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Английский пособие. англ. From the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly

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НазваниеFrom the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly
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Participle I, используя глаголы, стоящие в скобках.

1 .Although almost all babies are born in hospital, there is a domiciliary service for mothers (to have) their babies at home, with midwives and general practitioners (to give) both anti-natal and post-natal care.

2. Primary health care in GB is in the hands of doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists (to work) within the National Service as independent practitioners, and district nurses and midwives; a wide range of other services is also available (to include) the school health service and social service.

3. Many medical schools and hospitals have departments (to develop) reproductive medicine.

4. Categorization of benzodiazepines according to the structural characteristics may also be of value (to help) to understand differences in their clinical action.

5. As Denmark has some of the best (to drink) water resources in the world, the target to provide adequate supplies may seem to be superfluous.

6. Last year an American surgeon found a way (to replace) the damaged bone.

7. People ( to plan ) to be a doctor must be generous and have a kind heart.

8. Most of the reporters ( to attend ) the press conference had questions to ask.

V. Проанализируйте предложения, найдите причастие и существительное, которое им определяется, определите функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Burning coal causes pollution.

2. Copper and nickel form alloys having low electrical conductivity.

3. Using light energy, plant cells convert simple compounds into more complex materials.

4. Care must be taken when working with X – rays.

5. When an atomic nucleus is unstable it decomposes spontaneously, emitting high – energy particles.

6. Grass is green, leafy, flowering plant.

7. After cell division, plant cells rearrange or restructure their cell walls, removing cellulose in some places and building it up in others.

8. More than 80% of all plants living today are flowering plants.

VI. Переведите предложения с парными союзами.

1.The patient complained both of a high temperature and of the pain in the chest.

2. Both the therapeutist and the surgeon have come to the conclusion to treat the patient at home.

3. Both experienced cardiologists and neurologists work at the in-patient department of the polyclinic.

4. At the polyclinic consulting hours may be both in the morning and in the evening.

5. The nurse fills in both temperature charts and gives injections.

6. Measurements both in wax and oil dispersions gave the same results.

7. It was decided to carry out various oxidation reactions both under normal conditions and under reduced pressure.

8. All drugs can cause both wanted and unwanted reactions.

9. Lithium undergoes a large number of reactions with both organic, and inorganic, reagents.

10. Both plants and animals are able to use the energy to drive their life processes.

VII. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

Pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmacopoeia, substance, combination, analysis, standartdization, professionally, pharmacist, ingredient, manufacture, physics, chemistry, botany, nature, origin, identification, formula, characteristics, structure

VIII. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

to concern – касаться, иметь отношение

to involve – вовлекать

to compound – смешивать, соединять, составлять

to dispense – фасовать, приготовлять и распределять (о лекарствах)

to store – хранить

to sell (sold) – продавать, отпускать по прописи

to require – требовать

to transfer – переносить, перемещать

to prescribe – прописывать, выписывать

prescription – рецепт

to demand – требовать

origin – начало; источник; происхождение

to embrace – включать, содержать в себе, заключать

sourсe – начало, источник

distribution- распределение

pure – чистый

purely – чисто; исключительно, вполне

to preserve – сохранять

powder – порошок

properly – должным образом, правильно

odour – запах, аромат

taste – вкус

to expose – выставлять, подвергать воздействию

moist – влажный

litmus – лакмус, лакмусовый

to retard – задерживать, замедлять, тормозить

deterioration - ухудшение, порча

IX. Прочтите и переведите следующие однокоренные слова:

Concern – concerned – concerning, science – scientist – scientific - scientifically, combine – combined – combining – combination, collect – collected – collecting – collection, prepare – prepared – preparing – preparation, define – defined – defining – definition, describe – described – describing – description, react – reacted – reacting – reaction

X. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

The science which concerns; medicines are compounded, dispensed, stored and sold; requires the scientific combination; to have knowledge of different subjects; the field of medicine; a list of medicinal substances; the structure of the drug; the official description; physical properties; an important test of identity or purity; the proper method of packaging and storing; to prevent or retard deterioration

XI. Прочтите вопросы и постарайтесь ответить на них перед чтением текста:

1. What does the word “Pharmacy” mean? 2. What is pharmacology? 3. Do you know what pharmacognosy means? 4. Have you ever heard about pharmacopoeia? You are going to learn all this information in the text given below.

XII. Прочтите и переведите текст А.

Text A. Practice of Pharmacy

Pharmacy is the science which concerns the study of medical substances. It involves not only medicines, compounding and dispensing them but their combination, analysis and standardization as well. The word “pharmacy” is also used to define the place where medicines are compounded, dispensed, stored and sold. A person who is scientifically and professionally capable of engaging in the practice of pharmacy is called a “pharmacist”.

The compounding of medicines usually requires the scientific combination of 2 or more ingredients but dispensing may only require the transfer of manufactured products to a prescription container. Both services demand special knowledge, experience and high professional standards. A pharmacist should have knowledge of different subjects such as physics, chemistry, botany, etc.

The field of medicine which studies drugs, their nature, origin, and effect in the body is called “pharmacology”. Pharmacology is broadly defined as the science of drugs.

Pharmacognosy is the science which embraces the history, source, cultivation, collection, preparation, distribution, identification, composition, purity and preservation of drugs of vegetable and animal origin.

A Pharmacopoeia is a book containing a list of medicinal substances with description, tests and formulas for preparing the same. The pharmacopoeial names of chemical substances do not always represent their chemical composition. The official description consists usually of physical characteristics, the structure of the drug when sectioned or powdered. The official description usually includes its physical properties such as colour, crystalline and other forms, odour, taste and the result of exposure to air. It’s important for the pharmacist to know if chemicals are stable or if they lose to attract moisture. The reaction to litmus or other indicators is also indicated unless the reaction is an important test of identity or purity. The Pharmacopeia describes also the proper method of packaging and storing the drug to prevent or retard deterioration.

dispensing- расфасовка; standardуровень; official description – фармакопейное (официальное) описание; a prescription container – ёмкость, предусмотренная рецептом; exposure to air–воздействие воздуха; to lose to attract moisture – терять свойства, притягивая влагу; to retard deterioration–замедлять, задерживать, тормозить ухудшение (состояния или качества)

I. Give definitions to the following:
pharmacy, pharmacist, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, pharmacopoeia
II. Find equivalents in the text
Способ составления лекарственных веществ; способ расфасовки; заниматься фармацевтической практикой; готовые продукты; высокий профессиональный уровень; знание разных предметов; воздействие на организм; растительного и животного происхождения; физические характеристики
III. Fill in the proper words:
1. The official description usually includes … properties. 2. The reaction to … or other indicators is an important test of … or … . 3. Both services demand … knowledge and … … standards. 4. A Ppharmacopoeia is a book containing a list of … … .5. Pharmacognosy embraces the history and preservation of drugs of … origin. 6. “Pharmacy” is the place where medicines are …, …, … . 7. … describes the proper method of packaging and storing the drug.
IV. Translate the following sentences:
1. Фармация – это наука, которая занимается изучением лекарств. 2. Аптека – это место, где смешиваются, расфасовываются и продаются лекарства. 3. Составление лекарств требует научного соединения нескольких компонентов. 4. Фармацевт должен иметь знания по различным дисциплинам. 5. Фармакология – это наука о лекарствах.
V. Answer the questions:
1. What does pharmacy treat of?
2. What does the word “pharmacy” also define?
3. Does the pharmacist compound and dispense medicines?
4. What is necessary to compound medicines?
5. What is necessary to become a pharmacist?
6. Does pharmacopoeia contain a list of medicinal substances?
7. What is necessary for the pharmacist to know?
8. What is necessary to prescribe drugs?
9. What document contains a list of medicinal substances?
VI. Agree or disagree:

1. Pharmacy and chemist’s shop are the same.

2. Pharmacist and pharmacologist are synonyms.

3. Pharmacology is the science which embraces the history, source, cultivation, collection, preparation, distribution, identification, composition, purity and preservation of drugs.

4 Pharmacognosy is the field of medicine which studies drugs, their nature, origin and effect in the body.

5. Pharmacopoeia is a book containing a list of medicinal substances with description, tests and formulas for preparing the same.
VII. Read and translate the text. Match the specialty and its duties.
Text B. Pharmacy Specialties (Part I)

In the practice of pharmacy there are some specialties. Each specialist performs his own duties. Thus; for example, pharmacist-technologist makes preparation of medicines, concentrated solutions, intrachemist's blanks, observing all the rules of preparation technology and technological methods. He also carries out drug development and creation of rational medicinal forms (a tablet, a capsule, aerosols, solutions etc.) providing the maximum bioavailability of an active component to an organism. He observes the requirements of sanitary regimen, a pharmaceutical order, rules and safety regulations.

Of course, this specialist uses technology equipment and mechanization and he’s responsible for the quality of performed work.

A pharmacist-technician works under the pharmacist’s supervision in the drug store, hospitals or clinics. He prepares drugs according to the doctor’s prescription, prints stickers with the names of drugs, places pharmaceutical products, cleans and sterilizes instruments, works with documents, with the insurance companies, inventory of the goods and negotiates with doctors.

The next specialist is A Clinical pharmacist who controls recipes, confirms the prescription of medicine indicated by doctors; it’s his duty to study the patient’s case report with the purpose not to allow negative consequences which can come as a result of interaction of medicines, besides he puts a drug on prescription, carries out supervision for pharmacist – technicians and assistants.
Fill in proper words:

1. special

2. specialty

3. interesting

4. amusing

1. difficult

2. different

3. inorganic

4. unknown

1. vegetable

2. vegetable and animal

3. animal

4. historical

1. first

2. brand

3. scientific

4. pharmacopoeial

1. organic

2. inorganic

3. physical

4. scientific

1. hard

2. important

3. funny

4. necessary

1. geography and history

2. botany and chemistry

3. physiology and anatomy

4. mathematics and informatics

1. recopies

2. prescriptions

3. medical substances

4. recommendations

1. formulas

2. origin

3. reactions

4. prices

1. knowledge

2. salts

3. solutions

4. ingredients


Грамматика: причастие I, его функции ( повторение и закрепление ), - ing формы; парные союзы

Запомните: суффикс – ate - суффикс глаголов

суффиксы – er, or - суффиксы существительных, обозначающих производителя действия
I.1. Прочитайте и переведите:
observer, indicator, visitor, dictator, collector, conductor, investigator, researcher, inventor, teacher, experimentater, examiner, manager
2. Прочитайте и переведите:
regulate, filtrate, granulate, fermentate, cultivate, concentrate, inactivate, calculate, radiate, operate, estimate
3. Переведите однокоренные слова:
Prepare, preparation; associate, association, associated, associative; sterility, sterilize, sterilization, sterilized, sterilizer; complete, completion, completely; measure, measurable, measurement, measureless
II. Переведите следующие словосочетания, используя причастие I или II:
развивающиеся страны; развитые страны; лечение, предупреждающее заболевание; заболевание, предупрежденное с помощью лечения; статья, описывающая новые методы; новые методы, описанные в научной статье; хирург, выполняющий операцию; операция, выполненная хирургом; обучающиеся, читающие текст; текст, прочитанный студентами

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия и роли определения:

a. Every educated person should speak English.

b. A new treatment described in the scientific article was very useful.

c. The students translating texts used dictionaries.

d. The operation performed by the surgeon was successful.

e. The doctor told us about methods preventing heart diseases.

f. The findings included in the report were very important.

g. I read an interesting article published in a medical journal.

h. The lecturer answered the questions asked by the students.

i. He made a discovery contributing to the development of plastic surgery.

IV. Прочтите и переведите:

forming – formed, treating – treated, operating – operated, taking – taken, reading – read, making – made, writing – written, causing - caused

V. Раскройте скобки, выберите нужную форму причастия и переведите предложения:

1. The article (publishing, published) in the medical journal was very useful. 2. The instruments (using, used) by surgeons are modern. 3. Doctors (treating, treated) heart diseases are called cardiologists. 4. The surgeon (performing, performed) this operation studied in my group. 5. In this department we treat only patients (having, had) infectious diseases. 6. Anatomy is the science (studying, studied) organs of the body. 7. The operation (calling, called) appendectomy is very common. 8. Methods (introducing, introduced) into practice are very helpful.

VI. Проанализируйте предложения, найдите причастие I и определите его функции:

1. A leaf is the food – making part of a plant.

2. Being one of the lightest metals, beryllium at the same time is remarkably strong, stronger than steel.

3. Algae being simple plants do not develop flowers; they do not have true roots, stems, or leaves.

4. Fast moving water has kinetic energy.

5. Matter is changing all the time because of changing conditions in the world around us.

6. X – rays are harmful to living things so care must be taken when working with them.

7. When growing on a bare surface such as rock, mosses slowly build up a thin layer of soil on the rock.

8. Zink containing enzymes regulates growth, development longevity and fertility.

9. The number of electrons revolting around the nucleus of an atom is equal to its atomic number.

10. While burning, magnesium emits large quantities of ultraviolet rays and heat.

VII. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них парные союзы и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Bacteria are both useful and harmful to humans.

2. The nucleus controls both the chemical reactions that occur in the cell and reproduction of cte cell.

3. In most chemical reactions, heat is either taken in or given out.

4. Many plants produce chemicals which can be either harmful or beneficial depending on dose and circumstance.

5. Neutral substances are neither acidic nor basic.

6. Water is a liquid which neithеr burns nor supports combustion.

VIII. Вставьте вместо пропусков необходимые по смыслу союзы eitheror, neithernor, bothand.

1. The isomerisation product was … the diketone … the pyrozole. 2. Measurements … in wax … oil dispersions gave the same results. 3. This can be due to … an increase in a number of particles … to an increase in a particle size. 4. It was decided to carry out various oxidation reactions … under normal conditions … under reduced pressure. 5. This substance is readily isolated … from valerian … from concentrated mother liquor containing its glycoside. 6. We prepared … esters of carbonic acids … n – alkyl substituted esters of carbonic acids.

IX. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

major/ minor – крупный, большой/ мелкий

to evolve from … to – развиваться из … в…

a herbalist – травник (специалист по траволечению)

to dispense, a dispenser – фасовать, отпускать по рецепту, фасовщик

to compound – готовить лекарство по прописи

a formulary – рецептурный справочник

to handle smth. – иметь дело с чем-либо

sophisticated – сложный (для понимания)

doubtful – сомнительный

to be replaced with – заменяться чем-либо

regardless of – независимо от

duties – обязанности

to ensure – обеспечить, гарантировать

to possess – иметь, обладать

skills – навыки, умения

to maintain – поддерживать, сохранять

inherent – (внутренне) присущий

to counsel, counseling – консультировать, консультация

preventive – профилактический

integral – неотделимый, неотъемлемый

proper – правильный, надлежащий

to record, recording – регистрировать, запись, регистрация

data processing – (компьютерная) обработка данных

inventory – инвентарь, инвентарный

adverse drug reactions (ADRs) – побочные действия лекарств

to be augmented – расширяться (за счет чего-либо)

pharmaceutical care – фармацевтическая служба

an area – область

extemporaneous compounding – экстемпоральное приготовление лекарств по рецепту (незамедлительное)

X. Прочтите текст А и переведите его на русский язык:

The practice of pharmacy

The practice of pharmacy has undergone a major transformation in the twentieth century. Pharmacists have evolved from herbalists, compounding and dispensing a limited formulary of poorly controlled products to drug information specialists handling thousands of sophisticated and highly refined pharmaceutical products. Although pharmacists are still in a period of significant professional change, it is doubtful that their role in compounding and dispensing products will ever be totally replaced with other professional responsibilities. Regardless of his or her other professional duties, the pharmacist is responsible for ensuring that the product which he or she dispenses are safe, accurate, and appropriate for the patient. Hence, the pharmacist must possess skills, knowledge, and understanding of basic principles which allow him to maintain accuracy in compounding and dosing.

The skills and activities inherent in the provision of pharmaceutical care include, though are not limited to, the following:

  1. patient assessment;

  2. patient education and counseling;

  3. patient-specific pharmacist care plans necessary for recognition, prevention, and management of drug interactions;

  4. drug treatment protocols;

  5. dosage adjustment;

  6. selection of therapeutic alternatives;

  7. preventive services;

  8. managerial skills.

An integral part of pharmaceutical care is proper documentation, which involves systematic recording of patient information, drug monitoring, data processing, inventory record maintenance for dispensing of controlled substances, and reporting information on adverse drug reactions to the local and regional Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committees.

The practice of pharmacy embraces a variety of settings, patient populations, and specialist, as well as generalist, pharmaceutical settings. In today’s pharmacy practice, a pharmacist must be able to provide services in all settings, including home, hospital and ambulatory care, primary care, consultation, long-term care, and community pharmacy practice.

A pharmacist may specialize within a narrow field of practice, or incorporate one or more areas of focused practice into a general practice of pharmacy. Examples of highly specialized practice include pharmacist-directed diabetes management clinics, hypertension clinics, hospital-based infectious disease services, and others.


I. Answer the questions:

1 How has the practice of pharmacy changed in the twentieth century?

2 What is the chief responsibility of the pharmacist today?

3 What skills do you consider to be most important for the pharmacist to possess?

4 What are specialized fields of practice?

  1. Where do you prefer to work: in specialized or general practice of pharmacy?

II. Using the information about the medicine, choose the patient who can be treated with this drug. Explain your choice.

Indications: alternative to penicillin in hypersensitive patients: campylobacter enteritis, pneumonia, legionnaires’ disease, syphilis, non-gonococcal urethritis, chronic prostatitis, diphtheria and whooping cough prophylaxis: acne vulgaris and rosacea
Cautions: hepatic and renal impairment: prolongation of QT interval (ventricular tachycardia reported); pregnancy (not known to be harmful) and breast-feeding (only small amount in milk); interactions: Appendix I (erythromycin and other macrolides)
Side-effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea (antibiotic-associated colitis reported); urticaria, rashes and other allergic reactions; reversible hearing loss reported after large doses; cholestatic jaundice, cardiac effects (including chest pain and arrhythmias); Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis also reported.
Doses: by mouth, ADULT and CHILD over 8 years, 250-500 mg every 6 hours or 0.5-1 g every 12 hours; up to 4 g daily in severe infections; CHILD up to 2 years 125 mg every 6 hours, 2-8 years 250 mg every 6 hours, doses doubled for severe infections.

Early syphilis, 500 mg 4 times daily for 14 days

Uncomplicated genital chlamydia, non-gonococcal urethritis. 500 mg twice daily for 14 days
By intravenous infusion, ADULT and CHILD severe infections, 50 mg/kg daily by continuous infusion or in divided doses every 6 hours; mild infections (oral treatment not possible), 25 mg/kg daily; NEONATE 30-45 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses


  1. A 4-year-old-boy with meningitis due to pneumococcus. He is allergic to penicillin.

  2. A 27-year-old woman with urinary tract infection in early pregnancy.

  3. A 67-year-old man with a history of chronic bronchitis now suffering from pneumonia. The causative organism is resistant to tetracycline.

  4. An 18-year-old man with left leg amputation above knee following road traffic accident.

  5. A 50-year-old woman with endocarditis caused by strep. viridans.

  6. A 13-year-old girl with disfiguring acne.

  7. A 4-year-old boy unimmunised sibling of 2-year-old boy with whooping cough.

III. Read and translate text B. Match the specialty and its duties.

Text B. Pharmacy Specialties (Part II)

A Pharmacologist is a specialist who carries out the pharmacological control and researches in the manufacture of medicines, vitamins and other medical preparations, investigates medicines’ effect (medicinal substances) on an organism. A Pharmacologist investigates and tests drugs on experimental animals.He also studies both domestic and foreign scientific and technical achievements and an advanced experience in the field of the pharmacological control. As for a Pharmacist-pharmacognost, he studies herbs, bioactive connections in their composition; he prepares vegetative medical products, and also resources of vegetative medicinal raw materials.

A Pharmacist-analyst maintains quality audit of medications in the process of their production and storage and solves a question of standardization and certification of medicinal preparations.

A lot of duties are performed by a Pharmacist-manager. He deals with handling of applications, registration of returns and claims from clients; exercises control over work of chemist's warehouses. The manager is responsible for tracing of the forged and defective medicines, maintenance and development of contacts to key clients and distributors, organization of advancement production and performance of the sales’ plan; selection, training, motivation, the organization and the control of work of a command; planning of sales and the market analysis; coordination and realization of various kinds of marketing activity, besides he keeps books (accounting).
IV. Communicative situations:

1. You are playing the role of a teacher of Pharmaceutical Department. Explain your students the difference between such terms as Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy.

2. Agree or disagree:

o Pharmacy and chemist’s shop are the same.

o Pharmacist and pharmacologist are synonyms.

o Pharmacology is the science which embraces the history, source, cultivation, collection, preparation, distribution, identification, composition, purity and preservation of drugs.

o Pharmacognosy is the field of medicine which studies drugs, their nature, origin and effect in the body.

o Pharmacopoeia is a book containing a list of medicinal substances with description, tests and formulas for preparing the same.

3. You are a lecturer. You are to tell the students how many specialties are engaged in pharmacy and what duties the specialists perform.

Грамматика: конструкция there is | there are; интернациональные слова; either … or

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

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