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  • Saturday evening

  • Rewrite these sentences in the present perfect simple.

  • Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets and one of the signal words in the box below.

  • Use the words in brackets to complete the conversation.

  • Complete the questions and answers in the present perfect tense

  • Put sentences in Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple

  • Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct them.

  • Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets


  • ) talks about how long something has been happening. Respond to the following situations.

  • Make present perfect continuous questions

  • Complete the conversations with positive and negative forms of the present perfect continuous.

  • Tick the correct sentences. If a tense is not correct, underline it and write the correct form.

  • Complete the sentences with one of the options.

  • Put the verbs in brackets in

  • Make questions using either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Translate into English using either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Correct the mistakes if any.

  • Change the verb into the correct form

  • Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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    Monday, 10 a.m. – to drive my wife to the airport

    Tuesday morning – not to sleep till late

    Wednesday, 2 p.m. – to take the dog to the vet

    Thursday, 6 p.m. – to play rugby with my brothers

    Friday, 8 p.m. – to watch the football championship

    Saturday afternoon – to tidy the house

    Saturday evening – to meet my wife at the airport

    Present Perfect Tense

    The present perfect simple (has written) talks about how much/how many have been completed.

    Present Perfect Keywords: today, this week, this month, this year, in my life, recently, lately, since, ever, never, yet, still, so far

    Rewrite these sentences in the present perfect simple.

    Example: I went to shops on Saturday. I ............. already ............... to shops. I have already gone to shops.

    1. I didn't do it yesterday. I .................................................................. it yet.

    2. We bought the tickets on Monday. We ................... already ....................... the tickets.

    3. My girlfriend wasn't there. She didn't arrive. My girlfriend isn't here. She .......................................................... .

    4. The team wasn't successful. They lost. The team isn't successful. They .................. just ................... .

    5. I didn't find my keys. I couldn't open the door. I ................................ my keys. I can't open the door.

    6. Did the postman deliver the parcel in the morning? ............... the postman ................................... the parcel yet?

    7. I cut my finger. It hurt. I .............................. my finger. It hurts.

    8. They worked in Wales for a week in May. They ....................................... in Wales since last week.

    9. She was on her holiday for a month. She came back yesterday. She ............................. on her holiday for a month. She ............... just ...................... back.

    Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets and one of the signal words in the box below.

    never ever for since already just yet so far recently up to now

    Example: I ...................................... it. (do) I have already done it.

    1. I ....................................................... a ghost. (see) But I would like to.

    2. .............. Peter .................................. his studies ............? (finish) - No, not yet.

    3. .............. you ................................ anyone famous? (meet) - No, never.

    4. What ........... Greg .................. since the morning .........................? (do) - Quite a lot of things.

    5. I feel so relaxed. I ................................................ back from my holiday. (get)

    6. You should send him an email. - But I ................................................................to him.( write)

    7. My grandma .................................. in the same place ..................... she was born. (live) Really?

    8. This is Fiona. She .............................. my best friend .............. a long time. (be)

    9. I have a plaster on my leg. I ....................................................... it. (break)

    10. How many jobs ................. you ....................................? (have) - Not very many.

    Use the words in brackets to complete the conversation.

    A How long ......................................... unemployed? (you | be)

    B ............................................ any job since May. (I | not have) But ..................................................... a job as a waiter. (I | just | apply for)

    A .............................................................. as a waiter. (you | never | work)

    B ................................................ at a wedding reception twice or three times. (I | help)

    A .............................................................. you about their choice yet? (they | contact)

    B No, they haven't. ................................................ in touch with me since the interview. (nobody | get)

    A And ................................................... to them? (you | write)

    B Should I? ............................................... the courage to do that. (I | not find)

    A If .................................................... it yet, you should do it as soon as possible. (you | not do)

    Complete the questions and answers in the present perfect tense.

    A ............................................. Kim yet? (see)

    B Not yet. But I am going to see her on Friday.

    A Has Karl ever been to England?

    B No, never. But he .................................. to Scotland twice. (already go)

    A How many foreign languages have you learned?

    B Unfortunately, I .................................................. any foreign languages so far. (not study)

    A ....................................... the email from me? (get)

    B I'm afraid I haven't received any email from you since last week.

    A Why is Mary crying? What ............................................. to her? (happen)

    B Poor Mary. Her mum has been ill for a long time.

    A Where .............................................. so long? (be)

    B I'm sorry, I missed the bus.

    A Look. The sun ............................................... (disappear)

    B It's fascinating. It has been covered by the moon.

    A Have you called your grandma?

    B Oh, no! I ........................................................... her yet. (not telephone)

    A It's quite cold in here, isn't it?

    B Is it? I ........................................................ the window. (just open)

    Put sentences in Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple

    1. Alan ….. (graduate) from university last month.

    2. There ….. (be) a large earthquake in Japan in 1995.

    3. I like to exercise, but I ….. (not/exercise) yet this week.

    4. My brother …..  (never/go) to university.

    5. John and Lisa  ….. (be) married since 2010.

    6. Recently, it  ….. (not/be) very hot.

    7. My brother …..  (not/be) to the dentist for a long time.

    8. My wife and I   ….. (be) married for 1 year. So far we …..  (not/have) any big problems.

    9. I started writing my essay two hours ago, and I still …..  (not/finish) yet.

    10. A: Where’s John? — B: I don’t know. I  …..  (not/seen) him today.

    11. A:  (you/ever/be) to Hawaii? — B: Yes. Twice.

    12. A: When …..  (you/get) your dog? — B: Last summer.

    13. A: How long …..  (you/study) English? — B: Five years.

    14. A: Do you know anyone who …..  (be) to Thailand? — B: Yes, my sister.

    15. A:  (you/see) my keys today? — B: Yes. I   ….. (see) them this morning on the kitchen table.

    16. A: Would you like half my sandwich? — B: I …..  (just/eat) lunch, so I’m not hungry. Thanks for asking though.

    Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct them.

    1. Martin has yet climbed Mont Blanc twice.

    2. We have interviewed five people for this expedition so far last week.

    3. We have ever been to Himalayas.

    4. The students have not passed the climbing course already.

    5. I never went on a plane.

    6. I finished my university studies yet.

    7. I already visited a foreign country.

    8. I have gone to hospital when I was ten.

    9. I knew my best friend for the last 10 years.

    10. We worked hard all year.

    11. He just announced another attempt to reach the South Pole.

    12. How many exams did you have so far this month?

    13. I visited so many countries in my life that I cannot remember them all.

    14. I have not time to speak to you yet.

    15. We have looked for someone suitable last year.

    Translate into English

    1. До сих пор компания нам не увеличила заработную плату.

    2. В этом семестре количество предметов увеличилось с 6 до 9.

    3. В этом семестре он не сдал еще ни одного зачета (credit - test).

    4. Вы видели в небе журавлей? (crane). Да. Очевидно, пришла весна.

    5. Ты читал какие-нибудь книги Оскара Уайльда? Да. Я только что прочитал «Портрет Дориана Грея».

    6. Утром я вызвала врача, сейчас полдень, но он до сих пор не приходил.

    7. Вы узнаете этого человека? Да, он совсем не изменился.

    8. Мой коллега спросил меня: «Разве Вы когда - нибудь совершали морское путешествие?»

    9. Неужели вы не слышали эту новость?

    10. До сих пор он никогда ни к кому не обращался за помощью.

    11. Ты уже заполнил журнал?

    12. По-моему, мы уже встречались. Рад вас снова видеть.

    13. Я не обедал дома последние два месяца

    14. На этой недели мы не виделись.

    15. Она накупила много одежды за последние несколько дней.

    Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets

      1. Where ….. (you/go)when I saw you on the bus last night?

      2. …… (you enjoy) the film you watched yesterday?

      3. When we shared a room, Mark ….. (always/take) my things. It was so annoying.

      4. When I went to get the tickets, I realized I ….. (not/have) any money.

      5. When I was young, we ….. (go) to France every year on holiday.

      6. When you rang last night, I ….. (work) in the garden, so did not hear the phone.

      7. The old man ….. (appear) to be very tired and he slowly sat down.

      8. We ….. (throw)a surprise party for my brother last Saturday.

      9. My brother and I ….. (go) swimming almost every day last summer.

      10. We ….. (talk) when someone knocked at the door.

      11. These days, it seems that people all over the world ….. (wear) jeans.

      12. We ….. (meet) loads of wonderful people when we went to Ethiopia last year.

      13. I never ….. (be) in hospital before.

      14. His books, which describe the journeys in Africa, Asia and the Middle East ….. (win) many literary prizes.

      15. I am really tired at the moment. So far, I ….. (revise) English and Arabic.


    1. We use the present perfect continuous when the focus is on an activity that is unfinished.

    2. The present perfect continuous is often used to show that something is temporary.

    3. The present perfect continuous (has been writing) talks about how long something has been happening.

    Respond to the following situations.

    Why are you so tired? Because I ................................................ the wheels on my car. (replace) Your French is perfect. Really? I ..................................................... French for ten years. (learn) Look at Jane. She's so nervous. No wonder. She ..................... for her boyfriend for ages. (wait) Bill is sunburnt. Yes, he really is. He ............................................ since the morning. (sunbathe) Your parents look relaxed. They ............................................................. all the weekend. (relax) All the footballers are so wet. They ............................. in the rain since the match started. (play) Have you talked to Richard yet? Not yet. But I................. to phone him since you told me. (try) Is Grace your neighbour? Yes, she is. She ............................. next door for six years now. (live) Why are Patt and Matt so dirty? They ...................................................... their bedroom. (paint) Shall I wake Doris up? Yes, please. She ..................................................... all day long. (sleep)

    Make present perfect continuous questions.

    How long ..................................................................................................... for me? (you | wait)

    What ............................................................................................. since he returned? (John | do)

    Why ................................................................................................... meat lately? (you | not eat)

    There's so much snow on the road. .............................................................. all night? (it | snow)

    Why ...................................................................... for such a long time? (Sam and Mary | argue)

    ........................................................................... my shampoo? There's not much left. (you | use)

    How long ………………….................................................................... glasses? (Jill | not wear)

    ........................................................................ since you decided to take the exam? (you | revise)

    Where ……………………..................................................................... lately? (your dad | work)

    Your hands are covered with chocolate. ...................................................... a cake? (you | make)

    Complete the conversations with positive and negative forms of the present perfect continuous.

    A George, how long .................you ......................................... Japanese? (learn)

    B Japanese? Wait a minute. For about five years.

    A What a lovely smell!

    B My mum ..................................................... some cakes. (bake)

    A Why are your hands so dirty?

    B I ............................................................... my car. (clean)

    A You look so tired. You should have a rest.

    B Should I? But I .............................................................. so hard. (not work)

    A Why .................... Sarah ............................................. out lately? (not go)

    B She broke her leg while she was skiing.

    A Peter, why are you so noisy? I want to sleep!

    B Do you mean it? I ......................................................... any noise since I got up. (not make)

    A ................. you ............................................. for a long time? (cough)

    B Not really. It started the day before yesterday.

    A Mr. Gregson, how long .................. you ............................................... English? (not teach)

    B To tell the truth I've never taught English. But I'd like to try it.

    A Hi, Sam. How is your new girlfriend doing?

    B Susan? She ............................................................. to me since we had an argument. (not speak)

    A Have you heard about the bank robbery in King Street?

    B Yes, I have. The police ........................................................ for the robbers day and night. (look)

    Tick the correct sentences. If a tense is not correct, underline it and write the correct form.

    Example: I have never been seeing a ghost. - have never seen

    Look. The girl has been buying four dictionaries. ........................................................................

    I haven't eaten anything since I arrived. ........................................................................

    Let's stop for a while. You've driven all morning. .........................................................

    Have you ever been sleeping in a tent? ..........................................................................

    He's been sleeping too long. Wake him up! .....................................................................

    I'm sorry. How long have you been waiting? ..................................................................

    I've been meeting your sister several times. .....................................................................

    I've been knowing him since he was born. ........................................................................

    Help yourself. Mum has been making delicious toasts. .......................................................

    He is sunburnt. He's been lying on the beach all day. ……………………………………..

    I've gone to France for five years now. ...............................................................................

    Don't give up. You haven't been trying this way yet. ……………………………………..

    Complete the sentences with one of the options.

    I have been staying at this hotel .............................. for a long time /a long time ago/ from May.

    My father has been going to work ........................................ already/ since he left school/ daily

    Have you told the manager ...................................................... ? in time /in the morning/ yet

    We .................................................................. had a radio so far. have never/ never/ never have

    She hasn't been eating meat ............................................................ lately/ yet /since a long time

    The airline hasn't cancelled the flight ...................................................... already/ last time/ yet

    .................................... have you been studying abroad? how many times/ how often/ how long

    I've been trying to contact him ................................................................... before/ all day/ then

    We've never been .......................................................................... in Africa/ to Africa/ at Africa

    I’ve bought this book for you ………………………………….. yesterday/yet/just
    Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. I (not to see) him for ages.

    2. He (to do) his lessons since lunch.

    3. I (not to hear) about him for a long time.

    4. I (to drive) since I was 17.

    5. Jack (to fail) his driving test three times because к doesn't know how to park.

    6. I think he (make) a lot of improvement.

    7. Alice (not/pass) her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.

    8. She (worry) about this for two months.

    9. She (study) the driver’s manual for hours every day.

    10. She (not/take) another test yet.

    11. I (to have) a headache since I got up.

    12. He is my friend, I (to know) him for a long time.

    13. Ivan has a stomachache. He (to eat) junk food all day.

    14. I (never to hear) that song before.

     Make questions using either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. My friend is waiting for me at the station. (How long…?)

    2. He translates books. (How many…?)

    3. Mother is making a cream cake. (How long…?)

    4. Bill is travelling in Europe at present. (How many countries…?)

    5. My parents are decorating the fir-tree. (How long…?)

    6. They are married. (How long…?)

    7. David is watching TV (How long …?)

    8. My grandparents are not feeling well recently. (How long …?)

    9. Clare is feeling tired. (How long …?)

    10. John is putting on weight. (How many desserts …?)

    Translate into English using either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.         

    1. Моя жена рисует уже 5 лет, но ещё не продала ни одной картины.

    2. Я рад, что мы закончили эту работу.

    3. Мои руки грязные. Я работала в саду.

    4. Ник съел все конфеты.

    5. Вы когда-нибудь играли в шахматы?

    6. Не могу поверить, что я учусь водить машину в моем-то возрасте.

    7. «На тебе вся одежда мокрая.» Я знаю. Я мою машину уже два часа.

    8. Здесь я живу уже пять месяцев.

    9. Я никогда не любил капусту.

    10. Полюбуйся на эти новые садовые фонари! Том только что включил их.

    11. Ты узнаешь его? Конечно, но я не видела его вечность.

    12. Я только что закончил читать эту детективную историю.

    13. Карла никогда до этого не пробовала мексиканскую еду.

    14. Я уже просмотрел 5 или 6 сайтов по данной теме.

    15. Дебби знает Сиэтл довольно. Она жила там три года.

    Correct the mistakes if any.

    1. They are discussing the problem for hours, but has not solved it yet.

    2. Somebody has been playing tennis since 2 o’clock.

    3. Is it still raining? No, it have stopped.

    4. John has been winning the championship two times.

    5. The boys have fished for 3 hours.

    6. How many books have you written?

    7. Mike has invited many friends to his birthday party.

    8. He has been hating oranges since his childhood.

    9. They have been taken the dog for a walk.

    10. Irene has left for the airport.

    11. I have played chess for two years.

    12. Alexandra has drunk coffee since eight o’clock.

    13. My car has broken down, and now I have to walk to work.

    14. “How long is Paul going to swim?” – “Nearly two years”.

    15. It has been raining since 12 o’clock.

    Change the verb into the correct form:

    1. I ___________________________________________ (listen) to this for 2 hours.

    2. You_________________________________________ (wait) since this morning.

    3. She _______________________________________ (watch) their dog since Saturday.

    4. We____________________________________________ (talk) for over an hour.

    5. I __________________________________ (prepare) for this test for almost 2 weeks.

    6. Joe ____________________________________________ (work) here since 1987.

    7. You _________________________________ (do) nothing for the last 30 minutes.

    8. Lilly _____________________________________ (teach) English for many years.

    9. I________________________________________ (eat) tomatoes for my entire life.

    10. Recently, she ________________________________________ (feel) quite better.

    11. They________________________________________________ (talk) a lot lately.

    12. You ________________________________________ (watch) too much television.

    13. We _________________________________________ (eat) too many sweets lately.

    14. Lately, I ______________________________________ (exercise) quite frequently.

    15. You __________________________________________________ (help) me a lot.
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