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  • 3. Study the following signs (a – k). Match the meanings (1 – 4) with the shapes (a – d) and colours (e – h).

  • 4. Read the instructions and warnings (1 – 11) below. First, study any new words in the glossary or your dictionary. Then match the sentences with the signs (a – k) from ex.3.

  • 5. Choose the best word to complete the sentences (1 – 5) below.

  • 6. Match the words with their definitions.

  • Учебное пособие. А. Н. Туполева (каи) кафедра восточных и европейских языков (вея) engineering английский язык для студентов технических специальностей учебное пособие

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    НазваниеА. Н. Туполева (каи) кафедра восточных и европейских языков (вея) engineering английский язык для студентов технических специальностей учебное пособие
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    Read the following text and fill in the gaps. Use the words given in boxes:

    Computer focuses engineers discipline design personal Engineering

    Computer Engineering (also called Electronic and Computer Engineering, or Computer Systems Engineering) is a (1) __________ that combines both Electronic (2) __________ and (3) __________ Science. The abbreviation is EECS. Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering, software design and hardware-software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering. Computer (4) __________ are involved in many aspects of computing, from the (5) __________ of individual microprocessors, (6) __________ computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design. This field of engineering not only (7) __________ on how computer systems work themselves, but also how they integrate into the larger picture.

    designing monitor include digital engineers

    Usual tasks involving computer engineers (8) __________ writing software and firmware for embedded microcontrollers, designing VLSI chips, (9) __________ analog sensors, designing mixed signal circuit boards, and designing operating systems. Computer (10) __________ are also suited for robotics research, which relies heavily on using (11) __________ systems to control or (12) __________ electrical systems like motors, communications, and sensors.

    covers electricity nineteenth electromagnetism power

    Electrical engineering (sometimes referred to as electrical and electronic engineering) is a field of engineering that deals with the study and application of (13) __________ , electronics and (14) __________ . The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late (15) __________ century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical (16) __________ supply. It now (17) __________ a range of subtopics including power, electronics, control systems, signal processing and telecommunications.

    electricity small information Engineering computers

    Electrical (18) __________ may or may not include electronic engineering. A distinction is made usually outside of the United States. Electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated with large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control, whereas electronic engineering deals with the study of (19) __________ -scale electronic systems including (20) __________ and integrated circuits. Alternatively, electrical engineers are usually concerned with using (21) __________ to transmit energy, while electronic engineers are concerned with using electricity to transmit (22)__________ .


    (… адрес интернет-странички с видеороликами…)



    1. Read the words and their explanations; try to understand the meaning:

    jack = electronic connection between two pieces of electrical equipment;

    semi = half, ex. semi-circle, semi-automat;

    wire = a piece of metal in the form of a thin thread that is used to carry electricity;

    cord (US) = a kind of a cable to carry wires;

    channel = ex: a TV station, a radio station, etc…;

    to play back = to turn on the TV or recorder and watch or listen to something again.

    Listen to the track without video and answer the following questions.

    2. What is being connected?

    3. What is the model of a camera?

    4. Why are colours mentioned?

    5. What is the order of the colours mentioned?

    6. Listen, watch the video and fill in the gaps in the following text:

    00:00 – 00:45

    So, now we talk about (1) __________ your XHA1 to a (2) __________ or a (3) __________ . And the way you do that is, first of all, …, using your (4) __________RCA (5) __________to a mini (6) __________ , and … this should come with your XHA1. And if you’ve used this before, all the TVs … have the simple “IN” – (7) __________ for (8) __________ , (9) __________ and (10) __________ for audio (11) __________ . This is a standard definition. … .
    00:46 – 00:59

    You can use a componic cable that came with your XHA1. Its cord – (12) __________ , __________ , __________video (13) __________ and this is pretty much able to (14) __________ on your newer high-definition white (15) __________ TVs.
    01:00 – 01:50

    And for connecting to a (16) __________ you’ll need a Firewire (17) __________ , like this one. The semi (18) __________ to a camera and the semi connects to the back of a computer.

    So, where do all these connections take place is right here, next to the (19) __________door. And we’ve got a couple of connections. You see a Firewire - as this HDV/DV. And that’s what you do to connect your (20) __________ .

    And you’ve got this yellow (21) __________ right here. And that’s the way you use your standard (22) __________ cables.

    And below that is where the “componic” (23) __________ connects, so you can playback in HD on an HD-television.

    So, those are the (24) __________ you can connect your cam coder to a (25) __________ or a computer and help playback your tape on a television or a computer.


    Fulfill the following tasks:

    7. Summarize the instructions on how to connect a camera to a TV or a computer.

    8. Watch the video without audio and make comments.

    9. Write the instructions on how to connect a photo camera to a computer, a microphone to a computer, a mobile phone to a computer, a DVD player to a TV, etc.




    1. Do you know the following words: “visible”, “generation”, “integrate(d)”?

    2. What computer components do you remember?

    Listen to the parts of the track without video and answer the following questions:
    00:00 – 01:40

    3. What is the order of computer components mentioned in the track?

    4. Which is said to be the most visible part; the most important part?

    5. How many speakers may there be?

    01:40 – end

    6. What is described in this part of the track?

    7. What is laptop ideal for?

    8. Who is laptop ideal for?
    Listen to the whole track and watch the video.

    9. What do the words “power button”, “laptop” mean? Where can you find a power button, a floppy disk, a DVD-ROM on a computer (on a laptop)?

    10. What kind of mouse does a laptop have?

    11. What are the differences between a computer and a laptop?

    12. Listen, watch and write down the text.


    13. Compare your text with the original and find out what was misheard.

    (the original):

    So, let’s see: which are the main components of a computer.


    OK. The most visible part, the most visible component is “the screen”.

    Next one is “the key board” with lots and lots of keys.

    We have 2 audio “speakers”. Now, this can have more than 2 speakers – 5 speakers, around speakers or something like that.

    This is “the mouse”, one that I’m using right now.

    And the most important component – “the central unit” which contains memory, contains the CP-wheel which gives the computer its power, a floppy disk, CD-Rom, DVD-Rom and the power button.

    Here we have the next generation of screens or displays, OK, this is a light one - you can see a lot of space. It is said it is good, it is better for eye.

    So, here we have a laptop. This is a smaller computer with smaller key-board and integrated mouse and smaller screen. OK, here must be the floppy and DVD-Rom and other components. This is ideal for travelling and for business people.

    14. Watch the video without audio and make comments on it.

    Part I
    1. Read the sentences below. How do you say these things in your language? Where can you find these notices? What do we call this kind of sentences?

    a) Wash your hands.

    b) Beware of the dog.

    c) Don’t throw litter!

    d) Don’t lean out of the windows!

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 12, pg.14, ex.1)


    a) Look at the picture. What is this man?
    b) What safety equipment is he wearing? Study the following words and try to match a word and a piece of safety equipment.
    a hard hat goggles gloves ear defenders mask boiler suit safety boots
    c) Which words of the list are left?

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 12, pg.14, ex.2)

    3. Study the following signs (a – k). Match the meanings (1 – 4) with the shapes (a – d) and colours (e – h).





    You must not do this




    yellow and black


    You must do this


    circle with diagonal line


    red and white


    There is a danger




    blue and white


    This material is dangerous




    Orange and black

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 12, pg.14, ex.3)

    4. Read the instructions and warnings (1 – 11) below. First, study any new words in the glossary or your dictionary. Then match the sentences with the signs (a – k) from ex.3.


    Be careful.


    Beware of industrial vehicles.


    Don’t smoke here.


    Don’t walk here.


    Risk of death.


    This material is corrosive.


    This material is explosive.


    This material is flammable.


    Wear a hard hat.


    Wear ear defenders.


    Wear goggles to protect your eyes.

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 12, pg.14, ex.5)
    5. Choose the best word to complete the sentences (1 – 5) below.


    Petrol and oil are flammable/vehicles.


    Acid is flammable/corrosive.


    TNT and dynamite are corrosive/explosive.


    Wear a hard hat/goggles when you work with chemicals.


    You must wear a hard hat/goggles on a building site.

    * (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 12, pg.14, ex.6)
    6. Match the words with their definitions.

    goggles safety equipment boots mask hat sign boiler-suit gloves ear-defenders hard hat


    A covering that you wear on your head, usually when you are outdoors.


    Special glasses that you wear to protect your eyes at work.


    A kind of covering for your hands usually made of leather, wool, rubber.


    A kind of covering for your feet usually made of leather, rubber.


    One-piece clothing that you wear over your normal clothes when you do rough and dirty work.


    A thing that you put on your ears to protect them from noise.


    A kind of a picture that helps us understand what we must (should) or must not (should not) do.


    A kind of a protective hat that engineers usually wear on a building site.


    Things that people put on to protect their bodies from danger.


    Something that you wear that covers your face or part of your face to protect it.

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