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  • Exercise 2. Перескажите следующий диалог в косвенной речи

  • Exercise 4. Поставьте

  • Exercise 5 . Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление глаголов-связок (

  • Exercise 6 . Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо

  • Exercise 7 . Переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на употребление предлогов

  • Exercise 8 . Поставьте

  • Лабаба. Exercise Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в необходимом времени

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    unit 5

    Exercise 1. Переведите на английский язык:

    235 слов ________________________________________________________

    753 страницы ____________________________________________________

    2.674 книги ______________________________________________________


    1.250.762 человека ________________________________________________


    365 дней ________________________________________________________

    371 студент ______________________________________________________

    105 недель _______________________________________________________

    202 птицы _______________________________________________________

    1.598 метров ______________________________________________________


    3.250 тонн ________________________________________________________

    Exercise 2. Перескажите следующий диалог в косвенной речи:

    A.: I wonder why the Browns haven’t come yet.

    B.: Something has probably happened to their car on the way.

    A.: Are you sure they’ve left home at all? I think we should ring them up.






    Exercise 3. Заполните пропуски артиклями и притяжательными местоимениями, где это необходимо:

    A Street Incident

    In _________ street of ___________ English town __________ policeman stops __________ car. In _________ car there is ___________ visitor __________ Continent.

    Policeman: Why are you driving on __________ right side of _________ road?

    Visitor: Do you want me to drive on __________ wrong side?

    Policeman: You are driving on ________ wrong side.

    Visitor: But you said I was Driving on ____________ right side.

    Policeman: I meant to say that you were on __________ right, and that was wrong.

    Visitor: _________ strange country. If right is wrong, I’m right when I’m on ___________ wrong side. So why did you stop me?

    Policeman: My dear sir, you must keep to _________ left. _________ right side is left.

    Visitor: Well, I want to go to Bellwood. Will you tell me _________ way, please?

    Policeman: Certainly. At ___________ end of _________ road turn left.

    Visitor: Now let me think. In ___________ England left is right and right is wrong. Is that _________ idea?

    Policeman: You’ll be right if you turn left. But if you turn right you’ll be wrong.

    Visitor: Thank you for __________ explanation. It’s quite clear, and I’ll do __________ best not to forget it.
    Exercise_4._Поставьте'>Exercise 4. Поставьтеглаголы, приведенныевскобках, вPast Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past PerfectиливоFuture-in-the-Past:

    1. He (go) _________________ back into the kitchen and (open) ______________________ the icebox. He (take) ___________________ out a bottle of milk and a piece of chocolate cake and (put) _____________________ them on the table. He (drink) ___________________ the milk from the bottle and (eat) ____________________ the cake with his fingers. It (not/be) ______________________ until after he (finish) ________________________ that he (remember) _________________________________ he (promise) ____________________________________ himself he (not/touch) _______________________________ any sweets in hopes that his skin (clear) _____________________ up.

    2. He (sit) _______________________ there in a kind of lethargy. He (hear) _____________________ the bathroom door slam and footsteps leading back to Rina's room. Idly he (wonder) ____________________ what she (do) _______________________ at home at this time of the afternoon. Usually she (be) ________________________ down at the beach already with her giggling girlfriends.

    Rina just (cross) _______________________ the room and (stand) _____________________ in front of the mirrors, her back to the door.

    (After H. Robbins)
    Exercise_6_._Вставьте_артикль,_где_это_необходимо'>Exercise 5. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление глаголов-связок (tobe, tobecome, toget, togrow):

    1. Здесь становится жарко. Пусть мальчик снимет пальто. ________________



    2. Стемнело, пойдемте домой, а? _____________________________________


    3. Стало жарко. Пусть дети пойдут на реку. ____________________________


    4. Зима. Дни становятся короче, а ночи – длиннее. _______________________



    5. Я очень рад, что вы поправляетесь. _________________________________


    6. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мой старший сын стал инженером. ____________



    7. услышав плохие новости, она побледнела.____________________________


    8. Стало совсем холодно. ____________________________________________

    9. Когда он прочитал правило еще раз, ему все стало понятно. _____________



    10. Когда мы поднялись на пароход, было уже совсем темно. ______________


    Exercise 6. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо:

    _____ group of _____ farmers were sitting in _____ village house, and among _____ other things they began talk­ing about _____ echoes. One of _____ farmers said that there was _____ wonderful echo in _____ field near his farm where there was _____ large group of _____ trees. All _____ other farmers said that they would like to hear _____ echo, and _____ farmer invited them to come _____ next afternoon. But _____ fact was that _____ farmer did not really have _____ echo he had told _____ other farmers about. So when he came _____ home, he sent for _____ son of _____ cook and told him to go to _____ field, hide him­self among _____ trees and imitate everything that was said. _____ next day _____ other farmers came, and _____ farmer took them to _____ field to listen to _____ wonder­ful echo. When they were in _____ field, he shouted at _____ top of his voice: "Are you there?" The answer came back: "Yes, I've been here for two hours!"
    Exercise 7. Переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на употребление предлогов:

    в пять часов _____________________, к пяти часам _____________________, с пяти часов ____________________, в пол­день ________________________, к полудню ______________________, с полудня ________________________, с полуночи _____________________, к полу­ночи ________________________, в полночь ______________________, с прошлого года ___________________, в прошлом году _________________, в этом году _______________________, к 2005 году ___________________, к 20 февраля _______________________, 20 февраля _____________________, с утра ____________________________, к ночи _________________________, ночью ___________________________, к 1 ноября ______________________, в ноябре _________________________, с лета _________________________, во вторник ________________________, к пят­нице ____________________, в половине третьего ___________________

    ____________________________, к завтрашнему дню ____________________, на восходе солнца _____________________, к весне _____________________, весной ________________________, прошлой весной ____________________, с прошлой весны _______________________________, к зиме ____________

    __________________, в будущем году ________________________________, к буду­щему году ______________________________________, со вчерашнего дня _________________________________________________.
    Exercise 8. Поставьтеглаголы, приведенныевскобках, вPresent Indefinite,Present Continuous,Past IndefiniteилиPast Continuous:

    Laying the telephone down on the desk, I (go) ______________ to the door and (call) _______________________ Amos. I (go) _______________ back to the

    couch and (stretch) __________________________ out as he (pick) ___________

    _________________ up the phone. He (shoot) ____________________________ a peculiar look at me when he (hear) ________________________ her voice. He (be) _____________________________ silent for a while, listening to her. When he (speak) _____________________________ again, he (smile) ____________

    ________________________. "That's wonderful! When you (leave) _____________________________? Soon I also (fly) ______________________ to New York when this job (be finished) __________________________. We (have) _____________________ a celebration then. Give my love to your daughter."

    He (put) __________________________ down the telephone and (come) ______________________ over to me. "That (be) ____________________ Monica," he (say) __________________________, looking down at me.

    "I (know) ______________________,"I (say) ______________________.

    "She (leave) _________________________ for New York this afternoon. She (take) ____________________________ her daughter back with her. You (not/see) ______________________________ the kid for a long time now, __________________ you?"

    "No, I_________________"

    "You ought to see her. The kid is turning into a real beauty."

    (After H. Robbins)
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