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  • Task 2 Translate from Russian into English

  • Task 3 Ask all the possible questions to the following sentences Example

  • Task 4 Ask questions starting with the following question–words

  • Task 6 Prepare a talk about the prevalence of values over the actions we perform and things we do in our life Task 7

  • Lesson 6. South Ural State University Task 1. Brainstorming activity Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

  • Lead-in Task 1 Look at the reasons of choosing the university to study at and select the five most important ones from your point of view

  • Task 2 If you had the possibility to choose the university what university would you choose among the suggested ones Give reasons for your choice

  • Task 3 Answer the questions using your background knowledge about the SUSU University

  • Reading Task 1 Read the text and do the tasks after it South Ural State University

  • Did you know that

  • Task 3 What facts do you know about the SUSU that were not mentioned in the text Share them with the groupmates Task 4 Make the plan for the text

  • Find additional information about the following organizations and places of the university

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    Task 1

    Match synonyms and make up sentences with the word expressions in column B

    Column A Column B

    1. to take into account a. to take part

    2. to recognize b. to achieve

    3. to participate c. to realize

    4. occupation d. to develop

    5. to make choice e. not clear

    6. to advance f. to have to do with

    7. to deal with g. to choose

    8. ambiguous h. to seize the opportunity

    9. to take advantage of j. to pay attention to

    10. to pursue i. profession

    Task 2

    Translate from Russian into English

    1. Когда человек выбирает профессию ему необходимо учитывать интересы общества, в котором он живет.

    2. Социальный заказ общества это потребность в подготовке специалистов в определенной области знаний.

    3. Выбор человека должен основываться на его личных интересах.

    4. Не все выпускники школы готовы сделать сознательный выбор.

    5. В чем же ценность высшего образования для человека?

    6. Ценность высшего образования заключается не в количестве полученных знаний, а в умении думать и анализировать.

    7. Высшее учебное заведение дает человеку знания, опыт профессиональной деятельности и уверенность в том, что эти опыт и знания пригодятся ему в реальных жизненных ситуациях.

    8. Образование может помочь человеку понять себя и выразить себя в выбранной профессии.

    9. Люди должны воспользоваться прекрасной возможностью получения высшего образования, хотя поступить в вуз становиться тяжелее с каждым годом.

    10. Ценность образования измеряется тем, помогло ли оно человеку найти свою дорогу в жизни.

    Task 3

    Ask all the possible questions to the following sentences

    Example: He chose his occupation when he was 12 years old.

    Did he choose his occupation when he was 12 years old? (Yes/No question)

    He chose his occupation when he was 12 years old, didn’t he? (Tag question)

    Did he choose his occupation or hobby when he was 12 years old? (Alternative


    Who chose the occupation at the age of 12? (Wh-question)

          1. I had left the airport before the plane took off.

          2. She will become an engineer soon.

          3. Tom has never been a diligent student.

          4. I went to the cinema yesterday with my friends.

          5. He knows the answers to all the questions.

    Task 4

    Ask questions starting with the following question–words

    1. What

    2. Why

    3. Where

    4. Who

    5. Whose

    6. When

    7. How much

    8. How long


    Task 5

    Read the statement. What does it imply? Try to explain its meaning in your own words

    The aim of education is the knowledge not of fact, but of values.

    William Inge
    Task 6

    Prepare a talk about the prevalence of values over the actions we perform and things we do in our life
    Task 7
    Choose one of the expressions below and write an Argumentative Essay where you are to express your agreement or disagreement with the chosen statement about the purpose of education. Do not forget to give your arguments to support your point of view.

    1. Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it Marian Wright

    2. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant

    3. The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think – rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. Bill Beattie

    Lesson 6. South Ural State University
    Task 1. Brainstorming activity

    Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

    What are the pros and cons of studying at the South Ural State University?
    Active Vocabulary

    Task 1

    Listen and repeat the word expressions after the speaker

    1. branch – филиал

    2. a regional campus – областное отделение

    3. a linguistic center – лингвистический центр

    4. a gifted child center – центр одаренного ребенка

    5. to be keen on – страстно увлекаться

    6. an “Applicant” center – центр “Абитуриент”

    7. postgraduate education – аспирантура

    8. an assistant professor – доцент

    9. Open Institute – Институт Открытого образования

    10. e-subscriptions – электронная подписка на журналы

    11. open access – открытый доступ

    12. to exploit – использовать

    13. to introduce – внедрять

    14. to prolong – продлять

    15. multimedia information complexes – мультимедийные информационные


    1. a digital control language laboratory– лингафонный кабинет

    2. a code gram set – набор кодаграм

    3. to be noted for – быть известным за

    4. to account for – объяснять, являться причиной

    5. to a large extent – в большой степени

    6. personal teaching – индивидуальное обучение

    7. exposition – изложение

    8. to attract – привлекать внимание

    9. to be idle – бездействовать

    10. a dreadful ordeal – ужасное испытание

    11. to assemble – собираться

    12. torture – пытка

    13. to emerge – появляться

    14. to stagger – идти шатаясь


    Task 1

    Look at the reasons of choosing the university to study at and select the five most

    important ones from your point of view

    1. It must be highly competitive.

    2. It must give a high quality of education.

    3. It must be well-known abroad.

    4. It must have well-equipped laboratories.

    5. It must use effective teaching methods.

    6. It must be not far from my home.

    7. It must suggest the flexibility of curriculum.

    8. It must provide students with textbooks and additional information resources.

    Task 2

    If you had the possibility to choose the university what university would you choose among the suggested ones? Give reasons for your choice

    1. South Ural State University

    2. Moscow State University

    3. Novosibirsk State University

    4. Stanford University (the USA)

    5. Oxford University (Great Britain)

    Task 3

    Answer the questions using your background knowledge about the SUSU


    1. Why did you decide to enter the South Ural State University?

    2. How many faculties does it have?

    3. What do you know about the university you study at?

    4. What youth organizations does it have?

    5. How is the process of study organized?

    6. What is it famous for?


    Task 1

    Read the text and do the tasks after it

    South Ural State University

    SUSU is one of the largest universities of Russia. It was founded in 1943. SUSU has 33 faculties, 13 branches and 8 regional campuses. There is a linguistic center where you can get a second higher education in the field of linguistics, a gifted child center whose purpose is to develop creativity in children, School of Physics and Mathematics for the schoolchildren keen on math and physics, the “Applicant” center that prepares school graduates to enter our university, and specialized preparation courses on different subjects.

    The postgraduate education offers courses in 70 specializations.

    Over 50,000 students are enrolled at the University full-time. The teaching staff includes 1900 teachers: 265 Doctors of Sciences, Professors; 857 Candidates of Sciences, Assistant Professors, over 90 members of foreign and Russian academies. Our lecturers successfully use new teaching methods.

    In 2004 on the basis of SUSU the Open Institute was established. It opens its doors for all the people wishing to get a higher education regardless of their age and place of living. This is a new way to deliver education called Distance study that incorporates different kinds of modern technologies and methods of teaching.

    The SUSU scientific library is the largest one in Chelyabinsk. It has more than 2,5 million volumes, journals, periodicals, e-subscriptions. One of these years the library plans to organize the reading hall similar to that in Western universities. It will be a reading hall with open access. Open access means that the students do not need to stand in a line for hours to take a book they need, but they will be able to go around the reading hall with lots of bookshelves, choose the book they like, read it sitting at a comfortable study and put it back into special baskets after they finish reading. Moreover the SUSU scientific library successfully exploits modern technologies and introduces the new electronic system that will allow students to order and prolong books electronically using their home computers.

    SUSU is a basic educational institution of Russian Ministry of Education on developing new teaching methods and introducing new study equipment. The novelties, introduced in teaching process are multimedia information complexes for lecture theaters, digital control language laboratories, study-laboratory complexes and code gram sets on various disciplines.

    South Ural State University is noted for its students and the teaching staff, democratic in their composition and views. To a large extent it is exactly that fact that accounts for the popularity among the undergraduates, the teachers and the tutors of progressive scientific and social ideas. The University has trained 115,000 specialists, 2,100 Candidates of Sciences and 440 Doctors of Sciences. Many graduates are members of governing body of Russia and Chelyabinsk region, among them V. Khristenko, Prime Minister of Russia; A. Pochinok, Minister on Labour and Social politics; M. Yurevich, Chelyabinsk region Governer; S. Davidov, Chelyabinsk mayor and others.

    About 6,500 students live in the University hostels. There is a student theater “Mannequin”, modern dance, ballroom dance, a jazz ensemble, 2 choirs. The University has a modern sports complex with a swimming pool. Since 1956 university newspaper “Technopolis” has been published. In 2002 a new teleradiocentre was opened.
    Did you know that SUSU is the highest building in Chelyabinsk?

    Its height is 72 meters.

    Task 2

    Answer the questions to the text

    1. How old is the university?

    2. What special organizations does it have to help applicants to enter the University?

    3. What facts prove that it is one of the largest universities in Russia?

    4. What distinguishes the Open University from a traditional one?

    5. What special services does the SUSU scientific library provide for the users?

    6. What are the novelties introduced into teaching process?

    7. Can you name some of the well-known SUSU graduates?

    8. What social activities can students take part in?

    Task 3

    What facts do you know about the SUSU that were not mentioned in the text? Share them with the groupmates
    Task 4

    Make the plan for the text
    Task 5

    If you were asked to give the three most striking facts about the university what facts would you choose?
    Task 6

    Find additional information about the following organizations and places of the university

    1. School of Physics and Mathematics

    2. Linguistic Center

    3. “Applicant” center

    4. Gifted Child Center

    5. SUSU Scientific library

    6. Open Institute

    7. Mechanical and Technological Faculty

    8. University Newspaper “Technopolis”

    9. SUSU International Department

    10. SUSU Teleradiocenter
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