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  • Unit 3

  • Unit 4


  • To work…


  • If you don’t have these skills, divert your career elsewhere.


  • Accept the knowledge gap and be ready to learn

  • Develop problem-solving skills

  • Sharpen customer service skills

  • Work on communication skills

  • Anyone can pick up a language


  • Введение настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям 09

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    2. The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.

    (Sydney J. Harris)
    3. Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living.

    (Nicholas Negraponte)

    Unit 3

    Task 1. Study the words from text A:

    1) founder

    a) основатель

    2) influential

    b) влиятельный

    3) GDP

    c) валовый внутренний продукт

    4) wealthy

    d) состоятельный

    5) to retire

    e) уйти в отставку

    6) foundation

    f) фонд

    7) to treat

    8) device

    9) to produce

    10) acquisition

    g) относиться к кому-то

    h) устройство

    i) производить

    j) приобретение

    Task 2. Read and translate text A:
    Microsoft Corporation (abbreviated as MS) is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers and services.

    Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers. Its flagship hardware products are the Xbox video game consoles and the Microsoft Surface tablet lineup. As of 2016, it is the world's largest software maker by revenue, and one of the world's most valuable companies. The word "Microsoft" is a combination of "microcomputer" and "software".

    Microsoft was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. It rose to dominate the personal computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by Microsoft Windows. The company's 1986 initial public offering (IPO), and subsequent rise in its share price, created three billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires among Microsoft employees. Since the 1990s, it has increasingly diversified from the operating system market and has made a number of corporate acquisitions—their largest being the acquisition of «LinkedIn»for $26.2 billion in December 2016, followed by Skype Technologies for $8.5 billion in May 2011.

    Now it has lost the majority of the overall operating system market to Android. The company also produces a wide range of other consumer and enterprise software for desktops and servers, including Internet search (with Bing), the digital services market (through MSN), mixed reality (HoloLens), cloud computing (Azure) and software development (Visual Studio).

    Steve Ballmer replaced Gates as CEO in 2000, and later envisioned a "devices and services" strategy. This began with the acquisition of Danger Inc. in 2008, entering the personal computer production market for the first time in June 2012 with the launch of the Microsoft Surface line of tablet computers; and later forming Microsoft Mobile through the acquisition of  Nokia's devices and services division. Since Satya Nadella took over as CEO in 2014, the company has scaled back on hardware and has instead focused on cloud computing, a move that helped the company's shares reach its highest value since December 1999.
    Task 3. Answer the following questions:

    1. What does Microsoft produce?

    2. Who founded the company?

    3. In what sphere did it dominate?

    4. How was the word "Microsoft" created?

    5. Who replaced Gates in the company?

    6. What was the strategy of Steve Ballmer?

    7.  How did the focus of the company change in 2014?

    Task 4. Find in the text synonyms and antonyms for the following verbs:





    to initiate


    to lead

    to decline

    to buy






    Task 5. Match the following words from the text with their definitions:

    1. abbreviation

    2. to develop

    3. the largest

    4. combination

    5. to dominate

    6. to produce

    7. first

    a) coming before the others;

    b) the biggest in size or amount;

    c) a short form of a word or phrase; the mixture;

    d) to change into more advanced, larger or stronger form;

    e) to make something or to bring something into existence;

    f) to have control over a place or person.

    Task 6. Complete the sentences using the following words or phrases from the text in the correct form:

    technology, to know, to combine, to rise, to produce, to take over, to have scale.

    1. Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational … company.

    2. Its best … software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Officesuite, the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers.

    3. The word "Microsoft" is … of "microcomputer" and "software".

    4. It … to dominate the personal computer operating system market.

    5. The company also … a wide range of other consumer and enterprise software.

    6. Since Satya Nadella … as CEO in 2014.

    7. The company … back on hardware and has instead focused on cloud computing.

    Task 7. Are the sentences True or False?

    1. Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company.

    2. It has several headquarters.

    3. It is one of the world's most profitable companies.

    4. The word "Microsoft" is made of two words.

    5. Microsoft doesn’t buy other companies.

    6. Bill Gates is still working as CEO in the company.

    7. The company advanced on hardware with Satya Nadella.

    Task 8. Study the words from text B:

    1) commercially available

    2) internal

    3) to simulate colors

    4) a dot

    5) an expansion slot

    6) a heated argument

    7) hardware failures

    8) marketing department

    9) engineering-driven projects

    10) self-imposed annual salary

    a) коммерчески доступный

    b) внутренний

    c) имитировать цвета

    d) точка

    e) слот расширения,

    f) зд. горячий спор

    g) аппаратные сбои

    h) отдел маркетинга

    i) конструкторские проекты

    j) самостоятельно установленная годовая зарплата

    Task 9. Read and translate text B:

    An Apple II computer with an external modem
    Apple Computer company (now called Apple Inc.) was stated On April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs and Wozniak along with administrative supervisor Ronald Wayne. (His participation in the new venture was short lived). Wozniak became the vice president in charge of research and development at Apple. He and Jobs decided on the name "Apple" shortly after Jobs returned from an apple orchard in Oregon. Wozniak's Apple I was similar to the Altair 8800, the first commercially available microcomputer, except the Apple I had no provision for internal expansion cards. With expansion cards the Altair could be attached to a computer terminal and be programmed in BASIC. In contrast, the Apple I was a hobbyist machine. Wozniak's design included a $25 microprocessor (MOS 6502) on a single circuit board with 256 bytes of ROM, 4K or 8K bytes of RAM, and a 40-character by 24-row display controller. Apple's first computer lacked a case, power supply, keyboard, and display, all components the user had to provide.

    After the success of the Apple I, Wozniak designed the Apple II, the first personal computer that had the ability to display color graphics, and BASIC programming language built-in. Inspired by "the technique Atari used to simulate colors on its first “arcade games", Wozniak found a way of putting colors into the NTSC system by using a $1 chip, while colors in the PAL system were achieved by "accident" when a dot occurred on a line. Toward this day he has no idea how it works.

    During the design stage, Steve Jobs argued that the Apple II should have two expansion slots, while Wozniak wanted six. After a heated argument, during which Wozniak had threatened for Jobs to 'go get himself another computer, they decided to go with eight slots. The Apple II became one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers in the world.

    In 1980, Apple went public to instant and significant financial profitability, making Jobs and Wozniak both millionaires. The Apple II eventual successor, the Apple III, released the same year, was not nearly as successful as the Apple II. According to Wozniak, the Apple III "had 100 percent hardware failures", and that the primary reason for these failures was that the system was designed by Apple's marketing department, unlike Apple's previous engineering-driven projects.

    Just as Jobs started Apple's success in the 1970s, he was credited with revitalizing the company in the 1990s. In 1997, Jobs returned to his post as Apple's CEO.

    With a new management team, different stock options and a self-imposed annual salary of $1 a year, Jobs put Apple back on track.
    Task 10. Answer the following questions:
    1.Who decided on the name "Apple" shortly after Jobs returned from an apple orchard in Oregon?

    2. Was Wozniak's Apple I similar to the Altair 8800, the first commercially available microcomputer?

    3. Could “Altair” be attached to a computer terminal and be programmed in BASIC with expansion cards?

    4. Did Apple 1 have provision for internal expansion cards?

    5. What did Wozniak's design include?

    6. Did Apple II computer have the ability to display color graphics, and BASIC programming language built-in?

    7. Was Apple III, as successful as the Apple II?
    Task 11. Find in the text synonyms and antonyms for the following words. The words are given in the same order as in the text:

    to accomplish

    to happen

    to wish

    to dispute

    to begin

    to show

    to come back








    Task 12. Find the equivalents in the text:
    подключаться к компьютерному терминалу; печатная плата на 256 байт ПЗУ; 8K байт ОЗУ и 40-символьный 24-разрядный контроллер отображения; отсутствие кейса, блока питания, клавиатуры и дисплея; внешний модем; отображать цветную графику; встроенный язык программирования BASIC; этап проектирования; последующий преемник Apple II, первый успешный компьютер массового производства; значительная финансовая рентабельность; опционы на акции.
    Task 13. Complete the sentences using the following words or phrases from the text in the correct form:

    team, profitability, computers, graphics, supply, terminal, microcomputer.
    1. Wozniak's Apple I was similar to the Altair 8800, the first commercially available… .

    2. With expansion cards the Altair could attach to a computer …and be programmed in BASIC… .

    3. Apple's first computer lacked a case, power…, keyboard, and display, all components the user had to provide.

    4. Apple II was the first personal computer that had the ability to display color…, and BASIC programming language built-in.

    5. The Apple II became one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal… in the world.

    6. In 1980, Apple went public to instant and significant financial…, making Jobs and Wozniak both millionaires.

    7 .With a new management…, different stock options and a self-imposed annual salary of $1 a year, Jobs put Apple back on track.
    Task 14. Match the following English words and phrases from text C with their Russian equivalents:

    1) to launch

    2) overwhelmed

    3) to prevent

    4) to complain

    5) permission

    6)to lease

    7) sophomore

    a) предотвращать

    b) жаловаться

    c) арендовать

    d)студент второго курса

    e) разрешение

    f) начинать

    g) перегружен

    Task 15. Read and translate text C:

    Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dormitory room on February 4, 2004 with college roommates and fellow Harvard students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. The group then introduced Facebook to other college campuses.

    According to ArieHasit, Zuckerberg's roommate at the time, "he built the site for fun". Hasit explains: We had books called Face Books, which included the names and pictures of everyone who lived in the student dorms. At first, he built a site and placed two pictures, or pictures of two males and two females. Visitors to the site had to choose who was "hotter" and according to the votes there would be a ranking.

    The site went up over a weekend, but by Monday morning, the college shut it down, because its popularity had overwhelmed one of Harvard's network switches and prevented students from accessing the Internet. In addition, many students complained that their photos were being used without permission. Zuckerberg apologized publicly, and the student paper ran articles stating that his site was "completely improper."

    The following semester, in January 2004, Zuckerberg began writing code for a new Web site. On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched "The Facebook", originally located at thefacebook.com. Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year in order to complete his project. Zuckerberg, Moskovitz and some friends moved to Palo Alto, California in Silicon Valley where they leased a small house that served as an office.

    Over the summer, Zuckerberg met Peter Thiel, who invested in the company. They got their first office in mid-2004. According to Zuckerberg, the group planned to return to Harvard, but eventually decided to remain in California. They had already turned down offers by major corporations to buy the company.

    Later he recalled: I remember really brightly, you know, having pizza with my friends a day or two after - opened up the first version of Facebook. I thought, "You know, someone needs to build a service like this for the world." But I just never thought that we'd be the ones to help do it. On May 24, 2007, Zuckerberg announced Facebook Platform, a development platform for programmers to create social applications within Facebook. Within weeks, many applications had been built and some already had millions of users. It grew to more than 800,000 developers around the world building applications for Facebook Platform.

    Zuckerberg launched the Internet.org project in 2013. He explained that the primary aim of the initiative is to provide Internet access to the 5 billion people. Using a three-tier strategy, Internet.org will also create new jobs and open up new markets.

    Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced that over the course of their lives they would give the majority of their wealth to "advancing human potential and promoting equality" in the spirit of The Giving Pledge. On December 1, 2015, they announced they would eventually give 99 percent of their Facebook shares (worth about US$45 billion at the time) to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
    Task 16. Answer the following questions:

    1. When and where was Facebook launched?

    2. Why did he build the site?

    3. Why was the site shut down in college?

    4. What did he recall later?

    5. How did Facebook develop?

    6. What did Zuckerberg and his wife announce?

    7. How much would they give to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative?

    Task 17. Match the following words from the text with their definitions:

    1. to introduce

    2. to complain

    3. eventually

    4. to recall

    5. to announce

    6. to create

    7. ranking

    1. level in a competition; ranking;

    2. to help somebody experience something for the first time;

    3. to say that something is wrong or unsatisfactory;

    4. in the end;

    5. to give a description of what you remember;

    6. to make something new, to invent something;

    7. to tell people about something officially

    Task 18. Find the equivalents in the text:

    со слов (кого-то), включать (что-либо), закрыть (что-либо), препятствовать (чему-либо), располагаться (где-либо), для того что бы инвестировать (во что-либо), цель (чего - либо),
    Unit 4
    Task 1. Match the following English words and phrases from text A with their Russian equivalents:

    1) public institution

    2) to be in demand

    3) technical expertise

    4) to work one’s way up

    5) information assurance

    6) to be in charge of smth.

    7) to stay up to date

    8) customer-support division

    9) to have a degree in

    10) education requirements

    a) отдел технической поддержки клиентов

    b) требования к образованию

    c) быть востребованным

    d) быть в курсе, не отставать от

    e) техническая (профессиональная) компетенция

    f) иметь диплом о высшем образовании (по какой-либо специальности)

    g) государственное учреждение

    h) отвечать за что-либо

    i) двигаться вверх, продвигаться (по службе)

    j) обеспечение целостности и безопасности информации

    Task 2. Read and translate text A.
    An Information Technology (IT) specialist is a person who works with computers and other technologies such as telephones and fax machines. Many companies have someone on staff who helps with the maintenance of computers and computer networks within the organization. He or she may also work for an independent consulting company, a customer-support division of a computer or technology company, a private computer repair shop, or in any number of other settings where a person can come to him to pay him for help with a computer.

    Although some IT specialists can handle any issues and problems relating to technology, it is most common for them to work within the field of computers. Because computers have become so pervasive, almost every workplace, school, public institution and private home has one. As such, there is a great number of potential problems that can arise for novice computer users, from how to set up a network to how to troubleshoot software that is not working properly. As such, IT specialists are much in demand within the computer industry.

    An information technology specialist applies technical expertise to the implementation, monitoring, or maintenance of IT systems. Specialists typically focus on a specific computer network, database, or systems administration function. Specialty areas include network analysis, system administration, security and information assurance, IT audit, database administration, web administration. IT specialist is responsible for planning and coordinating the installation, testing, operation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of hardware and software systems; management of networked systems used for the transmission of information in voice, data, and/or video formats. Specialists can be in charge of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of systems, networks, and data etc.

    Education requirements vary depending on the IT specialty. While some IT specialists work their way up with professional certifications, most experts begin their careers with an information technology degree at the bachelor level. IT certifications are useful for building specialist expertise and staying up to date on the latest advances in a specific area of information technology.

    IT specialists typically have a degree in Computer and Information Science, or Information Systems Management or they may have a degree in a field such as Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research or Engineering where there is a heavy concentration of computer science/information science coursework.
    Task 3. Make up 5 questions to the text, using the question words given:

    what, why, who, what kind of, where
    Task 4. Find synonyms for the following words in the text:

    • employees

    • newest

    • widespread

    • learner

    • specialist

    • unity

    Task 5. Match the following words from the text with their definitions:

    1) issue

    a) the process of keeping smth. in good condition by regularly checking it and doing necessary repairs

    2) maintenance

    b)the process of identifying, planning and resolving a problem, error or fault within a software or computer system 

    3) to focus on

    c) the process of considering smth. in order to understand it or to find out what it consist of

    4) to handle

    d) to be different in size, amount or degree; to alter

    5) analysis

    e) an important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about

    6) to vary

    f) to pay special attention to smth.

    7) troubleshooting

    g) to deal successfully with a difficult situation or to have responsibility for a particular area of work

    Task 6. Look at the box with the verbs and find corresponding nouns in the text. Then unscramble the sentences with some of the words from the box and translate them:













    1. is of installation system the easy this.

    2. maintenance repairs for pay to it necessary is.

    3. visitors the analyzes of the our behavior website system the.

    4. large for firm she a industrial troubleshoots .

    5. was a implementation new successful of a very it software.
    Task 7. Write the correct preposition for the following words (use the text to help you!), then complete the sentences changing the form if necessary:
    To work…

    To focus…

    To depend…

    To relate…

    To be responsible…

    To be in charge…
    1. She has changed jobs. Do you know what company she ………. now?

    2. Your salary will ………hours actually worked.

    3. He …………..solving computer-related problems.

    4. We have to ………the new program implementation.

    5. Who …………..IT department before you?

    6. Don’t ask me questions ……….programming.
    Task 8. Match the following English words and phrases from text B with their Russian equivalents:

    1) to take responsibility for smth.

    2) to be likely to

    3) to buy off the shelf

    4) in-house development team

    5) to earn the trust of someone

    6) tailored system

    7) potential applicant

    8) to be able to do smth.

    9) expertise

    10) help-desk

    a) быть способным что-либо делать

    b) покупать в готовом виде

    c) скорее всего


    e) брать ответственность за что-либо

    f) служба технической поддержки

    g) (зд.) система под заказ

    h) завоевать доверие кого-либо

    i) собственная команда разработчиков

    j) потенциальный кандидат

    Task 9. Read and translate text B:
    IT managers manage projects, technology and people. Any large organisation will have at least one IT manager responsible for ensuring that everyone who actually needs a PC has one and that it works properly. This means taking responsibility for the maintenance of servers and installation of new software, and for staffing a help-desk and a support group.

    Medium to large companies are also likely to have an IT systems manager. They are responsible for developing and implementing computer software that supports the operations of the business. They’re in charge of multiple development projects and oversee the implementation and support of the systems. Companies usually have two or three major systems that are probably bought off theshelf and then tailored by in-house development team.

    Apart from basic hardware and software expertise, an IT manager should typically have over five years’ experience in the industry. Most are between 30 and 45. Since IT managers have to take responsibility for budgets and for staff, employers look for both of these factors in any potential applicant.

    Nearly all IT managers have at least a first degree if not a second one as well. Interestingly, many of them don’t have degrees in computing science. In any case, the best qualification for becoming a manager is experience. If your personality is such that you are unlikely to be asked to take responsibility for a small team or a project, then you can forget being an IT manager. You need to be bright, communicative and be able to earn the trust of your teams. Most of this can’t be taught, so if you don’t have these skills then divert your career elsewhere.
    Task 10. Find in the text synonyms and antonyms for the following words.


    • to guarantee

    • clever

    • to supervise

    • to search

    • employees


    • single

    • badly

    • irresponsible

    • minor

    • to remember

    Task 11. If you don’t have these skills, divert your career elsewhere.

    This sentence is taken from the text and gives advice. Very often we use should (If you don’t have these skills, you should divert your career elsewhere).

    1. Match the following half-sentences and write down sentences with should.

    2. Think of some other problems you might have with a computer and write some advice to solve them.

    1) If you want to store more information,

    a) ….network the computers

    2) If you want to speed up your computer,

    b)….make a backup

    3) If you want to share information through the company,

    c) ...get a bigger hard disk

    4) If you want to stop the computer when it hangs,

    d) …buy a laptop

    5) If you want to protect your data,

    e) …use a non-interlaced monitor

    6) If you want to take your work away with you,

    f) …fit a faster microprocessor

    7) If you want to reduce screen flicker,

    g) …hit Control, Alt&Delet

    Task 12. Match the following jobs in IT with their descriptions:

    1. Webmaster

    a) writes systems software

    2. Help-desk troubleshooter

    b) manages projects, technology and people

    3. Applications programmer

    c) maintains the link between PCs and workstations connected in a network

    4. Security specialist

    d) produces the programs which control the internal operations of computers; designs, tests and improve programs for a variety of purposes

    5. Systems programmer

    e) works as part of telephone service that helps users solve problems that occur on computer systems

    6. IT support engineer

    f) tests the security of networks systems and advises customers how to introduce and maintain security policies

    7. IT manager

    g) maintains, updates and modifies the software used by a company (a combination of systems analysis and computer programming)

    8. Systems analyst

    h) administers a Web server

    9. Software engineer

    i) installs, maintains, repairs computers and peripherals

    10. Computer service engineering technician

    j) studies systems in an organization and decides how to computerize them

    11. Network support person (computer engineer)

    k) writes programs designed to be used for a particular purpose (f.ex. spreadsheets)

    12. Systems support person (analyst programmer)

    l) provides help for computer users by designing, building and maintaining information technology systems

    Task 13. Match the following English words and phrases from text C with their Russian equivalents:

    1) to share

    2) to fit

    3) knowledge gap

    4) to approach

    5) to come to a conclusion

    6) stellar coding skills

    7) soft skills

    8) overall

    9) upcoming opening

    10) referral bonus

    a) поделиться

    b) прийти к заключению

    c) подходить (к делу)

    d) соответствовать

    e) пробел в знаниях

    f)основные навыки программирования

    g) коммуникативные навыки

    h) общий, полный

    i) открывающаяся вакансия

    j) премия за рекомендацию

    Task 14. Read and translate text C:


    Computer science graduates are in demand. But as veterans in the tech world know, earning a degree is just the beginning of a new professional’s education. To help this year’s newcomers navigate the transition from academic life to the professional world, we asked tech pros to share their best advice for computer science graduates entering the workforce. Here’s what they had to say.

    Accept the knowledge gap and be ready to learn

    "It’s a myth that the knowledge gained from your degree will prepare you 100% for your role. Fitting into tech culture is all about knowledge. If you don’t know how to perfectly manipulate a CSS or how to write a JS script, you will get laughed at. You WILL be an outsider. The key is to OWN it. The knowledge gap is just temporary. The best response to fitting in is to be curious and inquisitive. Asking questions goes a very long way. Trying to learn will garner you respectability. The more you try to fight the knowledge and technical gap, the worse it will be for you. Roll with the waves until you become an integral part of the team." – Pierre Tremblay, director of human resources atDupray

    Develop problem-solving skills

    "Companies who know what they’re doing will want to see how you think and problem solve. They may give you a problem or scenario and ask you to talk through how you would approach solving it. They want to know that you can think through the process, ask the right questions, and come to a conclusion. This may or may not involve writing code. … The specific language(s) you know are not as important as your ability to learn and to problem solve. Anyone can pick up a language. It’s much harder to find someone who fully understands software development." – Ann Gaffigan, CTO atNational Land Realty

    Remember the users

    "Staying mindful of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) is crucial. Not all computer science professionals know how a user actually engages with an interface, but job applicants who understand those nuances will rise above the pool of other candidates. At the end of the day, we don’t create programs that are used by other computer scientists." – Dane Pelfrey, vice president of product development at Businessolver

    Sharpen customer service skills

    "We find that a lot of recent computer science graduates have very similar skills and experience, so when hiring, we look for other things. Any customer service experience is valued here (like retail or waiting tables), because that tells us the candidate knows how to communicate with others well. We look for humble candidates because there is always something to learn – even if someone comes to us with stellar coding skills, we need to know that he or she will be able to take criticism and also be open to learning other programs." – Aryana Jaleh, social media manager at Eboxlab

    Work on communication skills

    "One of the most critical items that I see missing from many new grads entering industry is a lack of proper communication skills. As helpful as it is to know technical concepts such as algorithm analysis, if your coworkers and management don't enjoy being around you, you are going to find it difficult to have sustained career success. I highly recommend computer science and software engineering graduates to deliberately work on soft skills such as communication and learning to get along with team members. It will lead to a more enjoyable career path and better overall work culture." – Jordan Hudgens, CTO of CronDose.com, co-founder of devCamp, and graduate student in the computer science department at Texas Tech University

    Work your networks

    "Referral networks are one of the strongest ways a company will grow. Generally people will recommend people they know to be competent and will fit well with the organization. Keep tabs with all of your friends at different companies and ask them if there are upcoming openings. A lot of times companies will have referral bonuses for their employees so your friends will be incented to help!" – Pablo Stern, CTO and senior vice president of engineering atRadius

    Task 15. Answer the following questions:
    1. Are computer science graduates fully ready for work?

    2. How can you develop your technical (hard) skills?

    3. Why do you think your ability to solve problems is so important?

    4. What else may raise you above the pool of other candidates?

    5. Why is customer service experience important?

    6. What are ‘soft skills’?

    7. How can keeping tabs with all your friends at different companies help?
    Task 16. Find in the text synonyms and antonyms for the following verbs.


    • to add

    • to get on

    • correct

    • simple

    • to support

    • to add to (value, price)


    • inattentive

    • to sell

    • question

    • permanent

    • unimportant

    • same

    Task 17. Match the following words from the text with their definitions:

    1) graduate

    a) to learn something without really studying it

    2) to earn

    b) a person who has finished studying at a university or college and who has passed their last exams

    3) myth

    c) a story or belief that is not true

    4) to garner

    d) to influence somebody so that they do or think what you want

    5) executive

    e) wanting to find out as much as possible about things

    6) to manipulate

    f) to get

    7) to pick up

    g) to add, to gather

    8) inquisitive

    h) to be stimulated

    9) to be incented

    i) a person who has an important position in a business or organisation

    10) to gain

    j) to get money by working

    Task 18.Anyone can pick up a language.

    This sentence is taken from the text and uses a phrasal verb ‘pick up’ which means ‘learn without taking lessons or studying’. Can you find any other examples of using phrasal verbs in the text? Match the following phrasal verbs with their meanings, then make up your own sentences:

    1. put off a. ring

    1. go on b. it is finished

    1. give up c. leave the ground

    1. go off d. perform, conduct

    1. take off e. continue

    1. carry out f. postpone

    1. run out of g. stop doing something

    Unit 5

    Task 1. Match the following English words and phrases from text A with their Russian equivalents:

    1) to outperform

    2) to question

    3) to align smth. with

    4) to thwart

    5) to perform a narrow task

    6) long-term goal

    7) to trigger

    8) to undergo

    9) facial recognition

    10) to cause mass casualties

    a) подвергать сомнению

    b) инициировать, вызывать

    c) устранять, ликвидировать

    d) приводить к массовым жертвам

    e) долгосрочная цель

    f) распознавание лиц

    g) превосходить, опережать

    h) (зд.) приводить в соответствие

    i) выполнять узкую задачу

    j) подвергаться, претерпевать, испытывать

    Task 2 Read and translate text A:

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines in contrast to intelligence displayed by humans. Artificial intelligence today is properly known as narrow (weak) AI, in that it is designed to perform a narrow task (e.g. only facial recognition or only internet searches). However the long-term goal is to create general (strong) AI. While weak AI may outperform humans at specific tasks such as playing chess or solving equations, strong AI would outperform humans at nearly every cognitive task.

    There are some people who question whether strong AI will ever be achieved, and others who insist that the creation of superintelligent AI is guaranteed to be beneficial. They believe that such a system could potentially undergo recursive self-improvement, triggering an intelligence explosion leaving human intellect far behind. By inventing revolutionary new technologies, such a superintelligence might help us eradicate war, disease and poverty. Their opponents have expressed concern that it might be the last event in human history unless we learn to align the goals of the AI with ours before it becomes superintelligent.
    Most researchers consider two possible scenarios when talking about AI dangers: the AI is programmed to do something devastating, the AI is programmed to do something beneficialbut it develops a destructive method for achieving its goal.

    In the first case autonomous weapons that are programmed to kill get in the hands of the wrong person and could cause mass casualties. To avoid being thwarted by the enemy, these weapons would be designed to be extremely difficult to simply “turn off”, so humans could lose control of such a situation. The second problem might arise whenever we fail to fully align the AI’s goals with ours, which is strikingly difficult. For example you might ask an intelligent car to take you to the airport as fast as possible, and it is likely to get you there chased by police, doing not what you wanted but literally what you asked for.

    As these examples illustrate, the concern about advanced AI isn’t malevolence but competence. Our civilization will flourish as long as we win the race between the growing power of technology and the wisdomwith which we manage it.
    Task 3. Answer the following questions:

    1. What does AI stand for and what does it mean?

    2. What is the difference between week AI and strong AI?

    3. Why might superintelligent AI be the last event in human history?

    4. What are the dangers of AI?

    5. What do the examples in the text illustrate?
    Task 4. Match the following words from the text with their definitions:

    1. opponent

    2. competence

    3. wisdom

    4. devastating

    5. destructive

    6. beneficial

    7. to flourish

    8. to eradicate

    9. to chase

    10. to illustrate

    a) smth. useful that helps people or improves their lives

    b) the ability to use your experience and knowledge to make sensible decisions or judgments

    c) the ability to do smth. well or effectively

    d) to make smth. clear by using examples, stories or diagrams

    e)someone’s adversary or enemy

    f)smth. that causes great damage or distress

    g)smth. that destroys or severely damages smth.; disastrous

    h) to run after someone or follow them quickly in order to catch them

    i) to be active or successful, to develop quickly and strongly

    j) to destroy or remove smth. completely

    Task 5. Find the equivalents in the text and then make up your own sentences:

    Потерять контроль над ситуацией, выразить обеспокоенность, достичь цели, отвезти кого-то куда-то, выигрывать гонку, управлять технологиями, оставить далеко позади, не суметь чего-то сделать.
     Task 6. Match the following English words and phrases from text B with their Russian equivalents:

    1) to require

    a) способность

    2) severe restriction

    b) специальный, устроенный для данной цели

    3) missing limb

    c) система восприятия

    4) implanted device

    d) требовать

    5) capability

    e) неразличимый

    6) ad hoc

    f) недостающая конечность

    7) volumetric video

    g) вживленный прибор

    8) indistinguishable

    h) сетчатка глаза

    9) perception system

    i) серьезное ограничение

    10) retina eye

    j) объемное видение

    Task 7. Read and translate text B:
    1   2   3   4   5   6

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