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  • Exercise 2. Подчеркните или обведите требующуюся по смыслу форму личного местоимения и переведите предложения

  • Exercise 3. Восстановите правильный порядок слов

  • Exercise 4. Переделайте пассивную конструкцию в активную (сделав при этом все необходимые дополнения)

  • Exercise

  • Exercise 6 . Переведите на английский язык

  • Exercise 7 . Употребите предложения в

  • Exercise 8. Употребите

  • Лабаба. Exercise Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в необходимом времени

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    unit 1

    Exercise 1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в необходимом времени:

    1. When you (to have) supper in the evening? _____________________________


    2. You (to have) to get up early every morning? ___________________________


    3. They (to be) students or lecturers? – As far as I know two of them (to be) lecturers and the rest (to be) students. ____________________________________


    4. I (not have) time to discuss these questions with you. _____________________


    5. Where he (to be) yesterday? I came to his place yesterday, but he (to be) out.


    6. They (not have) enough money to hire a taxi on the way back. ______________


    7. What the weather (to be) like the day after tomorrow? _____________________


    8. What (to be) your names? – My name (to be) Nick and his (to be) David. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    9. Tomorrow we (to have) an interesting lecture on economics. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. What the time (to be) now? – I (not to know). I (not to have) a watch. ______


    Exercise 2. Подчеркните или обведите требующуюся по смыслу форму личного местоимения и переведите предложения:

    1. I don’t know where (her / hers / she) mother works. ______________________


    2. I am about to tell (you / your / yours) about (me / my / mine) new invention. ___


    3. Here is (your / yours / you) scheme. – And where is (me / mine / my)? ________


    4. Who is going to tell (they / their / them) about (their / them / theirs) duties? ___


    5. In a year (we / our / us) shall be third-year students. ______________________


    6. He will be sent to Novocherkassk to go on with (he / his / him) studies. _______


    7. She will find (her / hers / she) own way of solving the problem. _____________


    8. The manager is discussing a very important question. – (It’s / Its / It) significance is great. _________________________________________________


    9. The director told (us / we / our) a lot of things about the history and traditions of our institute. _______________________________________________________


    10. We saw (he / him / his) with (his / him / he) new girl-friend. _______________


    Exercise'>Exercise__4._Переделайте_пассивную_конструкцию_в_активную_(сделав_при_этом_все_необходимые_дополнения)'>Exercise 3. Восстановите правильный порядок слов:

    1. The, in, a, table, little, is, there, of, middle, the, room. _____________________________________________________________

    2. Any, core, theoretical, is, science, upon, a, of, definite, based, material ____


    1. Real, lives, beauty, ever, for ______________________________________

    2. Favourable, weather, for, forecast, tomorrow, not, is __________________


    1. To, I, meat, prefer, kind, boiled, any, fish, of _________________________


    1. You, to, give, earrings, if, her, a, intend, buy, her, these, present. She, eagerly, them, wants. ___________________________________________


    1. This, use, of, model, telephone, very, easy, to, is _____________________


    1. Most, mother, all, likes, literature, classical, of _______________________


    1. Since, it, morning, has, early, raining, heavily, been ___________________


    1. Last, the, much, book, is, more, new, the, than, interesting, one __________

    Exercise 4. Переделайте пассивную конструкцию в активную (сделав при этом все необходимые дополнения):

    1. I am told that next week we are going to begin a new lecture course. _____________________________________________________________

    2. Two foreign languages are taught at our institute. _____________________


    1. He is said to be a great lazy-bone. _________________________________


    1. The toy had been broken before I came. _____________________________


    1. Our TV-set is being put right. _____________________________________

    2. The test will have been finished by three p.m. ________________________


    1. Yesterday I was invited to come to his birthday party. _________________


    1. New devices will be delivered to our office in some days. ______________


    1. This article was published last month in one of the leading journals. ______


    1. Don’t buy any sweets. They have already been bought. ________________

    Exercise 5. Употребите прилагательные в необходимой по смыслу степени сравнения:

    1. She is ______________________________ (beautiful) than her friend. 2. They know English ___________________________ (good) than Spanish. 3. The children are as _______________________ (clever) as their parents. 4. Which is ________________________ (cold) month in the year? 5. The Donetz river isn’t so _____________________ (long) as the Volga. 6. He is two years _________________________ (young) than me. 7. The students of Group 102 are _____________________ (few) in number than the students of Group 309. 8. German isn’t so _______________________ (difficult) as Chinese. 9. They are all _____________________ (industrious) students. 10. __________________ (fine) time of the year is spring.
    Exercise 6. Переведите на английский язык:

    1. Принеси, пожалуйста, воды. ______________________________________

    2. Кофе очень горячий. Я не люблю горячий кофе. _____________________


    3. Будешь суп? ____________________________________________________

    4. В салате не хватает соли. _________________________________________

    5. Передайте сахар, пожалуйста. _____________________________________

    6. Выпей молоко. __________________________________________________

    7. Принеси чай. ___________________________________________________

    8. Многие дети не любят манную кашу. _______________________________


    9. Борщ очень вкусный. ____________________________________________

    10. Каждое утро я выпиваю чашечку крепкого кофе. ____________________
    Exercise 7. Употребите предложения в PresentPerfect:

    1. I am writing a letter. _______________________________________________

    2. They are doing a very urgent work. ___________________________________


    3. He is repairing his bicycle. __________________________________________

    4. We are coming home. ____________________________________________

    5. The farmer is ploughing the field. ___________________________________

    6. They are bringing mushrooms and berries from the wood. ________________


    7. She is delivering an interesting lecture. _______________________________


    8. He is digging а hole. _______________________________________________

    9. Are you having breakfast? __________________________________________

    10. The secretary is posting a telegram. __________________________________
    Exercise 8. Употребите there is или it is в соответствующей видо-временной форме:

    1. ________________________ autumn now. 2. ________________________ much snow out of doors last winter. 3. ________________________ quite dark when I came home. 4. ________________________ nothing interesting here. 5. ________________________ an interesting article on the problem in question. 6. ________________________ nothing to be done to help you. 7. ________________________ evening already. 8. ________________________ a new PCs in the English study room in a year. 9. ________________________ bad that you missed the last lecture. 10. ________________________ nothing to laugh at here.

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