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  • Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect simple).

  • (not / order) . I could not remember the poem we (learn)

  • Respond to the following situations.

  • Make the positive or negative past perfect simple

  • Choose the right variant

  • 5. In fact, his father said that he __ his time at that university. enjoyed / had enjoyed 6. She said that she __ in London for ten years.

  • 9. If I __ you didnt like chicken I __ fish. had known; would have cooked / knew; cooked 10. I wish she __ me she didnt like chicken.

  • Past Perfect Continuous Form

  • Use the following expressions to answer the questions.

  • Complete the lines with one of the options.

  • Complete the conversations with positive and negative forms of the past perfect continuous

  • Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

  • Use the expressions in brackets to answer the question. Use

  • Tick the correct sentences.

  • Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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    Past Perfect Simple

    Form: It is formed with the auxiliary verb "had" + past participle (-ed ending for regular verbs, e.g. worked, travelled, tried, different forms for irregular verbs, e.g. written, made, sung): I had done, I had not done (I hadn't done), Had I done? Had I not done? (Hadn't I done?)


    1. We use the past perfect to make it clear that an action was completed before another action in the past. The door bell rang at last. I had been in the room since breakfast. (The bell rang at noon. I came in the morning - before that.) When I arrived there Sarah had already left. (I arrived after lunch. Sara went before lunch.) I was so hungry! I had not eaten anything since the morning. (It was late at night.)

    2. It is used to refer to an activity that was completed before a point of time in the past. In 2005 I had lived in the same place for ten years. Had you ever travelled by plane before your holiday in Spain?

    Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect simple).

    1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build).

    2. He (not / be) to Cape Town before 1997.

    3. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework.

    4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make).

    5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) six weeks before.

    6. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order).

    7. I could not remember the poem we (learn) the week before.

    8. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) from the tree.

    9. (he / phone)  Angie before he went to see her in London?

    10. She (not / ride) a horse before that day.

    Join the sentences with expressions in brackets.

    Example: They graduated. They got married. (as soon as) They got married as soon as they had graduated.

    They entered the restaurant. They were served. (after) .....................................................................................................................................

    I didn't use my credit card. I lost it. (because) .....................................................................................................................................

    They didn't tell me. EasyJet cancelled the flight. (that) .....................................................................................................................................

    I couldn't go out. I broke my leg. (because) .....................................................................................................................................

    He took up a job. He left school. (as soon as) .....................................................................................................................................

    Susan fell in love with Jack. She told her parents. (after) .....................................................................................................................................

    I was in Paris for a week. I met Ann there. (when) .....................................................................................................................................

    Jim called Jane from his office. He came back home. (before) .....................................................................................................................................

    Maria finished the meal. And I arrived. (by the time) .....................................................................................................................................

    Messi scored the goal. The fans went wild. (as soon as) .....................................................................................................................................

    Respond to the following situations.

    Example: I didn't clean my teeth after breakfast. (you | do | it | before breakfast) Why not? Had you done it before breakfast?

    I didn't watch the film. (you | see | it | before) Why? …………………........................................................?

    I wasn't surprised by the birthday present. (you | already | know | about | it) Really? ……………………..?

    Didn't know how to withdraw money from the cash machine. (you | not do | it | before) What a shame! ..............................................................................................................................?

    I got to the airport on time, but I missed my plane. (you | leave | your ticket | at home) How come? ..............................................................................................................................?

    I didn't have to do my English homework at home. (you | write | it | at school) Why not? ...........................................................................................................................?

    I was so sick when I went to bed! (what | you | eat | before that)…………………………………………………………………………….?

    I got lost on my way to your place. (Sharon | not tell | you | the way) That's a pity……………………………………………………………………………..?

    I saw Jane for the first time at your party last Saturday. (you | not meet | Jane | at my previous party) ………………………………………………………………?

    Are you sure?

    Make the positive or negative past perfect simple

    1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film (start).

    2) She (live) in China before she went to Thailand.

    3) After they (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.

    4) If you (listen) to me, you would have got the job

    5) Julie didn't arrive until I (leave).

    6) When we (finish) dinner, we went out.

    7) The garden was dead because it (be) dry all summer.

    8) He (meet) her somewhere before.

    9) We were late for the plane because we (forget) our passports.

    10) She told me she (study) a lot before the exam.

    11) The grass was yellow because it (not/rain) all summer.

    12) The lights went off because we (not/pay) the electricity bill.

    13) The children (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.

    14) They (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.

    15) We couldn't go into the concert because we (not/bring) our tickets.

    16) She said that she (not/visit) the UK before.

    17) Julie and Anne (not/meet) before the party.

    18) I (not/have) breakfast when he arrived.

    19) He (not/use) email before, so I showed him how to use it.

    20) You (not/study) for the test, so you were very nervous.
    Choose the right variant
    1. After James __ home, he went to university.
      . had left /  left
    2. His father __ at the same university.

    •  had studied /  studied

    3. His father __ a good student and __ good marks.

    •  had been; had got /  was; got

    4. So when James __ university he __ optimistic for his future.

    •  had started; had been /  started; was

    5. In fact, his father said that he __ his time at that university.

    •  enjoyed /  had enjoyed

    6. She said that she __ in London for ten years.

    •  had been living /  lived /  was living

    7. It __ in the night, and the roads were wet.

    •  had been raining /  was raining

    8. So that morning I __ extra care walking.

    •  had taken /  took

    9. If I __ you didn't like chicken I __ fish.

    •  had known; would have cooked /  knew; cooked

    10. I wish she __ me she didn't like chicken.

    •  had told /  told

    Change the verb into the correct form:

    1. I  (study) Japanese before.
    2. She  (bake) a lot before she  (open) her shop.
    3. We  (have) a lot of trouble because we  (lose) our passports.
    4. Brian  (know) many people at the club because he  (be) there many times.
    5. They  (study) English before they  (move) to Canada.
    6. You  (enjoy) the movie because you  (read) the book.
    7. She really  (like) him because he  (help) her.
    8. Amy  (study) a lot before she  (take) the test.
    9. We  (get) into the restaurant only because we  (reserve) our places.
    10. I  (be) to India before 1986.
    11. They  (have) a lot of trouble before they finally  (succeed).
    12. Chris  (own) that car for 5 years before he  (sell) it.
    13. Sharon  (be) very sick until she  (stop) eating junk food.
    14. I (be) in Greece for 7 months before I  (move) to Spain.
    15. You  (cook) a lot, because you  (be) so hungry.

    1. She  (never be) to the North Pole until 2002.
    2. They  (never fight) before they  (move) together.
    3. He  (never break) anything before he  (start) to crawl.
    4. When we  (arrive), we  (discover) that the bus  (leave).
    5. When I  (call), she  (go) to sleep.
    6. Ashley  (never meet) him, so she  (want) more details.
    7. He  (never kiss) a girl, so he  (be) embarrassed.
    8. Patrick  (save) a lot of money before he  (buy) the house.
    9. They  (go) some place, because they  (be) not there when I  (arrive).
    10. It  (be) too late, because the car  (sell) to someone else.
    11. You said (say) you  (be) to Turkey 5 times.
    12. They  (tell) us they  (paint) the entire apartment.
    13. The boss  (tell) us he  (hire) some new staff.
    14. Jason and Amy  (eat) before they  (come) to see you.
    15. I had  (have) all the papers, but I  (lose) them.

    Past Perfect Continuous


    It is formed with the auxiliaries had been + present participle (-ing ending, e.g. working, trying, writing, singing): I had been doing, I had not been doing, Had I been doing? Had I not been doing?


    The past perfect continuous is used for activities that began before a point of time in the past and were still continuing at that point of time. Last summer Josh had been renovating his house for two years. (He started three years ago and last summer he was still renovating his house.)

    Respond to the following situations. Use past perfect continuous.

    Why were you so red? Because I .................................................................………. before we met. (jog)

    Your test was absolutely correct. Really? I ............................................................. for it so long. (revise)

    Did you see Jane? She was so angry. No wonder. She ........................... with her brother all day. (argue)

    Bill was exhausted. Yes, he really was. He ............................................................... too long. (work)

    Your parents went to bed very late. They ........................................................ all afternoon. (have a rest)

    Why were all the players so dirty at the end of the match? Because they .......................... in mud. (play)

    Did you get in touch with Richard in time? Not really.

    But I ............................................................ to contact him all the time. (try)

    Was Grace your classmate? No, she wasn't. But she ...................................................... Class B for a year before she left. (attend)

    Why were Matt and Sue so pale when they returned? Because they…………………………………………………. in their room all their holiday. (stay)

    What time did Doris get up? She ............................................................ till ten o'clock. (sleep)Конец формы

    Use the following expressions to answer the questions.

    try to get Jill on the phone; repair my computer all night; go to a wrong departure lounge; lose his temper; forget the map; take a sunbath all day; drink a bottle of wine; not buy any food; not ask me; already; drive for hours.

    Why did Sam have a headache? Because ..................................................................................

    Why did you miss the plane? Because …......................................................................................

    Why were you so sleepy in the morning? Because .....................................................................

    Why didn't you call me earlier? Because .....................................................................................

    Why was Liz so red in the afternoon? Because .............................................................................

    Why did the teacher shout? Because ………….................................................................................

    Why didn't you eat anything? Because ........................................................................................

    Why did you get lost? Because …………….......................................................................................

    Why did you stop to have a rest? Because..………………………..……………………………………

    Why didn't you help him? Because ...............................................................................................

    Complete the lines with one of the options.

    I had been using that phone for a year ....................................................................... (when I bought it/ when it stopped working)

    George had been phoning Kate ............................................(before he crashed/ several times)

    ............................................ because I'd been exercising all afternoon. ( I have enough of it/ I had enough of it)

    Sarah had been going out with me ...................................................................................( until she changed her job/ after she changed her job)

    We'd been writing ........................................ before lunch. (three tests/ tests)

    They had been decorating their bedroom. ........................................................................(The paint was everywhere./ It was ready to use again.

    I'd been eating vegetarian meals ....................................................... when I gave up. (three times/ for three years)

    ..................................... he had been sailing on big ships. (Before my dad retired /My dad was a sailor and)

    Somebody had been drinking my apple juice. ..................................................................... (There was nothing left./ The glass was nearly empty).

    I'd been chatting with my friends........................................................................................(that's why my mum was angry /that's why my mum had been angry).

    Complete the conversations with positive and negative forms of the past perfect continuous.

    A Sam, how long ................................................... the laptop before it started working? (you | repair)

    B The laptop? It took me five hours to repair it.

    A I was so tired at the end of the hike!

    B But ....................................................................... so much. (we | not walk)

    A Why was your shirt full of stains?

    B ............................................................... my car. (I | clean)

    A You looked so exhausted.

    B Really? But .............................................................. so hard. (I | not work)

    A Why did Sarah get sunburnt?

    B Because .......................................................... on the beach all day. (she | lie)

    A Mr. Clark, why were you so annoyed?

    B Because ......................................................... to my arguments at all. (they | not listen)

    A .............................................................. for a long time when you saw the doctor? (you | cough)

    B Not really. For two or three days.

    A Miss Jones, how long ............................................................... French when you moved to France? (you | learn)

    B To tell the truth I'd never learned French before that.

    A Hi, Sam. Did you talk to Susan at last?

    B Yes, I did. But .......................................................... to me for a week before that. (she | not speak)

    A The police finally caught the bank robbers early in the morning.

    B I know. ............................................................... for them day and night. (they | look)

    Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use Past perfect simple or Past perfect continuous:

    I had to have a break. I ............................................................ so long. (drive)

    Before we parked our car we .................................................. the ticket. (collect)

    I arrived on Sunday. I ........................................... at home for two days. (not be)

    The roads were blocked in the morning. It ................................................. all night. (snow)

    They got to the beach after they ..................................................... for hours. (walk)

    She called the police when she .......................................... the light in the hall. (see)

    His English was perfect. He ............................................... it since he started school. (study)

    I was really hungry. I .................................................... anything since the morning. (not eat)

    She didn't go to work because she ............................................. her leg. (break)

    As soon as Betty .............................................. the door, the burglar alarm went off. (open)
    Use the expressions in brackets to answer the question. Use Past perfect simple and continuous:

    Example: Why did he call you? (because - just arrived) He called me because he had just arrived.

    When did they finish the house? (after - build it for a year) .....................................................................................................................................

    Why didn't she eat anything? (because - have lunch) .....................................................................................................................................

    What did he tell her? (that - see her before) .....................................................................................................................................

    Why was he so exhausted? (because - cut the grass all day) .....................................................................................................................................

    When did they land? (when - the storm end) .....................................................................................................................................

    Why was he so dirty? (because - dig the hole in the rain) .....................................................................................................................................When did they accept your offer? (after - refuse it for a month) .....................................................................................................................................

    What did you forget? (that - want to buy some bread) ..................................................................................................................................... How did she know that? (because - someone - tell her before) ..................................................................................................................................... Why was it so hot in the kitchen? (because - Sue - bake cakes) .....................................................................................................................................

    Tick the correct sentences.

    If a tense is not correct, underline it and write the correct form.

    Example: Before that I had never been seeing a ghost……………had never seen
    We sold our new house after we had bought a new one. .................................................................

    The road was blocked because a tree had been falling on it.............................................................

    The street was icy in the morning as it had frozen all night. ...........................................................

    I was full of energy because I had been having big lunch. .............................................................

    Had you ever slept in a tent before your holiday in Italy? ...............................................................

    He'd been sleeping too long. That's why he was so morose! ...........................................................

    There was no egg left. How many eggs had you been cooking? .....................................................

    I'd been calling Jane five times before she picked up the phone. ....................................................

    We had repaired the car for an hour when John appeared. ..............................................................

    She had taught for 40 years by the time she retired. ........................................................................

    I didn't give up even if I had been failing so many times. ...............................................................
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