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вававававаавававава. Вишневский Александр Александрович. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора юридических наук Москва 2014 год оглавление

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  1. Federal Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz BWG) // Электронный ресурс: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/bank/docs/windingup/200908/anne x1_finalcountryreport_at-3-austrian%20banking%20act_en.pdf.


  1. Banking Act 1979 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1979/37.

  2. Banking Act 1987 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1987/22/contents.

  3. Banking Act 2009 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2009/1/contents.

  4. Financial Conduct Authorities Handbook // Электронный ресурс: http://fshandbook.info/FS/html/FCA/.

  5. Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/8/contents.

  6. Financial Services Act 2012 // http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2012/21/contents/enacted.

  7. Memorandum of Understanding between HM Treasury, the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority // Электронный ресурс: http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/about/Documents/legislation/mou.pdf.

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  9. The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2007/2157/pdfs/uksi_20072157_en. pdf.


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  2. Real Decreto Legislativo 1298/1986 de 28 junio, sobre adaptacion del derecho vigente en material de Entidades de Credito al de las Comunidades Europeas // Электронный ресурс: http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Fiscal/rdleg1298-1986.html.


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  2. Decree 468/1998 (Italy) // Электронный ресурс: http://www.consob.it/mainen/documenti/english/laws/tm468en.htm.

  3. Interbank Deposit Protection Fund: Statutes and By-Laws. June 2012 // Электронный ресурс:


  1. Testo Unico Bancario: Decreto legislative 1 settembre 1993, n.385. Versione aggiornata al decreto legislative 4 marzo 2014, n.53 // Электронный ресурс:

https://www.bundesbank.de/Redaktion/EN/Downloads/Tasks/Banking_ supervision/PDF/banking_act.pdf? blob=publicationFile

  1. Decreto-Lei no 298/92, de 31 de Dezembro // Электронный ресурс: http://www.bportugal.pt/pt- PT/Legislacaoenormas/Paginas/DL298ano92.aspx.


  1. Германское гражданское уложение: пер. с немецкого // Германское право. Часть I. М.: Международный центр финансово- экономического развития, 1996. 552 с.

  2. Act Establishing the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of 22.04.2002 last amended by Article 19 of the Act of 06/12/2011 // Электронный ресурс:

http://www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Aufsichtsrecht/EN/Gesetz/findag_en.h tml?nn=2821360.

  1. Act on Monitoring of Financial Stability of 28.11.2012 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.bundesbank.de/Redaktion/EN/Downloads/Bundesbank/Tas ks_and_organisation/bundesbank_act_monitoring_financial_stability.pd f? blob=publicationFile.

  2. Banking Act 2009 (Gesetz uber das Kreditwesen) // Электронный ресурс: https://www.bundesbank.de/Redaktion/EN/Downloads/Tasks/Banking_ supervision/PDF/banking_act.pdf? blob=publicationFile.

  3. Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Act of 16.07.1998 last amended by Article 13 of the Act of 09/12/2007 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Aufsichtsrecht/EN/Gesetz/eaeg_en_ba



  1. Consumer Code. Law No.93-949 of July 26, 1993 (as amended up to law No.2009-526 of May 12, 2009) // Электронный ресурс: http://lexinter.net/ENGLISH/consumer_code.htm.

  2. Monetary and Financial Code (version en vigueur au 3 juin 2014) // Электронный ресурс:

http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCode.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000 006072026&dateTexte=20101101.

  1. Banking and Finance Business Act (2004:297) // Электронный ресурс: http://www.imolin.org/doc/amlid/Sweden_The%20Banking%20and%2 0Financing%20Business%20Act.pdf


  1. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, payment account switching and access to payment accounts with basic features // Электронный ресурс: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finservices- retail/docs/inclusion/20130506-proposal_en.pdf.


  1. Положение об общественном примирителе на финансовом рынке (финансовом омбудсмене). Утверждено Советом Ассоциации российских банков протокол от 20.09.2010 №2 ред. от 14.12.2011 г.) // Электронный ресурс: http://arb.ru/b2c/abuse/documents/.

  2. Регламент общественного примирителя на финансовом рынке (финансового омбудсмена). Утвержден Советом Ассоциации

российских банков протокол от 20.09.2010 №2 редакции от 29.09.2011 г.) // Электронный ресурс: http://arb.ru/b2c/abuse/documents/.

  1. Bank recovery and resolution proposal: Frequently acked questions: European Commission memo № 12/416 of 06.06.2012 // Электронный ресурс: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-12-416_en.htm

  2. Banking Crisis: regulation and supervision. House of Commons Treasury Committee. Fourteenth report on Session 2008-09 // Электронный ресурс:



  1. Banks and Consumers: the comprehensive consumer policy scheme of the German private commercial banks. Version dated January 2012 // Электронный ресурс:

http://germanbanks.bankenverband.de/booklets/index_html/shopitem/0 98a9a38c89719e0abef734283daa86d.

  1. International convergence of capital measurement and capital standards

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  1. International regulatory framework for banks (Basel III) / Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Basel, June 2011 January 2013

// Электронный ресурс : http://www.bis.org/bcbs/basel3.htm (дата обращения 06.06.2013).

  1. Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies / International Organization of Securities Commissions. Madrid, 2004

// Электронный ресурс: http://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD180.pdf.

  1. Commission Recommendation 87/63/EEC of 22 december 1986 concerning the introiduction of deposit guarantee schemes in the

Community // Official Journal of the European Communities. L 033. 04.02.1987. P.0016 – 0017.

  1. Commission Recommendation 98/257/EC of 30 March 1998 on the principles applicable to the bodies responsible for out-of-court settlement disputes // Official Journal. L 115. 17.04.1998. P.31 34.

  2. Commission Recommendation of 1 March 2001 on pre-contractual information to be given to the consumers by lenders offering home loans // Official Journal of the European Communities. L 69. 10.03.2001. P. 25 29.

  3. Commission Recommendation 201/310/EC of 4 April 2001 on the principles for out-of-court bodies involved in the consensual resolution of consumer disputes // Official Journal of the European Communities. L 109. 19.04.2001. P.56 – 61.

  4. Commission Recommendation of 18 July 2011 on access to a basic payment account // электронный ресурс: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finservices- retail/docs/inclusion/c_2011_4977_en.pdf.

  5. Compliance and the compliance function in banks / Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. – Basel, April 2005 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs113.pdf.

  6. Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems / Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. International Association of Deposit Insurers. Basel, June 2009 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.iadi.org/cms/secure/docs/JWGDI%20CBRG%20core%20pr inciples_18_June.pdf.

  7. The Deposit Protection Scheme of the German commercial private banks // Электронный ресурс: http://germanbanks.bankenverband.de/service/deposit-protection- scheme.

  8. Deposit protection and investor compensation in Germany. Deutsche Bundesbank Monthly Report, July 2000 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.bundesbank.de/Redaktion/EN/Downloads/Publications/Mo nthly_Report_Articles/2000/2000_07_deposit_protection.pdf?blob=p ublicationFile.

  9. Explanatory Memorandum to the Proposal of the European Commission for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Deposit Guarantee Schemes (recast). – Brussels, 12.07.2010

// Электронный ресурс: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/bank/docs/guarantee/comm_pdf_co m_2010_0368_proposition_de_directive_en.pdf.

  1. Financial Conduct Authority Business Plan 2013/14 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.fca.org.uk/news/firms/business-plan-2013-14.

  2. The Financial Services Authority. Principles-based Regulation. Focusing on the outcomes that matter. FSA, April 2007 // Электронный ресурс: http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/other/principles.pdf.

  3. Financial Stability Board. Key attributes of effective resolution regimes for financial institutions // Электронный ресурс: http://www.financialstabilityboard.org/publications/r_111104cc.pdf.

  4. General principles for credit reporting. Consultative report. The World Bank, 2011 // Электронный ресурс: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/FINANCIALSECTOR/Resources/G eneralPrinciplesforCreditReporting(final).pdf.

  5. High Level Experts Group on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector. Chaired by Erkki Liikanen. Final report. Brussels, 2012 // Электронный ресурс: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/bank/docs/high- level_expert_group/report_en.pdf.

  6. International standards on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism & proliferation the FATF Recommendations.

16 February 2012 // Электронный ресурс: www.fatf- gafi.org/recommendations
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