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  • TASKS I. Answer the questions

  • II. Find the following equivalents in the text

  • III. Read text B and translate it into Russian: Text B

  • IV. Chose the right variants of the answers

  • V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English

  • VI. Look through the text A and choose advantages and disadvantages of solid dosage forms. LESSON 13 Грамматика

  • . Выделите словообразующие префиксы в следующих словах и переведите слова на русский язык

  • Английский пособие. англ. From the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly

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    НазваниеFrom the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly
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    V. Найдите в правой колонке синонимы для слов и выражений из левой колонки слов:

    cachet to hide

    administration lozengers

    rarely to be intended for

    often capsule

    to incorporate use

    to be designed for seldom

    to disintegrate commonly

    to mask to add

    troches to decompose

    VI. Найдите под чертой антонимы для следующих слов и выражений:

    greater, solid, advantages, homogeneous, internal, rarely, inert, common, synthetic, correct, initial, ease, soft, seldom


    external, liquid, final, difficulty, lesser, disadvantages, often, hard, wrong, active, rare, natural, heterogeneous, commonly

    VII. Переведите эти предложения и определите тип придаточных предложений в каждом из них:

    1. Today pills are rarely prescribed, though some popular types are manufactured by machine.

    2. Despite the wide variety of the over-the-counter headache remedies, almost every product contains one of the three drugs: paracetamol, ibuprofen, or aspirin.

    3. How a drug is labeled is determined by its classification.

    4. If the drug has an established name, it must be displayed with the trade name.

    5. Liquid dosage forms are useful for patients who have trouble swallowing solid dosage forms.

    6. After the ingredients are weighed, comminited and mixed, the powders must be accurately divided into the prescribed number of doses.

    7. Capsules are solid dosage forms in which one or more medicinals or inert substances are enclosed within a small gelatin shell.

    8. Disintegration tests are not usually required for capsules unless they are intended to resist solution in gastric fluid.

    9. Water-soluble vitamins must be taken daily as they cannot be stored in the body and are excreted within one to four days.

    VIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где необходимо

    Filling capsules

    Capsules are usually filled …..the punch method. The powder is placed ..... paper and flattened ….. a spatula so that the layer ….. powder is no more than approximately 1/3 the length …..the capsule. The paper is held ….. the left hand. The body ….. the capsule is held ….. the right hand and repeatedly pressed ….. the powder ….. the capsule is filled. The cap is replaced and the capsule is weighed.

    ….. they are filled, the capsules must be cleaned and polished. ….. a small scale; capsules are cleaned individually or in small numbers ….. rubbing them ….. a clean gauze or cloth.

    ….. large scale, they are passed ….. a vacuum cleaning device fitted ….. the capsule-filling machine, which removes any extraneous material ….. the capsule leaves the machine. Powder capacity ….. capsules ranges …..60 - 130 mg , 650 -2000 mg which is the largest capsule size.
    IX. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

    stability, accurate, medicament, ingredient, mixture, geometric, capsule, gelatin, compressed, popular, acacia, administration, disintegration, perforated, dosage

    X. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

    advantages – преимущества

    bulk, bulky – объем, объемный

    to be intended for – быть предназначенным для

    homogeneous – гомогенный, однородный

    cachet – облатка, капсула

    a shell – оболочка

    starch – крахмал

    to swallow – глотать, проглатывать

    machine-made – фабричного приготовления

    a pill – пилюля

    a binding agent – связывающее вещество

    tragacanth – трагакант, смола растений рода Astragalus

    to incorporate – присоединять, смешивать

    to roll – скатать

    to coat, a coating – покрыть оболочкой, покрытие

    compression – прессование

    to dilute, diluents – разбавлять, разбавитель

    to disintegrate – распадаться, расщепляться

    to stick, sticking – застревать, застревание

    a lubricant – смазка, лубрикант

    a mold – формочка

    fragile – хрупкий

    troches, lozengers, pastilles – леденцы, лепешки, таблетки для рассасывания во рту

    to release – выделять, высвобождать

    a gum – смола

    fusion – плавление

    to deteriorate – портиться, ухудшаться

    a sieve, to sieve – сито, просеивать

    XI. Прочтите и переведите текст А:

    Text A. Solid dosages

    Solid dosages, such as tablets, have many advantages over other types: greater stability, lesser risk of chemical interreaction between different medicaments, smaller bulk, accurate dosage, and ease of production.

    Powders intended for internal use are usually mixtures of two or more ingredients. lf two ingredients are present in unequal quantities, then the lesser ingredient (usually the drug substance) is mixed with an equal weight of the greater ingredient. Next, the resulting mixture is combined with an equal weight of the greater ingredient in steps until the mixture is homogeneous and complete. This process of geometric dilution is essential in order to produce a homogeneous powder. Cachets, occasionally used for administration of powdered drugs with unpleasant taste, consist of shells made of gelatinized starch paste. More common today is the hard capsule, in which the powder is enclosed in a shell of hard gelatin. Semi-liquid and liquid drugs are often enclosed in a soft capsule with a soft gelatin shell.

    Before the machine-made compressed tablet, pills were a very popular solid dosage form. Today, pills are rarely prescribed, though some popular types are manufactured by machine. The powdered ingredients are mixed together with a binding agent, such as tragacanth or acacia, and are then made into a plastic mass by incorporation of an appropriate liquid drug and addition of an inert liquid. The resulting mass, known as the pill mass, is then rolled into spheres and coated with talk, gelatin, or sugar.

    Tablets, by far the most common method of administration of drugs, are only rarely made by compression of the drug alone (e.g. potassium bromide tablets). Usually, the drug is mixed with suitable diluents, such as dextrin. lactose, salt, starch, or synthetic substances, designed to ensure disintegration of the tablet in the body. To prevent sticking in the machine, a lubricant such as liquid paraffin, stearic acid, talk, or a synthetic substance is usually added. It is essential that the tablet machines are fed with the drug mixture in a free-flowing form to ensure complete filling of the molds. To achieve that, the drug mixture is granulated by mechanically forcing pellets of the mixture through a sheet of perforated metal. The granulated mixture is then fed into the tablet machine which feeds the correct dose into the mold, and the mixture is compressed. Excessive compression may mean that the tablet will not disintegrate in the body, while insufficient compression results in fragile tablets that may break, causing inaccurate dosage. Coatings of various types may be applied onto the tablet in order to protect the ingredients from deterioration, to hide the taste of certain drugs, to control the release of the drug from the tablet, or to produce a more attractive tablet. in the manufacture of layered tablets, incorporating two or more drugs, a compressed tablet is fed into a second machine where another layer is compressed around it. In this way, drugs normally incompatible may be formulated in the same tablet.

    Other solid dosages include troches and dry extracts. Troches, also known as lozengers or pastilles, disintegrate or dissolve in the mouth, slowly releasing the active drug. The base usually consists of a mixture of sugar and gum and gelatin. Lozengers are generally manufactured by compression techniques, while pastilles are fabricated by fusion and the use of molds. Dry extracts are usually granulated by being passed through a sieve and may be used for the preparation of tablets.
    I. Answer the questions :
    1. What advantages do the solid dosage forms have?
    2. What method is generally used in making powders if the drug is being mixed with a bulky ingredient?
    3. Which solid dosage form is especially suitable for the preparation of solutions from the drugs unstable in the presence of water?
    4. Which of the solid dosages is rarely used today and why?
    5. Why are diluents added in the process of drug tabletting?
    6. What is the function of lubricants in the process of tabletting?
    7. Why is proper compression so important in tablet - making? *
    8. What is the purpose of applying different coatings onto the tablets?
    9. How can incompatible drugs be formulated in the same tablet?
    10. What are the drugs like lozengers designed for?
    II. Find the following equivalents in the text:
    преимущества перед, точная дозировка, предназначенный для внутреннего применения, поэтапно, разбавление в геометрической прогрессии, однородный (гомогенный) порошок, порошковые лекарства с неприятным вкусом, оболочки, сделанные из желатинизированного крахмала, жесткая (твердая) капсула, полужидкий, прессованная таблетка фабричного изготовления, пилюльная масса, подходящие разбавители, для предотвращения застревания в машине, смазка, подавать точную дозу в формочку, недостаточное /чрезмерное прессование, наносить оболочку на таблетку, плавление
    III. Read text B and translate it into Russian:
    Text B
    To satisfy the USP standards, tablets are required to pass one of two or more tests. A weight variation test is used if the active ingredient comprises the bulk of the tablet. A content uniformity test is used if the tablet is coated or if the active ingredient comprises less than 50% of the bulk of the tablet. Many tablets for oral administration are required to pass a disintegration test. Disintegration times are specified in the individual monographs. A dissolution test may be required instead if the active component of the tablet has limited water solubility. Hardness and friability would affect the disintegration and dissolution rates, but hardness and friability tests are in-house quality control tests, not official USP tests.
    IV. Chose the right variants of the answers:
    1. The dispensing pharmacist usually blends potent powders with a large amount of diluents by

    1. spatulation (C) geometric dilution

    (B) trituration (D) levigation
    2. Which type of paper best protects a divided hygroscopic powder?

    1. waxed paper (C) blue bond

    2. white bond (D) vegetable parchment

    3. Which capsule size has the smallest capacity?
    (A) 5 (C) 0

    (B) 1 (D) 000
    4. The shells of soft gelatin capsules may be made elastic by the addition of
    (A) sorbitol (C) polyethylene glycol (PGV)

    (B) povidone (D) lactose
    5. Divided powders may be dispensed in

    (A) individual-dose packets

    (B) a bulk container

    (C) a perforated, sifter-type container
    V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
    1. Твердые дозированные лекарственные формы включают порошки, таблетки, драже, гранулы и пилюли.
    2. Капсулы – это оболочки для дозированных порошкообразных, гранулированных, полужидких и жидких лекарственных веществ для внутреннего применения.
    3. Сейчас пилюли выписывают редко, но некоторые популярные виды изготавливают фабричным способом.
    4. Пастилки, или леденцы, растворяются во рту, медленно выделяя активно действующее вещество.
    5. Таблетки могут покрываться различными оболочками, включая сахарные, кишечно-растворимые и пленочные оболочки.
    VI. Look through the text A and choose advantages and disadvantages of solid dosage forms.

    LESSON 13

    Грамматика: зависимый причастный оборот; предлоги и союзы
    Запомните: приставки in-, un-, im-, dis-, ir-, il- имеют отрицательное значение
    I. Выделите словообразующие префиксы в следующих словах и переведите слова на русский язык:
    incapable, unstandard, impure, discontinue, irregular, illimitable, inactive, unpleasant, denaturalized, unlike, incorrect, unstable
    II. Назовите существительные, имеющие общие корни со следующими глаголами:
    to function, to produce, to develop, to grow, to know, to cultivate, to use, to describe
    III. Найдите в каждом предложении зависимый причастный оборот. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык:
    1. If used for a long time, prostaglandins may cause damage to the mucous lining of the stomach, thereby increasing the danger of ulceration.
    2. Because many of their constituents undergo a photochemical change when exposed to light, tinctures must be stored in light-resistant containers.
    3. Antibacterial topical solutions kill bacteria when applied to the skin or mucosa in the proper strength.
    4. A suspension should not be applied unless properly shaken.
    5. If heated, the solution starts decomposing.
    6. Repeat the course of treatment as needed.
    7. While preparing an ointment, add the oil-soluble ingredients in decreasing order of melting points.
    IV. Преобразуйте сложноподчиненные предложения в простые с причастным оборотом:
    1. Paper filters are employed in all the finer operations which require filtration. --------
    Paper filters are employed in all the finer operations requiring filtration.
    1. The physical forces, which play an important part in percolation, are gravitation, viscosity, and friction.
    2. The drugs are macerated in definite quantities of menstruum, which consists of alcohol of various strength.
    3. Hydrogen, which burns in water, forms water with oxygen.
    4. The soft elastic capsule is a soft globular gelatin shell, which contains sufficiently glycerin to retain permanent flexibility.
    5. In this group are placed the bases, which contain petrolatum, waxes and their combinations.
    V. Вставьте пропущенные союзы и предлоги по смыслу, где необходимо
    1. Starting the experiment we were aware ……. its final positive results.

    2. The sea level is rising very slowly …… year to year.

    3. Bones are classified according ……. their shape.

    4. We found this property ……. the drug while studying it ……. laboratory.

    5. Being used ……. the experienced doctor the drug produced a positive effect.

    6. The conference starting next week will be devoted ……. environmental protection

    7. Trying to confirm our results we performed a number ……. similar experiments.

    8. The coming session will be …….rather difficult.

    9. Exocrine glands are classified according ……. their ducts.

    10. Coughing we expel thousands of microbes ……. the surrounding air.

    11. The doctor ……. examining this patient is a well known specialist.

    12. Beginning the experiment we hoped ……. to confirm our hypothesis

    13. The patient observed ……. the doctor was suffering ……. bronchitis.

    14. ……. examining the patient, the doctor asked him ……. his present complaints.

    15. Learning physiology will help medical students to understand the processes operating ……. the human body.

    16. Coming ……. time is a good habit.

    17. Performing the function ……. the sense organ the skin contains many sensory nerve endings

    18. When examining ……. a patient the doctor noticed some abnormalities.

    19. Plasma was being studied ……. many years but ……. poor results.

    20. Coughing and sneezing are the signs ……. a respiratory disease.
    VI. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:
    systemic, cylindrical, rectum, suppository, absorption, antiseptics, contraceptive, agent, trichomonal, urethra, vagina, criteria, temperature, iodine, thermoliable
    VII. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:
    to insert – вставлять, вкладывать
    an orifice – отверстие

    tapered – сужающий, заостренный

    bullet-like shape – форма пули

    to contract – сокращаться

    to be administered – применяться, назначаться

    a relief – облегчение

    hemorrhoids – геморой

    debilitated – недееспособные, инвалиды
    comatose – в коматозном состоянии

    to be nauseous – испытывать тошноту

    to vomit – страдать рвотой

    a disturbance – нарушение
    hand-rolling – раскатывание вручную
    to mold, molding – лепить, формовка, отлив

    cocoa butter – масло какао

    a technique – технология, методика

    thermoliable – термолабильный

    to meet the criteria – удовлетворять критериям

    firm – твердый
    sensitizing – сенсибилизирующий

    an acid value – кислотное число

    a saponifying value – величина (показатель) омыляемости

    an iodine value – йодное число

    conversely – наоборот

    a thin liquid – прозрачная жидкость

    bland – с успокаивающим

    polyethylene glycol (PEG) – полиэтиленгликоль

    to refrigerate – держать в холодильнике

    to store – хранить, накапливать
    VIII. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Обратите внимание на предлоги и союзы.
    Text A. Suppositories

    A suppository is a solid or semisolid dosage form intended for insertion into a body orifice (e. g., rectum, vagina, urethra). Suppositories are used to deliver drugs for their local or systemic effects.

    Suppositories differ in shape and size. Rectal suppositories are usually i:ylindrical and tapered to a point, forming a bullet-like shape. As the rectum contracts, a suppository of this shape moves inward rather than outward. Suppositories for adults weigh approximately 2 g. Suppositories for children and infants are smaller. Vaginal suppositories are oval and typically weigh approximately 5 g. Drugs administered by this route are intended for a local effect, but systemic absorption may occur. Antiseptics, contraceptive agents, and drugs used to treat trichomonal, monilial or bacterial infections are often formulated as suppositories. Urethral suppositories are typically long and tapered. They are approximately 60 mm long and 4-5 mm in diameter They are administered for a local effect and are most commonly used as antiinfective agents.

    Rectal suppositories are often used for systemic effects (e.g., relief of hemorrhoids) Rectal suppositories are useful when oral administration is inappropriate, as with infants, debilitated or comatose patients, and patients who are nauseous, vomiting, or have gastrointestinal disturbances. Some drugs can irritate the stomach, therefore, the use of suppositories is preferable.

    Suppositories are prepared by hand-rolling, compression or molding. Hand-rolling involves molding the suppository with the fingers after a plastic suppository mass has been formed. Compression is generally used when cocoa butter is used as a base. The fusion method is the principal technique for commercial manufacture of the suppository.

    Suppository bases should meet the following criteria. They should: l) remain firm at room temperature to allow insertion. The suppository should not soften at temperatures below 30°C to avoid melting during storage; 2) dissolve rapidly in the cavity fluid; 3) be inert and compatible with a variety of drugs; 4) be nonirritating and nonsensitizing; 5) have an acid value of less than 0.2, a saponifying value of 200-245, and an iodine value of less than 7 if the base is fatty. If an oil“-soluble drug is incorporated into an oily base, then the rate of absorption is somewhat less than that achieved with a water-soluble base. Conversely, a water-soluble drug tends to pass more rapidly from the oil phase to the aqueous phase. Therefore, if rapid onset of action is desired, the water-soluble drug should be incorporated into the oily base.

    Bases that melt include cocoa butter and combinations of fats and waxes. Cocoa butter (theobroma oil) is the most widely used suppository base. it is firm and solid up to the temperature of 52 °C, at which point it begins to soften. At 34-35°C, it melts to produce a thin, bland, oily liquid. Cocoa butter is a good base for a rectal suppository, but it is less suitable for vaginal and urethral suppositories. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivatives are water-soluble bases suitable for vaginal and rectal suppositories.

    Containers for the suppositories are determined by the preparation method and the base used. Hand-rolled and molded suppositories should be dispensed in special boxes that prevent the suppositories from coming into contact with each other. If appropriate, a “refrigerate” label should appear on the container. Regardless of the base or medication used in the formulation, the patient should be instructed to store the suppositories in a cool dry place.
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