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  • Exercise 1 Fill in the correct word from the list below: proper, wants, value, to pursue, possessions, ambiguous, properly, job, to make, life. Consult the text, if necessary.

  • Exercise 2 Insert the prepositions where necessary

  • Exercise 3 Make up 15 sentences with the word combinations from Exercises 1 and 2 Grammar exercises Exercise 1

  • Exercise 2 Ask Special questions to the underlined words Example

  • Exercise 3 Match question tags with the appropriate statement Example

  • Discussion Task 1

  • Start your explanations with the following phrase

  • Make up a dialogue Student A

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    Task 2

    Answer the questions using the information in the text
    1. What is important to take into account while choosing the occupation?

    2. What are the advantages of having a higher school diploma?

    3. What is the main function of any higher school?

    4. What skills and opportunities does the higher school give to students?

    5. What does the society need educated individuals for?

    Task 3

    Can you comment the last sentence of the text? What does it imply?

    Vocabulary practice

    Exercise 1

    Fill in the correct word from the list below: proper, wants, value, to pursue, possessions, ambiguous, properly, job, to make, life. Consult the text, if necessary.

    1. an __________ statement

    2. material __________

    3. _____ situation

    4. ________ gathering knowledge

    5. ________ choices

    6. exact ______

    7. ____ market

    8. needs and ______

    9. to participate _______

    10. _______ education

    Exercise 2

    Insert the prepositions where necessary

    1. to take _____ account

    2. to be based ___

    3. value __ education

    4. to take full advantage ___

    5. to open ___

    6. to be restricted ___

    7. to be qualified ___

    8. to deal ____

    9. to express ____ themselves

    Exercise 3

    Make up 15 sentences with the word combinations from Exercises 1 and 2

    Grammar exercises

    Exercise 1

    Ask Yes/No questions to the following statements

    Example: Phil studies at the faculty of Engineering.

    Does Phil study at the faculty of Engineering?

    1. Individuals make choices based on their own needs.

    2. The students are writing an exam paper.

    3. Last year Ann entered the university.

    4. They were watching TV when the thunderstorm began.

    5. Next weekend his parents shall spend in Italy.

    6. Kate will be dealing with her term paper tomorrow at 5.

    7. We have taken the full advantage of the knowledge got at the university.

    8. My sister had already left for Paris when I came to visit her.

    9. By 2008 he will have completed the course of study at the university.

    10. She has completely expressed herself in her work.

    Exercise 2

    Ask Special questions to the underlined words

    Example: I want to get a good education. – What do you want?

    1. The aim of education is to give people the possibility to understand their needs.

    2. There is an opinion that in modern society material values dominate over the cultural ones.

    3. He decided to become a teacher because he thinks it is one of the possibilities to influence on history.

    4. Kevin participated in the competition and won the prize.

    5. It is difficult to measure the value of education.

    6. She expresses herself in music.

    7. The work has been done properly.

    8. All the values of speed were calculated.

    9. He took advantage of the opportunity and entered Stanford University.

    10. Kelly has obtained enough knowledge in graduate school to become a qualified engineer.

    Exercise 3

    Match question tags with the appropriate statement

    Example: It isn’t cold, is it?

    1. This statement is ambiguous, a. does he?

    2. We have passed all the exams, b. aren’t they?

    3. She is writing a book, c. isn’t it?

    4. He doesn’t know the answer, d. isn’t she?

    5. Nothing can stop us, e. can it?

    6. Ann has posted the letter, f. haven’t we?

    7. They have never been to Paris, g. will they?

    8. Kate doesn’t like this professor, h. has she?

    9. They won’t tell anyone, i. have they?

    10. They are working hard, j. does she?


    Task 1

    What are the things among the enumerated below that will be difficult for you to live without? Make up a list of things in the order of importance and explain your choice. Compare it with your partner’s list


    Happiness of your relatives

    Well-paid job

    A good family



    Usefulness for the society you live in


    Spiritual wealth

    Start your explanations with the following phrase

    In the first place of my preference list I placed …. . I have chosen it because I think that ….
    Then use the following logical connectors of order.

    Secondly, in the third place, the fourth in the list is, further I placed, then, after that, finally.

    Task 2

    Make up a dialogue

    Student A

    You have a sister/brother who doesn’t want to get higher education. What arguments will you use to persuade him/her that higher education is essential nowadays?
    Student B

    You don’t want to get higher education, as you don’t want to spend 5 years of your life studying at some higher institution. You strongly believe that it is impossible to acquire the necessary practical skills by writing lectures and working at seminars.

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