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  • Exercise 2. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо

  • Exercise 3. Передайте диалог в косвенной речи

  • __________________________________________________________________

  • Употребите глаголы в требующейся видо-временной форме

  • Exercise 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастий

  • Exercise 6 . Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо

  • Exercise 7 . Употребите глаголы в необходимой видо-временной форме

  • Exercise 8 . Употребите глаголы в требуемой видо-временной форме

  • Лабаба. Exercise Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в необходимом времени

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    unit 6

    Exercise 1. Переведите на английский язык, (обращая внимание на употребление PresentPerfect):

    1. Я не слышал эту песню с прошлой зимы. _____________________________

    __________________________________________________________________2. Она не была в театре с прошлого месяца. ___________________________
    __________________________________________________________________3. Мы не разговаривали об этом с прошлой недели. ______________________

    __________________________________________________________________4. Ты не подходила к роялю с понедельника. ___________________________

    __________________________________________________________________5. Сейчас уже вечер, а ты с трех часов ничего не сделал. _________________

    __________________________________________________________________6. Мы не были в Москве с 1999 года. __________________________________

    __________________________________________________________________7. Он не пи­сал нам с прошлого года. ___________________________________

    __________________________________________________________________8. Я не видел его со вче­рашнего дня. __________________________________

    __________________________________________________________________9. Она не ела с самого утра. __________________________________________

    __________________________________________________________________10. Мы не играли в футбол с лета. _____________________________________

    Exercise__2._Вставьте_артикль,_где_это_необходимо'>Exercise 2. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо:

    I knew _________ man who had travelled very much in his life. He had visited many _________ countries in _________ east and in _________ west. He loved _________ children and often told them _________ interesting stories. I remember some of _________ stories which he told me. One of _________ stories was about _________ adventure he had had in _________ London. He was _________ young man at that time and was interested in _________ his­tory of _________ architecture. One day he visited one of _________ towers of _________ Houses of _________ Parliament. He came out on to _________ balcony of _________ tower and began to look at _________ ornaments on _________ walls. Then he climbed up on _________ roof. Suddenly _________ man came running to him and seized him by _________ arm. He began shouting something in _________ English, but my friend knew only a few words of _________ English and did not understand him. _________ Eng­lishman called _________ policeman. _________ fact was that he thought that _________ Russian tourist wanted to kill him­self by jumping from _________ top of _________ tower. Later, when everything became clear, they laughed _________ lot over it.
    Exercise 3. Передайте диалог в косвенной речи:

    Mother: Nick! Do you hear the alarm clock? Wake up!

    Nick: Oh, I am so sleepy!

    Mother: Well, that's what you always say. Now, get out of bed quickly.

    Nick: Oh!

    Mother: Be quick, or you will be late for school.

    Nick: No fear. I have a lot of time.

    Mother: You forget that you have to brush your teeth and to wash your hands and face.

    Nick: Mummy, I remember everything.










    Exercise_6_._Вставьте_артикль,_где_это_необходимо'>Exercise 4. Употребите глаголы в требующейся видо-временной форме:

    1. You (to read) ___________________________ "The Murder of Rog­er Ackroyd" by Agatha Christie? — No, I (not yet to read) _____________________________ it. But I (to hear) __________________________ that it (to be) _______________________ a very in­teresting book. I (to read) _________________________ it as soon as I (to get) _____________________ it.

    2. When we (to come) _______________________ to the station, the train al­ready (to arrive) ______________________. The passengers (to hurry) ___________________________ to occu­py their seats in the carriages.

    3. The concert (to be) __________________________ a greater success than we (to expect) _________________________. We were very glad.

    4. He (to tell) ______________________________ me that if no one (to come) _______________________________ to meet me at the station, I (can) _______________ leave the suitcases in the cloakroom and go to the hotel where he (to re­serve) _________________________ a room for me.

    Exercise_5._Переведите_на_русский_язык,_обращая_внимание_на_употребление_причастий'>Exercise 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастий:

    1. The tree struck by lightning was all black and leafless. ____________________


    2. Being busy, he postponed his trip. _____________________________________


    3. The door bolted on the inside could not be opened. _______________________


    4. Having been shown the wrong direction, the trav­ellers soon lost their way. ____


    5. The room facing the gar­den is much more comfortable than this one. _________


    6. Having descended the mountain they heard a man calling for help. ___________


    7. Flushed and excited, the boy came running to his mother. _________________


    8. He stood watching the people who were coming down the street shouting and waving their hands. __________________________________________________


    9. The boy lay sleeping when the doctor came. ____________________________


    10. The broken arm was examined by the doctor. ___________________________

    Exercise 6. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо:

    ______ guide was once showing ______ group of ______ rich American tourists ______ places of ______ interest in ______ lit­tle town in ______ south of ______ Italy. He took ______ tourists from ______ place to ______ place, but as ______ town was small, after ______ while ______ guide could not think of anything that might be of ______ interest to ______ Americans. "Tell us something unusual about ______ weather or ______ climate of this place," said ______ American lady to ______ guide. "What can I tell her about our climate?" thought ______ guide. Then he had ______ idea. "Well," he said, "there is one unusual thing about our climate. One can eas­ily notice that the wind here always blows from ______ west." "Really?" said ______ lady in ______ surprised tone: "What ______ interesting thing!" But ______ other tourist said: "You must be wrong. Look! ______ wind is blowing from ______ east now!" At ______ first moment ______ guide did not know what to say. But he was ______ clever man and soon found ______ way out. "Oh," he said, "is that so? Well, then it must be ______ west wind coming back."
    Exercise 7. Употребите глаголы в необходимой видо-временной форме:

    1. Lanny (to return) ________________________ home af­ter seven years of absence. During these seven years he (to study) ____________________________ in Cape Town where his people (to send) ________________________ him. Lanny was glad at the thought that he (to do) __________________________ what they (to hope) _________________________ he (to do) ________________ and that soon he (tobe) _______________ among his people again.

    2. We could not go out because it (to rain) ________________ hard since early morning.

    3. She (to teach) ____________________ at our school for twenty years now.

    4. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) _______________________ home.

    5. He (to begin) ________________________ to write his compo­sition at three o'clock. It is already eleven, and he still (to write) it. He says he (to finish) it by twelve.
    Exercise 8. Употребите глаголы в требуемой видо-временной форме:

    1. She scarcely realized what (to happen) _________________________ . 2. Oh, Jane! I didn’t think you (to be) _________________________ so unkind. 3. Mary (to return) _________________________ to the room. Al (to sit) ______________

    _________________________ beside the gas fire and (to take off) ____________

    ___________________________ his shoes. 4. Her eyes (to be) ____________

    _______________ puffed, and she obviously (to cry) _____________________ that afternoon. 5. She realized that he (to try) _________________________ to tell her how lonely he (to be) ____________________. 6. His cheek (to be) ________

    _______________ cut. When she (to see) ________________________ it she (to say) ___________________________, "Oh, you (to fight) ___________________

    ________________ again." 7. I thought I (to sleep) ______________________ well, being tired. 8. She (to make) _____________________________ me promise to say nothing about it till she (to have) _____________________________ a chance of breaking the news to her father gradually. 9. She asked if Mr Clennam (to tell) __________________________ her where he (to live) ______________________. 10. As we (to drive) __________________________, her eyes (to stare) _____________________________ rigidly out of the car window.
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

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