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Английский пособие. англ. From the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly

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НазваниеFrom the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly
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Part I )

Запомните: - суффикс – ture - суффикс существительного;

Суффикс – ion образует существительные от глагольных корней

I. 1. Прочитайте и переведите:

nature, mixture, lecture, future, culture, moisture, manufacture, fracture, structure, admixture

2. Прочитайте и переведите слова:

occlusion, attention, invasion, occupation, obstruction, distribution, elimination, concentration, precipitation, titration, oxidation, calculation, indication

II. Прочтите и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:

culture, discussion, collect, demonstrate, experiment, absorption, adsorption, adequate, relevant, capsule, nature, neutral, agent, reaction, specific, medicament, alcohol, diagnosis, hygiene, fundamental

III. Поставьте оборот “there is | there are ” в нужной форме.

1. There… many interesting Latin terms in this article.

2. … there examinations in the middle of the term?

3. There … no medical practical training next year .

4. There … seven departments in our city hospital .

5. … there a book or a medical journal on the shelf ?

6. There … some necessary chapters in that text- book .

7. There … no entrance examinations at the university in May .

8. There … many students at the lecture in Biology next Tuesday.

IV. Переведите на английский язык.

1. В крупной аптеке обычно два отделения: отдел ручной продажи и рецептурный отдел.

2. Существуют лекарства разных групп назначения.

3. В деревне будет новая больница.

4. В хирургическом отделении есть много опытных хирургов.

5. В этой палате не было больных с гриппом.

6. На полке не было медицинских журналов.

7. В аудитории было 8 столов для студентов и один для преподавателя.

8. В конце третьего семестра – экзамен для студентов фармацевтического факультета.

V. Сделайте предложения отрицательными, а затем вопросительными:

1. There is a variety of chemical elements existing in the world.

2. At present there are 110 known elements.

3. There is a number of possible compounds which is almost infinite.

VI. Задайте вопросы, используя слова, данные в скобках.

1. There are more than 1 trillion molecules in a cell. (How many?)

2. There was a lot of important research last year. (What?)

3. There are many articles in this medical journal. (How many?)

4. On the under, and sometimes on the upper surface of a leaf there are thousands of tiny pores. (Where?)

VII. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. There is a small proportion of the gases in the air.

2. There are over 100 different elements on Earth.

3. There are many kinds of matter.

4. There are more than 1 trillion molecules in a cell.

5. There are many hundreds of millions of chemical compounds.

6. There are three types of plants: annual, biennial, and perennial.

7. There is more of cellulose in the world than any other organic chemical.

8. Without oxygen there is no life.

9. There are massive amounts of magnesium in seawater.

10. There was a lot of important research last year.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на союз eitheror.

1. Most nitrogen enters the soil from the atmosphere, either dissolved in rainwater, or as a chemical compound produced during thunderstorms.

2. Elements can exist either as molecules or as single atoms.

3. Because of their molecular structures, vitamins either dissolve in water or they do not.

4. Each element is represented by a symbol – either a capital letter alone or a capital letter and a small letter.

5. Such studies have not been done in either humans or animals.

IX. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте русские эквиваленты:

pharmaceutical, periodic table of elements, atomic weight, property, extremely, combine, compound, substance, variety, product, gaseous, characteristics, hydrogen, oxygen, decompose, mixture, physical, sodium chloride, component, process, potassium, bromine, rubidium, iodine, lithium, fluorine, revision, column, copper,

X. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

order – порядок; приказывать

rarely – редко

unconfirmed – неподтвержденный

tentative – пробный, опытный, экспериментальный

infinite – бесконечный; бесчисленный

compound – соединение

constituent – составляющий часть целого

decompose – разлагать на составные части; разлагаться; растворяться

however – однако, тем не менее

sample – образец

matter – вещество

separate – отдельный; отделять

sequence – последовательность

precede – предшествовать

evaporation – испарение

complete – завершать

partial – частичный, неполный

obtain – получать

split – расщепляться, раскалываться; делиться

distinguish – различать

attach – прикреплять; присоединяться

numeral – число; числительное

XI. Прочтите вопросы перед чтением текста и ответьте на них.

What is your attitude to Chemistry? Chemistry is often referred to as the central science – do you agree with this statement? What do you mean by “Pharmaceutical chemistry”? Why is development of this science extremely important? Do you know who described the first periodic table of the elements that ordered the elements by increasing atomic weight and according to trends in their properties? (It was not Dmitri Mendeleev. The actual inventor of the periodic table is someone rarely mentioned in chemistry history books).
XII. Прочтите текст и скажите, какие химические элементы упоминаются в тексте:

Text A. Pharmaceutical chemistry

Chemical Elements

At present there are 110 known chemical elements. (The discovery of element 110, reported in 1987 by Soviet scientist, remains unconfirmed, however, and is still considered extremely tentative.) Elements can combine with one another to form a wide variety of more complex substances called compounds. The number of possible compounds is almost infinite; perhaps a million are known, and more are being discovered every day. When two or more elements combine to form a compound, they lose their separate identities, and the product has characteristics quite different from those of the constituent elements. The gaseous elements hydrogen and oxygen for example, with quite different properties, can combine to form the compound water, which has altogether different properties from either oxygen or hydrogen. Water clearly is not an element because it consists of and actually can be decomposed chemically into the two substances - hydrogen and oxygen; these two substances, however, are elements because they cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by any known chemical process. Most samples of naturally occurring matter are physical mixtures of compounds. Seawater, for example, is a mixture of water and a large number of other compounds, the most common of which is sodium chloride, or table salt. Mixtures differ from compounds in that they can be separated into their component parts by processes; for example, the simple process of evaporation separates water from the other compounds in seawater. Mendeleyev's periodic table of 1869 contained 17 columns, with two nearly complete periods (sequences) of elements, from potassium to bromine and rubidium to iodine, preceded by two partial periods of seven elements each (lithium to fluorine and sodium to chlorine), and followed by three incomplete periods. In an 1871 paper Mendeleyev presented a revision of the 17th group, the principal improvement being the correct repositioning of 17 elements. He, as well as Lothar Meyer, also proposed a table with eight columns obtained by splitting each of the long periods into a period of seven, an eighth group containing the three central elements (such as iron, cobalt, nickel; Mendeleyev also included copper, instead of placing it in Group I), and a second period of seven. The first and second periods of seven were later distinguished by use of the letters "a" and "b" attached to the group symbols, which were the Roman numerals.

1. Read the text B and comment on the figures.
Text B. Water

About 3 quarters of the earth surface are covered with liquid water. Water can be in liquid, solid and vapour condition. As it can change its condition it constantly moves and influences everything on the Earth.

In vapour form, water is also an important constituent of the earth’s atmosphere. It occurs in animals and vegetable tissues. It constitutes some 70 % of the human body and over 90 % of some vegetables. So water is very important to all living things. In the living body water carries foodstuffs from 1 part of the body to another.

Man gets one half of his water in the food he eats, especially in fruit and vegetables.

More than 70 % of the body is composed of water. Daily we lose some water. The human body gives off about 5 pints of water every 24 hours through the lungs, sweat glands and kidneys. We must replace it. If 10% of the body is lost without replacements, there will be serious signs of illness. Water losses greater than 15% are usually fatal. A person can go without water about 7-10 days.

Potable water is water which is fit to drink. Since water dissolves a part of nearly everything with which it comes in contact, absolutely pure water does not occur in nature. The water for drinking and domestic purposes is generally supplied by rivers, lakes, wells, and springs. Such waters commonly contain salts of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, organic matters from falling leaves and twigs; and traces of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, ammonia, and other gases from the atmosphere.

There is also a variety of suspended matter in natural water such as fine particles of clay, sand, microscopic organisms including bacteria, and fragments of vegetation. Waters having appreciable amounts of dissolved salts are always more acceptable for drinking than those free from solids. But good drinking water must be free from toxic salts, disease producing organisms, and from harmful organic and sewage contamination.


vapour-пар; constituent- составная часть, элемент; to occur- встречаться, иметь место; foodstuff- продукты питания; to compose- составлять; to dissolve- растворять; sweat – пот; replacement- замещение; pint- пинта, ≈ 0,5 л.; potable water- питьевая вода; contamination- загрязнение
II. Finish the sentences using the following words:
for drinking, free from toxic salts, acceptable, average, salts, calcium, microscopic organisms, fine particles, natural waters, pure, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, clay, sand, sodium
1. We have mineral waters in which the total mineral content is significantly above the … . 2. Alkaline waters contain unusual quantities of … . 3. The water for drinking and domestic purposes commonly contains … . 4. There is also a variety of suspended matter in … . 5. Waters having appreciate amounts of dissolved salts are more … . 6. Good drinking water must be … .

III. Answer the questions:
1. Is water distributed in nature?
2. In what states of aggregation does water occur in nature?
3. How many quarters of the earth’s surface are covered with liquid water?
4. Where does water occur?
5. What is the composition of water?
6. What kinds of water do you know?
7. What water is fit to drink?
8. Does water play a vital part in the nutrition of animals and plants?
9. Where is water employed by man?
10. Does absolutely pure water occur in nature?

Грамматика: пассивный залог; слова – заменители
Запомните: суффикс – ly образует наречия от основы прилагательных и существительных;
суффикс ant образует прилагательные
I. 1. Прочитайте и переведите:
rapidly, normally, frequently, significantly, commonly, particularly, completely, readily, slightly, intensively
2. Прочитайте и переведите:
distant, constant, important, unpleasant, resistant, determinant, significant
3. Выделите словообразовательные элементы в следующих словах и переведите их на русский язык:
abundant, natural, fatty, watery, silvery, lengthy, solution, sensitive, observer, acceptable, measurement
II. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Поставьте их вначале в отрицательную, а затем в вопросительную форму.

1. He was examined by his doctor yesterday.

2. The child is taught by his mother.

3. The students will be delivered the lecture in physiology on Monday.

4. He is always asked many questions at the lesson.

5. The text was translated by my friends yesterday.

6. You will be told about it later.

7. This doctor is always sent for.

8.The skeleton was studied in September.

III. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы во временную группу Simple Passive.

1. The operation ( to perform ) by me.

2. The operation ( to perform ) by the team of surgeons next week.

3. The operation( to perform ) by him yesterday.

4. The skeleton ( to compose ) of bones.

5. On each side of the chest the breastbone (to connect) with seven ribs.

6. The upper extremity (to form) by the arm, forearm and hand.

7. The skeleton of the head (to call) the skull.

8. The main building of the University (to situate) in the center of the city.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив сказуемое в действительном или страдательном залоге.

1. Such changes in the stomach (to cause) by stress.

2. The effectiveness of this method (not to study).

3. Doctors (to use ) laser in different fields of medicine.

4. Only aspirin (to use) in this case.

5. Cardiovascular diseases (to treat) surgically.

6. This substance (to prevent) many diseases.

7. A group of experimental animals (to give) a dose of medicine.

8. Health tests can ( to use) at home.

V. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на залог сказуемого.

1. Учёные открыли новое вещество.

2.Это вещество открыли несколько лет назад.

3. Студенты будут проходить хирургию в следующем году.

4. Хирургия будет изучаться в следующем году.

5. Учёные разработали новый метод лечения.

6. В нашей клинике разработали новый метод лечения.

7. Врач не рекомендует больному употреблять новое лекарство.

8. Больному не рекомендуют употреблять новое лекарство.

VI. Переведите те предложения, в которых «one -ones и that-those» выступают в роли заменителей существительных.

1. One man-no man.

2. One of my friends wants to take a post graduate course.

3. One must be always attentive while preparing for the examination session.

4. These are not my text-books, those are mine.

5. That student is the best one.

6. He treated his patients and those of Dr. Ivanov.

7. Those girls are first year students.

VII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на слова – заменители существительных:

1. I don’t like this book, give me another one.

2. The bones of the extremities are longer than those of the spine.

3. The bones of the skull are those which compose the head and the face.

4. This lecture is more interesting than the one I attended last week.

5. The weight of the lung is less than that of the heart.

VIII. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

alkali, periodic, classification, soluble, univalent, oxidation, evolution, decompose, hydroxide, characteristic, caesium, therapeutic, quantity, comparatively, chloride, calculate, manufacture, industry, percent, process, concentration, produce, ammonia

IX. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

compound – соединение

alkali metal – щелочной металл

the Periodic Classification – периодическая классификация

soluble – растворимый

affinity – свойство, родовое сходство

widely distributed – широко распространенный

to employ – употреблять, применять, использовать

corresponding – соответствующий

to the extent of – до степени

lime – известь

brine – морская вода, соляной раствор

saturated with – насыщать, нейтрализовать

under pressure – под давлением

decomposition – распад, разложение

sodium chloride – хлорид натрия

precipitation – осаждение; осадок

X. Прочтите и переведите текст А.

Text A. Compounds of Sodium and Potassium

The alkali metals — lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and caesium—which fall in Group I of the Periodic Classification, are the most strongly electro-positive elements known. They are all univalent, and their compounds are soluble in water. The metals themselves are distinguished by their great affinity for oxygen. They undergo oxidation rapidly on exposure to air and decompose water readily in the cold, with evolution of hydrogen and formation of soluble, strongly alkaline hydroxides. All these characteristics are most marked in caesium, and least in lithium.

Sodium and potassium compounds are widely distributed and abundant. Lithium compounds are found in comparatively small quantities, and rubidium and caesium are decidedly rare elements. The compounds of sodium and potassium are very widely employed in pharmacy, and corresponding compounds of the two metals are similar in therapeutic action.

Compounds of sodium. The chief naturally occurring compound of sodium is the chloride, NaCL, which is present in sea-water to the extent of 2 to 3 per cent, and is also found as rock salt.

The manufacture of sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium hydroxide forms the chief branch of the great alkali industry. Most of the sodium salts used in pharmacy are made from the carbonate or hydroxide.

Sodium hydroxide. Contains not less than 95.0 per cent of total alkali, calculated as NaOH, and not more than 2.5 percent of Na2CO3.

Sodium hydroxide is manufactured by heating sodium carbonate with water and lime in large iron tanks.

Most of the sodium carbonate produced at the present day is manufactured by the ammonia-soda process. The principle of the method is simple. Strong brine containing a high concentration of ammonia is passed through a "carbonating tower" where it is saturated with carbon dioxide under pressure. The ammonia and carbon dioxide decomposition with the sodium chloride causes the precipitation of sodium bicarbonate, which is not very soluble in water, and is still less soluble in brine.

1. affinity — хим. сродство. Здесь: Эти металлы распознаются по их свойству легко соединяться с кислородом

2. on exposure to air — под действием воздуха

3. iron tanks — металлические емкости

4. "carbonating tower" - «углеродная колонка». (Кавычки означают, что словосочетание не является термином, а используется терминологически в данном тексте)

5. sodium and potassium – натрий и калий
XI . Answer the questions:
1. What kind of metals are lithium, sodium, potassium and caesium?
2. In what group of the Periodic Classification do these metals fall?

3. When do these metals undergo oxidation rapidly?

4. Why are sodium and potassium compounds of great importance in pharmacy?
5. What compounds are found in comparatively small quantities?

6. What is the chief naturally occurring compound of sodium?
7. How is sodium hydroxide manufactured at present?

I. Read and translate the text B:
Text B. Proteins and Amino-Acids

Proteins are highly complex compounds elaborated by living cells, and containing the elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and usually sulphur. They are particularly important as the source of combined nitrogen in foodstuffs. The percentage of nitrogen in most proteins varies from about 15 to 19.

Proteins are classified chiefly according to their solubility; thus albumins are soluble in water while globulins are insoluble in water but soluble in dilute salt solutions. Both albumins and globulins are coagulated by heat. The molecular weights of proteins are known to be estimated only approximately, but investigations by ultracentrifugal methods give results for the soluble proteins varying from a few thousands to many millions. Those proteins which are soluble form colloidal solutions which are generally viscous and may form gels if sufficiently concentrated (e. g. gelatin). From their colloidal solutions many proteins are precipitated by electrolytes. Many of them (e. g. egg albumen) are coagulated by heat. When the temperature is above 60 — 80 °C it produces a marked change in protein structure. This is an example of "denaturation", with diminution in solubility and other changes in properties, which may be brought

about in proteins by various means, including the action of reagents. Substances of such high complexity would not be expected to crystallize under ordinary conditions; nevertheless, some proteins, including egg albumin and hemoglobin, can be obtained in crystalline form by special methods.

Proteins can be hydrolyzed with formation of simpler substances. This process takes place, for example, during digestion in the stomach and intestinal tract.

Amino-acids represent the final stage of protein hydrolysis, and many different amino-acids are produced by the breakdown of a single protein.

The substances intermediate between proteins and amino-acids are not sharply differentiated from one another, since the breaking down process is a gradual one. The progressive decrease in molecular complexity on hydrolysis is accompanied by a corresponding increase in solubility and tendency to crystallization.

1. the breakdown of a single protein — распад (разложение) белка одного вида
II. Find the equivalents of the words in brackets:
1. Proteins are highly complex compounds (вырабатываемые) by living cells. 2. The percentage of nitrogen in most proteins (варьирует) from about 15 to 19. 3. The molecular weights of proteins can be estimated only (приблизительно). 4. Many proteins are precipitated by (электролитами). 5. The substances intermediate between proteins and amino-acids (не очень резко отличаются) from one another. 6. Proteins can be hydrolyzed (с образованием более простых веществ). 7. Amino-acids (представляют собой) the final stage of protein hydrolysis.
III. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of compounds are proteins?

2. What are they elaborated by?

3. What chemical elements do proteins contain?

4. How does the percentage of nitrogen in most proteins vary?

5. How can the molecular weights of proteins be estimated?

6. What methods of investigations of proteins do you know?

7. What stage of protein hydrolysis do amino-acids represent?

8. What happens to proteins during digestion in the stomach and intestinal tract?

9. Why are substances intermediate between proteins and amino-acids not sharply differentiated from one another?
IV. Communicative situations:

1. Imagine you are a lecturer in Pharmaceutical chemistry. Give an introductory lecture about the significance of pharmaceutical chemistry, the importance of this industry to public health.
2. Write down all possible word – combinations a) adj+n; b) v+n:

a). coastal, radioactive, medical, industrial, organic, urban; to cause, to exceed, to discharge;

b). waters, standards, death, areas, problems, matter, contamination, wastes.
3. Prepare a short report “History of the Peroidic Table”. Use the following words:

Contribution to chemistry, the Russian Chemical Society, increasing atomic weight, chemical and physical properties, valence, protons, to order elements according to … , to gain recognition.

Choose a right variant:

1. water occurS … in nature.

1) only in solid and vapour condition

2) only in liquid condition

3) only in liquid and solid condition

4) in liquid, solid and vapour condition
2. The human body is composed of more than ..... of water.

1) 90 per cent

2) 86 per cent

3) 70 per cent

4) 96 per cent
3. We …. water for drinking and domestic purposes every day.

1) are using

2) uses

3) use

4) do use


1) toxic salts only

2) salts of calcium and iron

3) magnesium, potassium, and sodium

4) toxic salts, disease producing organisms, harmful organic and sewage contamination

1) a half

2) northern part

3) about 3 quarters

4) southern part

1) that’s wrong

2) that’s right

3) I don’t know

4) I’m not sure


1) limited

2) definite

3) infinite

4) well-known


1) penicillins

2) proteins

3) antibiotics

4) sulfa drugs


1) salts

2) proteins

3) acids

4) all chemical elements


1) different

2) unknown

3) various

4) similar

Грамматика: модальные глаголы; числительные
Запомните: суффикс -al образует прилагательные от основ существительных;
суффикс – ic образует прилагательные от основ существительных
I. 1. Прочитайте и переведите:
experimental, practical, social, medical, natural, chemical, logical, capable, clinical, cerebral, neutral, abnormal
2. Прочитайте и переведите:
carbonic, phenolic, alcoholic, electronic, basic, prophylactic, anatomic, democratic, economic, atomic, mercuric, organic
3. Назовите исходные формы следующих производных слов, слова переведите:
clinical, preparation, successfully, effectiveness, decision, government, chemical, possibility, treatment, different, desirable, completely, therapeutic, toxicity, depressant
II. Переведите следующие предложения с модальными глаголами на русский язык.

  1. He can understand French.

  2. We may specialize in any field of medicine.

  3. You must gain a lot of experience in research work.

  4. She could become a good therapeutist.

  5. They should join any scientific society.

  6. I can’t achieve good results in sport.

  7. He could perform a complex operation on the heart.

III. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.

Model: Can Tom hear me? – Yes, he can.

  1. Can you speak Italian? No, … .

  2. May I sit here? Yes, … .

  3. Can you remember her phone number? Yes, … .

  4. Must she finish the homework this evening? Yes, … .

  5. Must they return home early? No, … .

  6. May I fix the date of the examination? No, … .

  7. Can we examine the patient? No, … .

IV. Поставьте предложения в утвердительную форму.

  1. Must medical students work hard?

  2. Must he listen to the lecture attentively?

  3. You may not come in.

  4. We can’t carry out numerous experiments.

  5. You must not take these vitamins.

  6. May I have a rest?

  7. Can I help you with your research?

  8. You may not return late.

V. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык.

1. Я умею говорить по-английски.

2. Я не могу перевести это предложение.

3. Можно мне войти?

4. Он может забыть об этом.

5. Я должен упорно работать над своим английским.

6. Вы должны внимательно слушать преподавателя на занятии.

7. Вы не должны опаздывать.

VI. Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами:

1. This drug can suppress inflammation.

2. You may warm the ear drops to body temperature.

3. This medicine must be used regularly.

4. These medicines should be given with care.

5. The number of leaves on a plant can vary from several to thousands.

6. Carbon dioxide gas may be liquefied or solidified.

7. The atoms in diatomic molecules may be similar or they may be dissimilar.

8. A new medicine must undergo extensive testing in the laboratory.

9. Aspirin should not be given to children who have viral infections.

10. A chemical element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler stuff by any chemical means.

VII. 1. Произнесите по- английски.

¾ часа; ½ тонны; 0,5 ; 1,15 ; 12,305 ; 7,08 ; 8 марта; 9 мая; тысяча людей; тысячи людей; две тысячи долларов; сто писем; сотни школьников.

VIII. Образуйте порядковые числительные от следующих количественных (устно):

1; 3; 10; 13; 22; 30; 51; 55; 80; 99; 102; 111; 1000; 1111.

IX. Запомните :

Length Weight Liquids

1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 ounce {auns} /oz/ = 28.35 g 1 pint {paint} = 0.4732 dm

1 foot = 0.3048 m 1 pound /lb/ = 0. 454 kg 1 gallon = 3.7853 dm

1 yard = 3 feet =0.9144 m 1 stone = 14 pounds = 6.35 kg

1 mile = 1.609 km

X. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения .

1. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616 in Stratford-on-Avon. 2. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. 3. Jack London was born on the 12th of January 1876 and died in 1916. 4. On April 12, 1961 the whole world learned about Gagarin’s flight into space.

XI. Скажите по-английски.

a) 1 сентября 1984 года 8 мая 1861 года 7 ноября 1990 года

21 января 1824 года

9 октября 1947 года 22 апреля 1907 года 11 марта 1951 года

27 июля 1990года

5 июля 1945 года 10 февраля 1972 года 15 августа 1952 года

31 декабря 2000 года

б) 1,325,543 книги первый автобус около 18,000 студентов

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

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