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Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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Example: ___ you get a new job, ___ it will be for your family. (soon, good) – The sooner you get a new job, the better it will be for your family. (Чем скорее ты найдешь новую работу, тем лучше будет для твоей семьи.)

___ the hotel is, ___ the rooms are. (cheap, bad) ___ the exercises, ___ for you. (hard, useful) ___ you walk, ___ you will become. (far, tired) ___ the lipstick, ___ you look. (bright, vulgar) ___ I get, ___ I feel. (old, young) ___ the state, ___ the laws. (corrupt, numerous) ___ you watch that film, ___ it gets. (long, funny) ___ the flat, ___ it is. (big, comfortable)

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Модуль первый не такой трудный как модуль третий.

2. Твое колечко не такое дорогое, как мое.

3. Ее лицо было таким же довольным, как и лицо женщины, стоящей у ворот.

4. Родственники никогда не бывают такими же хорошими, как друзья.

5. Море не было таким синим, как небо.

6. Их квартира не такая удобная, как наша.

7. Сфинкс такой же древний, как и мир.

8. Этот материал не такой хороший, как тот.

9. Никого нет такого же симпатичного, как моя жена. (pretty)

10. Твой друг был так же любезен со мной, как и ты. (kind)

11. Она не такая же сообразительная, как ее подруга. (clever)

12. Я буду таким же хорошим, как мой дед.

13. Нет сада во всей округе такого же красивого, как сад моего деда.

14. Я не просыпаюсь утором в воскресенье так рано как мой друг.

15. Для него химия не такой интересный предмет как математика.

Put the adjectives in the appropriate degree.

  1. Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family.

  2. Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before.

  3. This wine is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.

  4. Jack was the________ (tall) of the two.

  5. Jack is the__________ (clever) of the three brothers.

  6. If you need any ___________ (far) information, please contact our head office.

  7.  The sinking of Titanic is one of _____________ (famous) shipwreck stories of all time.

  8. Please, send the books back without_________ (far) delay.

  9. The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the __________ (rich) in the world.

  10. Could you come a bit _______ (early) tomorrow?

  11. I like this song _________ (well) than the previous one.

  12. Which of these two performances did you enjoy ________ (much)?

  13. People are______ intelligent than monkeys.

  14. Summer holidays are ____ splendid than winter holidays.

  15. Maths is _____ important than English.

  16.  Books are ______ interesting than films.

  17. Writing in English is_____ difficult than speaking.

  18. Parents are_______ helpful than teachers.

  19. Reading is_______ useful than watching TV.

  20. Food is _____ expensive than clothes.

Adverbs. Comparison of adverbs.

The degrees of comparison of English adverbs are formed almost in the same way as the degrees of comparison of English adjectives.

Adverbs ending in-ly form the degrees of comparison using the words more (less), most (least) without the article the.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets

1. Kirill can run __ (fast) than Sonya.

2. You speak English __ (fluent) now than half a year ago.

3. She did the work __ (diligent) of all.

4. She felt __ (happy) than before.

5. This man danced __ (graceful) of all the other.

6. Could you write __ (clear), please?

7. Planes can fly __ (high) than they used to.

8. Ivan had an accident last year. Now, he drives a lot __ (careful) than anybody else I know.

9. Their team played __ (bad) of all in the tournament.

10. Now, he is working __ (hard) than ever before.

Remember three degrees of comparison for the following adverbs.

Well, badly, far, easily, fast, loudly, carefully, happily, patiently, dangerous 

  • Well – better (than) – best (of all),

  • Badly – worse (than) – worst (of all),

  • Far – farther/further (than) – farthest/furthest (of all),

  • easily – more easily (than) – most easily (of all) или easily – easier (than) – easiest (of all)

  • fast – faster (than) — fastest (of all),

  • loudly – more loudly (than) – most loudly (of all) или loudly – louder (than) – loudest (of all)

  • carefully – more carefully (than) – most carefully (of all),

  • happily – more happily (than) – most happily (of all),

  • patiently — more patiently (than) – most patiently (of all),

  • dangerously – more dangerously (than) – most dangerously (of all),

  • late – later – latest

  • near – nearer – nearest

  • soon – sooner – soonest

We use (not) as + adverb + as to compare two actions

I speak English as fluently as I speak German. Motorbikes are not as expensive as cars.

To make comparisons stronger or weaker we use much, a lot, far (stronger); a bit, slightly, a little (weaker).

My grandma has been walking much more slowly since the accident. I exercise far less often than my brother does. Athletes have to train a lot harder these days. Computers work a little faster if you add memory to them. Can you come a bit sooner? On Sundays, trains run slightly less frequently than during the week.


So + adverb + that; adverb + enough; too + adverb

Jane took the money so quickly that no one saw her.

Did the police respond quickly enough to help?

We arrived too late for the start of the trial.

We do not use too when we describe something as positive! Instead, we use very/ really/extremely.
You were very/really/extremely lucky not to get caught.

Choose the right adverb (degree of comparison) to complete the sentences.

  1. Alisа smiles even (most brightly / more brightly) than the sun.

  2. The new teacher explains the rules (more completely / completely) than our book.

  3. Jack arrived (latest / most late) at the airport.

  4. Jillian usually climbs (highest /higher) of all the other climbers in her group.

  5. Andrew is speaking even (more louder / louder ) than usual.

  6. Melody dances (most gracefully / more gracefully) of all the girls.

  7. Of all three, Mike runs (fastest / faster).

  8. Of all two, Mike runs (fastest / faster).

  9. Harry swims (slower / slowest) of all the boys in the swimming team.

  10. Yesterday the President spoke (more calmly /calmly) to Congress than usual.

Use the correct form of the adverbs in brackets.

  1. Unfortunately, it’s becoming _______ (hard) and _______ (hard) to find a well-paid job.

  2. This phrase is _______ (widely) used in spoken Russian than in written.

  3. Your test isn’t good. You can do _______ (well) than you did.

  4. We walk _______ (fast) than usual to catch the train.

  5. I know Daniel _______ (well) than you do.

  6. I used to play tennis _______ (often) than now.

  7. Could you move a bit_______ (far) away for me to sit here too?

  8. Mary is driving _______ (slowly) than usual, as the road is wet.

  9. Of all the group Jimmy did _______ (badly) in the examination.

  10. Could you speak _______ (distinctly), please?

Say which of these sentences are right and correct the wrong ones.

1. I hope that next time you’ll speak to your uncle more politely. 2. Peter usually comes to his classes most late of his classmates. 3. Who can solve this problem most quickly? 4. This time he listened to his little sister patienter than usual. 5. Could you speak a little slower, please? 6. When I was a very young child I thought that to sing best meant to sing loudest. 7. I think that now I see the whole problem much more clearly. 8. Who lives more near to the school — you or your friend? 9. Alice goes to the theatre frequentest of us all. 10. Will you raise your hands a bit higher, please? I can't see them. 11. In December it snows oftener than in November. 12. He knows three languages but he speaks English easiest. 13. Last night I slept peacefullier than before. 14, Could you come to school more early and water the plants tomorrow? 15. This new computer works most fast and can solve problems in no time.

Translate into English.

  1. Ты не мог бы вести машину быстрее?

  2. Поезд прибыл раньше, чем обычно.

  3. Моя сестра помогает маме чаще других членов нашей семьи.

  4. Из пяти спортсменов Вася прыгнул выше всех.

  5. Миссис Финч разговаривает с медсестрами терпеливее всех других врачей.

  6. Наша собака лает громче соседской.

  7. Мой брат пишет бабушке чаще, чем я.

  8. Анна говорит по-английски лучше Васи.

  9. Вася живет ближе всех к школе.

  10. Ты смотришь телевизор чаще или реже в этом году.

  11. У меня слишком много работы сегодня.

  12. Туфли были такими красивыми, что я решила купить их.

  13. У меня достаточно денег, чтобы заплатить за товар.

  14. Я хотела купить те кроссовки, но они стоили слишком дорого.

  15. Я вчера не могла прийти на встречу, потому что у меня была сильная головная боль.

Circle the correct word

Crime Does Pay, the later/latest comedy from director Sam Martin, has to be one of the little/least interesting films I have ever seen. The acting is terrible and the story is much worse/worst than Martin’s other flop, Escape. Crime Does Pay was apparently more/mostexpensive than any other film this year, but it is hard to see where the money went. The plot concerns a gang of burglars who decided to steal the more/most valuable painting in the world. Fine, except these criminals are far less/least amusing than they should be. There is not a single real laugh in the whole movie. When I saw it, even younger/youngest members of the audience thought it was stupidly childish. Dean Richards, playing Scarnose, does a slightly better/best job than the others, but there is not much in it. When will Hollywood realize that as ticket prices get higher/highest, more people are finding that the well/best form of entertainment is to spend an evening at home with a DVD?


To be - as a modal verb means prescriptions according to the plan, failing agreement, an order or a strict prohibition).


  1. You are to stay at the table until you finish your lunch.

  2. The ship is to dock at noon.

  3. She is not to enter our house.

  4. The government was to have reduced inflation.

  5. The Prime-minister is to visit Canada.

  6. You are to give up smoking.

  7. We were to meet Mike near the market.

  8. You are not to open the box until Christmas.

  9. Who was to have done the shopping?

  10. Sam is to phone after dinner.

  11. The tourists were to have visited the Tretyakov gallery last Monday. (it was closed)

  12. They were to have got married last month. (they postponed the marriage)

  13. I was to have taken this medicine before the meal. (I completely forgot about it)

  14. We were to have gone on a picnic on Sunday. (it rained heavily)

  15. She was to have changed airplanes in Amsterdam. (her luggage was lost)

Put questions using the verb to be

  1. He was to arrive by 6 p.m. train. (When …?)

  2. The house is to be painted next summer. (When …?)

  3. I am to tell my parents the truth. (What …?)

  4. Carl was to have found her new address. (Who …?)

  5. We are to spend this night in a police station. (Where …?)

  6. Strangers are not to enter the wards. (Why …?)

Can, could, to be able to

Translate into Russian

  1. You can’t be rude to your sister. (expressing doubt)

  2. Could you drive me to work? (request, polite form)

  3. Could Greg have said this? (mistrust, doubt)

  4. Next year I’ll be able to speak English fluently. (mental ability)

  5. I’m sorry but I can’t come to the party. (decision)

  6. You can take my dictionary if you need it. (permission)

  7. My old grandparents are not able to look after themselves. (physical ability)

  8. Can she still be having a shower? (doubt)

  9. Could you close the door? (request)

  10. I will be able to play billiards with you tonight. (decision)

We use can’t be/couldn’t be to express certainty about now!

Is that Mary at the door? It can’t be her, she is on holiday.
We use can’t have been/ couldn’t have been to express certainty about the past!

His leg can’t/couldn’t have been in plaster for two years!

Write in can, could, be able to in the appropriate form. 


  1. Rita … cook perfect steaks as the meat was fresh.

  2. You … work as a waiter until you are 18.

  3. I don’t believe the latest news. It … be true!

  4. When he lived in Canada he … speak French quite well.

  5. We … see the ballet better if we buy the first row tickets.

  6. Mary is depressed, she … stop crying.

  7. Mother caught a taxi because she had a terrible backache, and she … walk.

  8. … you speak slower, please?

  9. I … play the violin now but I … play it two years ago.

  10. You … get to the station in half an hour.

  11. Mark stepped aside so that Molly _________ go in.

  12. Peter and Greg ________ catch fish as they had fish hooks.

  13. Sandy used to _________ speak Norwegian well.

  14. Megan ________lie comfortably as the raft was small.

  15. Meredith _________ wash her hair as she hadn’t bought shampoo.

  16. Mary _________ stop crying then.

  17. When Megan was an infant, she_________only cry.

  18. In a year, Melody will_________ speak Chinese.

  19. The information _________ be true! I don’t believe Nickolas.

  20. Jane ________read any of the books she’d borrowed from Greg.

  21. Melody’s brother__________ understand her ambitions.

  22. Why don’t you ask Sally? Sally might _________ help you.

  23. Benny ________walk because of sharp pain in his left foot, that’s why he got a taxi.

  24. Bob wasn’t ________ make his decision yesterday.

May, might, to be allowed to (permission, prohibition, polite request, assumption or irritation/reproach).

Translate the following sentences and specify the meaning of the modal verb in each sentence.

  1. We were not allowed to use the car park.

  2. They might have warned me.

  3. It might rain, so do not forget your umbrella.

  4. Visitors may have lunch at 1 p.m.

  5. May I borrow your calculator for a second?

  6. Do not drink this water! It might be poisonous.

  7. You will not be allowed to talk during your exam tomorrow.

  8. You might be more polite.

  9. Christina may be in Spain now.

  10. May I use your mobile telephone?

  11. We may get an answer from him next week.

  12. You may register for the conference until the end of June.

May and Can are used in the meaning of asking a permission!

Can I write with a pencil? May I write with a pencil?
Can’t is used to express strict prohibition!

You can’t smoke in the dining room.
Build up sentences and translate them.

  1. I – your – see – may – passport ?

  2. not – to – children – allowed – are – enter .

  3. come – sister – tomorrow – might – my .

  4. have – a glass – please - may – of – I – wine ?

  5. Slava – ill – may – have – fallen .

  6. might – your – often – you – more – phone – parents .

  7. was – go – he – allowed – home – to – not .

  8. colder – it – tomorrow – might – get .

  9. may – you – now – away – go.

  10. He - to – not – was – enter – allowed - hall – after - the – bell – concert – third – the.

  11. May - the – it – hot – you – window – is – here – open - , - .

  12. Diet – might – dangerous – be – you – this – for.

  13. The – teacher – said – we – allowed – home – head – go – to – were.

  14. Stuck – in – might – got – Sean – have – traffic.

  15. Are – to – without – allowed – in – UK – you – drive – not – a – the – license.

  16. A – card – be - memory – might – the - , - full – is – perhaps – it.

  17. Manager – in – be – may - meeting – a.

  18. Sally – children – the - park – have – might – to – the – taken.

  We use may and might or could when we are less certain about our guess!

He might/could be one of those new Canadian artists.
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