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  • Complex Subject

  • Упр. 437. Перефразируйте следующие пред-лоэкения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

  • Упр. 439. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное подлежащее.


  • I If the weather is fine, we shall play

  • II If the weather were

  • Если бы ты мне позвонил (сегодня, завтра)

  • Если бы погода была хорошая (вчера)

  • (to be)

  • I had seen her, I should have been

  • Упр. 441. Перепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды, образуя предложения нереального условия: а) относящиеся к настоящему или будущему (II тип), Ь) относящиеся к прошедшему (III тип).

  • Упр. 443. Произнесите вслух все возможные условные предложения II типа, используя подстановочную таблицу. (Упражнение на выработку автоматизма речи)

  • Упр. 444. Произнесите вслух все возможные условные предложения III типа, используя подстановочную таблицу. (Упражнение на выработку автоматизма речи)

  • Английский. Голицынский - Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнении. Артикль запомните следующие правила. Перед каждым нарицательным существительным должен стоять артикль. Если вы не употребляете перед существительным артикль, вы должны уметь объяснить, почему.

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    Упр. 435. следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее">Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

    E.g. We heard that a car stopped outside the door, A car was heard to stop outside the door. It is believed that the poem was written by Byron. The poem is believed to have been written by Byron.

    1. We know Bernard Shaw to have been a very witty man. 2. People consider the climate there to be very healthful. 3. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving next week. 4. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 5, It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 6. It is believed that the poem was

    written by an unknown soldier. 7. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new comedy. 8. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 9. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 10. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for the liver. 11. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. 12. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer. 13. It is said that this man was very handsome in his youth. 14. It was reported that five ships were missing after the battle.

    Следующие глаголы в предложениях, содержащих Complex Subject, употребляются в Active Voice.

    to seem, to appear, to turn out, to happen

    Упр. 436. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.

    1. Irving turned out to be a long, pale-faced fellow. 2. His office turned out to be in one of the back streets. 3. He appeared to be an ideal man. 4, She doesn't seem to want to do anything I suggest. 5. He turned out to have no feeling whatever for his nephew. 6. This appeared to amuse the policeman. 7. You can easily get in through the window if the door happens to be locked. 8. The peasants did not seem to see her. 9. The Gadfly seemed to have taken a dislike to Signora Grassini from the time of their first meeting. 10. You don't seem to have done any great thing to yourself by going away. 11. "Jim," he said at last, in a voice that did not seem to belong to him. 12. Money just doesn't happen to interest me. 13. In the middle of the lecture Dr. Sommerville happened to pause and look out of the window. 14. From the very first men. turn of Long John, I was afraid that he might turn out to be the very one-legged sailor whom I had watched for so long at the inn. 15. Clyde seemed to have been thinking of no one else but Sondra since their last meeting. 16. Clyde appeared to have forgotten of his promise to spend his spare eve. mugs with Roberta. 17. She appeared to be an excellent actress. 18. One day a Hare happened to moot a Tortoise. 19. The Tortoise seemed to be moving very slowly. 20. The Hare turned out to be the loser of the race. 21. The apparatus seemed to be in excellent condition. 22. You appear to have found in him something that I have missed. 23. This work seems to take much time. 24. The operation seemed to be a complicated one. 25. The new methods of work appear to be very effective. 26, The percentage of carbon in this steel turned out to be low.

    Упр. 437. Перефразируйте следующие пред-лоэкения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

    E.g. It appeared that they had lost the way. They appeared to have lost the way.

    1. It seems they know all about it. 2. It seems they have heard all about it. 3. It seemed that the discussion was coming to an end. 4. It seems that you don't approve of the idea. 5. It seemed that the house had not been lived in for a long time. 6. It appeared that he was losing patience. 7. It appeared that he had not heard what had been said-8. It happened that I was present at the opening session. 9. It so happened that I overheard their conversation. 10. It turned out that my prediction was correct. 11. It turned out that the language of the article was quite easy.

    Запомните следующие предложения, содержащие Complex Subject

    He is likely to win the prize. — Похоже, что

    он выиграет приз.

    Hie is sure to come. — Он обязательно


    Упр. 438. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на словосочетания to be likely to, to be sure to.

    1. Mr. Worthing is sure to be back soon. 2. These two young people are sure to be very good friends. 3. You are sure to be there tomorrow night, aren't you? 4. We most of us want a good many things that we are not likely to get. 5. He is sure to tell me all about this even if I don't ask him. 6. When Sondra said that they were sure to meet again, she saw Clyde's face suddenly brighten. 7. If we go on arguing, we are sure to quarrel. 8. They are sure to acknowledge your talent. 9. He is sure to give us some useful information. 10. The article is likely to appear in the next issue of the journal. U. She is not likely to change her opinion.

    12. They were sure to come to an understanding.

    13. Don't worry: everything is sure to turn out all right. 14. This new course of treatment is sure to help your grandmother.

    Упр. 439. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

    1. Известно, что марсианские каналы были открыты в 1877 году. 2. Предполагают, что заседание закончится в десять часов. 3. Полагают, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать. 4. Джим оказался храбрым мальчиком. 5. Рочестер случайно встретил Джейн по дороге домой. 6. Говорят, что он работает над своим изобретением уже несколько лет. 7. Говорят, что эта статья переведена на все языки мира. 8. Вы, кажется, много читали до поступления в университет. 9. Как известно, Жукове кий был прекрасным педагогом и лектором. 10. Никак не ожидали, что холодная погода наступит так рано. 11. Оказалось, что мы уже когда-то встречались. 12. Вы, кажется, устали. 13. Условия работы оказались более трудными, чем предполагалось. 14. Вы случайно не знаете этого человека? 15. Книга, которую вы мне дали, оказалась скучной. 16. Новые автобусы оказались очень удобными. 17. Из трех сестер Брон-те Шарлотта считается наиболее талантливой. 18. Как известно, английская писательница Войнич жила в течение нескольких лет в Петербурге и изучала русскую литературу. Считают, что русская литература оказала влияние на ее творчество. 19. Ваш приятель, кажется, очень интересуется древней историей. 20. Известно, что римляне построили на Британских островах хорошие дороги. 21. Полагают, что поэма «Беовульф» была написана в VIII веке. 22. Вальтер Скотт считается создателем исторического романа. 23. Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места назначения. 24. Я случайно знаю номер его телефона. 25. Он оказался хорошим спортсменом. 26. Он, кажется, пишет новую статью: кажется, он работает над ней уже две недели. 27. Я случайно встретил его в Москве. 28. Говорят, что это здание было построено в XVII веке.




    Запомните три типа условных предложений

    I If the weather is fine, we shall play outside.

    If you ring me up, I shall tell you something.

    Если погода будет хорошая, мы будем играть на открытом воздухе.

    Если ты мне позвонишь, я тебе кое-что расскажу.

    II If the weather were fine, we should play outside.

    If you rang me up, I should tell you something.

    Если бы погода была хорошая (сегодня; завтра), мы бы играли на

    открытом воздухе.

    Если бы ты мне позвонил (сегодня, завтра), я бы тебе кое-что рассказал.

    Ill If the weather had been fine, we should have played outside.

    If you had rung me up, I should have told you something.

    Если бы погода была хорошая (вчера), мы бы играли на открытом воздухе.

    Если бы ты мне позвонил (вчера), я бы тебе кое-что рассказал.

    Упр. 440. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения I, II и III типов.

    E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.

    If you are free, I shall come to see you. If you were free, I should come to sec you. If you had been free, I should have come , to see you. If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

    If I see her, I shall be glad.

    If I saw her, I should be glad.

    If I had seen her, I should have been glad.

    1. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 2. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyak-ov Gallery every year. 3. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 4. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 5. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 6. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university. 7. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 8. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea parly, 9. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 10. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the examination.

    Упр. 441. Перепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды, образуя предложения нереального условия: а) относящиеся к настоящему или будущему (II тип), Ь) относящиеся к прошедшему (III тип).

    1. If I am not too busy, I shall go to the concert. 2. If no one comes to help, we shall be obliged to do the work ourselves. 3. If you put on your glass-

    live in the south

    I shall

    bathe every day.

    come home late

    go to bed at once.

    live in the country

    often go to the wood.

    go to the wood

    gather many mushrooms.

    receive his letter

    be very happy.

    fall ill

    go to the doctor.

    find my book

    be very glad.

    lose my money

    be very sorry.

    see my friend

    ask his advice.

    Упр. 443. Произнесите вслух все возможные условные предложения II типа, используя подстановочную таблицу. (Упражнение на выработку автоматизма речи)

    [ wish

    in the south

    1 should

    bathe every day.

    I were

    at home

    go to bed.

    if I were

    in the country

    go to the wood.

    in the wood

    gather many mushrooms.

    at the camp

    have a very good time.

    a scientist

    invent a time machine

    a composer

    write beautiful music.

    a poet

    write beautiful poetry.

    a writer

    write interesting novels

    a spaceman

    fly to other planets.

    a sailor

    sail to Africa.

    Упр. 444. Произнесите вслух все возможные условные предложения III типа, используя подстановочную таблицу. (Упражнение на выработку автоматизма речи)

    I wish I had

    translated the article yesterday

    I should have

    found out all about this dis-


    met you yesterday

    told you some-


    read this new book

    told you about it.

    seen your brother

    asked him to


    come to our


    I bought a diction-

    translated the



    learned my lesson

    got a good mark.

    rung him up yes-

    found out all


    about his illness

    gone to the library

    got that book.

    had more practice in chess

    won the game yesterday.

    joined you in fish-

    caught a lot of



    had a ticket yes-

    gone to the thea


    tre with you.

    asked you to help

    done the work



    called at that shop

    bought the book.

    called on my friend yesterday

    met interesting people

    won the champion-

    been sent



    heard about it yes-


    been pleased.

    cs, you will see better. 4. What shall we do if they are late? 5. Will you be very angry if we don't come? 6. Will he be very displeased if I don't ring him up? 7. They will all be surprised if I make such a mistake. 8. If he doesn't come in tune, shall we have to wait for him?
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