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часть; the back ofthe house - задняя часть дома; the back ofone’s head - затылок; the back ofthe chair - спинка стула; at the back ofone’s mind - в глубине души; a back seat - заднее сиденье; a back street - глухая (отдаленная от центра) улица; a back vowel - гласный звук заднего ряда; back teeth (rows, etc.) - задние зубы (ряды и т.п.); back adv - сзади, позади; назад; to go back - вернуться, пойти назад (в обратном направлении); to run back - побежать назад; to be back - вернуться (состояние); to come back - вернуться (действие)-, to go back on one’s word - нарушить слово; One cannot rely on a person who goes back on his word. - Нельзя полагаться на человека, который не держит слова. to keep smth. back from smb. - скрывать что-либо от кого-либо; You needn’t keep this news back from him. - Тебе не нужно скрывать от него эту новость. back from - в стороне от, вдалеке от; The house stood back from the road. - Дом стоял в стороне от дороги. back and forth - туда-сюда, взад и вперед; to walk (run, fly) back and forth - ходить (бегать, летать) туда-сюда; backbreaking - изнурительный; backbreaking work - изнурительная (непосильная, каторжная) работа; backbone - 1) позвоночник, хребет; 2) основа, суть; to the backbone (fig.) - до мозга костей, во всех отношениях, насквозь; He is Russian to the backbone.- Он русский до мозга костей. background - 1) фон; on (against) the background ofsmth. - на фоне чего-либо; The white house stood out on the background ofthe green I rees. - Белый дом выделялся на фоне зеленых деревьев. on (against) a white (black, red) background - на белом (черном, красном) фоне; 2) задний план; in the background (foreground) of a picture - на заднем (переднем) плане картины; to keep (stay, remain, be) in the background - держаться (оставаться) в тени; She is very shy and always keeps in the background. - Она очень робкая и всегда держится в тени. 3) а) подготовка; образование; квалификация; б) биографические или анкетные данные; происхождение; связи и окружение; моральный облик; общественное положение; Tell me your background. - Расскажите мне о себе, backward - отсталый; backward district - отсталый регион; backward child - умственно или физически отсталый ребенок; backward people - отсталые люди (отсталый народ); backward(s) - назад, в обратном направлении (порядке); Can you spell the word backwards? - Вы можете назвать слово по буквам задом наперед (в обратном порядке)? 6. require vt - требовать, нуждаться; to require extra help - нуждаться в дополнительной помощи; The matter requires great care. - Это дело требует большой осторожности. Не did all that was required of him. - Он сделал все, что от него требовалось. syn. demand - (настоятельно) требовать; The policeman demanded his name. - Полицейский потребовал, чтобы он назвал свое имя. The strikers demanded immediate payment. - Забастовщики потребовали, чтобы им заплатили немедленно. requirement - 1) требование; 2) нужда, потребность; the requirement of the law - требования закона; to meet the requirements of the people - удовлетворять потребности людей (требованиям людей); What are the requirements for entering this institute? - Каковы требования к поступающим в этот институт? 7. reference - 1) справка; ссылка (на кого-либо, что-либо), упоминание (о ком-либо, чем-либо); You should make reference to a dictionary. - Вы должны справиться в словаре. The book is full of references to places I know well. - В книге часто упоминаются места, которые мне хорошо знакомы. 2) рекомендация, отзыв; The clerk has excellent references from former employers. - У этого служащего хорошие рекомендации от его прежних нанимателей. 3) ссылка; сноска; Не dislikes history books that are crowded with references to earlier authorities. - Ему не нравятся книги по истории, в которых слишком много ссылок на источники. refer vt/i - 1) посылать, направлять (за справкой, помощью и т.п.); I was referred to the manager. - Мне посоветовали обратиться к менеджеру. refer to smth., smb. - 1) упоминать кого-либо, что-либо, говорить о ком-либо, чем-либо; 2) относиться, иметь отношение к чему-либо, кому-либо; Don’t refer to this matter again. - Пожалуйста, не говори больше об этом деле (не упоминай больше этот вопрос). Does that remark refer to me? - Это замечание относится ко мне? refer to smth. - 3) обращаться за информацией, справляться; The speaker often referred to his notes. - Оратор часто заглядывал в свои записи. 8. temper - нрав, характер, душевный склад; a person of even (pleasant, fiery, etc.) temper - человек ровного (приятного, необузданного и т.п.) нрава; to have an even (sweet, uncertain, etc.) temper - иметь ровный (приятный, капризный и т.п.) нрав; quick temper - вспыльчивость; hot-tempered - вспыльчивый, горячий; good-tempered - уравновешенный, с хорошим характером; bad-tempered - злой, раздражительный; 2) настроение, расположение духа; to be in a good (bad, calm, friendly, etc.) temper - быть в хорошем (плохом, спокойном, дружелюбном) расположении духа, настроении; to be in a forgiving temper - быть настроенным великодушно; 3) вспыльчивость, раздражительность, несдержанность; крутой нрав, ярость; to lose one’s temper - выйти из себя, не сдержаться, вспылить, потерять самообладание; to control (to keep) one’s temper - владеть собой, сдерживаться; to get (to fly) into a temper about smth. - вспылить из- за чего-либо; to be in a temper - быть раздраженным, злиться; I was surprised, but I did not lose my temper. - Я удивился, но не потерял самообладания. There is nothing to fly into a temper about. - Тут не из-за чего злиться. Joseph saw that she was fighting to keep her temper. - Джозеф видел, что она старается сдержать раздражение. 9. display vt - 1) демонстрировать, выставлять, показывать; to display pictures (paintings) in a gallery - выставлять картины в галерее; to display goods in a shop-window - выставлять товары в витрине; 2) проявлять, демонстрировать, выказывать; to display courage (heroism, anxiety) - проявить мужество ( героизм, беспокойство); to display contempt for one’s feelings - продемонстрировать презрение к чьим-либо чувствам; to display no enthusiasm - не выказывать энтузиазма; display n - 1) демонстрация, показ; выставка; 2) проявление, демонстрация; a display ofcourage - проявление мужества; a display of bad temper - вспышка раздражения; a fashion display - демонстрация мод; 3) выставление напоказ; to make a display of one’s affection - выставлять напоказ свою любовь; There was a fine display offlowers at the exhibition. - На выставке была великолепная экспозиция цветов. 10. decent adj - 1) приличный, хороший; decent clothes - приличная одежда; decent conditions - приличные условия; decent marks - хорошие (приличные) оценки; 2) приличный, порядочный, (благо)пристойный; decent fellow - славный малый, порядочный человек; decent conduct - приличное поведение; decent book (film) - пристойная книга (-ый фильм); хорошая книга (-ий фильм); decency п - 1) приличие, благопристойность; 2) порядочность; вежливость; Не doesn’t know the meaning of shame or common decency. - У него нет ни стыда, ни малейшего представления о приличиях. Have the decency to admit it. - Имей честность это признать. Word Combinations and Phrases to take (some) pains to do smth. - прилагать (некоторые) усилия, чтобы сделать что-либо; to have a pretty good idea of- иметь неплохое представление о чем-либо; reasonably fair - достаточно честные; to make comment on - высказаться о; to make no comment on - ничего не сказать о чем-либо, никак не прокомментировать что-либо; in fact - фактически, на самом деле, собственно говоря; to set smb. a task - дать кому-либо задание; to feel frustrated* - чувствовать досаду и разочарование из-за того, что вы не можете изменить ситуацию; to play into smb’s. hands - играть кому-либо на руку, лить воду на чью-либо мельницу; utter disrespect - полное неуважение, отсутствие какого- либо уважения. _________________________________________________________________ *Frustrated is not a synonym of upset or worried. It means annoyed/upset and impatient because you are feeling helpless under the circumstances. Exercise 4, p. 78 1. She had a pretty good idea ofthe kind ofperson Lydia was. 2. The boy took (great) pains to make his mother buy him a puppy. 3. She made no comment. 4. Julia felt frustrated because her parents’ health was failing and there was nothing she could do about it. 5. The manager set a task to John/set John a task. 6. Your actions played into Katie’s hands. 7. The teacher felt frustrated because there was nothing he could do to help his pupils. 8. The sums are rather difficult, but the pupils have a pretty good idea ofhow to cope with them. 9. The young mother felt frustrated because she thought her baby was developing too slowly. 10. Pamela always plays into her friends’ hands. 11. She is too discreet to show her utter disrespect for the fellow. 12. The doctor made no comment on the accident. 13. I have a pretty good idea ofher plans for the future. 14. In fact we had a very pleasant voyage. 15. She feels frustrated about the paintings. 16. I felt frustrated because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep them that way 17. Jane Pucell felt frustrated because she couldn’t do anything about the tense atmosphere in the class. Exercise 5, p. 78 1. Getting angry with you/Getting mad at you (To get angry with you) is playing (to play) into your hands. 2. I was set a very difficult task, and I had to perform it. 3. We can buy this suite offurniture, it is expensive, but reasonably so. 4. The young teacher felt frustrated because not all the pupils of his class could read expressively. 5. I can’t say that I liked this performance, in fact I was bored to death. 6. Fortune played into our hands, and we found what we had been looking for. 7. She always worries about her son when he goes away. 8. Mr. Potter made no comment on the speech. 9. I have a pretty good idea why she visits me every week. 10. I have a deep and sincere respect for you, but my utter disrespect for your brother makes our friendship impossible. 11. In fact he set us a task. 12. You needn’t worry (feel frustrated) about this news. 13. Her utter disrespect did not make things any easier for the family (didn’t make the family’s life any easier). Exercise 9, p. 79 1. Each Friday morning all the pupils ofthe school spent the lesson which immediately preceded the recess in writing an account of the events of their school week including comments and criticism. 2.... he would tolerate no attempts on the part of the teachers to influence the content ofthe pupils’ weekly reviews. 3. Everyone and everything was open to criticism/could be questioned and criticized. 4. It does good to both pupils and teacher. 5. It would make no sense to be angry with them for drawing attention to such things/There would be no point in getting angry with them for calling attention to such things. 6.... the wise teacher will see the direction in which the interests of each pupil and the class as a whole are changing. 7. I wanted very much to discover what they thought of me/how they looked on me (I was eager to find out how they viewed me). 8.... they probably thought that I would soon quit and leave them just as the many teachers who had taught them before. 9. Only my own efforts could eventually make them respect and obey me/Only through my own efforts could I find a way to reach them. 10.... I was not up to the mark/I had not managed to reach the necessary standard. 11. ... an effort to give the children something that would arouse their interest and stimulate their minds. 12. ... as attentively as a birdwatcher watches a rare bird. 13. ... illustrations from the familiar things oftheir daily life. 14. ... it was as though there was a secret agreemant to show no interest in what I taught them (to be bored by whatever I told them), and all my attempts to treat them without ceremony offormality failed pathetically. 15.... I bore it trying to look as self-confident as possible. 16.... it was a sign that they were about/ready to go over to the third stage oftheir conduct. 17.... everything they said or did showed that they were wicked. Exercise 2, p. 81 A. 1. Теперь Энтони писал из школы коротао и наспех. 2. Ни один мальчик из обучавшихся в школе ни разу не получил стипендии для продолжения учебы в университете. 3. Она здесь с начала занятий. 4. Школа будет закрыта до конца триместра. 5. Он восхищался Буше, Ватто и всеми живописцами этой школы. 6. Несомненно, в каком-то смысле у Кларка было перед ним моральное преимущество. 7. Я знал, что Сэди - известная лгунья и не остановится ни перед какой ложью, лишь бы добиться какого угодно, пусть даже временного преимущества. 8. Иными словами, почему бы не воспользоваться солнечной погодой до того, как все снова затянется туманом? 9- Возможно, вы считаете, что я просто- напросто попросил вас шпионить для достижения своих целей. 10. Форма выгодно подчеркивала достоинства его фигуры. 11. Мэри честно признала свои ошибки и раскаялась. 12. Из всех посетителей в комнату больного допустили лишь миссис Тертон. 13- Некоторые английские университеты понизили требования к поступающим по некоторым предметам, чтобы принять больше студентов. 14. Я очень взбодрился, узнав, что меня согласились принять в члены такой компании/Стать членом такой компании было очень приятно и волнительно. 15. Вы боитесь, что, если вы скажете правду, я подумаю, что вы были замешаны в этом вместе с Венглером. 16. Наши новые театры рассчитаны на большое количество зрителей. 17. Но тетушка Мэйм была не из тех, кто готов признать себя побежденным. 18. Он улыбнулся, услышав ее нечаянное признание в том, что она была бы счастлива и без Чарльза. 19. От чахотки человек быстро теряет силы. 20. Выключи воду, не трать ее попусту. 21. На пустырях за чертой города сейчас строится множество жилых домов. 22. Мотовство до нужды доведет. 23. Я чувствовал себя так, словно от меня осталась лишь бледная тень, точь-в- точь как какая-нибудь фигура на заднем плане старой картины. 24. Для нее была приготовлена комната на втором этаже в задней части дома. 25. «Вы англичанин?» - спросил я, не задумываясь о том, тактично ли звучит мой вопрос. «Разумеется. Не думаете же вы, что я похож на американца? Британец до мозга костей, вот я кто». 26. Мы сидели на земле, прислонясь спиной к стене. 27. У вас еще осталась бумага? - Сойдет и это, пишите на обороте карты. 28. На тебя устремляют красноречивый взор, в котором можно легко прочесть все, что только может быть сказано в подобной ситуации в цивилизованном обществе, и ты, пятясь, быстро выходишь из комнаты и закрываешь за собой дверь. 29. Когда о тебе судачат у тебя за спиной, нет никакой возможности что-либо отрицать. 30. Работа была тяжелая и изнурительная, но ее необходимо было сделать. В. 1. Повторять одно и то же три раза все с тем же жаром - на это способна только женская натура. 2. Бекки и в самом деле хотела от мужчины только одного, - чтобы он умел ее рассмешить. 3- Мне следовало помнить, что, когда человек начинает совершенно новую жизнь, ему необходимо регулярное и здоровое питание. 4. В ответ на полученную телеграмму он сообщил, что помощь ему не нужна. 5. Остин с удовольствием читал и запоминал великие речи независимо от того, требовала ли этого программа обучения или нет. 6. Он знает, что от него требуется? 7. Он ответил по памяти/сразу, не заглядывая в документы. 8. Говоря о ее отце, он всегда называл его доктором Ламбертом. 9. Я немного стеснялся говорить о вещах, которые совершенно меня не касались. 10. Я пробормотал какие-то вежливые слова, которые могли с одинаковым успехом относиться как к ее последней реплике, так и к самому саду. 11. Она ни словом не упомянула о том разговоре, который состоялся у нас накануне. 12. Кажется, она работала в справочной библиотеке. 13. Все, что нам нужно - это отличные рекомендации. 14. Старая миссис Рэмедж, похоже, получает удовольствие, демонстрируя свой дурной (крутой) нрав. 15. Линда побледнела как смерть от гнева и разочарования. 16. Сэмюэлу удалось полностью преодолеть свое раздражение/преодолеть свой дурной нрав. 17. Он научился не терять выдержки, какой бы ни была политическая ситуация, и использовать в своих интересах несдержанность других. 18. В ней снова закипал гнев при мысли о том, что этот наглый грубиян все слышал. 19. Кларк был человек гостеприимный, и ему нравилось, чтобы на буфете всегда стояло блюдо с фруктами. 20. Павлин распустил свой красивый хвост. 21. Англичане наградили меня медалью за проявление, как они выразились, «выдающейся отваги в бою». 22. Бродвин быстро подошла к столу и с веселым видом принялась за обед (и принялась за обед, всячески демонстрируя свою веселость). 23. Мэри уже неплохо зарабатывала, работая в конторе (в магазине) у Ларкин- са. 24. Я мало его знала, но я чувствовала, что по натуре (в глубине души) он человек порядочный и разумный. 25. Я продолжал идти с той же скоростью, пока он не остался далеко позади. 26. Это было короткое письмо, полное страстных упреков, которое я по молодости лет счел не вполне пристойным. Exercise 3, р. 83 A. 1. At twelve he had to drop out of/leave school and to go to work as a Western Union messenger boy. 2. Are schools any better in Australia? 3. All the school turned out to welcome the celebrity. 4. She has a nice voice, but she hasn’t had any schooling. 5. I had an advantage which I didn’t want to lose. 6. He knows how to show his knowledge to advantage. 7. The boy was permitted to sit up for a few hours, but he never used the privilege to advantage. 8. I wonder at your capacity for admitting/ acknowfedging facts no matter how unpleasant they may be. 9. Many oversea students were admitted to the University last year. 10. She was short-sighted, but hated to admit it. 11. Iadmit I took several things from my uncle’s drawer, but I won’t have it called a theft. 12. The door opened to admit a tall man. 13. She absolutely believes his version and will admit no other. 14. Percy is always so careful in money matters. He hates waste. 15. He was wasting (away) so quickly that he constantly seemed to need a smaller size. 16. The “natural method” oflearning a language is admirable for infants and a waste oftime and effort for other people. 17. I don’t see how you expect to get your strength back if you don’t take/admit something nourishing into the system. 18. You know, Thomas, I don’t like discussing her behind her back. B. 1. This kind ofwork requires a lot of time. 2. He said they did not require documents. 3. Let’s hope that no such terrible sacrifice will be required of you. 4. There is no art, no skill required for that sort of thing. 5. All the equipment required for experiments was simple. 6. I soon learned that my services would be required on the stage this evening. 7. The clerk had excellent references. 8. I was referred to the manager. 9. Don’t refer to the matter again. 10. Does this remark refer to me? I I. I’m sure she didn’t mean it, she said it in a temper. 12. I’ve never seen her fly/get into a temper/lose her temper. 13. She is a woman of a gentle temper (She is sweet-tempered). 14. You would never have said such an absurd thing if you had not lost your temper (had not been in a temper). 15. I was used to his outbursts, but still I had to make an effort to keep/control my temper. 16. Department stores display their goods in the windows. 17. She managed not to display her emotions when she was told ofher son’s illness. 18. He was always very decent to me. 19. Put on some decent clothes before you go out. 20. He gave us quite a decent dinner. 21. Here I was looking forward to a decent night’s sleep. Exercise 4, p. 84 A. 1. He belongs to a new trend in linguistics/His ideas are in keeping with a new theory in linguistics. 2. I have known it since I was a child/a teenager. 3. Evidently the boy was beaten either by his schoolmates or by someone he met on the way home from school. 4. At eighteen Andrew found himself alone, a first-year student at St. Andrew University. The University gave him forty pounds a year, and that was his only source of income. 5. After dinner there is a period ofrecreation before afternoon classes, 6. When (he was) a child he was a bad pupil/his teachers were dissatisfied with his progress/his teachers didn’t think much ofhim and as a rule gave him bad marks. 7. Rain’s arrival created a stir. The eyes of all the teachers and pupils were turned away from the cricket field. 8. I was in a better position ofcourse, because I knew everybody there/Of course, I had the advantage ofknowing everybody there/I was one-up, ofcourse, because I knew everybody there. 9. They profited by our disadvantages and did it with remarkable speed. 10. It was obvious that she was far better than the other teachers/ that she outshone the other teachers. 11. Because one man agrees that we (they, you) have been defeated (Because one man acknowledges defeat/having been defeated/being defeated, it doesn’t mean that everybody else does. 12. Sam was taken into his master’s confidence. 13. I tried to spare you. In all fairness you must acknowledge that I did. 14. The fascists devastated/ ravaged/destroyed many towns and villages. 15. Too much stuff is thrown away in the house. 16 . Caroline had foolishly spent/squandered her life on being hopelessly devoted to a man who did not deserve it. 17. She looked at the girl and knew well that argument or reason would be lost on her/that there would be no point in using argument ofreason. 18. He is Russian to the core/He is every inch a Russian/He is Russian through and through. 19. He said he would help us but didn’t do anything/but didn’t lift a finger/but didn’t keep his word/but broke his promise/but went back on his word. 20. I will keep my word (promise)/1 shall not break my word (promise). 21. Can you say the alphabet not from A to 2 but vice versa? 22. Why did you say the alphabet not from A to 2 but from Z to A? 23. Why did you hold back/conceal the fact? 24. I hope you will support my plan. 25. She always tries/She always does her best not to attract attention. B. 1. We need extra help, I think. 2. Haven’t I done all that was demanded ofme/all that I was supposed (expected) to do? 3. Everyone must obey the law. 4. I’m sure documents must be produced there. 5. Anyway you needn’t see/don’t need to see them again. 6. She had an infinite capacity for patience when patience was needed. 7. It would take two hours to assemble everybody. 8. The neighbour heard the little girl call the woman “mother”/address the woman as “mother”. 9. What I have to say concerns all ofyou. 10. Historians date the fall of Rome to/from 410 A.D./Historians say that Rome fell in 410. 11. He believed the cause of his depressions was the illness he had had when he was a child/He ascribed/put down his depressions to his childhood illness. 12. All the parts are connected to each other. 13. You can give the landlord my respect, if you like, and tell him I hope he doesn’t fly offthe handle as often as he used to. 14. Among the excellent and decided characteristics of General Fesmond’s wife, gentleness was less obvious than the rest. 15. If Charles had inherited any of the quail- ties of the stern, fearless, irascible soldier who had been his lather... 16. Your younger son shows (up) great intelligence. 17. He proudly showed/demonstrated the variegated smears of paint on his heavy dressing gown. 18. The old man was insa- tiably curious about the galleries and the painters who exhibited in them. 19. He is quite a nice fellow. 20. He has always been nice to me. 21. Salvia had not the delicacy to show even a moment ofhesitation. Exercise 5, p. 85 school(s) - schooling 1. Nursery schools are for those who haven’t yet reached compulsory school age. 2. Compulsory schooling is divided into a primary and secondaiy stage. 3. Computers and micro- electronics can assist in setting uniform school tests. 4. When does compulsory schooling begin in England? admit - accept 1. Please accept my most affectionate thanks and gratitude for your constant assistance and sincere interest in my every need. 2. According to the Universities’ Central Council on Admission the Universities admit/accept significantly more overseas students. 3. To their utter astonishment the picture was accepted for the show. 4. The results ofhis theoretical investigations were accepted as a valuable contribution. require - demand 1. Teachers require/demand discipline. 2. The teacher demanded that the pupil should stay at school after classes. 3.The strikers demanded a rise. 4. Answer questions that require short answers. anger - temper 1. Her eyes grew steady with anger, like old Jolyon’s when his will was crossed. 2. Andrew reddened. But making a great effort, he conquered his anger/temper and his pride. 3. She was determined not to lose her temper. 4. The greatest remedy for anger is delay. decent - discreet (and their derivatives) 1. There was a discreet tap at the door. 2. I didn’t have anything to do with him apart from work. He was always decent to me. 3. I’m not going to let discretion spoil a romantic story. 4. Carrie desperately needed decent clothes. 5. I’ve been afraid that he and Margaret will do something indiscreet and bring disgrace upon the family. Exercise 6, p. 86 A. средняя школа - secondary school; ученый - scholar; обучение в школе - schooling; получить право на стипендию - to win a scholarship; учиться в школе - to go to school/to be at school; хореографическое училище - ballet school; голландская школа живописи - the Dutch school of painting; школа-интернат - boarding school; иметь преимущество - to have an advantage over smb., smth.; воспользоваться чем-либо - to take advantage ofsmth.; в выгодном свете - to advantage; принять в члены - to admit (to); принять в институт - to admit to an institute/to college; признавать - to admit, to acknowledge, to confess; соглашаться - to agree; признаться в ошибке - to admit/acknowledge one’s mistake, to confess a fault; вход по билетам - admission (is) by ticket; входная плата - admission, price ofadmission; подавать заявление о приеме в институт - to apply for admission to an institute/college; признание своей вины - admission of guilt; чахнуть - to waste (away); опустошать - to lay waste; пустырь - wasteland; попусту тратить слова - to waste words, to waste (one’s) breath; транжира - a wasteful person, a wastrel; повернуться спиной к (буквально) - to turn one’s back to; повернуться спиной к (фигурально) - to turn one’s l>;ick on; делать что-либо за спиной кого-либо - to do smth. behind smb.’s back; подсознательно - at the back ofone’s mind; затылок - the back ofone’s head; i гарушить слово - to go back on one’s word; скрывать что-либо - to keep/hold smth. back; до мозга костей - to the backbone; <>ставаться в тени - to keep (stay, remain, be) in the back- цг< nind; расскажи мне о себе - tell me your background. B. удовлетворять потребности - to meet the requirements; иыполнять требования - to meet (satisfy) the demands; письма, требующие ответа - letters requiring an answer; рекомендация - reference; справочник - reference book; иметь отношение к чему-либо - to refer to smth., to have reference to smth.; отсылать к кому-либо - to refer to smb.; ссылаться на что-либо - to refer to smth.; владеть собой - to keep/control one’s temper; необузданный нрав - fiery tempers; вспыльчивый характер - temper; quick/hot temper; быть в хорошем настроении - to be in a good temper (mood), to be in high spirits; быть раздраженным - to be in a temper; вспылить - to get/fly into a temper; to lose one’s temper; выставлять картины - to display pictures/paintings; демонстрировать товары - to display goods; проявлять смелость - to display courage; выставлять напоказ - to make a display ofsmth., to make a show of smth.; приличные условия - decent conditions; скромное поведение - decent behavior; хороший обед - decent dinner. Exercise 7, p. 86 A. Professor White is a distinguished/an outstanding scholar. His visit to our school is a great honour./It is a great honour for our school that he has visited us. 2. I’ve known him for a long time. We were at school together. 3. The girl won a scholarship and was able to study art in Italy. 4. School starts at 8.30. 5. There will be no school tomorrow./The school will have a holiday tomorrow. 6. The boy has a cough, so I haven’t let him go to school./I’ve kept him out ofschool. 7. She has a great advantage over the other students: she speaks English at home. 8. He has the advantage ofknowing all the students without exception. 9. Do you really think that I won’t take advantage ofthis opportunity? 10. The dress was extremely simple but it showed/set offher lovely figure to advantage. 11. She is too proud to accept/take money from us, but she won’t admit it. 12. How many students were admitted to the institute this year? 13. We were not admitted into the hall/house because/as the performance/show had already begun. 14. Don’t forget that today the admission to the club is by ticket only. 15. The stadium admits/ holds/seats thirteen thousand spectators (an audience o f thirteen thousand/a thirteen-thousand audience). 16. What a pity that so much effort has been wasted. 17. For a moment/Momentarily I felt awkward, I thought that he was going to tell me (was about to tell me) that I was wasting (my) precious time on chattering (chatting/talking) over/on the phone. 18. “Some people watch TV for hours, but to my mind/but I think it’s a waste oftime,” Nicholas said. “For me there is nothing like a good book.” 19. Although she was very tired she was pleasantly aware/it was pleasant for her to be aware that the day hadn’t been wasted. 20. You must tell me the truth. It’s the only way if you want me to back you (up). 21. A man (A person) who goes back on his (their) word can’t inspire confidence. 22. Don’t you think that it will be better not to keep/hold anything back from me? 23. Their country house has the advantage ofstanding back from the road. 24. Look how beautiful this pine is against/on the background of the evening sky. 25. I can’t make out/understand what it is over there, in the background ofthe picture. 26. The work in the old mine was heavy/hard and backbreaking. 27. My room was in/at the back ofthe house. B. 1. The article is quite decent/good (is pretty good/is quite good/isn’t bad) but it requires more examples. 2. Eliza was aware/conscious that soon they would not require her services any more/any longer. 3. There is only one letter left, but it does not require an answer. 4. In our country (In this eountry*) everything is being done to satisfy/meet the growing requirements ofthe population. 5. He refused/ declined/ mi ned down our invitations, saying that his attendance was required elsewhere. 6. One (We/I) should find out in advance/ _________________________________________________________________ *The Russian word combination «в нашей стране» is often translated into English as “in this country”. However one must bear in mind that this phrase can be used with reference to one’s own country only on its terri- tory. Thus, i f an American says “in this country” when in Russia he means "tn Russia”, not “ in the USA”, and when a Russian uses this phrase in the USA it means “ in the USA”. early/beforehand/in good time the requirements for admission to this institute (what is required to be admitted to this institute). 7. If you had done all that was required of you, you wouldn’t be in trouble/in a mess/ in a scrape/in a (tight) fix now. 8. In his report the scientist made several references to the latest experiments. 9. She produced/ showed/presented excellent references. 10. I was referred to the editor because/as he had all the necessary reference books. 11. I’ll make discreet inquiries, but I don’t think that he referred to/made reference to your letters. 12. Your uncle has a hot/ quick temper. He will brook no interference. 13- Do/Can you really think that I will back (up) this absurd/ridiculous/ preposterous scheme/venture/undertaking/contrivance? 14. Stella, what’s the matter with you? You shouldn’t lose your temper even though you are losing the game. It is ridiculous. 15. Walter has made a point ofnot making (has made it a rule not to make) important decisions when he is in a temper. 16. Since the very day when Carrie first saw the dress/gown displayed in the shop window she had been dreaming of/about buying it. 17. James seldom displayed any signs o f nervousness/of being nervous/of excitement. 18. I admit/ acknowledge that you displayed courage when you stayed in the forest alone. 19- It was very discreet ofyou/it was very discreet on your part to spare us the necessity to meet this unpleasant man. 20. Anyway/Anyhow/In any event/in any case he was decent to me/he treated me decently in public. Exercise 8, p. 87 A. 1. You have an advantage over me: you know two languages./ You have the advantage of knowing two foreign languages. 2. He/She has been admitted to the institute. 3- He has won a scholarship to university. 4. There is too much waste in the house. 5. He/She has gone back on his/her word (has broken his/her word.) 6. This picture is displayed to advantage. 7. I admit/acknowledge that I’m wrong/I admit/acknowledge my mistake. 8. Tell me your background. 9. I’m afraid I’ve wasted the day/the day has been wasted. B. 1. I think I require extra help. 2. I demand extra help. 3. He has got/flown into a temper again. 4. He/She is a decent person. 5. He/She displays (signs of) anxiety. 6. The speaker refers to his notes. 7. He speaks decent English./His English is reasonably good. 8. This student has an excellent reference from his supervisor on school practice. Exercise 9, p- 88 1. Sure, he was referring to them all the time. 2. This schoolleaver should apply for admission to university (to college). 3. All the goods in it are displayed in such a way that it is very easy to find whatever you are looking for. 4. Oh, he is a very decent fellow. 5. She is very quick-tempered/hot-tempered. (She has atemper./She has quite a temper/She has a quick (hot) temper.) 6. Well, I admit that we may have missed some points. (No, 1 think further investigation/inquiry is required.) 7. Because she promised to lend Ann a smart leather jacket and (hen went back on her word. 8. A person who has consumption wastes away very quickly./It’s a wasting disease. 9- Oh, yes, she is very wasteful. 10. No, I should say more examples are required. 11. How can you believe that I could discuss you behind your back? 12. Oh, yes, he has done it quite decently. 13. She has had decent teachers and besides she has always been doing a lot of work on her own. (She has had the advantage ofgoing to school in Britain.) 14. She doesn’t have any references./I don’t like her background. Exercise 13, p. 89 1. Thus, of the ten old Forsytes twenty-one young Forsytes had been born. 2. The blackberries tasted of rain. 3. I didn’t luiy the piano to be sonated out of my house of an evening. (Я купил этот рояль не затем, чтобы меня каждый вечер п м живал и из дома, терзая мой слух сонатами.) 4. You are of The few who will be equal to it. (Вы один из тех немногих, кто сможет с этим справиться.) 5. I wash my hands of it. (Я умываю руки./С меня хватит.) 6. Tom decided that he could be independent of Becky. 7. Vegetarians live on vegetables, fruit and nuts. 8. He planted the apple-trees on/to the left and the pear-trees on/to the right f the path. 9. The house was on fire. 10. There are goods for sale in all the shop windows.You are very slow, why don’t you hurry up a bit? Help me on/off with my coat. 12. The garage was built on a convenient site. 13. I stumbled on something soft. 14. There was no objection on the part of the owner of the car. 15. On the one hand I was, ofcourse, glad; on the other I was a little frightened. 16. The doctor was on the point of leaving. 17. On reflection I gave up the idea. 18. He was arrested on suspicion of murder. 19. The ghastly story made my hair stand on end. (От этой жуткой истории у меня волосы встали дыбом.) 20. Come on! Let’s lock the trunk to be on the safe side. 21. The question wasn’t even touched on/upon. Exercise 14, p. 89 1. There are shops on both sides of the street. 2. On getting his telegram I went to/started for/set out for the railway station at once. 3. Upon my word, I didn’t do it. 4. Try as I would/No matter how hard I tried/However hard I tried (on) that evening I couldn’t concentrate/focus on the actors’ performance. 5. Hold on to the railing/banister, it’s very slippery here. 6. Go on, I’m all ears (I’m listening to you very carefully). 7. Can you mean/Do you really mean that you have never been on a hike before? 8. On a warm September day the children came to school for the first time. 9. Come on, show me what you have in your basket. 10. Anne suffered a lot when her relatives and friends turned their backs on her. 11. John liked it when Mary put on a blouse ofan evening. 12. Such a teacher is hard to find, he is one in a thousand. 13. The village was to the north ofthe river. 14. He has always tried to make a business man out ofme. 15. It was foolish/stupid of him/foolish/stupid on his part even to think about her. CONVERSATION AND DISCUSSION Обучение в английских школах (Школьное образование в Англии) |