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  • Exercise 2 . Переделайте активную конструкцию в пассивную

  • Exercise 3 . Запишите словами следующие даты

  • Exercise 4 . Переведите на английский язык

  • Exercise 5 .

  • Exercise 6 . Вставьте

  • Exercise 7 . Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи

  • Exercise 8 . Выберите нужную форму местоимения , из данных в скобках

  • Лабаба. Exercise Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в необходимом времени

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    unit 2

    Exercise 1. Переделайте словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж:

    1. The book of my sister - ____________________________________________

    2. The hat of that man - ______________________________________________

    3. The report of the scientist - _________________________________________

    4. The toys of those children - _________________________________________

    5. The works of Dickens - ____________________________________________

    6. The hats of women - ______________________________________________

    7. The friends of my son - ____________________________________________

    8. The dog of Mary - ________________________________________________

    9. The umbrella of this woman - _______________________________________

    10. The pen of my child - _____________________________________________
    Exercise 2. Переделайте активную конструкцию в пассивную:

    1. We read books every day. ___________________________________________

    2. They presented her with a valuable gift. ________________________________


    3. The mother is reading the son a fairy-tale. ______________________________


    4. She has discussed a difficult question. _________________________________


    5. Pushkin wrote “Poltava”. ___________________________________________

    6. Your group-mates will laugh at you. __________________________________


    7. The students have passed their examinations. ___________________________


    8. Someone will drive you to the station. _________________________________


    9. They owe a lot of money to the bank. __________________________________


    10. We have sent for the doctor. ________________________________________

    Exercise__3_._Запишите_словами_следующие_даты'>Exercise 3. Запишите словами следующие даты:

    1. 26/IX – 2006 - ___________________________________________________


    2. 1/II – 1980 - _____________________________________________________


    3. 14/IV – 1953 - ____________________________________________________


    4. 28/X – 1949 - _____________________________________________________


    5. 5/XI – 1917 - _____________________________________________________


    6. 4/XII – 1961 - ____________________________________________________


    7. 16/III – 1703 - ____________________________________________________


    8. 10/VIII – 1873 - __________________________________________________


    9. 19/XII – 2007 - ___________________________________________________


    10. 30/VI – 1999 - ___________________________________________________

    Exercise 4. Переведите на английский язык:

    1. Ты видишь девушку на автобусной остановке? Она – староста нашей группы. ___________________________________________________________


    2.На этой фотографии много студентов нашего института. Многих из них вы знаете. ____________________________________________________________


    3. У меня есть машина, но у меня никогда не было мотоцикла. ____________


    4. Я спрошу его, нужен ли ему этот журнал или нет. _____________________


    5. Вы думаете, что это менее интересный рассказ, чем тот, который мы читали в прошлом месяце? ___________________________________________


    6. Сколько машин выпущено заводом с начала года? _____________________



    7. Каждый год в нашей столице строится все больше и больше домов. ______


    8. Это письмо необходимо отправить сегодня. Если вы не отправите его сегодня, то они не получат его послезавтра. ____________________________


    9. Он очень трудолюбивый студент. Я давно его не видел. С ним что-нибудь случилось? ________________________________________________________


    10. Он начал заполнять телеграфный бланк, когда внезапно вспомнил, что забыл адрес дома. __________________________________________________

    Exercise_7_.__Передайте_следующие_предложения_в_косвенной_речи'>Exercise_6_._Вставьте'>Exercise_5_.'>Exercise 5. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо:

    ______ train stopped at ______ little station. ______ passenger looked out of the window of ______ train carriage and saw ______ woman selling ______ cakes. ______ man had not had ______ breakfast in ______ morning. He was hungry and wanted to buy ______ cake. ______ woman was standing rather far from ______ carriage. ______ man did not want to go and buy ______ cake himself because he was afraid to miss ______ train. He saw ______ boy who was walking along ______ platform near ______ carriage. He called ______ boy and asked him: "How much does ______ cake cost?" "Three­pence, sir," answered ______ boy. ______ man gave him a six­pence and said: "Bring me ______ cake, and with ______ other threepence buy ______ cake for yourself." ______ boy took ______ money and went to ______ woman. A few minutes later ______ boy returned. He was eating ______ cake. He gave ______ man threepence change and said: "______ woman had only one cake, sir."
    Exercise 6. Вставьте SOME, ANY, NO, EVERY или их производные:

    1. To know ___________________ is to know _________________.

    2. _____________________ is rotten in the state of Denmark (W. Shakespeare).

    3. Wealth is __________________ without health.

    4. _________________ is good in its season.

    5. Put ___________ sugar in her tea: she does not like sweet tea.

    6. Is ______________ the matter with you? Has _______________ offended you? I see by your face that ____________________ has happened.

    7. We did not see _________________ in the hall.

    8. He is busy. He has _______________ time to go to the cinema with us.

    9. Have you _________________ questions? Ask me _____________ you like, I shall try to answer __________________ question.

    10. _____________________ liked the play: it was very dull.

    Exercise 7. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

    1. Last night I was called to the telephone. An unfamiliar voice said: "Is that Dmitri speaking? My name is Pavlov. I have come from Moscow today. I have brought some books for you from your friends. I am staying at the "Europe" Hotel. When and where can I see you?" "Let's meet at the monument to Pushkin in the Square of Arts at five o'clock if it is convenient for you," I said. "All right," he answered, "I shall be there."











    2. The shop assistant said: "The shoe department is downstairs." ______________



    3. The professor said to his assistant: "You have made great prog­ress." _________



    4. The teacher said to us: "You must read this text at home." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Paul said: "We shall have to dis­cuss this text tomorrow." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. She asked me: "Do you know who has taken my book?" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. We asked him: "What has happened to you? You look so pale!" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. She said to me: "I hope you haven't forgotten to post the letter." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. She asked me: "Where have you put my gloves? I cannot find them." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. They said to me: "Try this coat on before buying it. Maybe you won't like it when you have put it on." _____________________________________________

    Exercise 8. Выберите нужную форму местоимения, из данных в скобках:

    1. She got to ______ (her, hers) feet and took ____ (his, him) hand. 2. "Let me see your passports," I gave him_____and Catherine got_____out of_____handbag (my, mine; her, hers; her, hers). 3. Mind _____ own business and I'll mind______(your, yours; my, mine). 4. Mr. Black gave _____ (his, him) wife a leather bag for _____ (her, hers) birthday. 5. The next voice to speak up was not the Lieutenant's but _____ (my, mine). 6. I looked at (her, hers)_____and at none other from that moment. 7._____was not a marriage that could last (their, theirs). 8._____nerves are as bad as______(your, yours; my, mine). 9. His eyes were as bright as______(her, hers). 10. After all, this is _____ home just as much as______(your, yours; my, mine).
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

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