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  • II. Answer the following questions

  • III. Read and translate the following text: Text B. «Hibitane» Antiseptic Cream Presentation.

  • Indications.

  • Precautions.

  • Pharmaceutical precautions.

  • V. Translate the following sentences

  • VI. Choose the right variant of the answer

  • Английский пособие. англ. From the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly

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    НазваниеFrom the history of pharmacy (part i) Запомните суффикс ity образует существительные суффикс ly
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    I. Complete the following sentences according to the text:

    1. Suppositories differ … .
    2. Rectal suppositories are often used for … .
    3. Suppositories are prepared by … .
    4. The fusion method is … .
    5. Suppositories bases should meet … .
    6. Bases that melt include cocoa butter and … .
    7. Hand-rolled and molded suppositories should be dispensed in … .
    II. Answer the following questions:
    1. What is a suppository?
    2. What do suppositories differ in?
    3. How are suppositories used?
    4. How are suppositories prepared?
    5. What criteria should suppository bases meet?
    6. What containers for suppositories are used?
    III. Read and translate the following text:

    Text B. «Hibitane» Antiseptic Cream

    Presentation. “Hibitane” Antiseptic Cream is a white water-miscible cream containing 1% w/w chlorhexidine.

    Properties. Chlorhexidine is effective against a wide range of Gram negative and Gram positive vegetative bacteria, yeast, dermatophyte fungi and lipophilic viruses. It is inactive against bacterial spores except at elevated temperatures. Because of its cationic nature, chlorhexidine binds strongly to skin, mucosa and other tissues and is thus very poorly absorbed. No detectable blood levels have been found in man following oral use and percutaneous absorbtion, if it occurs at all, is insignificant.

    Indications. “Hibitane” Antiseptic Cream is an antimicrobal preparation designed for application to broken skin surfaces. It may also be applied to the hands of hospital staff as a barrier against bacterial infection.

    Dosage and administration. Apply liberally to the wound and surrounding skin, or to the hands.

    Contra-indications. “Hibitane” preparations are contra-indicated for patients who have previously shown a hypersensitivity reaction to chlorhexidine. However, such reactions are extremely rare.

    Precautions. For topical application only. Keep out of the eyes and ears and avoid contact with the brain and meninges.

    Side effects. Irritative skin reactions can occasionally occur. Generalized allergic reactions to chlorhexidine have also been reported but are extremely rare.

    Overdosage. Accidental ingestion: Chlorhexidine taken orally is poorly absorbed. Treat with gastric lavage using milk, raw eggs, gelatin or mild soap. Employ supportive measures as appropriate.

    Pharmaceutical precautions. Hypochlorite may cause brown stains to develop in fabrics which have previously been in contact with preparations containing chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine is incompatible with soap and other anionic agents. Store at room temperature.
    IV. Fill in the proper prepositions:
    1. Ointments are intended ….. external use.

    2. Protective barriers prevent harmful substances ….. coming ….. contact ….. the skin.

    3. Lanolin derivatives are often used ….. topical and cosmetic preparations.

    4. Based …… penetration, ointments are divided ….. endodermic, epidermic and diadermic classes.

    5. Medicinal substances can be incorporated ….. the base ….. levigation or ….. fusion method.

    6. They should have an acid value ….. less than 0.2, and a saponifying value ….. 200-245.

    7. Rectal suppositories ….. bullet-like shape move rather than ….. .

    8. Hand-rolled and molded suppositories should be dispensed ….. special boxes that prevent them ….. coming ….. contact ….. each other.

    9. Suppositories should remain firm ….. room temperature.

    10. A hydrophilic ointment is readily miscible ….. water and is easily removed ….. the skin.
    V. Translate the following sentences:
    l High potency topical corticosteroids may produce systemic effect if used tor prolonged periods.

    2 Monitor renal function when using acyclovir.

    3 All medications are administered IV unless otherwise indicated.

    4 Heparin is not absorbed when given by mouth, and must be given parenterally.

    5 Do not stop taking your medicine unless advised so by your doctor.

    6 Only freshly prepared, clear sterile solutions may be injected intravenously.

    7 Consult drug information sources before recommending the patient a new drug.
    VI. Choose the right variant of the answer:
    1.. When preparing the following prescription drug:

    Salicylic acid 3 g

    Sulfur Ppt 7 g

    Lanolin 10g

    White petrolatum l0 g

    the pharmacist should

    A) reduce the particle size of the powders, using a mortar and pestle, or using the pill tile with a spatula

    B) place on an ointment tile and levigate the ingredients, using a mortar and pestle, or using the pill tile with a spatula

    C) package the ointment in an ointment jar or tube.
    2 For each description of a comminution procedure below, select the 'process that it best describes

    1. trituration

    2. spatulation

    3. levigation

    1. rubbing or grinding a substance in a mortar that has a rough inner surface

    2) reducing and subdividing a substance by adding an easily removed solvent

    3) adding a suitable agent to form a paste and then rubbing or grinding the paste in a mortar

    3 Rectal suppositories intended for adult use usually weigh approximately

    1. 1g B) 2g C) 3g D) 4g E) 5g

    4 A vanishing cream is an ointment that may be classified as

    1. a water soluble base

    2. an oleaginous base

    3. an absorption base

    4. an emulsion base

    5 Cocoa butter (theobroma oil) exhibits all of the following properties except

    1. it melts at temperatures between 33 and 35°C

    2. it is a polymorph

    3. it is useful in formulating rectal suppositories

    4. it is soluble in water

    6 A satisfactory suppository base must meet all of the following criteria except

    1. it should be non irritating and non-sensitizing

    2. it should dissolve or disintegrate rapidly in the body cavity

    3. it should melt below 30°C

    4. it should be inert
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