the words in italics:
1. Jim and Ted exchanged mobiles.

2. Linda’s parents bought her a new laptop.

3. Computers allow the disabled to live more independently.

4. Computer scientists believe that virtual reality is a very promising area of research.

5. When we studied at University our teachers gave me and my fellow students a lot of assignments.
Task 4. Match the expressions with their meanings:

  1. Enjoy yourself!

a)Feel comfortable

  1. Behave yourself!

b)Don’t wait to be offered smth

  1. Help yourself to ……!

c) Be good

  1. Make yourself at home!

d)Have a good time

Task 5. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjective in brackets and than (if necessary) or the superlative form:
1. This software is………… (expensive) that one.

2. A storage device has……….(great) capacity the main memory.

3. This company produces …….. (reliable) computers in the world.

4. Interacting with a computer is …….(good) way to understand it.

5. The latest computers use ……..(little) energy compared with the earliest models.

6. Mechanical devices ……(slow) electromagnetic devices.

7. We think that …..(bad) virus in the world hasn’t been created.

8. This hackers’ attack is justly considered …..(bad) attack of the year.

9. Who was………….(successful) creator of personal computer peripherals?

10. Do you agree that voiceprints’ analysis …….(easy) fingerprints’?
Task 6. Use the following adjectives and adverbs in the right place:

good the best easy carefully reliable efficiently logically
1. Using computers is really so …..that even small children can do it!

2. Integrated circuits can make computers more ……… .

3. With this technology tasks can be performed more………. .

4. Using cards with magnetic stripes is ……..method of identification.

5. The ability to think ……….is a very important skill for everyone.

6. Are you ………at compiling programs?

7. Before making any important decisions you should think ………… .
Task 7. Read the text and choose the correct variant:
Robert Noyce was (a/an/the) risk-taker who was successful both as (a/an/the) engineer and as (a/an/the) entrepreneur. (A/an/the) son of an Iowa minister, he was informal, genuine, and methodical. Even when he was running one of (more/ the most) successful businesses in the Silicon Valley, he dressed (informal/informally) and his office was an open cubicle that looked like everyone else's. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he started working for one of the first computer-related businesses in 1955.

As (a/an/the) engineer, he co-invented the integrated circuit, which was the basis for (late/later) computer design. As (a/an/the) businessman, Noyce co-founded Intel, (more/the most) successful company in the Silicon Valley and the first company to introduce the microprocessor. (A/an/the) directors of Intel could not have anticipated the effects that the microprocessor would have on the world. It made (possibly/possible) the invention of the personal computer and eventually led to the birth of thousands of new (business/businesses). In fact, many (persons/people) consider his role to be one of (more/the most) significant in the Silicon Valley story.
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