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  • What qualities in the list are necessary for the job of a support engineer, physicist Explain your choice. Reading Task1

  • Read the text and write out the words pertaining to the topic of Computer Science My Specialty is Computer Science

  • Task 3 Look through the text again and say whether the statements are true or false

  • Task 4 Look through each paragraph once again and name the key words, make up sentences of your own with them Vocabulary exercises Exercise 1

  • Exercise 2 Match the words to make up correct phrases, translate them into Russian

  • Exercise 3 Match the words with the proper prepositions

  • Exercise 4 Make up sentences of your own using the vocabulary of exercises 2 and 3. Exercise 5 Translate into Russian

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    Task 7

    Look at these nouns describing positive qualities: patience, emotional strength, intelligence, care, calmness, honesty, punctuality, decisiveness, creativity
    and give the adjectives made from the nouns of Task 7
    Example: A person who has (possesses) patience, is a patient person.

    Task 8

    What qualities in the list are necessary for the job of a support engineer, physicist? Explain your choice.


    Look through the text and name the part of speech of the words in bold type, group them on the principle of the part of speech: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs
    Task 2

    Read the text and write out the words pertaining to the topic of Computer Science

    My Specialty is Computer Science

    As it is known the success or failure of adult life depends upon the choice made early in life. That’s why every school-leaver faces the problem of choosing his/her future profession. It should not only be interesting to you, but provide a certain standard of living.

    I have always been interested in computer science. It is a remarkably young field. The first electronic computers were first developed only fifty years ago. Since then they have become part of our everyday life. We encounter daily a lot of computers, phones and consumer electronics with built-in microchips. They are now part of many machines and devices, which provide safer environment, improve energy efficiency in cars, provide call forwarding and call answering in phones. Due to them computer equipment is getting smaller, more sophisticated and more intelligent.

    I’ve chosen the Faculty of Electronics at the South Ural State University, because graduates of the faculty are highly demanded everywhere. The faculty aims at giving the students the top level education and to enable them to carry out scientific research work. You can study at one of the following departments of the faculty: automation and control; radio equipment design and manufacture; information measuring instruments; control systems; radio engineering systems; digital radio engineering systems; electronic computers; automatic systems of information. On graduating from the university you can be qualified as a Specialist in IT, a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.); a Master of Science (M. Sc). You can also continue your studies and research at the post-graduate course and get a scientific degree in computer science.

    There are a lot of jobs in computing. A Webmaster administrates a Web server, a security specialist tests the security of network systems and advises customers and software users how to introduce and maintain security policies; a systems programmer specializes in writing systems software; an IT support engineer provides help for computer users by designing, building and maintaining information technology systems; an IT systems manager is responsible for developing and implementing computer software that supports the operations of the business; a systems analyst studies systems in an organization and decides how to computerize them; an application programmer writes application programs.

    Graduates of the faculty of Electronics are expected to work at state and municipal systems of management, in different corporations and firms dealing with application of modern administrative and information analytical technologies. In general, you can work in the fields of management, industry and production, medicine, business and entertainment, etc.

    As to me, I haven’t made my mind yet what field to specialize in. I am going to make my final decision when I am in my fifth year. It is really difficult to become a highly skilled specialist in any field of computer science. One should be well-educated and broad-minded. I am sure I’ll do my best to become a good specialist whatever field I choose.
    Task 3
    Look through the text again and say whether the statements are true or false:

    1. When a person leaves High School, he understands that the time to choose his future profession has come.

    2. As to me, I am a future systems analyst.

    3. I have always been interested in computer science.

    4. I haven’t made up my mind yet that field of computer science to specialize in.

    5. After graduation from the SUSU graduates may have many options to consider in terms of pursuing their interest in the field.

    6. There are only 3 departments at the faculty of Electronics.

    7. At present I would like to be a good specialist whatever field I choose.

    Task 4

    Look through each paragraph once again and name the key words, make up sentences of your own with them
    Vocabulary exercises

    Exercise 1
    Match the phrase and its translation

    1. as to me

    1. интересоваться

    1. failure

    1. область

    1. to specialize in

    1. выпускник школы

    1. environment

    1. безусловно, несомненно

    1. encounter

    1. развлечение

    1. to be interested in

    1. (окружающая) среда

    1. school leaver

    1. специализироваться в

    1. что касается меня

    1. standard of living

    2. maintain

    1. управление

    2. обслуживать

    3. сложный

    1. sophisticated

    1. сталкиваться

    1. management

    1. уровень жизни

    1. entertainment

    2. field

    3. undoubtedly

    1. неудача

    Exercise 2

    Match the words to make up correct phrases, translate them into Russian

    1. computer

    1. programs

    1. security

    1. design

    1. application

    1. software

    1. adult

    1. policy

    1. support

    2. call

    1. engineer

    2. science

    1. scientific

    1. degree

    1. radio equipment

    1. life

    1. software

    1. forwarding

    Exercise 3

    Match the words with the proper prepositions

    1. in terms ___

    1. with

    1. to be in demand __

    1. of

    1. with the aid ___

    1. in

    1. to specialize ___

    1. from

    1. to cope ___

    1. in

    1. to graduate ___

    1. of

    Exercise 4

    Make up sentences of your own using the vocabulary of exercises 2 and 3.
    Exercise 5

    Translate into Russian

    1. Undoubtedly a strong character is in demand in many companies.

    2. A would–be specialist should improve his abilities in the course of five years.

    3. It’s important to cope with stress before and after the entrance competitive exams.

    4. One has to defend his thesis to get a degree in computer science.

    5. Software theory is likely to develop over the time.

    6. A freshman is a student in his own right.

    Grammar exercises
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