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Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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Future Simple Passive

Write questions to the sentences.

  1. This house will be sold soon. (When?)

  2. A lot of money will be spent on rebuilding the house. (How much money?).

  3. All the winners will be given prizes. (What prizes?)

  4. The parents will be sent invitations to the party. (Why?)

  5. The tickets will be bought for all of us. (When?)

  6. The pupils will be met at the station. (By whom?)

  7. They will be shown a lot of places of interest. (What places?)

  8. Then they will be taken for lunch? (Where?)

Use Simple Future Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

Another test in English __________ (to write) tomorrow. It __________ (to contain) five or more exercises. When all the pupils finish writing, the exercise-books __________ (to collect) by me. Our exercise-books __________ (to hand in) to the teacher. She __________ (to take) them home and __________ (to check) them up. They __________ (to return) to us at the next English lesson. We __________ (to get) our tests back and our mistakes __________ (to correct). All pupils__________ (to give) marks for the tests. They __________ (to put) into our school record-books and into the class register-book. I hope I __________ (to give) a good mark. Anyway, I __________ (to see).

Use verbs in brackets in future simple passive

  1. Some new paintings ... (exhibit) in our gallery next week.

  2. Stay away from that horse. Otherwise you ... (bite) by it.

  3. I’m afraid this text ... (not translate) by the beginning of next lesson.

  4. I’m sure the first prize ... (win) by our team.

  5. Steve ... (meet) at the airport.

  6. You ... (not ask) any questions by the landlord.

  7. Don’t worry. Your grandfather ... (look after) properly.

  8. My essay ... (finish) by 5 p.m. tomorrow.  

Change the Active construction into the Passive one in the following sentences

  1. They will sing a lot of folk songs.

  2. The police will definitely catch the thief tonight.

  3. I will praise the best students at the end of my lecture.

  4. They won’t have built that hotel by this autumn.

  5. We shall paint the roof tomorrow morning.

  6. Tom will have left Brazil by the end of the year.

  7. They won’t use this room.

  8. Mother will serve dinner in a few minutes.

 Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

1. People will forget this play in a few years’ time.

2. I’m sure we’ll settle the matter very easily.

3. We won’t repeat this mistake in the future.

4. A discussion will follow the lecture.

5. They will build a stadium here in the near future.

6. Who will represent your company at the next conference.

7. Dr Brown will give you some advice.

8. A famous designer will redecorate the house.

9. The examiner will read the passage three times.

10. Where will they build a new library?

11. They will see him off at the airport.

12. The professor will carry on this experiment in his laboratory.

13. He will mention this fact in his report.

14. We shall not admit children under sixteen.

15. The best athletes will represent the club at the Games.

16. Professor Brown will deliver some lectures on management next month

Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, active or passive.

1. My report (discuss) tomorrow.

2. We (finish) our experiment in a week.

3. This question (not to discuss) at the conference.

4. I’m afraid, the task (not to fulfil) very soon.

5. They (meet) me at the station at 10 o’clock.

6. They (send) us a box of fruit in July.

7. Our answer (give) you in two days.

8. We (do) the translation of the article in the evening.

9. When your brother (operate on)? - Tomorrow.

10. They (stage) this play at the beginning of next season.

11. The secretary (mail) these letters tomorrow morning.

12. Very soon his name (know) all over the world.

13. Tomorrow everything (decide).

14. The cat (catch) the mouse.

15. I hope the game (win) by our team.

16. You (be) late if you don’t hurry.

17. When are you going to post this parcel? - It (post) in an hour, I think.

18. One day people (travel) to Mars.

19. This book (discuss) at the next meeting of our English club. A lot of students (take part) in the discussion.

20. Leave the old bread in the garden. The birds (eat) it.

Translate into English using the Future Simple Passive.

1. Дом будет построен в будущем году. 2. Эти упражнения будут исправлены нашим преподавателем. 3. Эта книга будет опубликована в будушем году. 4. Его проинформируют вовремя. 5. Врач осмотрит больного через час. 6. Я думаю, ответ будет получен не раньше, чем через неделю. 7. В нашем городе будет построено много новых домов. 8. В каком журнале будет напечатана эта статья? 9. Кофе принесут через несколько минут. 10. Его пошлют за границу летом. 11. Она говорит, что билеты будут заказаны через неделю. 12. Переговоры состоятся в октябре. 13. Я думаю, что вам дадут хороший номер в этой гостинице. 14. Мы надеемся, что работа будет завершена в срок. 15. Документы будут подписаны завтра. 16. Где будет подписан контракт? - В Женеве. 17. Где и когда состоится конференция? 18. Когда будет доставлена телеграмма? - Через два часа. 19. Я уверен, что его пригласят на вечеринку. 20. Когда подадут обед?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form: Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

1. Scotch whisky (export) all over the world. 2. Gunpowder (discover) in China. 3. In the future more ships (build) in the Far East than in Europe. 4. It (recognise) that smoking is bad for your health. 5. Mercedes Cars (made) in Germany. 6. Skiing (invent) in Norway. 7. Our tests (correct) by the teacher next week. 8. The American novel “Huckleberry Finn” (write) by Mark Twain. 9. Many of the world’s diamonds (mine) in South Africa. The stones (send) to Amsterdam where they (sell) to international dealers. The stones (cut) in Antwerp, and they then (sell) to jewellers. 10. This brochure (print) in English and French every year. 11. His new book (finish) next year. 12. You (ask) any questions about your previous job at the interview? 13. Discounts (give) to all regular customers. 14. This part of work (do) tomorrow. 15. My paintings (exhibit) at the Picture Gallery last year. 16. Frogs and snails (eat) in France.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form: Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

1. Both cars and computers (manufacture) in Korea. 2. This bone (give) to my dog tomorrow. 3. The men (pay) 800 pounds to do this job. 4. Six weeks’ holiday (allow) to all employees. 5. Was there any trouble at the demonstration? - Yes, about twenty people (arrest). 6. I think that our flight (delay). 7. Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding? - No. They (invite) but they didn’t go. 8. Women who leave to have children (pay) a sum of money. 9. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people (take) to hospital. 10. A new stadium (build) opposite our house last year. 11. This office is very inefficient: the telephone never (answer) promptly, and no proper records (keep). 12. The men who (bite) by a snake, (give) a serum. 13. The President (arrive) in Rome yesterday afternoon. Later he (interview) on Italian TV. 14. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room. 15. By the end of the century traffic (control) by computers and there (not to be) any traffic jams. 16. Originally the book (write) in Spanish, and a few years ago it (translate) into English.

Translate into English. Use the correct Simple Passive form of the verbs.

1. Эти письма посылают авиапочтой? 2. Этот красивый дворец построен много лет тому назад. 3. Когда были получены эти журналы? 4. Вам покажут много достопримечательностей в нашем городе. 5. На нее всегда смотрят на улице. 6. Где будет проводиться собрание? 7. Эти книги возвратили в библиотеку вчера. 8. Где в городе продают книги на иностранных языках? 9. Эта мышь была поймана ночью. 10. Когда разбили чашку? 11. Ей не скажут об этом. 12. Меня попросили заполнить анкету. 13. Книги А. Кристи читают с интересом. 14. Эти компьютеры были закуплены в Японии. 15. Меня часто приглашают на вечеринки. 16. Пройдите к администратору. Вам дадут ключи от вашего номера. 17. Ей не разрешают возвращаться домой поздно. 18. Его попросили не вмешиваться в их спор. 19. За такси пошлют после того, как будут упакованы все вещи. 20. Эту книгу очень часто спрашивают.

Past Continuous Passive

Normal Past Continuous Examples Past Continuous Passive Examples

I was writing a letter A letter was being written by me.

He was cooking food Food was being cooked by him

They were playing football Football was being played by them

She was repairing L.C.D. L.C.D. was being repaired by her

Put the following sentences into past continuous passive

Начало формы

1. They were expecting a guest. …………………………………………..

2. The chef wasn't cooking the meat……………………………………….

3. The women were cleaning all the blinds. ………………………………….  .

4. They were watching the newest videos. …………………………………… .

5. Who was taking care of the baby? ………………………………………… .

6. Why were they picking the flowers? ………………………………………. .

7. Were they painting the room when the accident happened? ……………… .Конец формы
Make the following sentences passive according to the pattern.

Pattern:  When I came, they were still asking questions.

When I came, the questions were still being asked.

  1. When she came, her husband was doing the washing.

  2. When I came to this town again, they were building a new school in front of the supermarket.

  3. He entered the hall and heard that somebody was calling his name.

  4. When they entered the auction-hall, they were selling those pictures.

  5. When Father came home, I was cooking dinner.

  6. When the guests arrived, they were still making preparations to meet them.

  7. At that moment the specialists were examining a new car.

  8. When I came home, they were still putting books on the shelves.

  1. When I returned, the workmen were still building a new road not far from my house.

  2. After half an hour I came back. They were still showing her how to use the remote control.

  3. The lesson was almost over, but the teacher was still explaining the new rule to them.

  4. When I entered the room, the commission was discussing numerous questions.

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

  1. We were talking about Francis.  

  2. He was playing the guitar.  

  3. She was watching a film.  

  4. I was repairing their bikes. 

  5. They were not eating dinner. 

  6. We were not painting the gate.  

  7. You were not driving him home. 

  8. He was not feeding the dogs.  

  9. Was she reading these lines? 

  10. Were they carrying bags? 

  11. They were expecting a guest.

  12. The chef wasn't cooking the meat.

  13. The women were cleaning all the blinds.

  14. They were watching the newest videos.

  15. Who was taking care of the baby?

  16. Why were they picking the flowers?

  17. Were they painting the room when the accident happened?

  1. Конец формы

Read the sentence and choose the one option a-d, which best fits, the space.

1. Concert tickets ... at the box office. a. being sold b. are being sold c. are be sold d. are being selling

2. Following yesterday's accident, three people are still ... for minor injuries. a. treated b. being treating c. treating d. being treated

3. Your suit is not ready yet. It ... right now. a. is being cleaned b. is being cleaning c. is been cleaned d. is cleaning

4. I could not use my car yesterday because it ... a. was being serviced b. were being serviced c. was being service d. was been serviced

5. He left the room while the money ... a. has being collected b. was been collected c. was being collected d. was being collecting

6. We couldn't use the bathroom while it ... a. was been refitted b. was being refitted c. is being refitted d. was refitting

Make the following sentences passive

  1. I was working on the project for six months.

  2. The children were not working hard.

  3. We were talking about you when you rang.

  4. People were coming in all day to buy this item.

  5. For the whole of last month, he was trying to solve this problem.

  6. I was presenting my business plan at a staff meeting when Julia arrived five minutes late.

  7. When I reached the shop, lots of other people were also buying vacuum cleaners.

  8. They were giving the water to people who were injured.

  9. I saw on TV news that the company was asking people to return laptops as the batteries were dangerous.

  10. I was eating my dinner when I heard a knock on the door.

  11. I was still waiting for the tickets to arrive in the post.

  12. While he was launching his business he married.

Translate into English

  1. Обед готовился, когда приехали гости.

  2. Ее имя выкрикивали в толпе.

  3. Ее статью долго изучали прежде чем отправили в печать.

  4. Эту историю еще долго рассказывали.

  5. Портрет рисовали целый день.

  6. Данные анализировались нами, а результаты изучались другими специалистами.

  7. Меня знакомили с Кларой, когда зазвонил телефон.

  8. Когда ты мне позвонил, мне как раз задавали вопрос.

  9. Когда я в последний раз был в родном городе, там строился новый мост через реку.

  10. Когда я приехал, в комнате как раз убирали.

  11. Пол мыли, когда она пришла.

  12. Когда мы приехали в Москву, этот кинотеатр строился.

  13. Эту программу смотрели вчера с 3 до 4 часов.

  14. Эти письма печатались вчера в 5 часов.

  15. Я не мог воспользоваться автомобилем вчера в шесть вечера. Она была в ремонте.

Perfect Passives

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect passive.

Example: Our house has finally been renovated.

The old roof ........................................................................ . (repair)

Some inner walls ................................................................ . (move)

All the windows ................................................................. . (replace)

All the inner doors ............................................................. . (repaint)

A new exterior door ........................................................... . (buy)

A new bathroom ................................................................ . (build)

Central heating ................................................................... . (install)

Exterior walls ..................................................................... . (insulate)

New plumbing systems ...................................................... . (use)

New floors .......................................................................... . (lay)
Use the passive voice to rewrite these sentences.

We haven't checked your car yet.

Your car ……………………………………………………………………………………….

They have not done anything about it so far.

Nothing ………………………………………………………………………………………

Someone has cut this tree with this saw. ....................................................................................................................................................... Too many people have used the same methods. ....................................................................................................................................................... My classmates have decorated our classroom. ....................................................................................................................................................... Children have eaten all the biscuits. ....................................................................................................................................................... Property developers have bought this land. ....................................................................................................................................................... They haven't asked us to give them a hand. ...................................................................................................................................................... Charities in this country have done a lot of good work. ....................................................................................................................................................... They haven't built the new bridge yet. .....................................................................................................................................

Make questions to complete the following texts.

........................ you been ........................................ money? (promise) Be careful, you can become a victim of fraud.

Have ..................................................................................... by us for research? (you - contact) Please, use the link below to answer our questions. ............................................................................... with Dell products? (anybody - ever satisfy) Thank you in advance for giving me a tip. ..................................................................................................? (the flight - cancel) There is no announcement on the departure board. ........................................................................................................? (the issue - resolve) Please, let us know.

....................................................................................... by the police? (you - ever stop) I'm just curious to know.

................................................................................... by pop-up virus? (your computer - block) Contact your technical support immediately. ...................................................................................? (you - fire) You need to prepare for job interviews as soon as you can.

.......................................................................................? (your baggage - damage) Any damage or loss should be reported in writing.

............................................................................................ by a girl? (you - reject) Don't panic. There are plenty more fish in the sea.

Write correct forms or words next to each sentence.

Paul has been bit | has been bitten by a dog. ..................................

Turn it off. Sue and Jill has been scared | have been scared to death. ............................................................................................................

I'm afraid we have been stopped | have stopped by a traffic warden. ...............................................................................................................

My sister has annoyed | has been annoyed with me since I was born. ..................................................................................................................

We have already given | have already been given it to Liz. ..................................

I'll work in Dover. I have been offered | have offered a job by Derek. ………….

There's nothing left. All the goods has been sold | have been sold…………………

Look at that. The horse has been hit by | with a stick. ..................................

The new scyscraper has grown | has been grown taller than the old one………….

Our teacher has been ordered | has ordered us to come on time. ….............................................................................................................................

It's OK. The dinner has been paid by | with Matt. ..................................................

Oh, no! I have been woken up | have woken up by your alarm-clock. .................................................................................................................................

Use the passive voice to rewrite these sentences.

They hadn't made the meals before we arrived. The meals ................................ before we arrived. The flowers were dead because nobody had watered them. The flowers were dead because they .....................................................................................................................................

We couldn't board the plane because we had left our passports at home. We couldn't board the plane because our .............................................................................................................. at home.

The lights went off because they hadn't paid the electricity bill. The lights went off because .....................................................................................................................................

We were hungry. Someone had eaten all the sandwiches. We were hungry because …………………………………………………………………………………….. .

The fire damaged the hotel, which they had built a year before. The storm damaged the hotel which ......................................................................................................................... a year before.

The waitress brought a salad. But nobody had ordered it. The waitress brought a salad. But .....................................................................................................................................

The cat felt sleepy after they had fed it. The cat felt sleepy after ................................................................................................................................... .

The windows were so dirty because nobody had cleaned them. The windows were so dirty because .....................................................................................................................................

I coudn't use my phone. I hadn't charged it. I coudn't use my phone. .....................................................................................................................................Use these words to make sentences in the passive voice.

Example: Before the river flooded the town........................................ (the new bridge | build) Before the river flooded the town, the new bridge had been built.

Before the workers went on strike ...................................................................................a lot of their workmates | fire)

The house was burgled because ................................................................. . (the door | not shut)

It was a new song. ................................................................................... before. (it | never sing)

The rhino was dead. ................................................................................ . (it | shoot | a poacher)

Sarah was disappointed because.................................................................... . (her plan | reject)

The film wasn't recorded even if .................................................................................. correctly. (the recorder | set) The robbers escaped from the bank, but.............................................. . (they | see | a security guard)

Jack had to buy a new car after.................................................................. . (his old one | steal)

We stopped going to the corner shop because........................................................................... . (the new supermarket | open)

My parents were late after ..................................................................... for a while. (they | lose)

Before Debbie left for Ghana ... to get vaccinated. (she | tell)

The police announced yesterday that......................................................................................... . (Ronald Crump | kidnap)

Make questions to complete the following texts.

Why did you come to Marion's party? ................ you been ..........................................? (invite)

Why was the meeting so chaotic? Had ............................................................. by anyone? (it - plan)

How long ...................................................................................... before the scientists found it? (the body - freeze)

.............................................................................. to the police when he turned up in the town? (the man - know)

How many times ..................................................................................... before you succeeded? (your application - reject)

Why did you take your raincoat? ...............................................................................................? (rainy weather - forecast)

.......................................... just ......................................... when I arrived? (the parcel - deliver)

How long .................................................................... before it was allowed again? (it - forbid)

Why did the police arrive along with the firemen? ........................................................ on fire? (the house - set)

I didn't get the money on Friday. .......................................................... a long time before that? (it - send)

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

  1. Frank will have ordered the drinks. – 

  2. You will have spent all the money. - 

  3. I will have taken the dog for a walk. - 

  4. She will have sold the car. - 

  5. They will have solved the problem. - 

  6. She will not have read the book. - 

  7. They will not have trusted him. - 

  8. He won't have rung Barbara. - 

  9. Will they have paid the bill? - 

  10. Will you have washed my socks? – 

  11. She will have read this book. -

  12. We shall have done our home-task. -

  13. She will not have abused me. -

  14. He will not have taken the test. -

  15. You will not have learnt the lesson. -

  16. He will have sold his house. -

  17. Will he have paid the bill? -

  18. Who will have broken the chair? -

  19. He will have milked the cow. -

  20. Ruth will have spent all the money. -

Check yourself. Use passive voice.

  1. Edison invented the first gramophone.

  2. The cat drank all the milk.

  3. They did not expect me.

  4. Did you make a noise?

  5. The teacher did not beat them.

  6. They did not win the prize.

  7. A thief stole my bike.

  8. Alec cleaned the home.

  9. Jenny wrote a letter.

  10. When did he do his home task?

  11. Where did you find the diary?

  12. Which picture did you see last night?

  13. Tom did not make a cake.

Complete the sentences in passive voice with the verbs in brackets

Letters  by the postman at 8 every day. (deliver)

This bag  in the bus yesterday. (find)

The dress  in hot water. (cannot wash)

 your motorbike  yet? (repair)

The message  tomorrow. (send)

These offices  now. (clean)

This report  in time if you didn't help me. (not finish)

Why  the TV  ? (turn on)

This building  since the 1930's. (not reconstruct)

Bags  in the cloakroom. (must leave)

The engine  just  when the manager saw it. (test)

The last umbrellas  in the morning. (sell)

You  to arrive so late if you worked for me. (not allow)

The plan  in two days. (announce)

All the halls  at the moment. (paint)

What were we doing at 11 o'clock? We  . (interview)

After the window pane  someone smashed the window again. (replace)


If we want to report what other people said, thought or felt, we can use the direct or indirect (reported) speech.

The direct speech: "I like it," he said. "Irene is late," he thought. "I will pass the exam," she hoped.

The indirect (reported) speech: He said he liked it. He thought that Irene was late. She hoped she would pass the exam.

The indirect (reported) speech is typically introduced by verbs such as say, tell, admit, complain, explain, remind, reply, think, hope, offer, refuse etc. He said (that) he didn't want it. She explained that she had been at the seaside.

The changes of verb tenses in the indirect (reported) speech

1.Present - past

The present simple tense becomes the past simple tense and the present continuous becomes the past continuous.

"I never understand you," she told me. - She told me she never understood me. "We are exercising," he explained. - He explained that they were exercising.

2.Present perfect - past perfect

The present perfect simple changes into the past perfect simple and the present perfect continuous changes into the past perfect continuous.

"I have broken the window," he admitted. - He admitted that he had broken the window. "I have been waiting since the morning," he complained. - He complained that he had been waiting since the morning.

3.Past - past perfect.

The past simple tense becomes the past perfect simple and the past continuous becomes the past perfect continuous.

"She went to Rome," I thought. - I thought that she had gone to Rome. "He was thinking of buying a new car," she said. - She said he had been thinking of buying a new car.

4.Will - conditional (would)

"I will come on Sunday," he reminded me. - He reminded me that he would come on Sunday. Notes I shall, we shall usually become would. "I shall appreciate it," he said. - He said he would appreciate it. The first person conditional I should, we should usually changes into would. "We should be really glad," she told us. - She told us they would be really glad.

May becomes might. "I may write to him," she promised. - She promised that she might write to him.

The verb forms remain the same in the direct and indirect speech in the following cases.

1. If the reporting verb is in the present tense.

Bill: "I am enjoying my holiday." - Bill says he is enjoying his holiday. Sandy: "I will never go to work." - Sandy says she will never go to work.

2. When we report something that is still true.

Dan: "Asia is the largest continent." - Dan said Asia is the largest continent. Emma: "People in Africa are starving." - Emma said people in Africa are starving.

3. When the speech is made and reported at the same time and the fact is still true.

Michael: "I am thirsty." - Michael said he is thirsty.

4. With modal verbs would, might, could, should, ought to, used to.

George: "I would try it." - George said he would try it. Mimi: "I might come." - Mimi said she might come. Steve: "I could fail." - Steve said he could fail. Linda: "He should/ought to stay in bed." - Linda said he should/ought to stay in bed. Mel: "I used to have a car." - Mel said he used to have a car.

5. After wish, would rather, had better, it is time.

Margo: "I wish they were in Greece." - Margo said she wished they were in Greece. Matt: "I would rather fly." - Matt said he would rather fly. Betty: "They had better go." - Betty said they had better go. Paul: "It is time I got up." - Paul said it was time he got up.

6. In if-clauses. Martha: "If I tidied my room, my dad would be happy." - Martha said that if she tidied her room, her dad would be happy.

7. In time-clauses. Joe: "When I was staying in Madrid I met my best friend." - He said that when he was staying in Madrid he met his best friend.

8. We do not usually change the modal verbs must and needn't.

If the modal verb must does not express obligation, we do not change it.

"We must relax for a while." (suggestion) - He said they must relax for a while. "You must be tired after such a trip." (certainty) - He said we must be tired after such a trip.

But must can become had to or would have to and needn't can become didn't have to or wouldn't have to if we want to express an obligation.

"We must do it in June." - He said they would have to do it in June. (obligation)

Reported questions. Questions become statements in the reported speech. The reporting verb say changes into ask, want to know, wonder ... .

"Where have you been?" he said. - He asked me where I had been. "What time did it start?" he said. - He wanted to know what time it had started. "Why won't he do it?" she said. - She wondered why he wouldn't do it.

In yes/no questions we use if or whether in the reported questions.

"Will you come?" she asked me. - She asked me if/whether I would come. "Did he marry Sue?" she said. - She wondered if/whether he married Sue.

Reported commands, requests and advice. The reporting verbs are advise, ask, beg, forbid, order, persuade, recommend, tell, urge, warn etc.

"Get up!" he said. - He told me to get up. "Please, revise for the test," he said. - He urged me to revise for the test. "Put on your coat," I said. - I advised him to put on his coat.

Negative commands, requests and advice

"Don't hesitate," he said. - He persuaded me not to hesitate. "Don't smoke," the doctor warned my father. - The doctor warned my father not to smoke.

Reported statements with tell.

"I'm leaving," he told me. - He told me that he was leaving.

Reported commands, requests or advice with tell

"Leave the room," he told John. - He told John to leave the room. "Don't give up," the teacher told her students. - The teacher told the students not to give up.

Similarly ask is used in reported questions, commands, requests or advice in different forms.

"Will you make coffee?" he said. - He asked me if I would make coffee. "Make coffee, please," he said. - He asked me to make coffee.

We usually change pronouns, time, and place in reported speech

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)

next week/month/year
last week/month/year



this/that + noun

this/that +verb


these/those +noun

these/those +verb

verb + these/those

that day/the same day
the next day/the following day
the day before/the previous day
the following/the next week/month/year
the previous/the last week/month/year

that night









Complete the sentences in indirect speech

"It is too late." - I said.

"I have replied." - He claimed that.

"I met you yesterday." - Sam told me.

"I cannot come." - Mary explained that.

"I could fall down." - He was afraid.

"I will pay tomorrow." - He said.

"The Himalayas are the highest." - He knew that.

"I may lend you some money." - Bill promised.

"I have been watching a film." - He replied that.

"Claire must rest." - The doctor said.

"I have not done it today." - I explained that.

"If I was younger, I would accept it." - He thought that.

"I was with him last week." - Jill admitted that.

"You needn't change your shoes in our house." - She reminded me that.

"I am calling my mum." - She said.

"I will finish this picture tomorrow." - Diana supposed that.

"I would buy it." - She said.

"Greg used to be my friend." - He told us.

Put the following into Indirect speech:
1. Mr West said, "I am very tired".

2. He said, "I am flying to Rome tomorrow",

3. George said, "I have lived in this village all my life"

4. Peter said to me Ί can't go out with you because I am not feeling well".

5. Helen said to me, "I hope you have enjoyed yourself"

6. She said, "I have been to Paris many times"

7. Jane said, "I want to study medicine, father".

8. Her friend said, "You are wrong, Mary".

9. He said to me, "I saw your friend a the cinema yesterday",

10. She said to him "I called you up but you didn't answer an hour ago"
Put the following into Indirect Speech:
1. The teacher said to me, "write your name on this paper."

2. He said to me, "Wait for me here".

3. He said to them "Don't go out alone".

4. He said to me, "Type this letter immediately,"

5. Peter said to Tom, "Don't do it again".

6. The students said, "We may be a little late".

7. The teacher said, "You must answer this question in 5 seconds"

8. He said, "I can't stay out very late"

9. My mother said to me, "You ought to be more careful".

10. I said to them, "Don't write on your desks".
Put the following into Indirect Speech:
1. He asked me, "How much did you pay for this book?"

2. The nurse asked him, "How are you feeling".

3. The teacher asked "Have you written your homework?"

4. He asked me "Do you know anything about the accident?"

5. My brother asked, "Has anybody called while I was out".

6. She asked me "Do you know where Mrs. Baker lives?"

7. He asked her, "Has the plane left?"

8. She asked, "How much does this coat cost?"

9. She asked me "Where are you from?"

10. She asked him "When will you meet your friends?"
Change from Indirect into Direct Speech:
1. Peter said he had enjoyed himself very much.

2. She said that she was almost sure.

3. He asked me how long it would take me to go home.

4. She asked me if I had listened to the 9 o'clock news.

5. He asked me if I was going to stay in.

6. He asked him if he would go home by bus.

7. She asked me where I had bought my car.

8. Helen told Peter to be careful.

9. She told the children to stop that noise.

10. She told him not to wait for her outside the cinema.

11. Graham told Ian he would see him the following day.

12. Pauline told the children their swimming things were not there.

13. David told me my letter had arrived the day before.

14. Christine told Michael she had lost her lighter the night before.

15. Bill told Stephen he hadn’t been at home that morning.
Put a form of one of the verbs listed into the space in each sentence.
Accuse agree decide insist refuse admit apologize deny offer remind advise confess doubt promise suggest
a) ‘No, it’s not true, I didn’t steal the money!’

b) Jean __________ stealing the money. Jean __________ that she had stolen the money.
c) ‘Why don’t we go to the cinema this evening?’

Peter __________ going to the cinema. Peter __________ that they went to the cinema.
d) ‘Yes, of course. I’ll give you a lift, Helen.’ Liz __________ to give Helen a lift. Liz __________ that she would give Helen a lift.
e) ‘I’ve broken your pen. I’m awfully sorry, Jack.’ David __________ for breaking Jack’s pen.
f) ‘Don’t forget to post my letter, will you, Sue?’ Diana __________ Sue to post her letter.
g) ‘Let me carry your suitcase, John.’ Harry __________ to carry John’s suitcase.
h) ‘All right, it’s true, I was nervous.’ The leading actor __________ to being nervous. The leading actor __________ that he had been nervous.
i) ‘I don’t think Liverpool will win.’ Vanessa __________ whether Liverpool would win.
j) ‘If I were you, Bill, I’d buy a mountain bike.’ Stephen __________ Bill to buy a mountain bike.
k) ‘Don’t worry, Martin, I’ll bring your book back.’ Leslie __________ to bring Martin’s book back. Leslie __________ Martin he would bring his book back.
l) ‘You murdered Lord Digby, didn’t you, Colin!’ The inspector __________ Colin of murdering Lord Digby.
m) ‘No, no, you really must have another drink!’ Dick __________ on my having another drink. Dick __________ that I should have another drink.
n) ‘It was me who stole the money,’ said Jim. Jim __________ to stealing the money.
o) ‘Right, I’ll take the brown pair.’ Andrew __________ to take the brown pair.
p) ‘No, sorry, I don’t want to lend you my camera.’ Alex __________ to lend me his camera
Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, beginning as shown.

1. ‘You can’t park here.’ The police officer told Jack

2. ‘I’ll see you in the morning, Helen.’ Peter told Helen

3. ‘I’m taking the 5:30 train tomorrow evening.’ Janet said

4. ‘The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.’ Paul told the dry-cleaners

5. ‘I left my umbrella here two days ago.’ Susan told them

6. ‘The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week.’ Brian said

7. ‘I like this hotel very much.’ Diana told me

8. ‘I think it’s going to rain tonight.’ William said

9. ‘What time does the film start, Peter?’ I asked

10. ‘Do you watch television every evening, Chris?’ The interviewer asked

11. ‘Why did you apply for this job’ asked the sales manager. The sales manager asked me

12. ‘Are you taking much money with you to France?’ My bank manager wanted to know

13. ‘When will I know the results of the examination?’ Maria asked the examiner

14. ‘Are you enjoying your flight?’ The stewardess asked me

15. ‘How does the photocopier work?’ I asked the salesman

16. ‘Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?’ Sue asked Paul

17. ‘Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?’ Paul reminded

18. ‘I don’t really think it’ll snow tomorrow.’ I doubt

19. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier.’ Jill apologized

20. ‘I really think you should see a doctor, Chris.’ William advised

21. ‘No, I’m sorry, I won’t work on Saturday. Definitely not! Catherine refused

22. ‘Let’s go out to the pub for lunch, shall we? Wendy suggested

23. ‘It’s not true! I have never been arrested.’ Larry denied

24. ‘If you like, I’ll help you do the decorating, Bob.’ Ann offered

25. ‘I’ll definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children.’ Tom promised the

26. ‘Yes, all right, I’ll share the bill with you, Dave.’ Brenda agreed

27. ‘A lot of English words are borrowed from other languages.’ The teacher

28. ‘China is a densely populated country.’ She said

29. ‘You’re always forgetting to shut up the fridge door.’ She complained to

30. ‘Don’t play near the road, Jimmy.’ Jimmy’s mother asked

31. ‘It’s time they moved to a new house.’ Ann said

32. ‘Let’s paint the walls blue!’ My little brother suggested

33. ‘The exam papers are still being marked, Jane.’ The teacher informed

34. ‘Get off the grass immediately!’ he said to the kids. He ordered

35. ‘I’m teaching Jane’s class as she’s on holiday this week.’ He said

If a word or a phase in bold is correct, put a tick if not rewrite it correctly.

    1. On Monday, my boss said I can take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason. …………………. .

    2. The receptionist said that if I wanted to have breakfast, I shall have to pay extra. ………………..

    3. A lot of people at school have said that Andrew may get the lead in the school play. …………….....

    4. Colin said he’d been planning to ask Rich to move in with him for ages. …………

    5. Lucy says she would let us know as soon as she gets the tickets. ………………..

    6. Jordan said that she has to get up at five thirty every morning. …………………..

    7. Before he got his results, Philip said that he may have to retake some exams, but now he knows he does not have to. ………………………..

    8. Did Mrs. Morgan say why she’d called? ……………………………

    9. Paul said he should be here tomorrow night at about nine. ……………………

    10. Dan said he must drive to Liverpool that night, but apparently, he did not go in the end.

Rewrite as reported questions, beginning with the words given

  1. “Have you had your ear pierced?” My mum asked me if …………………….

  2. “Can I meet you three at six o’clock tonight, Doug?” Julian wanted to know whether ……………………………..

  3. “Are you still moving to Blackpool next week?” Fiona asked Rod and Jenny whether ………………………………..

  4. “Does Graham have to wear a suit to work?” I asked Mrs. Daley if Graham ……………………….

  5. “Do you want someone to feed your cat while you are away?” Jan asked me if …………………………………….

  6. “Can you guess what I have given Lindsay for her birthday?” Daisy asked Wendy if ………………………………………..

  7. “Do you love me or not, Gloria?” Fred asked Gloria whether ……………….

  8. “Will Simon be coming to the party tomorrow night?” Adrian wondered whether ………………………………………..

  9. Tell me if you were anywhere near 34 Aylesford street last night? The police officer demanded to know whether Sykes …………………………………..

  10. “Why did you buy these shoes?” Tim asked me why I ……………………….

Translate the following sentences into Russian

  1. Преподаватель сказал, что в библиотеке имени Некрасова есть читальный зал для детей.

  2. Бетти была уверена, что ее пригласят на конференцию.

  3. Фред спросил Линду, собирается ли она провести каникулы в горах.

  4. Мой брат сказал, что он очень голоден, так как ничего не ел с утра.

  5. На собрании люди попросили председателя рассказать о его вкладе в развитие компании.

  6. Мама попросила сына прогуляться с собакой.

  7. Том спросил меня, могу ли узнать его адрес?

  8. Мэри интересовалась, будет ли Мэри занята завтра,

  9. Врач попросила его не беспокоиться и идти домой.

  10. Она спросила меня почему я думаю о том, чтобы уйти из гимназии.

  11. Том сказал, что он купил эти товары, так как они дешевые.

  12. Мой брат заявил, что он сам собирается завтра за покупками.

  13. Тим сказал, что искал свою кредитную карту весь день вчера.

  14. Изабель сказала, что ей понравился рассказ о жирафе.

  15. Полицейский попросил нас не парковать машину рядом с офисом компании.

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