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Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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We use may not/might not when we are not sure about our guess!

This small shop might not have batteries.

We use could/ may have been/might have done … expressing possibility about the past!

That could/ may/might have been the doctor who rang earlier.

Write in the infinitive in brackets in the correct form.

  1. You may … (to leave) the room now.

  2. She said that you might … (to be) free.

  3. Robert might … (to hear) our talk.

  4. Mother may … (to make) tea in the kitchen now.

  5. The boys may … (to play) tennis since breakfast.

  6. Why is the baby crying? – He might … (to hurt) himself.

  7. When may we … (to visit) you?

  8. Alec may … (to run) away from home last night.

  9. You told me the news too late. I think you might … (to tell) it sooner.

  10. It may … (to be) slippery tomorrow morning.

1. Я забыл свой учебник дома. Можно я возьму твой на минутку. – Да, можно.

2. Детям разрешили лечь спать попозже в ночь под Новый Год.

 Мне позволили пригласить Джона на мой день рождения.

4. Можно войти? – Да, входите.

5. В зоопарке посетителям не разрешается кормить животных.

6. Можно мне задать тебе несколько вопросов? – Да, можно. Ты можешь задавать мне любые вопросы, какие хочешь.

7. Тебе разрешают приходить домой так поздно?

8. По воскресеньям не разрешается играть в парке в футбол, вы можете играть там в будние дни.

9. Мам, можно мне выйти поиграть?  — Нет, нельзя. Ты еще не сделал домашние задания.

 Можно ли мне уйти с работы сегодня на полчаса раньше? – Да, можно.

11. Ты можешь работать в моей комнате, когда я уезжаю в командировку.

12. Если вы не знаете каких-либо слов, вы можете посмотреть их в словаре.

13. Можно я возьму еще сладостей? – Нет, нельзя.

14. Можно мне еще чашку чая? – Да, можно.

15. Никому не разрешается входить в эту комнату.
Must/mustn’t, have to/had to/do not have to, need to/needn’t to/do not need to/, should, ought to

Must/have to/need to – express obligation or necessity.

I must/have to/need to pick up that prescription from the chemist on the way home.

Needn’t/ don’t have to/don’t need to – express lack of obligation or necessity.

You needn’t/don’t have to/ don’t need to pick up that prescription from the chemist as I’ll get it while I am in town.

Had to – expresses past obligation.

I had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks.

Needn’t (+perfect infinitive)/didn’t have to/didn’t need to - express lack of past obligation

I needn’t have gone/ didn’t have to go/didn’t need to go to the doctor.

Should/ought to - asking for advice, give advice, express one’s opinion.

You should/ought to feel better in a few days.

We use should/ ought to (+perfect infinitive) to criticize past behavior.

He should/ought to have made more of an effort with his diet.
Write in must or mustn’t.

  1. You look pale. I think you … see the doctor.

  2. It’s very slippery outside. You … run there.

  3. You … throw litter on the pavement.

  4. Children … look neat and clean at school.

  5. You … make noise in the library.

  6. You … brush your teeth before going to bed.

  7. You … fasten your seatbelt in a car.

  8. Children … watch TV a lot.

  9. You … light a fire in the forest.

  10. You … be friendly to other people.

Put questions.

  1. We must hurry. (Why …?)

  2. They must meet as soon as possible. (Where … ?)

  3. I had to work hard last week. (When … ?)

  4. Sally will have to explain the details. (Why … ?)

  5. Granddad must stay in bed for a few days. (How long … ?)

  6. She has to be careful with that device. (Why … ?)

  7. They have to tell me the truth. (What … ?)

  8. Mum will have to make a lot of snacks for the party. (How many … ?)

  9. We had to stay in hospital till midnight. (Where … ?)

  10. He has to go to Paris next week. (Who … ?)

Write in mustn’t or don’t have to.

  1. You … leave your kids unattended at the airport.

  2. You … be late for the interview.

  3. You … eat the soup if you don’t want to.

  4. You … shout at us.

  5. We … run. We have plenty of time before the concert.

  6. You … pay now. You can pay online later.

  7. This museum is free. We … buy any tickets.

  8. This is my dad’s pen. You … lose it.

  9. You … make much noise. Little Tim is sleeping.

  10. It’s Sunday tomorrow. I … get up early.

  11. You have much time left. You … to hurry up.

  12. I … walk with my dog so long today but must spend more time on the preparation for my exam.

  13. “You … behave so ridiculously. Aren’t you ill?” “No, I am fine”

  14. “I … see the patient first”, said the doctor.

  15. You … to buy milk, my mum has already bought a carton.

Write the sentences in the Future Simple or Past Simple tense. Use have to.

  1. I must fly to India now. (next month)

  2. We must go and buy some painkillers. (last night)

  3. Drake must sign the contract today. (tomorrow)

  4. I must water the plants now. (yesterday)

  5. He must mend a broken window. (tomorrow morning)

  6. You must pay the rent today. (last Friday)

  7. We must not pay for the tickets, as Josie says they are free for us.

  8. You must tell the police about the robbery. (yesterday)

  9. All the artists in this art exhibition must be British. (next year)

  10. You must be at home by 11 a.m. Your mother will be phoning. (tomorrow)

  11. You must go to the party today. (tomorrow evening)

  12. We must go to the South to conduct the experiments. (in October)

Write in the correct form of have to

  1. Why ______ he _________ stay after classes? Mrs. Green, our teacher, gave him lines.

  2. Eton is a highly strict school. Students there__________ wear their uniform.

  3. ______ you ________ learn the poem by heart? — No, I have already learned it,

  4. You ________ buy bread. Mum has already bought it.

  5. Jimmy ________ get up early. It’s holiday-time.

  6. Tom ______ take his PE kit to school on Monday and Tuesday. He has PE lessons on these days.

  7. _______ we _______ walk to school? — No, let’s take a bus.

  8. Sally has no pen. She _______ ask somebody for a pen.

  9. Nelly is studying literature. She _______ read a lot of books.

  10. You_________  (not run). You won't miss the bus.

  11. Pete's eyes are very bad, and he _________ (wear) glasses.

  12. School starts at eight o'clock, so we_________  (get) up early.

  13. My friend gave me some tickets for the concert, so I_________ (not pay)!

  14. We _________ (study) maths at school, because it's compulsory.

  15. She's got lots of time. She_________ (not hurry).

  16. We ______ (not take) any exams at the end of this term.

  17. My mum sometimes _________ (work) at weekends.

Circle the correct answer

1. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You _______________ be late.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

2. The museum is free. You _______________ pay to get in.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

3. Children _______________ tell lies. It’s very naughty.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

4. John’s a millionaire. He _______________ go to work.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

5. I _______________ do my washing, because my mother does it for me.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

6. We _______________ rush. We’ve got plenty of time.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

7. You _______________ smoke inside the school.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

8. You can borrow my new dress but you _______________ get it dirty.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

9. We _______________ miss the train, it’s the last one tonight.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

10. She _______________ do this work today, because she can do it tomorrow.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

11. I _______________ clean the floor today because I cleaned it yesterday.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

12. We _______________ stay in a hotel in London, we can stay with my brother.

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

c) doesn’t have to

We also use must to express that we are certain about our guess.

Helen has just bought a new flat. She must be earning plenty of money.

Nick must have forgotten his promise. There was no call.


Need as a model verb – modal forms are: needn’t and needn’t + have +Past Participle.

You needn’t leave yet, it’s early. You needn’t have done that report.

As a regular verb we use need to; do/don’t/does/doesn’t need to; didn’t need to

You need to leave now. (necessary or important = have to).

I need to drink some water. (physical necessity).

She will need to get some more photos.

We needed to stay in the hospital overnight.

Do I need to buy batteries? She doesn’t need to do this. We didn’t need to charge the battery.

Unnecessary actions, present and future.

You needn’t take any food – lunch is provided. (it isn’t necessary).

You won’t need to bring any extra money on Friday, everything is included in the price.

Unnecessary actions in the past.

We use didn’t need to (regular verb) say that something wasn’t necessary in the past.

We don’t know if the action happened or not.

The pain went away so I didn’t need to see a doctor.

We use needn’t + have + past participle (modal verb) to say that an action happened in the past although it wasn't necessary:

You needn’t have bought a camera. You can use mine.

Regular verb need has the following combinations in English:

  • To need something – нуждаться в чем-то.

It’s raining outside. I need an umbrella.

  • To need to do something – иметь необходимость сделать что-то.

He needs to win this game to stay in the team.

  • To need doing something = to need to be done – нужно/следует сделать что-то.

This room needs cleaning/needs to be cleaned, it’s too dirty.
 Now check yourself. Explain the use of the verb need.

  1. The wind is very strong today. You … put your coat on.

  2. This flower doesn’t look well. It … watering.

  3. No one … know the name of the candidate.

  4. My boots are dirty. They … cleaning.

  5. You … tell anyone, but you can, if you want.

  6. Nobody … come here until everything is ready.

  7. You … more bread. We already have a loaf.

  8. They had cancelled the meeting, so we … call him.

  9. He has already paid the bill. Nobody … worry about the money.

  10. You … worry about English exam.

  11. You … only just ask your Granny.

  12. I doubt whether I … help you in learning English.

  13. No one … think that we are doing this every week.

  14. Nobody … know the name of the person who made the complaint.

  15. Not a thing … change on page 3.

  16. Cans of soup … be kept in the fridge.

  17. I … talk to you about English lessons.

  18. I … be told that I should pass the test.

  19. If you want good results, you will … learn English harder.

  20. We … more volunteers.

  21. We have got what we ….

  22. I … more time to decide the question.

  23. He … our help.

  24. The ambassador … sleep before the meeting.

  25. Why did they … to go the distance.

  26. I … join English club – their host is British ambassador!

  27. You … speak so loudly.

  28. She … come with us if she does not want to.

  29. She is thirsty. She … a drink.

  30. Jim and Bob are here. They say they … to see you urgently.

Should/ought to
We use should (n’t) and ought (not) to if we think something is a good or bad idea in general, and to give advice in a particular situation.
People shouldn’t smoke in doors.

You look terrible – you ought to see a doctor.

I ought to go. I ought not to go. Ought I to go?
We usually use should to ask for advice.
Should I ask my boss for a pay rise?
We can use should/shouldn’t + have + past participle to criticize someone’s past actions or regret for a past action.

You shouldn’t have bought such a cheap car!

I should have phoned you but I was busy.
To give strong advice we can use must.

Adverbs like also, always, never, sometimes, just, only come after modal verbs.

Write should or shouldn't in the sentences.

  1. You __________ take a map.

  2. You __________ make much noise on a train.

  3. You__________ touch wild animals.

  4. You__________ help your friends.

  5. You __________visit museums.

  6. You__________ take your toothbrush.

  7. You__________ be careful.

  8. The sun is really strong. He _______ put on some sun cream.

  9. If Meredith’s got a really bad cold, she ______ go to school.

  10. We_______eat in the classroom.

  11. If she's got a headache, she _______take an aspirin.

  12. The weather's very hot. You_______ wear a coat.

  13. They've found some money. They_______ take it to the police.

  14. Sally ______ work more as she’s missed some lessons.

  15. Mothers_______ shout at their children.

  16. The toddler ________ be in bed, as it is very late.

  17. Everyone ________ be careful while driving.

  18. Governments ______ respond to all the notifications.

  19. Governments ______ lead an effective social policy to protect the most vulnerable people.

  20. Families _______ be together at Christmas.

  21. The woman in her condition ______ drink, as it’s dangerous for her health.

  22. United Nations efforts ________ compromise the independence of the individual countries.

  23. Greg _______ have said it to Megan. He _______ have praised her to give her positive emotions

Write in oughtto or oughtn’t to.

  1. Winners must be selected fairly; we ______ have any political tendency while voting.

  2. Megan _______ have considered all possibilities to make the right choice.

  3. Your boss _________ pay you twice for your brilliant work.

  4. A man _________ be magnanimous (великодушным).

  5. Despite Megan loves him, she ______ sacrifice everything for him.

  6. He ________ trouble you at all, he can do it by himself.

Find and correct mistakes where necessary.

    1. I am too kind myself and that is my biggest fault, for one ought not be always kind.

    2. If the committee changed the lunch hour, they ought at least to have let everybody know.

    3. Relations oughtn’t never to forget one another

    4. I compute Nickolas oughts to save eight thousand pounds.

    5. I only suggest that everything ought to be equal.

    6. “I’ve been feeling under the weather recently”. ”You should to get more exercise”.

    7. The weather ought to be good tomorrow.

    8. Choosing to go to a gym regularly should to change your life for better.

    9. I should to have chosen a gym with a pool.

    10. You should have gone for a walk so late yesterday.

    11. Business letters should to be brief and to the point.

    12. I think children ought to learn to cook at the early age.

    13. Some plants should be grown in direct sunlight. It will damage their leaves.

Write in ought to or oughtn’t to.

Winners must be selected fairly; we _________ have any political tendency while voting. Megan _______ have considered all possibilities to make the right choice. Your boss _________ pay you twice for your brilliant work. A man_________ be magnanimous (великодушным). Despite Megan loves him, she ___________ sacrifice everything for him. He ________ trouble you at all, he can do it by himself.
Choose the right variant.
1.She looks bad. She should (be/have been) more careful about her health. 2. You shouldn't (miss/have missed) the chance. It was a brilliant opportunity for you. 3. I think the policeman was right. She shouldn't (exceed/have exceeded) the speed. 4. I ought to (bring/have taken) the opera glasses. Now I see nothing. 5. It seems to me that he is a hot-temper person and often flies into a rage because of mere trifles. He should (control/ have controlled) his temper. 6. They should (clear/have cleared) up the problem long time ago. 7. 1 ought not (to stay/Have stayed) there long. The party was a failure. 8. You should (shave/have shaved) this beard of yours! 9. She should (be/have been) more attentive. Didn't she see a car on the right? 10. It's a secret. You ought not to (reveal/have revealed) it to anybody.

Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Я не умею играть на гитаре.

  2. Он не умеет играть в настольный теннис.

  3. Ты умеешь кататься на велосипеде?

  4. Твоя сестра умеет водить машину?

  5. Ты можешь дать мне свою ручку?

  6. Очень жарко. Ты можешь открыть окно?

  7. Можно мне пойти в кино?

  8. Можно мне воспользоваться калькулятором?

  9. Ты должен учить английские слова каждый день.

  10. Тебе следует читать книги на английском языке.

  11. Взрослым не следует кричать на детей.

  12. Ты не должен (нельзя) пользоваться мобильным телефоном на экзамене.

Choose the right variant
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