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  • Task 1 A delegation of students and teachers from Cambridge are on a visit to your university. You are asked to tell the guests about it. Present information on

  • You may use the following algorithm: 1. Greeting

  • 3. Teaching aids

  • 5. Students life

  • 6. Personal opinion

  • Task 1 Fill in the correct word from the list below: equipment, dreadful, personal, open, education, regional, linguistic, reading, complex, assistant

  • Task 2 Insert the right verb phrases into the sentences using the appropriate Tense form

  • Task 3 Use the phrases from exercises 1 and 2 to make up 10 sentences of your own

  • ЮжноУральский государственный университет

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    Present the information you find to your groupmates using the following scheme:

    1. Place (Where is it located in the university?)

    2. Year of foundation (When was it founded?)

    3. Purpose of creation (What for was it created?)

    4. Activities (What services does it provide?)

    5. Benefits (What benefits does it provide for those who participate (schoolchildren, students)?)


    Task 1
    A delegation of students and teachers from Cambridge are on a visit to your university. You are asked to tell the guests about it. Present information on:

    1. the name of your university;

    2. the place it is situated;

    3. the departments there are at your university (day-time, correspondence, distance, evening);

    4. the time the complete course of study lasts;

    5. the number of students who study at the university;

    6. information resources

    7. the equipment the university is provided with;

    8. the students life;

    9. what you like and what you don’t like about your university.

    You may use the following algorithm:

    1. Greeting Dear guests, I would like to give you a tour about our university.

    2. Facts about the university

    First I’d like to give you some general information about our university.

    Our university is called …….

    It is situated in ……

    There are ……. day–time faculties at our university.

    The teaching staff accounts to …..

    The complete course of study lasts …..

    After a successful completion of a course of study a student gets a Specialist degree.

    There are about ……. students studying at the university.

    I am a student of the ………. faculty.

    I study such subjects as ………..

    3. Teaching aids

    Now I’d like to say a few words about the teaching aids used to improve the educational process.

    There are a number of well-equipped laboratories in the university.

    The modern teaching aids used are …….

    4. Information resources

    As for the provision with information resources out university is among the leaders.

    The SUSU scientific library is ….

    It contains a great number of resources ….

    5. Students life

    Both students and the administration of the university understand that much work and no joy make students dull people.

    That’s why there are quite a number of university organisations occupied with providing an active social life of students.

    They are ………..

    6. Personal opinion

    What I like about the university is ……

    On the other hand, there are some things to improve.

    They are….

    Nevertheless our university is one of the best higher institutions in Russia.

    Vocabulary Practice

    Task 1

    Fill in the correct word from the list below: equipment, dreadful, personal, open, education, regional, linguistic, reading, complex, assistant

    1. a _________ campus

    2. a _________ center

    3. postgraduate ________

    4. an _________ professor

    5. _____ access

    6. sports _______

    7. ________teaching

    8. a ________ordeal

    9. a _______ hall

    10. study _______

    Task 2

    Insert the right verb phrases into the sentences using the appropriate Tense form: to be founded in, to prolong, to be noted for, to account for, to a large extent, to exploit, to be keen on, to emerge.

    1. Technologically minded teachers of the university ________ computer technologies into academic practice.

    2. Students that _______ Maths, Physics, Programming can take part in competitions and take some additional training.

    3. If you want ______ the book you need to come to the library.

    4. Our university __________ its graduates who work in different spheres of industry and social life.

    5. Moscow State University ______________ 1755 on the initiative of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov.

    6. As science is rapidly developed new technologies ________ every day.

    7. _________ the popularity of the university among the applicants depends on the high standard of education provided.

    8. The fact that university is considered to be one of the best higher educational institutions in Russia ________ high competition among the applicants.

    Task 3

    Use the phrases from exercises 1 and 2 to make up 10 sentences of your own

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