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There is nothing like traveling! We are happy to offer you a very interesting tour round Great Britain. You’ll have an opportunity to enjoy famous sights of the country, its traditions, holidays, music and capital. Have a nice trip!
Цели раздела

В результате изучения теоретического материала по темам данного раздела вы должны


  • лексический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода иноязычных текстов о Великобритании;

  • лексический минимум, необходимый для устного высказывания о географическом положении, достопримечательностях, известных городах, праздниках и традициях Великобритании;


  • применять знания изученного лексико-грамматического материала для чтения и перевода иноязычных профессионально ориентированных текстов по темам раздела;

  • извлекать необходимые сведения из иноязычных источников информации, используя изученный лексико-грамматический материал;

  • употреблять изученный лексический минимум в устном высказывании о географическом положении, достопримечательностях, известных городах, праздниках и традициях Великобритании.

Обучающие цели:

  1. Изучить лексический материал, необходимый для понимания иноязычной информации по темам раздела и устного общения по ним.

  2. Научиться применять изученный лексический материал в заданных учебных ситуациях.

  3. Составлять устные высказывания, используя изученный лексический материал по каждой теме раздела.

1. Review the words. How many words do you know? Check yourself.

  1. a capital

  2. be situated

  3. to consist of

  4. an island

  5. to separate from

  6. a coast

  7. to occupy

  8. to border on

  9. a mountain

  10. a river

  11. a harbour

  12. a lake

  13. a warm currents

  1. a changeable weather

  2. a cloudiness

  3. a fog

  4. a worldwide reputation

  5. to remain green

  6. climate condition

  7. a meadow

  8. population

  9. a main nationality

  10. an official language

  11. a road sign

  12. a highly developed industry

  13. a patron saint

  14. parliamentary monarchy

2. Read the text and translate the sentences with the words from ex.1.
“Great Britain” has several different names. Some people say ‘Britain” or “the United Kingdom’. There are 4 different countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Britain is one of the world’s smaller countries ( it is twice smaller than France and Spain ), with an area of some 244 000 square kilometres.

The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland. It borders on the Irish Republic in the south.

The island of Great Britain consists of the three main parts: England, Scotland and Wales.

There are no high mountains in Great Britain. The Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains. The chief rivers of Great Britain are the Severn and the Thames. Britain’s principal ports are London, Manchester, Glasgow. They have splendid harbours. There are also many beautiful lakes in Great Britain.

The warm currents in the Atlantic Ocean make the climate of Great Britain mild. The winters are warm and the summers are cool. The weather is changeable. The cloudiness is rather dense; fogs along the coast often hide the sun. The fogs of London have a worldwide reputation. The grass remains green all the year round. Thanks to climate conditions, Britain looks like one great park with its old trees and green meadows.

The population of the United Kingdom is over 56 mln. people. The main nationalities are: English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish.

English is the official language. Everyone in Britain speaks English. But in some parts of Scotland people speak Scottish Gaelic as well. The Welsh are especially proud of their language, and you can see road signs in Welsh all over Wales.

Great Britain is a highly-developed industrial country. One of its main industries is the textile industry. The largest cities of Great Britain are London, the capital of the country, Manchester, Glasgow, Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds and Edinburgh.

The flag of the United Kingdom is made of three crosses. Every cross symbolizes the patron saint of each country.

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy.

3. Questions

  1. What countries are there in the United Kingdom?

  2. Where is the U. K. situated?

  3. What are the chief rivers of Great Britain?

  4. What is the climate of Great Britain?

  5. What are the main nationalities?

  6. What is the official language of the country?

4. Say if the statement is true or false.

  1. The British Isles consist of two large islands.

  2. The island of Great Britain consists of the four main parts.

  3. There are high mountains in Britain.

  4. The U.K. is a federal republic.

5. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words.

  1. Northern Ireland … on the Irish Republic in the north.

  2. Britain’s principal ports have splendid … .

  3. The fogs of London have … … .

  4. Great Britain is a … … country.

  5. The flag of the U.K. is made of … … .

6.Choose the right variant
1.People call the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in several ways:

  1. Britain b. US c. the UK d. Great Britain

2.This country is situated on the …

  1. British Islands b. British Ireland c. British Isles d. British continent

3.The main parts of the island of Great Britain are …

  1. England b. Ireland c. Northern Ireland d. Wales e. Scotland

4.The United Kingdom consists of …

  1. 3 countries b. 4 countries c. 2 countries d. 5 countries

5.The United Kingdom is a …

  1. republic b. democracy c. monarchy d. parliamentary monarchy

7.Fill in the gaps in the sentences

mild / chief rivers / main / industrial / changeable / patron saint / lakes / fogs / English

The 1) _____________of Great Britain are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful

2) _____________ in Great Britain. The climate of Great Britain is 3) ______________.

The weather is 4) ______________. The cloudiness is rather dense; fogs along the coast often hide the sun. The 5) _____________of London have a worldwide reputation. The 6) _______________nationalities are: English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. Everyone in Britain speaks 7)____________________. Great Britain is a highly-developed 8) _____________country. The flag of the United Kingdom is made of three crosses. Every country has a 9) ________________.

6. Speak about Great Britain


1. Study the words

  1. have power – иметь власть

  2. make laws – издавать законы

  3. rule – руководить, управлять

  4. reign – царствовать, править

  5. government – правительство, управление

  6. encourage – поддерживать, одобрять

  7. warn – предостерегать

  8. chamber – палата

  9. the House of Commons – Палата Общин

  10. the House of Lords – Палата Лордов

  11. hereditary – передаваемый по наследству

  12. elect – избирать

  13. bill – законопроект

2. Read the text about the political system of Great Britain. Translate the sentences with the new words.
The Political System of Great Britain
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. It means that there is a Queen (or King) and the Parliament. The Queen has almost no power in the country. Her powers are limited by the Parliament. Laws are made by the Parliament. The Queen is only a formal ruler: she reigns but does not rule. In fact everything that she does is done on the active of her ministers, who are responsible for the royal acts. Thus, most of her functions are symbolic. The United Kingdom is governed by the Government in the name of the Queen. But the Queen has all information, has the right to encourage and the right to warn. The Queen's residence in London is Buckingham Palace. Besides, she has some homes in England and Scotland.

The British Parliament consists of two cambers: the House оf Lords and the House of Commons. There are more than 1000 members in the House of Lords. Many seats are hereditary. The House of Commons has 635 members. They are elected by a general election (secret ballot). Any member may introduce a Bill and ask permission to bring it to the House for the first reading. After the third time reading the Bill goes to the House of Lords. If the Lords agree to a Bill, it will be placed before the Queen for signature. Then it becomes a law. The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is the leader of the party that has won the election. In Great Britain there are three main political parties: the Conservatives, the Labour Party and the Liberals.
3. Questions

  1. What does a parliamentary monarchy mean?

  2. What is the function of the Queen?

  3. What rights does the Queen have?

  4. What is the Queen’s residence in London?

  5. What chambers does the Parliament consist of?

  6. How does a bill become a law?

  7. Who is the head of the Government?

  8. What are the main political parties in Britain?

4. Fill in the table using the information from the text

The Political body

The Roles of the political body

5. Speak about the British political bodies and their roles

1. Study the names of London sights

  1. The City – Сити

  2. Westminster – Вестминстер

  3. The West End – Вест энд

  4. The East End – Ист энд

  5. the Tower of London – Тауэр

  6. St. Paul’s Cathedral – Собор святого Павла

  7. The Houses of Parliament– Здания Парламента

  8. Buckingham Palace– Букингемский дворец

  9. Westminster Abbey– Вестминстерское Аббатство

  10. Trafalgar Square – Трафальгарская площадь

  11. The National Gallery – Национальная галерея

  12. the British Museum – Британский музей

2. Find the English equivalents of the words

  1. разделен на несколько частей

  2. знаменитые исторические здания

  3. крепость

  4. королевская резиденция

  5. музей оружия

  6. центр правительства

  7. башня

  8. место, где проходят коронации монархов

  9. символ богатство и роскоши

  10. ознаменовывать

  11. художественная галерея

  12. содержать бесценную коллекцию

  13. древние рукописи

  14. промышленный район

  15. текстильная промышленность

3. Read the text about London

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, cultural and commercial centre. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 8 million.

London is a very old city. It was founded in the first century A.D. by the Romans. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are very different from each other.

The heart of London is the City – its commercial and business centre. There are many banks, offices and firms there. Few people live in the City. But over a million come to work here.

Two famous historic buildings are located in the City – the Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral. The Tower of London was built in the 11 the century. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence and a prison. Now it is a museum of armour.

A twenty minutes’ walk from the Tower will take you to another historic building – St Paul’s Cathedral. It was built in the 17th century by the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren.

Westminster is the centre of government. Here we can the Houses of Parliament with the famous clock “Big Ben” on one the towers. All government offices are in Whitehall. The official residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. The residence of Prime Minister is at 10 Downing Street.

Opposite the Houses of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. It is the place where all the coronations of the British monarchs take place. Many famous people are also buried in Westminister Abbey including statesmen, musicians and writes.

The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. There are the best shops, hotels, restaurants, houses and lovely gardens there. It includes Trafalgar Square, the main shopping areas of Oxford Street.

Trafalgar Square was built in the last century to commemorate the Battle of Trafalgar. Admiral Lord Nelson’s statue stands on top of a column in the middle of Trafalgar Square. The square makes a good place for people to meet. Behind Nelson’s column is the National Gallery, an art gallery in which you can find many old masters. Not far away from the National Gallery is the British Museum. It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures. It is famous for its library – one of the richest in the world.

The East End is an industrial district of London. It is famous as the centre of the clothing industry.
4. Complete the sentences
1. London is…

2.London was founded…

3.The city is divided into…

4.The City is…

5.There are … in the City.

6. St Paul’s Cathedral is…

7.The Tower of London is…

8.Westminster is…

9.In this part of London we can see…

10.Buckingham Palace is…

11.10 Downing Street is…

12.Westminster Abbey is the place where

13. The West End is…

14. At Trafalgar Square we can see…

15. The British Museum contains…

16. Oxford Street is…

17. The East End is…

5. Name the sights of London
1.It is a part of London. It is commercial and business centre. The Stock Exchange, the Bank of England are there.

2.It is a historic building. It was built in the 11th century. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence and a prison.

3.It is the centre of government.

4.It is the place where all the coronations of the British monarchs take place.

5.It is the official residence of the Queen.

6.It is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury.

7.It is an art gallery in which you can find many old masters.

8.It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures. It is famous for its library – one of the

richest in the world.

9.It is the main shopping area in London.

10.It is an industrial district of London.

11.It is the residence of Prime Minister.
6.Choose the correct variant.
1.London is divided into

a.two parts b.three parts c.four parts d.five parts

2.The commercial and business centre of London is

a.Westminster b.the East End c.the West End d.the City

3.The famous historic buildings of the City are

a.the British museum b.Big Ben c.the Tower of London d.St Paul’s Cathedral

4.Nowadays the Tower of London is a

a.prison b.museum of armour c.royal residence d.church

5.Westminster is the centre of

a.shopping b.industry c.tourism d.government

6.In Westminster you can see

a.the Houses of Parliament b.Trafalgar Square c.Buckingham Palace d.Big Ben

7.Westminster Abbey is the place where

a.the British Parliament seat

b.tourists buy souvenirs

c.coronations of the monarchs take place

d.people celebrate Christmas

8.The West End is

a.industrial part of London

b.historical part of London

c.the richest part of London

d.the most beautiful part of London

9.In the middle of Trafalgar there is

a.column b.column with a statue of Admiral Nelson c.museum d.gallery

10.You can find collections of ancient manuscripts, coins and sculptures in

a.the National Gallery b.the British Museum c.St Paul’s Cathedral d.the Tate Gallery
6. Speak about London

Great Britain is mainly an industrial country and most of the people there live in large cities.

  1. Manchester and Birmingham. Complete the sentences with the given words

live / cotton industry / capital / Great Britain / industrial / electronic equipment / places of interest / old / produced
Manchester is an industrial ____________ of the North of England. It’s a very ________city and the center of the _____________ as the climate of this city is good for producing cotton. In Manchester computers, ______________ , various machines and other things are made. It’s the third largest port in _____________. There are also ____________such as the Tower Hall, the Central Library, Manchester University, art galleries and cinemas.

Birmingham is another _____________heart of England. It’s the second largest city. More than one million people __________ there. A lot of motor cars, bicycles, radios, TV sets are ____________ in Birmingham.

  1. Cambridge and Oxford. Translate the sentences

Кембридж и Оксфорд – самые старые университетские города Великобритании. Их население состоит из учителей, профессоров и студентов. Многие великие люди учились в этих городах: Ньютон, Байрон, Дарвин и другие. В наши дни Кембридж известен как центр науки, где работают многие известные учёные.

  1. Edinburgh. Match the parts of the sentences

  1. Edinburgh is the capital of …

  2. About half a million people …

  3. It’s famous for …

  4. The Edinburgh International Festival is ..

  5. Leading musicians of the world and …

  • live in it.

  • held annually during three weeks in late August and early September.

  • world famous theatre companies always take part in it.

  • Scotland and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

  • its festivals, museums and libraries.

  1. Stratford – upon – Avon. Match the questions and the answers

  1. Where is Stratford – upon – Avon situated?

  2. What is this town famous for?

  3. How is the main street decorated?

  4. What do people wear?

  5. What do people do on the day of the anniversary?

  • Flags are hung in the main street.

  • People wear springs of rosemary in their buttonholes.

  • Every year the anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare is celebrated in it.

  • They go to the church where everyone puts a wreath or flowers at the poet’s grave.

  • Stratford – upon – Avon is a small town in the center of England

5.Speak about one of the British cities.

1.Match the word combinations and their meanings

  1. voluntary

  2. train in knotting

  3. organize a rally

  4. provide leisure facility

  5. urgent problem

  6. deal with facts

  7. make a promise

  8. do the duty

  9. obey the law

  10. have a motto

  11. strengthen the social system

  12. nuclear disarmament

  1. подчиняться закону

  2. организовывать митинг

  3. укреплять социальную систему

  4. добровольный

  5. ядерное разоружение

  6. иметь девиз

  7. обучать вязке узлов

  8. давать обещание

  9. неотложная проблема

  10. выполнять долг

  11. иметь дело с фактами

  12. обеспечивать условия для досуга

2.Complete the text with the correct information.

  1. His idea was to train boys in mapping, signaling, knotting, first aid and all the skills that would arise from camping and outdoor activities.

  2. It unites young people and organizes mass rallies and meetings, demonstrations, marches of protest, festivals.

  3. All youth organizations can be divided into three large groups

  4. Many of them have done and still are doing useful work in providing leisure facilities for young English people.

  5. It deals with most urgent ecological problems.

  6. Like a Scout a Girl Guide must be a friend to animals.

1.Youth and youth movement have become important factors in the life of the country. There are about 60 youth organizations in Great Britain. (1) ________________________________ : non-political organizations; youth organizations associated with political parties; youth organizations controlled by religious bodies.

2.The two largest non-political youth organizations are the associations of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides. There are about 1300000 boys and girls in them. The membership is voluntary. The Scout Association was formed in 1908 by General Baden Powell.
3. (2) ___________________________________ . A Scout was to make a promise that he would do his best to do his duty to God and the Queen, to help other people and to obey the Scout Law. The Boy Scouts had a left-handed handshake, a special badge and the motto “Be Prepared”.

4. The Girl Guides Association was founded by Baden Powell in 1910. The programme of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills including cookery, needlework, childcare. (3) ____________________________________ . The Girl Guides Association has extensive international links.

5.Youth Organization Greenpeace is a non-political organization.

(4) _____________________________ . It protests against nuclear weapon tests, sea and soil pollution, etc.
There are several youth organizations associated with political parties. One of them is The Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (YCND). (5) _______________________________.
As you see, all these organizations aim at preserving and strengthening the social and political system existing in the country. (6) ________________________________________________ .

1.Study the new words

  1. achieve (gain) – приобретать, достигать

  2. honor – удостаивать, чтить

  3. change – изменять

  4. contribution – вклад

  5. assimulate – усваивать, впитывать

  6. performance (performer) – выступление, концерт (исполнитель)

  7. remain - оставаться

  8. release – выпускать

  9. form, join, name – создавать, присоединяться, давать название

  10. lineup – состав

  11. win – выигрывать, побеждать

  12. fusion – смешение

  13. nominate for – номинировать на

  14. artistic – артистический, художественный

  15. top – достигать вершины, быть первым

  16. rank – занимать к-л место

2.Match two parts together

  1. achieve (gain)

  2. be

  3. change

  4. contribution

  5. assimulate

  6. live

  7. remain

  8. release

  9. form (join, name)

  10. lineup of

  11. win

  12. fusion of

  13. nominate for

  14. artistic

  15. top

  16. international

  17. rank

  • a band

  • number 1

  • performance or performer

  • honored

  • an award

  • popularity and success

  • fame

  • various genres

  • lives for better

  • the chart

  • to music

  • «The Beatles»

  • a single, an album, a record

  • the best band of all times

  • achievements

  • Grammy Awards

  • rock, pop and heavy metal

3. Translate into English

  1. Группа достигла популярности и успеха в 1962.

  2. Музыка этой группы меняет жизни людей к лучшему.

  3. В прошлом году группа выпустила третий альбом.

  4. Этот музыкант известен своими «живыми» выступлениями.

  5. Музыканты назвали свою группу «Coldplay».

  6. Каждый музыкант хочет получить награду Греми.

  7. Они были номинированы на «Лучшую рок группу».

  8. Этот альбом возглавил чарты в Великобритании.

  9. Состав группы был постоянным.

  10. Их музыка – это смешение разных жанров.

4.Read and translate the text. Are there any new words in the text?

The Beatles
The Beatles is a legendary English rock band which was formed in Liverpool in 1960. The band consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The group worked in different genres, ranging from folk rock to psychedelic pop. They achieved natural popularity and success in late 1962 with their first single which was called "Love Me Do". The Beatles was influenced by famous singers as Elvis Presley, Little Richard and Chuck Berry. The Beatles is a classical rock band of the 20th century. Also, The Beatles were honored as the most important and influential people of the last century. They achieved fascinating success and they are still popular in present time. The Beatles is a band which has changed a lot of lives for the better even mine.
5.Read and translate the text. Are there any new words in the text?
The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in April 1962 by guitarist and harmonica player Brian Jones, pianist Ian Stewart, vocalist Mick Jagger and guitarist Keith Richards. The Rolling Stones are notable (замечательный, выдающийся) in modern popular music for assimilating (усваивать, впитывать) various musical genres into their own collective sound. Throughout the band's career, their musical contributions have been marked by a continual reference (связь) and reliance (опора) on musical styles including blues, rhythm and blues, country, folk, reggae, dance, and world music.
6.Read and translate the text. Are there any new words in the text?
Queen is a reputed (известная) British rock band which got formed during the year 1970. This band actually contained a lead vocalist by the name Freddie Mercury, drummer Roger Taylor and bassist John Deacon. They have been portrayed (описывать, изображать) as greatest live performers ever and they have produced the greatest hit single in music history and they remain as best British pop band of all times. They have published fifteen studio albums, 5 live albums. The band had great success in UK during 1970s and later they gained an international success both commercially and critically. Their success continues during eighties and nineties. Mercury was diagnosed and found HIV positive during the year 1991 and he died of Bronchopneumonia which is an AIDS complication. They still remain as one of the top rock bands in UK.

1.Read the text and find the English equivalents of the given words.
1.считаться наиболее консервативным

2.иметь свои традиции и обычаи

3.придавать большое значение

4.гордиться своими традициями

5.тщательно соблюдать традиции

The British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.
2.Translate the text
May Celebrations

There are many celebrations in May, especially in the countryside. The British like to celebrate the end of winter. Much of this celebration is connected with dancing, which is performed to encourage life and growth and drive away harmful spirits and welcome in the new ones.Easter is celebrated as a spring or a religious holiday. The symbol of Easter is an Easter egg. It is usually made of chocolate. People grace their tables with eggs on this day.
3.Read the text about Halloween. Make up the word combinations in the table and translate them.

Halloween is a night on which witches and ghosts come out. So many people dress up in unusual costumes and paint their faces to deceive the evil spirits. People take part in parades and carry lots of orange pumpkins in the hands. In fact, this holiday has a Celtic origin. The Celts celebrated the coming of New Year on that day.

1.witches and ghosts

2.dress up



5.take part




  • in parades

  • the coming of New Year

  • evil spirits

  • come out

  • a Celtic origin

  • faces

  • in unusual costumes

  • orange pumpkins

4.Read the text and answer the questions.
Christmas Day
Christmas Day ( December 25 ) is the main public holiday celebrated as the birth of Christ. It is a family holiday. The people stay at home and spend the time with their families. Every house tries to have a Christmas tree decorated with strings of colored lights and bulbs. The presents are placed under the tree. Usually the whole family has a big Christmas dinner. It consists of turkey, a Christmas pudding and pies.
1.What is the main public holiday in Britain?

2.What is celebrated on this day?

3.Is it a family holiday?

4.With whom do the people spend time on Christmas?

5.What does every house tries to have?

6.What is placed under the Christmas tree?

7.What does a big Christmas dinner consist of?
5.Speak about the holiday and tradition you like.

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