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  • Exercise 2. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо

  • Exercise 3. Переведите на английский язык

  • Exercise 4. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму (прошедшие формы активного залога)

  • Exercise 5 . Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

  • Exercise 6 . Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую форму причастий.

  • Exercise 7 . Раскройте скобки и употребите необходимые видо-временные формы.

  • Exercise 8 . Поставьте предложения во множественное число

  • Лабаба. Exercise Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в необходимом времени

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    unit 3

    Exercise 1. Вставьте необходимый модальный глагол:

    1. A man _________________ help his parents when they become old. 2. There are no buses or taxis, so we _______________ walk. 3. We __________________ live without food and water. We __________________ eat and drink. 4. I _______________ get up too early tomorrow, so I _______________ go to bed late tonight. 5. You __________________ walk all the way to the station. You ___________________ take a bus round the corner. 6. You __________________ switch off the light if you are afraid of the dark. 7. The matter ________________ be discussed in tomorrow’s debate. 8. You _________________ sit there in your wet clothes; you will catch cold if you do. 9. They ______________________ do all the exercises; it will be sufficient if they do four of them. 10. Sooner or later one _____________________ choose.
    Exercise 2. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо:

    1. When you are in ____________ sky, you see snow in __________ Arctic or _____________ Greenland. 2. _____________ Riviera in ___________ Caucasus is the most popular place in summer. 3. ___________ Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia. 4. ______________ Hague, a city in _______________ Netherlands near _____________ North Sea, is the seat of the Dutch Government. 5. The home ownership rate in ________________ South East of _____________ England is higher than in ______________ North. 6. _____________ Suez Canal was blocked. 7. ___________ Sahara is the greatest desert in ____________ North Africa, extending from _____________ Atlantic Ocean to ___________ Nile. 8. ______________ Philippines is an archipelago which consists of thousand of islands. 9. ___________ West Indies is a chain of islands between ____________ North and __________ South America. 10. The surface of ____________ Mediterranean is never so blue as that of ___________ Adriatic.
    Exercise__3._Переведите_на_английский_язык'>Exercise 3. Переведите на английский язык:

    1. Сын моей сестры хорошо учится. ___________________________________


    2. Мне нравится квартира Марии. _____________________________________


    3. Она много пишет сестрам Анны. ___________________________________


    4. Вчера нас навестили дети наших друзей. _____________________________


    5. Комната Бесс большая и светлая. ___________________________________


    6. Где ключ от машины? ____________________________________________

    7. Он сломал кончик (nib) пера. ______________________________________


    8. Мы выучили слова десятого урока вчера. ____________________________


    9. Дверь гаража была закрыта. ________________________________________


    10. Я не знаю результат вчерашнего матча. ____________________________

    Exercise_5_._Вставьте_предлоги,_где_необходимо.'>Exercise 4. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму (прошедшие формы активного залога):

    1. The woman (busy) ___________________ herself with cooking, while the man (slice) ___________________ bacon and (fire) ___________________ the stove. 2. He was up before the sun on the last day. A gale from the west (blow) ___________________ all night, making him wakeful. 3. It (be) ___________________ a cold, harsh, winter day. There (be) ___________________ snow some hours before, and it (lie) ___________________ , not deep, but hard-frozen on the ground. 4. He (try) ___________________ to catch what they (say) ___________________ , but they (be) ___________________ too far from him and (speak) ___________________ in very low voices. 5. As the wet twilight (deepen) ___________________ , I (stop) ___________________ in a solitary bridle-path, which I (pursue) ___________________ an hour or more. 6. He (not/be) ___________________ so much surprised to see me as I (expect) ___________________ . 7. I (go) ___________________ to bed and (fall) ___________________ asleep, when my guardian (knock) ___________________ at the door of my room and (beg) ___________________ me to get up directly. 8. I (have) ___________________ a wash and brush-up before starting out to go to the luncheon Elliot (invite) ___________________ me to, when they (ring) ___________________ up from the reception to say that he (be) ___________________ below. 9. Mrs Bedwin, who (listen) ___________________ at the parlour door, (hasten) ___________________ into the corridor in a breathless state. 10. Sara (be right) ___________________ in her prediction. Madam Sharon's face (be) ___________________ a picture the next morning when she (find) out that Sara (go) ___________________ .
    Exercise 5. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

    1. I tried to speak ___________ him, but he didn’t want to listen ___________ to me. He didn’t even look ___________ me and didn’t answer my question. 2. Don’t wait ___________ me after the classes, I’ll be busy at the conference. 3. When we entered ___________ the room we saw there was nobody ___________ it. 4. ___________ an hour we shall reach ___________ the station. 5. The delegation of foreign businessmen will arrive ___________ Moscow soon. 6. ___________ 6 o’clock in the evening we were still discussing the problem. 7. Don’ be afraid ___________ the doctor, he is a kind man. 8. Take the newspaper ___________ this table and give it ___________ Nick. 9. Going ___________ the road he didn’t pay attention ___________ the cars, which were passing ___________ him. 10. Well, Mr. Brown, what do you complain ___________ ?
    Exercise 6. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую форму причастий.
    1. The girl, _________________________ (to fill in) the form, is our group monitor. 2. The house, _________________________ (to build) in our street will have been finished by the end of the year. 3. When _________________________ (to stay) at his sister’s he made friends with all the neighbours. 4. The letter, _________________________ (to write) in ink was confidential. 5. The article, _________________________ (to translate) now, will be published in the next monthly. 6. The girl, nicely _________________________ (do dress), was looking at me with curiosity. 7. He had his TV-set _________________________ (to repair) last week. 8. The man, _________________________ (to stand) at the door is my uncle. 9. The book, _________________________ (to read) by my sister, is very interesting. 10. _________________________ (to cross) the street, be very careful.
    Exercise 7. Раскройте скобки и употребите необходимые видо-временные формы.

    1. I shall go to the river as soon as I (переведу эту статью). _________________


    2. They don’t know when (он вернется из командировки). _________________


    3. They will be happy if (их сын женится). ______________________________


    4. I don’t know if (он примет участие в конференции). ____________________


    5. (Если никто ничего не будет иметь против), then, let’s have a 20 minutes break. ____________________________________________________________


    6. You will help him after (он закончит делать упражнения по русскому языку). ___________________________________________________________


    7. (Если они все еще будут работать, когда ты придешь), help them, please. __________________________________________________________________


    8. They don’t even know, when (он будет дома завтра). ____________________


    9. He will feel lonely if (на вечере не будет никого, кого он хорошо знает). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. I shall go to the filling station as soon as (отремонтирую машину). ________

    Exercise 8. Поставьте предложения во множественное число:

    1. This cup is dirty. _________________________________________________

    2. That biscuit was tasty. _____________________________________________

    3. This hotel is expensive, but it is very nice. _____________________________


    4. There is a children’s playground in the park. ___________________________


    5. It’s a delicious lemon pie for the dessert. ______________________________


    6. This man is an engineer. ___________________________________________

    7. That goose is big. ________________________________________________

    8. This mouse is white. ______________________________________________

    9. I have a good pen. ________________________________________________

    10. This child’s foot is sore. __________________________________________

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

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