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ЮжноУральский государственный университет

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Tremendous, subject, courses, situation, term, program, loyalty, people, problems

  1. ________ problems

  2. to take _______

  3. to structure ______

  4. _____ papers

  5. _____ differences

  6. personality _____

  7. to generate ______

  8. employment ________

  9. major _____

Exercise 2

Insert the right prepositions. Make up sentences with the expressions

  1. to succeed ___

  2. to depend ___

  3. to hand ___

  4. to prepare ___

  5. to pay attention ___

  6. to communicate ___

  7. to look ___

  8. ___ time

  9. to generate loyalty ____

Exercise 3

Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B



  1. сдавать курсовые работы вовремя

  2. готовиться к экзаменам

  3. общаться с профессорами

  4. лояльно относиться к студентам

  5. студенты старших курсов

  6. полезные источники информации

  7. уважать правила

  8. крайний срок сдачи чего–либо

  9. плата за обучение

  10. основной предмет, специализация

a. major subject

b. to generate loyalty among the students

c. fee

d. experienced students

e. to prepare for examinations

f. to communicate with the professors

g. to hand in term papers on time

h. useful sources for information

i. deadline

j. to respect the rules

Exercise 4

Consult the dictionary to find the meaning of the following words and their derivatives. Then insert the words into the gaps

To communicate, communication, communicative, to succeed, success, successful, to confide, confidence, confident, to prepare, preparation, preparatory, to respect, respect, respectful.

To communicate, communication, communicative

  1. He is a very interesting person ___________ with.

  2. Computer is one of the widespread means of __________.

  3. You may ask our teacher any question you are interested in. He is always ready to answer. He is very _______.

To succeed, success, successful

  1. Leonardo de Caprio is a _______ actor. He starred in such films as Titanic and Romeo and Juliet.

  2. This business will be a ______ if we make a set of right decisions.

  3. He needs to be confident _______ in studies.

To confide, confidence, confident

  1. ________ people are people who believe in their abilities and make others believe in them.

  2. I trust this man and I can _____ all my secrets to him.

  3. She doesn’t have enough ______ to win in the competition.

To prepare, preparation, preparatory

  1. He always ______ for the classes.

  2. Some ________ work should be done before we start the experiment.

  3. ________ for the exams is very important for a student.

To respect, respect, respectful

  1. Our teacher ______ the opinions of the students.

  2. This man is a very ________ one. He treats all the people equally.

  3. To deserve the ______ from your colleagues you need to be a highly qualified


Task 1

Discuss in groups of four. What are the factors Russian students should keep in mind to succeed in a university? Give your opinion using the following phrases

I think that… Я думаю, что …..

I believe that… Я полагаю, что …..

I suppose that … Я полагаю, что …..

I have my own point of view on the subject. У меня на этот счет своя точка зрения.

As I see it ….. На мой взгляд …..

That’s the way I see it. Таково мое мнение.
Example: I think that a Russian student should keep in mind that he is responsible for the education he gets and that nobody will do things for him or instead of him. That’s the way I see it.
Task 2

Ask for the opinions of other members of your group using the following phrases.

Practise these phrases before using them in speech

What do you think about…? Что ты думаешь о…?

What’s your opinion…? Каково твое мнение о…?

What is your point of view on the problem?

Какова твоя точка зрения на проблему?
Example: – That’s the way I see the problem. And what do you think about it?

– I think that a Russian student should develop the ability to study that is to search for knowledge and not just take the ready knowledge.
Problem solving

Task 1.

These are the Rules every student should follow. Discuss in groups of four: what rules seem quite reasonable and what rules seem quite absurd? What rules are impossible to follow, especially for Russian students?

  1. Rule 1 Students must respect the rules.

  2. Rule 2 Students must hand in term papers on time.

  3. Rule 3 Students must be always ready for the lesson.

  4. Rule 4 Students must respect their professors and never argue with them.

  5. Rule 5 Students must spend 4 hours a day in the library.

  6. Rule 6 Students must not discuss the professor personality and style of teaching

otherwise they will be expelled (отчислены).

  1. Rule 7 Students must express their opinion on the subject only in case they are asked to do it.

  2. Rule 8 No cheating in our university!

Example: I completely agree with Rule 1. This rule seems quite reasonable. Every higher institution has a set of rules and you should follow them as entering the university you become part of the system that works in a special mode. If you break the rule it means that you interfere with the normal work of the system and create chaos.

Roleplay. University Rules


Divide into groups of three. Your task is to work out the rules for the newly established university. Each of you will have a role written on the card. Read it carefully and make up a speech using the information given.
Student A

You are a student taking part in the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to establish the rules for the newly created university. Your task is to suggest some rules your professors should follow and to prove that they are very important (give your arguments). Remember you are speaking on behalf of the students, so you should protect their interests and make their life easier.

At the end of the meeting you are to write down a resolution in the form of a table.
Student B

You are a professor taking part in the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to establish the rules for the newly created university. Your task is to suggest some rules the students should follow. Remember you are a professional. You have been working for about 20 years in education and you don’t like many things in modern students (lack of responsibility, bad behavior, missed classes etc.). Suggest the rules that will help the teaching staff to give the education of high quality.

At the end of the meeting you are to write down a resolution in the form of a table.
Student C

You are the member of the administration leading the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to establish the rules for the newly created university. Your task is to listen to the rules suggested by a student and a professor, analyze them and make up a decision whether you accept them or not. You may correct the rules or suggest your own ones.

At the end of the meeting you are to write down a resolution in the form of a table.


Teachers should






Students should







Introducing yourself

When you meet someone for the first time, it is customary to introduce yourself.
Task 1

Practice some expressions used for the introduction

My name is …

I am …

My first name is…

My second name is…



How do you do?

Pleased to meet you.

I am from…

Task 2

Read the dialogue, practice it and reproduce it

Ann: Hello. Are you a student here?

Kate: Yes, I am.

Ann: So am I. My name is Ann Duglas.

Kate: How do you do? I am Kate Frank.

Ann: I am pleased to meet you. Is Frank your first name or your last


Kate: My last name.

Ann: Ann is my first name. Please call me Ann.

Kate: Okay, Ann and please call me Kate.

Ann: Okay, Kate. I am from New York and where are you from?

Kate: I am from Manchester.

Task 3

Turn to your partner and make up a similar dialogue

Introducing someone

When you want to introduce someone to someone it is customary to use some expressions
Task 4

Practice some expressions used to introduce someone:

I’d like to introduce…

I’d like you to meet…

Can I introduce you to…
Task 5

Get information about your partner. Here are some questions for you to use

  1. What’s your name?

  2. Where are you from?

  3. Do you work?

  4. If not, what do you do?

  5. Are you married?

  6. What is your native language?

  7. Do you have a hobby?

  8. What are the three things you like and three things you don’t like?

Task 6

Introduce your partner to the groupmates and tell them about him/her.

Task 1

Give the English equivalents to these job titles?

Преподаватель университета, инструктор по вождению, тренер по волейболу, личный тренер, репетитор, учитель начальной школы.
Task 2

Translate these sentences using job titles from Task 1 and word expressions given below

To work as a … , to give private lessons, to have, to be

1. Он работает преподавателем университета.

2. Чем ты занимаешься? Я даю частные уроки. Я – репетитор.

3. Хелен работает инструктором по вождению.

4. Я – тренер по волейболу.

5. Моя мама – учитель начальной школы.

6. У моего брата есть личный тренер по теннису.
Task 3

Make up sentences using these groups of phrases in one sentence

Example: Natural talent, confidence, to succeed in.

He succeeds in college because of his natural talent and confidence in his abilities.

1. to depend on, motivation, high IQ

2. advisor, the best program, to structure

3. to pay attention to, every university, to have, the Rules

4. to prepare for, professors, to be different

5. to hand in, deadline, term papers

6. to communicate with, experienced students, information

7. to generate, professors, loyalty

8. employment situation, to consider, before entering

9. college, to have, a graduate program

Task 4

Read the text written by Steven C. Hayes (University of Nevada) and summarize its main ideas
Rules of Success: A Message for Students

Rule 1 Talk and Write – A Lot

Science is a largely verbal enterprise. Successful scientists must speak, write, persuade, and debate. The only way to become skilled at professional verbal behavior is to engage in it. Talk in class. Talk at conventions. Talk in the halls. Listen and respond. Propose and consider. Argue. Share thoughts. If you think you have something to say, say it. If you wonder if you have sometime to say, and worry that it is not worthwhile, say it anyway.

Rule 2 Say “Yes” Easily and Mean It

Early in your study you should expose yourself to different things. You need to take part in many activities. When someone talks about a good project, say “let’s do it.” If someone asks for help with a project, say “yes.” Then deliver. Do more than is expected.

Rule 3 Work with Others and Share Easily

You can learn a lot from others. They help you push you and they teach you new things. So collaborate. Form teams. Network. Give more than you ask to receive.

Rule 4 Keep Your Word

This is the most important rule of all. This one rule separates the successful from the unsuccessful student more than any other, but its value cannot be known until you do it. Set up a program, make it life or death. Do it. Of course, no one always does it. OK, so when you slip, go back and do it 100%. Then when you slip, go back and do it 100%. I violate this one nearly every day. Yet I continue to fight like a tiger to keep it.

Rule 5 Realize Your Own Power and Behave Accordingly

Let me tell you something incredible: you can make a huge difference in your discipline. We are talking about fields that are young and accessible, in which even one person can make a big difference. The successful student will realize their own power, and will push on to make it manifest.

Rule 6 Follow Your Talent

Successful students are confident. I don’t mean they necessarily feel confident. I mean that they follow their talent. They are true to themselves. Be true to yourself. Do not, however, violate what seems important to you. You will pay very dearly for the violation because it will take away your compass for scientific entertainment. You can get lost without a compass.

Task 5

Enumerate the rules given by paraphrasing them

Example: Rule 1. A student should constantly express his ideas verbally no matter whether he is sure or not about the things he has in mind as any idea can give great opportunities for discussion. The articulation of ideas helps the student to express himself and to enrich his way of thinking by the opinions of others.

Task 6

Using the material of the lesson express your opinion on one of the following themes

  1. Critical factors of success in university.

  2. The Rules everybody should follow while studying at the university.

  3. The Rules every professor should follow while teaching at the university.

Smile with us

Farther: You know, son when Lincoln was your age he was a very good pupil. In fact he was the best pupil in class.

Tom: Yes, Dad, I know that. But when he was your age he was President of the United States.
Lesson 2. Russian System of Higher Education

Task 1.

Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

What makes many people think that Russian system

of Higher education is the best one?

Task 2.

Active Vocabulary

Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

  1. a competitive system – конкурентоспособная система

  2. a multilevel system – многоуровневая система

  3. an academic degree – ученая степень

  4. an application – заявление (о приеме в вуз)

  5. branches of sciences – области наук

  6. a competition – конкурс

  7. a curricular – программа (обучения)

  8. an educational system – система образования

  9. entrance exams – вступительные экзамены

  10. final state examinations – государственные экзамены (выпускные)

  11. further education – дальнейшее образование

  12. a graduation paper – дипломная работа

  13. higher education – высшее образование

  14. humanities – гуманитарные науки

  15. natural sciences – естественные науки

  16. part-time students – студенты–вечерники

  17. postgraduate education – обучение в аспирантуре

  18. qualifying degree – квалификационная степень

  19. scientific research – научное исследование

  20. secondary education – среднее образование

  21. to be admitted to – быть допущенным к

  22. to give the possibility – представлять возможность

  23. to grant a degree – выдавать диплом

  24. to pass – сдавать

  25. to provide access to – обеспечить доступ к

  26. to provide mobility – обеспечивать мобильность

  27. vocational education – профессиональное образование

Task 3

Give the Russian equivalents to the English phrases

1. higher education

  1. scientific research

  2. entrance exams

  3. graduation paper

  4. academic degree

  5. curricular

  6. competition

  7. an application

  8. access

  9. secondary education


Task 1

Here is the structure of Russian educational system. Will you give the English equivalents to the stages mentioned?
Example: Система образования – System of education

  1. Среднее образование

  2. Профессиональное образование

  3. Высшее профессиональное образование

  4. Аспирантура

  5. Дальнейшее образование.

Task 2

Using your background knowledge about the system of higher education in Russia agree or disagree with the following statements. You may use the phrases given to prove your point of view: to be a competitive system, to provide high academic standards, to pay the fee, good results in the Unified State Exams, highly–qualified specialists.

  1. Russian educational system is the best in the world.

  2. One of the main advantages of Russian educational system is that it is free.

  3. A typical Russian university has all the necessary facilities for studying.

  4. Any school leaver can become a student of a university.

Task 3

Try to develop the idea given. Agree or disagree. Give your arguments

Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

Task 1
Read the text and express in your own words the main idea of the text
Higher Education in Russia

Russia’s higher educational system started with the foundation of the State Moscow University founded in the middle of the 18th century. The getting of higher education was and still is very prestigious.

Students with secondary education can be admitted to higher educational institutions. In previous years school leavers had to take both secondary schools leaving examinations and higher education entrance tests. In 2004 a choice is given to the school leavers after the Unified State Exam was introduced. Many but not all faculties of the universities admit applicants on the basis of the results of the three USE chosen by the applicants. On average, competition to enter state university now is 187 applications for 100 places.

One of the great attractions of education in Russia is the cost. Degree study tuition is from $2000 to $8000 per year, with other costs (room, books, etc.) ranging from $1500 to $5000 per year, depending on location and spending habits.

The types of the educational institutions in the Russian Federation are:

University: a higher educational institution with activities aimed at developing education, science, and culture by performing fundamental scientific research and training at all the levels of higher, postgraduate, and further education within a wide range of Natural Sciences, Humanities, and other branches of sciences, technology, and culture.

Academy: a higher educational institution with activities aimed at developing education, science, and culture mainly in one specific area of science, technology, and culture.

Institute: an independent higher educational institution, which applies vocational education curricula in specific areas of science, technology, and culture.

Russian higher educational institutions can grant the following types of degrees and diplomas:

Intermediate Diploma; Bachelor’s degree; Diploma of Specialist; Master’s degree.

The function of the degree of Intermediate Higher Education granted after no less than two years of training is to certify that a student has successfully completed the first two years of the fundamental higher education, which is considered to be a basis of the chosen field of training. Besides, this degree provides mobility between various higher educational institutions.

The Bachelor’s degree is awarded after at least four years of training. It covers almost all fields of knowledge, except medical science. Final state certification procedure includes the presentation of the graduation paper.

Degree of a Specialist is awarded after 5–6 years of studies. The degree of a Specialist has a double function. It provides access to occupational activities and also gives the possibility to enter postgraduate courses (doctoral programs). Final state certification includes presentation of the graduation paper. Besides, in the majority of cases students have to pass final state examinations.
Task 2
Use the information in the text to find answers to the following questions

  1. Who can be admitted to a higher educational institution?

  2. What are the types of educational institutions in Russia?

  3. What is a USE?

  4. What types of degrees can Russian higher education institutions grant?

  5. What are the functions of an Intermediate Diploma?

  6. What does the final state certification procedure include?

Task 3

Finish the sentences using the information from the text

  1. To enter university a student with secondary education have to _________

  2. The types of higher institutions in Russia are___________

  3. After 6 years of training a student gets _________

  4. A traditional Russian final qualifying degree is that of a _______

  5. The function of the Intermediate Higher Education degree is to provide_____

  6. Final state certification includes_______

Task 4

Look at the scheme of giving а summary to the text and enumerate the 4 main

elements of the summary

  1. Give the title of the text summarized.

The title of the text is….

  1. Begin the summary with one of the introductory general phrases:

The text deals with… (speaks about, says that, presents, points out, describes, is devoted to, gives some comments on, offers an overview)

  1. The main body must not be more than six plain statements generalizing the main ideas of the text in a logical sequence.

  2. Conclude the abstract with your personal opinion of both the content and the language used, using given phrases:

The text is informative….; The text is dry, dull and boring…; The reading of the text gives (does not give) some satisfaction and pleasure…

The information is up-to-date (out-of-date)…

The text is (not) worth reading and abstracting….

There are practically no unknown words….

Task 5

Look at the example summary and say what element among the enumerated ones

it lacks? Give your own variant of the summary.


The title of the text is “Higher Education in Russia “.

The text offers an overview of the Russian educational system.

There are different types of higher educational institutions in Russia. They are universities, academies and institutes. Each educational institution has its peculiarities. They can grant the following types of degrees and diplomas. Intermediate Diploma: to get such a diploma at least 2 years of training is needed. Bachelor’s degree requires not less than 4 years of training and you need 5 or 6 years of training to get the Diploma of a Specialist, which is the traditional final qualifying degree in Russia and you can get Master’s degree after 6 years of training.

Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1

Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B and make up sentences with them



1.образовательная система

а. to enter state university

2. среднее образование

b. vocational education curricular

3. сдавать вступительные экзамены

c. to pass final state examinations

4. проводить научное исследование

d. educational system

5. высшее образование

e. to introduce a multilevel system

6. поступать в государственный университет

f. secondary education

7. программа профессионального образования

g. to successfully complete the course of education

8. ввести многоуровневую систему

i. to pass entrance exams

9. успешно пройти курс обучения

j. to choose the field of training

10. выбрать область обучения

k. to perform scientific research

11. сдавать государственные экзамены

l. graduation paper

12. диплом

m. higher education

Exercise 2

Distribute the words given below into three columns

To grant, secondary, entrance, to cover, Master’s, Bachelor’s, higher, postgraduate, final, further, academic, qualifying, vocational.




1. to grant














Exercise 3

Fill in the correct word from the list: sciences, to grant, secondary, multilevel, to give, paper, entrance, individual, mobility, research.

1. ________ studies

2. ________ the possibility

3. scientific ________

4. ________ exams

5. Natural _________

6. ________ education

7. ________ system

8. graduation ______

9. _________ a degree

10. to provide _______
Exercise 4

Make up a dialogue on the situation

Student A

You are a second-year student of the SUSU. Help the American student to understand the rules and regulations of being accepted to a Russian university, being granted a degree. Explain the difference between the types of Russian educational institutions. You may also suggest him some tips for studying, clarify the peculiarities of students’ life in Russia. It’s your first meeting with the person. Don’t forget to introduce yourself.

Student B

You are an American student. You want to get a higher education in Russian. You love Russia very much as your grandmother is Russian. So you’ve come to Russia to find out as much details as possible about the system of Higher education in Russia, about the types of educational institutions and about the hardships (difficulties) of students’ life. You’ve met a Russian second-year student. Introduce yourself and remember you are a very inquisitive person.

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the right form of Present Perfect and translate them

Example: She ______ already (cook) the breakfast.

She has already cooked the breakfast.

  1. He ____ (gain) a lot of weight recently.

  2. Tom ____ just (clear out) the garage.

  3. They ____ (sell) their house and ____ (go) on a tour of the world.

  4. I ___ (be) to New York several times.

  5. Martin is not here. He ____ (leave) for Moscow.

  6. I ____ (not see) Kate since my weeding.

  7. Pam ____ already (finish) his test.

  8. She ____ (quarrel) with her mother 5 times this week.

  9. This year I ___ (be) twice abroad.

Exercise 2

Choose the right variant: Past Simple или Present Perfect

  1. We (not/have) a holiday last year.

    1. didn’t have b) haven’t had

  2. My parents (be) to the USA many times.

    1. have been b) were

  3. It (stop) raining?

    1. Did it stop b) Has it stopped

  4. I (buy) a new dress last week.

a) have bought b) bought

  1. Don’t worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday.

    1. sent b) have sent

  2. When Jill (finish) school?

    1. When has Jill finished b) When did Jill finish

  3. When I was a child, I (be) always late for school.

    1. have always been b) was always late

  4. – Are you tired?

– Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling today.

    1. have painted b) painted

  1. My husband (work) in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993.

    1. has worked b) worked

  2. He (call) you yesterday?

    1. has he called b) did he call

  3. One of the passengers (die) in that accident.

    1. died b) has died

  4. Mom (lose) her key, so we have to open the door by force.

a) has lost b) lost

Exercise 3

Choose the right variant: Past Perfect or Present Perfect

1. Aunt Polly punished Tom Sawyer because he (be) a naughty boy.

  1. has been b) had been

2. Why are you so unhappy? – I (lose) my purse.

  1. have lost b) had lost

3. Sam was upset because Judy (not/come).

  1. hasn’t come b)hadn’t come

4. Mother asked the children if they (buy) some biscuits for tea.

  1. has bought b) had bought

5. I (leave) some photos to be developed. Are they ready?

  1. have left b) had left

6. Tell Tommy about these wonderful islands. He never (hear) about them.

  1. has never heard b) had never heard

7. I’m so happy to see you again. I (not/see) you since I left Berks.

  1. hadn’t seen b) haven’t seen

8. She said she (not/see) him since she left Berks.

  1. hadn’t seen b) hasn’t seen

9. When she returned home, he (already/cook) dinner.

a) had already cooked b) has already cooked

10. Who (read) this book?

  1. has read b) had read

Exercise 4

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Perfect Tense

  1. She ___________ (to cook) dinner by the time you come.

  2. The tutor _________ (to look through) all our tests by the end of the week.

  3. The film already ________ (to start) when we get there.

  4. I _________ (to finish) this book by next month.

  5. My parents ________ (to go) to bed when we come back from the theatre.

  6. The lecture _________ (to be over) by 5 and the last student will have left the hall.

  7. It _________(to stop) raining by the time we get there.

  8. By the time you get home you __________ (to forget) everything.

  9. Ann _______ (to come) back by the moment the play starts.

  10. By 2100 computers ________ (to take over) many of the jobs that people do today.

Exercise 5

You are first year students. You spent not much time at the university. What have done yet?

Example 1: I have already twice visited the library.

Example 2: I have already been to the university swimming–pool.
Exercise 6

React to the suggestion using the Present Perfect Tense as in the model.

The following adverbial phrases may be of some help to you:

this week, this month, this year, this morning, this evening.
Example: Let’s go to the swimming–pool.

– No, thanks. I have already been there in the morning.

  1. Let’s go to the library this evening to prepare for our physics classes.

  2. Let’s go to the cinema to see ”Nochnoy Dozor”.

  3. Why don’t we go to visit our grandmother this week.

  4. Let’s dedicate this poem to Svetlana.

  5. Let’s go to see Paris this summer.

  6. Let’s not miss lectures on History this week.

Exercise 7

You are 18 year old students. You are young but I am sure you have some achievements in your life. Think of them and formulate them using the model

Model: I have finished a secondary school and the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. I have visited many foreign countries: Germany, the USA and Great Britain are among them.


Task 1

Look at sentences 1 to 8. Then choose phrases from the list and in pairs act out short exchanges reacting positively or negatively.

• OK. • Never mind. • Not at all. • Go ahead• Pity • Why not • I’d love to. • Yes, actually

• You'd better not. • Let's not. • Poor • Quite reasonable. • I’d rather not. • Terribly
1. I won’t be able to make it.

2. Shall we go?

3. Do you mind?

4. How did it go?

5. Are you coming then?

6. What are my chances?

7. Can I try?

8. I tried really hard.
Example: A. I won’t be able to make it.

B. Pity.

Task 2

Enlarge the situations given


  • Will you go to the disco this evening?

  • I won’t be able to make it. I am sitting with my sister this evening.

  • Pity. May be next time?

  • With pleasure.


Task 1

Use the phrases given below to fill in the gaps.

Secondary education, training, final state examinations, vocational education curricula, to provide mobility, entrance exams, degree of a Specialist, to provide access, competition, distance learning students.

  1. To enter the higher institution every applicant should pass ________.

  2. _______________ is compulsory in Russia.

  3. _______________ is awarded after 5 or 6 years of study.

  4. Institute is an independent higher educational institution which applies__________ in specific areas of science, technology and culture.

  5. The Intermediate Higher degree is designed _________ between various higher educational institutions.

  6. Final state certification includes the presentation of the graduation project and ________.

  7. In many modern universities large computer centers are established __________ to Internet resources for the students.

  8. ________ to enter state university for the specialties that are in great demand nowadays is 5 applications for one place.

  9. To get a Bachelor’s degree a student needs not less than four years of __________.

  10. Part-time and __________ constitute one third of the overall number of students in the country.

Task 2

Choose the right variant: Present Perfect or Past Simple

    1. She is happy. She (passed/has passed) her exam in Maths.

    2. When (did you pass/have you passed) your laboratory work?

    3. Ann is upset. She (lost/has lost) 500 rubles.

    4. Pete feels uneasy. He (missed/has missed) his classes and (met/has met) his teacher on the street later today.

    5. Yesterday I (read/have read) an interesting article about the nature of earthquakes.

Task 3

Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson

  1. Система высшего образования в России находится в стадии реформирования.

  2. Среднее образование является обязательным для всех граждан России.

  3. После четырех лет обучения студент получает диплом Бакалавра.

  4. Университет это высшее учебное заведение, чья деятельность направлена на образование, развитие науки и культуры.

  5. При поступлении в университет абитуриенты должны сдавать вступительные экзамены.

  6. Министерство образования предлагает принимать в университет абитуриентов на основе результатов Единого Государственного Экзамена. (Unified State Exam)

  7. Студенты вечернего отделения и студенты, получающие образование дистанционно, составляют третью часть всех студентов.

  8. В Российской Федерации существует несколько типов высших учебных заведений: университеты, институты, академии.

Task 4

Read the text and match the abstracts with the titles given below

a. Leading role in humanities and in applied sciences

b. Russian Diplomas Competitiveness

c. Great variety of educational institutions

d. High Standard of Education

e. Higher Education in Russian is much cheaper than in other countries

Five advantages of Russian educational system

1. The Russian national education system is generally regarded to be of a high standard. It is founded upon a solid theoretical base. Leading Russian Universities are primarily scientific research centres. Many of the greatest achievements of the 20th century science took place in Russia.

2. In 2002 31 Russian students took part in international mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, informatics and geography competitions, 29 of them became International Competition winners. No country in the world has ever achieved such a brilliant result!

3. The Russian Educational System has two types of further education institutions: universities, like Lomonosov Moscow State University, which offer a variety of subjects, and institutions of a smaller size, which concentrate on specific fields. Many new institutions and colleges have appeared in recent years. The level of achievement in these institutions is as high as those in traditional universities, but tuition fees are much lower. There are nearly 400 non–state owned institutions of higher education in Russia and the total number of students is nearly 270 thousand.

4. Russian graduates are considered to be among the top competitors for jobs worldwide. A Classical Russian University Education is considered by many to be an excellent starting point for any career. Bill Gates, the computer king, who has made a fortune of 90 billion dollars has 20 former graduates of Novosibirsk University. According to Bill Gates his staff made him one of the richest people in the world.

5. Tuition fees in Russia are considered to be much lower than anywhere else in the world. Additional costs such as accommodation, textbooks, use of libraries etc., are also low. Take the UK, for example. Accommodation in London will cost a student 360$ a week. In Moscow a student may rent a two-room apartment for 300$ a month, or pay just the same amount for bed–and breakfast accommodation. In London a student has to spend 1000$ a month for textbooks and supplementary literature compared to 100$ in Moscow. The fees in Oxford Westminster College, for example, are usually 25000–30000$ a year and in Plekhanov Academy of Economics in Moscow are only 5000$ per year.
Did you know that…..

There are 1041 institutions of higher education in Russia;

610 institutions are state;

44 % of state institutions’ freshmen pay for their education.

Task 5

Find what the following figures refer to? Give answers as in the example

31, 29, 400, 270, 25 000 $, 300$, 20, 100$

Example: 31 is the number of students taking part in the international competitions in 2002.
Task 6

Answer the questions to the text

  1. Why can we be proud of Russian system of higher education?

  2. What are the advantages of Russian system of higher education over the Western ones?

  3. Why do you think our specialists are highly competitive in the world market?

  4. What problems does our system of higher education have?

Task 7

Find information in the Internet on the following topics and present it in the form of a report:

  1. What is the Bologna process?

  2. Why has Russia decided to become the part of the Bologna process?

  3. What is the main purpose of the Unified State Exams?

  4. Why is the Russian system of higher education among the best in the world?

Smile with us

Professor: A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

Student: No wonder so many of us failed our exams!
Lesson 3. Higher Education in the UK
Task 1. Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

Why do many children of new Russians study in Great Britain?
Task 2. Active Vocabulary

Pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

  1. foreign student – студент иностранец

  2. academic year – учебный год

  3. Advanced Level examinations – экзамен по программе средней школы

  4. applied technology – прикладные разработки

  5. approximate number – приблизительное количество

  6. foremost – выдающийся

  7. General Certificate of Secondary Education – аттестат о среднем образовании

  8. interview – собеседование

  9. it goes without saying – без сомнения

  10. methods of instruction – методы обучения

  11. resident – житель страны

  12. sandwich course – курс обучения, чередующий теорию с практикой;

  13. to apply to a university – обращаться с заявлением о приеме в университет

  14. to attend a university – посещать университет

  15. to be dedicated to – быть посвященным чему–либо

  16. to be founded in – быть основанным в

  17. to be free – быть бесплатным

  18. to be tested in – проходить тестирование по

  19. to give a lecture – читать лекцию

  20. tutorial – консультация

  21. extension courses – курс повышения квалификации

  22. study centre – учебный центр

  23. summer school – летняя школа


Task 1

Try to answer the following questions using your background knowledge

1. What do you know about the system of Higher Education in Great Britain?

2. Why do you think many new Russians send their children to the UK colleges to get degrees?

3. Do you know any world famous colleges of the UK?

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1

Change the active to the passive by supplying the correct form of the verb to be

Example: Tom prepares the homework every day.

The homework is prepared by Tom.

  1. Tom is preparing the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom now.

  1. Tom has prepared the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

  1. Tom prepared the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

  1. Tom was preparing the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

  1. Tom had prepared the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

  1. Tom will prepare the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

  1. Tom will have prepared the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   15

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