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  • C. Complete the sentences with ‘in time’ and ‘on time’.


  • Study

  • Match the definitions with the italicized words and phrases from the text.

  • The text includes a number of expressions with

  • E. Complete this dialogue with suitable words or phrases from the text. A: Dont (1)

  • F. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  • G. Can you find three facts from the text which are exactly the same in your routine, three which are similar, and three which are completely different Complete the table below.

  • H. Tell about your day according to the plan: sleep, food, study, housework, evenings. LISTENING: DAILY SCHEDULE

  • УЧЕБНИК 1 КУРСА. Learningenglis ru learningenglis ru

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    B. Insert at, on or in where necessary.

    1. Bill Gates was born in Seattle ….. 1955.

    2. I haven’t seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her ….. Wednesday.

    3. The price of electricity is going up ….. January.

    4. I’ve been invited to the wedding …. 14 February.

    5. Hurry up! We’ve got to go …. five minutes.

    6. I’m busy just now but I’ll be with you ….. a moment.

    7. Jenny’s brother is an engineer, but he is out of work ….. the moment.

    8. There are usually a lot of parties …. Christmas.

    9. I hope the weather will be nice …. the weekend.

    10. …. Saturday night I went to bed …. 11 p.m.

    11. I don’t like travelling …. night.

    12. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived …. 5 o’clock …. the morning.

    13. The course begins …. 7 January and ends sometime …. April.

    14. My brother came home …. last Christmas.

    15. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it …. a day.

    16. I might not be at home … Tuesday morning but I’ll probably be there … the afternoon.

    17. My car is being repaired in the garage. It will be ready …. two hours.

    18. The group set off … yesterday morning.

    19. The telephone and the bell rang … the same time.

    20. I’m pretty busy … this week. I’m afraid I can’t see you … Friday.

    C. Complete the sentences with ‘in time’ and ‘on time’.

    1. The bus was late this morning but it is usually …

    2. I like to get up … to have a big breakfast before going to work.

    3. We want to start the meeting …, so don’t be late.

    4. I have just washed this shirt. I want to wear it this evening, so I hope it will be dry …

    5. The train service isn’t very good. The trains are rarely …

    6. I nearly forgot that it was Joe’s birthday. Fortunately I remembered …

    7. Why are you never …? You always keep everybody waiting.


    1. Study the following.


    During the week, I usually wake up at 6.30 a.m. I sometimes lie in bed for five minutes but then I have to get up. Most evenings, I go to bed at about 11.30 p.m. I am usually very tired, so I go to sleep/fall asleepvery quickly. Occasionally though, I cannot get to sleep. When that happens, I sometimes manage to fall asleep at about 3 a.m., and then I oversleep in the morning. If I have a late night (≠ an early night), I try to have a nap in the afternoon. The weekends are different. On Saturday and Sunday I have a lie-in.


    In the week I have breakfast at 7.30 a.m., lunch at 1.00 p.m., and dinner around 7 p.m. I also have one or two snacks, e.g. cakes, biscuits or fruit, during the day at work. As I live alone/on my own/by myself, I also have to make my own breakfast and dinner, but during the week I do not bother to cook very much. I also have to feed my two cats twice a day as well.

    Keeping clean

    In the summer I have a shower in the morning, but in the winter I often have a bath instead. Sometimes I have a shave at the same time, or I shave when I have a wash and brush my teeth after breakfast. I wash my hair two or three times a week.


    In the morning I leave home about 7.30 a.m. and go to the university by bus. Ittakes me about 20 minutes. My classes start at 8 a.m. We usually have two lectures and one seminar or practical. During the lecture we listen to the lecturerand makenotes. At the seminars we discuss different problems and answer the questions of the professor holding the seminar. My lunch break is about 40 minutes, so I can go to the refectoryor to the snackbar. At the end of each termwe take exams and have tests in several subjects.


    During the week I usually stay in, do my home assignments and have a rest. But at the weekend I often go out, but quite often I also have friends for dinner, or friends just come round for a chator we play cards, e.g. poker or bridge.


    I do the shopping on Saturday. Fortunately I have a cleaner and she does most of the housework: she does my washing, the washing-up and does most of the ironing.

    1. Match the definitions with the italicized words and phrases from the text.

    1. dining hall

    1. to succeed in sleeping

    1. to sleep too long

    1. to go to bed very late

    1. to go to bed very early

    1. without other people

    1. to stay in bed until later

    1. to have small amounts of food

    1. to have a short sleep, e.g. 20-25 minutes

    1. to do homework

    1. to make an effort

    1. a teacher in higher education

    1. part of the academic year

    1. to clean teeth

    1. to put down necessary information

    1. to stop work or study for a meal

    1. to stay at home

    1. to relax and do nothing

    1. to invite friends to one’s house and cook dinner for them

    1. to leave the house for social reasons, e.g. go to the cinema or disco with friends

    1. to visit somebody at the house

    1. conversation

    1. to buy food and clothes

    2. to wash the clothes

    1. a meeting of a group of students for tuition

    1. The text includes a number of expressions with “have + noun”, e.g. have breakfast, have a shower. Can you remember six more?

    1. Now complete some more word partnerships and expressions by matching the verbs on the left with the correct word on the right.

    to fall

    a rest

    to do


    to have

    a seminar

    to take


    to have


    to get up

    the ironing

    to hold


    to make


    E. Complete this dialogue with suitable words or phrases from the text.

    A: Don't (1) to cook a meal this evening.

    B: Why not?

    A: We could (2)instead.

    B: Yeah. Where?

    A: Well I'd like to go to that new Korean restaurant. We could ask Karen and Mike to come.

    B: That's miles away. No, I think I would rather (3)and have an(4)night.

    A: But it's Friday. You can have a (5)tomorrow if we have a late night.

    B: Yes, I know but I am tired. Look, why don't you ask Karen and Mike (6)for a meal, I can order some pizzas from the takeaway and we'll have a nice evening here.

    A: Sorry, but if you don't want to come to the restaurant with me, I'll go (7).

    F. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

    1. Did you go out last night?

    2. I think I am going to stay in this evening.

    3. I overslept this morning.

    4. I couldn't get to sleep last night.

    5. Do you want to come round this evening?

    6. Iforgot to do the shopping.

    7. What time did you get home?

    G. Can you find three facts from the text which are exactly the same in your routine, three which are similar, and three which are completely different? Complete the table below.



    completely different

    I go to bed around 11.30 p.m.

    I leave home at 8.40 a.m.

    I never do any ironing.

    H. Tell about your day according to the plan: sleep, food, study, housework, evenings.


    1. Mind the vocabulary that you will here in the conversation.

      to catch – to get on

      to get off work – to finish work

      to stay up – not to go to bed

      to set aside – reserve, allow, or give a certain amount to

      toughest – most difficult, hardest

      to take care of – to watch, to look after

      groceries – food and other items at a supermarket
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